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Line 253: bom_bill_of_materials bbm

249: MIN(nvl(comp.basis_type,WIP_CONSTANTS.ITEM_BASED_MTL)) basis_type
250: from mtl_system_items sys,
251: bom_inventory_components comp,
252: bom_explosions expl,
253: bom_bill_of_materials bbm
254: where sys.planning_make_buy_code = 1
255: and bbm.organization_id = sys.organization_id
256: and comp.component_item_id = sys.inventory_item_id
257: /* Fixed bug #2503750

Line 275: from bom_bill_of_materials bbm1

271: or
272: (bbm.alternate_bom_designator is null and
273: not exists
274: (select null
275: from bom_bill_of_materials bbm1
276: where bbm1.alternate_bom_designator =
277: arg_alt_bom_desig
278: and bbm1.organization_id = bbm.organization_id
279: and bbm1.assembly_item_id = bbm.assembly_item_id)))

Line 284: bom_bill_of_materials

280: and bbm.common_bill_sequence_id = expl.bill_sequence_id
281: /* Added the following clause for the bug 1817962 */
282: /* and expl.top_bill_sequence_id =
283: (select bill_sequence_id from
284: bom_bill_of_materials
285: where assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
286: and organization_id = arg_org_id
287: and nvl(alternate_bom_designator,'@@@') =
288: nvl(arg_alt_bom_desig,'@@@'))

Line 326: from bom_bill_of_materials

322: BEGIN
323: l_bill_sequence_id := null;
324: select bill_sequence_id
325: into l_bill_sequence_id
326: from bom_bill_of_materials
327: where organization_id = arg_org_id
328: and assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
329: and nvl(alternate_bom_designator, '@@@@') =
330: nvl(arg_alt_bom_desig, '@@@@');

Line 654: from bom_bill_of_materials bom

650: NVL(var_alt_rtg, 'ABD756fhh456');
652: select count(*)
653: INTO var_bom_exists
654: from bom_bill_of_materials bom
655: where bom.organization_id = arg_org_id
656: and bom.assembly_item_id =
657: var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).item_id
658: and NVL(bom.alternate_bom_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =