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Line 705: with FND_USER to get the user_id from User_Name

701: If the User Name is not valid, then the PK1 will be set to NULL. If the
702: PK1 is Null, then it means that the User_Name in the interface table is invalid.
704: Populating of the Pk1 will avoid the joining of interface table
705: with FND_USER to get the user_id from User_Name
706: */
707: UPDATE amw_cst_waiver_interface acwi
708: SET acwi.pk1 = ( SELECT user_id
709: FROM fnd_user usr

Line 709: FROM fnd_user usr

705: with FND_USER to get the user_id from User_Name
706: */
707: UPDATE amw_cst_waiver_interface acwi
708: SET acwi.pk1 = ( SELECT user_id
709: FROM fnd_user usr
710: WHERE usr.user_name = acwi.user_name
711: AND usr.start_date IS NOT NULL
712: AND (usr.end_date IS NULL OR usr.end_date>=sysdate))
713: WHERE acwi.batch_id = p_batch_id

Line 1078: with FND_USER to get the user_id from User_Name

1074: If the User Name is not valid, then the PK1 will be set to NULL. If the
1075: PK1 is Null, then it means that the User_Name in the interface table is invalid.
1077: Populating of the Pk1 will avoid the joining of interface table
1078: with FND_USER to get the user_id from User_Name
1079: */
1080: UPDATE amw_cst_waiver_interface acwi
1081: SET acwi.pk1 = ( SELECT user_id
1082: FROM fnd_user usr

Line 1082: FROM fnd_user usr

1078: with FND_USER to get the user_id from User_Name
1079: */
1080: UPDATE amw_cst_waiver_interface acwi
1081: SET acwi.pk1 = ( SELECT user_id
1082: FROM fnd_user usr
1083: WHERE usr.user_name = acwi.user_name
1084: AND usr.start_date IS NOT NULL
1085: AND (usr.end_date IS NULL OR usr.end_date>=sysdate))
1086: WHERE acwi.object_type = 'USER'