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Line 176: hz_cust_accounts hzca

172: fv_invoice_finance_chrgs fifc,
173: fv_finance_charge_controls fcc,
174: fv_finance_charge_history fch,
175: ra_customer_trx rct,
176: hz_cust_accounts hzca
177: where trunc(sysdate) > (due_date + first_accrual + grace_period + 1)
178: and waive_flag = 'N'
179: and aps.amount_due_remaining > 0
180: and aps.status <> 'CL'

Line 2062: from hz_cust_accounts hzca, fv_finance_charge_controls fcc

2058: v_req_id number;
2060: cursor c1 is
2061: (select distinct hzca.cust_Account_id customer_id
2062: from hz_cust_accounts hzca, fv_finance_charge_controls fcc
2063: where fcc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
2064: and fcc.set_of_books_id = sob_id
2065: and hzca.status = 'A'
2066: and exists (select 'x' from fv_cust_finance_chrgs

Line 2109: (select charge_id from fv_finance_chrg_cust_classes, hz_cust_Accounts hzca

2105: update fv_cust_finance_chrgs
2106: set waive_flag = 'Y'
2107: where customer_id = customer.customer_id
2108: and charge_id not in
2109: (select charge_id from fv_finance_chrg_cust_classes, hz_cust_Accounts hzca
2110: where hzca.cust_Account_id = customer.customer_id
2111: and customer_class = hzca.customer_class_code
2112: and enabled_flag = 'Y'
2113: and set_of_books_id = sob_id);

Line 2125: from hz_cust_accounts hzca, fv_finance_charge_controls fcc

2121: created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
2122: set_of_books_id,org_id)
2123: select hzca.cust_Account_id, fcc.charge_id, 'N', 0, assign_date, 0, sysdate, sob_id,
2124: fcc.org_id
2125: from hz_cust_accounts hzca, fv_finance_charge_controls fcc
2126: where fcc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
2127: and fcc.set_of_books_id = sob_id
2128: and hzca.status = 'A'
2129: and not exists (select 'x' from fv_cust_finance_chrgs