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Line 578: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Delete all records from Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp.';

575: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Entering Copy_Frozen_Rbs_Elements() procedure.';
576: Pa_Debug.TrackPath('ADD','Copy_Frozen_Rbs_Elements');
578: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Delete all records from Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp.';
579: Begin
581: Delete
582: From Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp;

Line 582: From Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp;

578: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Delete all records from Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp.';
579: Begin
581: Delete
582: From Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp;
584: Exception
585: When No_Data_Found Then
586: null;

Line 590: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Insert into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp that are to be copied.';

586: null;
588: End;
590: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Insert into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp that are to be copied.';
591: /*******************************************************
592: * Bug - 3591534
593: * Desc - while inserting into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp elements that
594: * are to be copied, we should only select elements where

Line 593: * Desc - while inserting into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp elements that

590: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Insert into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp that are to be copied.';
591: /*******************************************************
592: * Bug - 3591534
593: * Desc - while inserting into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp elements that
594: * are to be copied, we should only select elements where
595: * user_created flag = 'Y'.
596: ******************************************************/
597: Insert Into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp(

Line 597: Insert Into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp(

593: * Desc - while inserting into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp elements that
594: * are to be copied, we should only select elements where
595: * user_created flag = 'Y'.
596: ******************************************************/
597: Insert Into Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp(
598: New_Element_Id,
599: Old_Element_Id,
600: Old_Parent_Element_Id,
601: New_Parent_Element_Id )

Line 613: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Update Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp records with the correct parent element id.';

609: Where
610: Rbs_Version_Id = P_Rbs_Version_From_Id
611: and user_created_flag = 'Y' );
613: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Update Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp records with the correct parent element id.';
614: Update Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp Tmp1
615: Set New_Parent_Element_Id =
616: (Select
617: New_Element_Id

Line 614: Update Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp Tmp1

610: Rbs_Version_Id = P_Rbs_Version_From_Id
611: and user_created_flag = 'Y' );
613: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Update Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp records with the correct parent element id.';
614: Update Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp Tmp1
615: Set New_Parent_Element_Id =
616: (Select
617: New_Element_Id
618: From

Line 619: Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp Tmp2

615: Set New_Parent_Element_Id =
616: (Select
617: New_Element_Id
618: From
619: Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp Tmp2
620: Where
621: Tmp1.Old_Parent_Element_Id = Tmp2.Old_Element_Id);
623: Pa_Debug.G_Stage := 'Insert into Pa_Rbs_Elements new records.';

Line 711: Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp Tmp,

707: Pa_Rbs_Versions_Pvt.G_Created_By,
708: Pa_Rbs_Versions_Pvt.G_Last_Update_Login,
709: 1
710: From
711: Pa_Rbs_Elements_Temp Tmp,
712: Pa_Rbs_Elements Rbs_Elements
713: Where
714: Tmp.Old_Element_Id = Rbs_Elements.Rbs_Element_Id;