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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

CONSOLIDATION_SET	Y N     Used in select to set up assignment actions
			  	for unpaid Pre Payment Actions
PAYROLL_ID		N N	select by payroll
START_DATE		N N	only include pre payments from this date
EFFECTIVE_DATE		N Y     end of period?
PAYMENT_TYPE_ID		Y Y	BACS payment type
ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID	N N	us field to output for just one debit account
OVERRIDE_DD_DATE        N Y     BACS processin date
EXPIRATION_DATE         N L     when will the tape expire (for bacs header)
SUBMISSION_NUMBER       N L     Volume Serial Number for Volume/File headers
MEDIA                   N L     if Media=TEL then it indicates no Headers
MULTI_DAY               N L     is this a multi day run
BUREAU                  N L     is this a multi file run for a bureau

The Parameter passed to the PLSQL procedure on its 1st call is the
payroll_action_id. The rest of the parameters update the approprate
columns on the payroll actions table - the legislative parameters
are all stored with there token identifyer(e.g. SUBMISSION_NUMBER=TAPE1
MEDIA=TAPE..) in the legislative parameter column.

    Change List
    Date        Name          Vers    Bug No     Description
    ----        ----          ----    ------     -----------
    30-JUN-95   ASNELL        40.0               Created.
    30-JUN-95   NBRISTOW      40.1               Modified to use PL/SQL tables
                                                 to pass parameter and
                                                 and context rule data.

    20-AUG-95   TINEKUKU                         Created routines to get and
						 validate the process date, i.e.                                                 check for weekends and Bank                                                     Holidays.

    30-JUL-96   JALLOUN       40.2               Added error handling.
    26-NOV-97   APARKES       110.1              Bug 572503 removed to_date
                                                 functions in cursor Payment_rule
                                                 in validate_process_date function
                                                 Bug 572935 hr_general.decode_lookup
                                                 used to decode return from get_banks
                                                 cursor.  Same as UK arcs (R10) v40.14
    12-DEC-97   APARKES       110.2   599470     Removed use of to_date in the cursor in
                                                 function check_hols when restricting by
                                                 ROW_LOW_RANGE_OR_NAME as this col may
                                                 contain non-date strings and otherwise
                                                 cause ORA-01858.
    17-FEB-1998 APARKES       110.3              Converted implicit cursors in
                                                 functions validate_process_date
                                                 and get_process_date into
                                                 explicit cursors.
                                      621006     Catered for periods in
    18-MAR-1998 APARKES       110.4   640915     Changed ADD_MONTHS behaviour in
                                                 get_process_date() for entry days
                                                 at end of short month.
                                                 Prevented validate_process_date()
                                                 overridding to Next Banking Day
                                                 behaviour if no BACS personal payment
                                                 method exists.
    27-APR-1998 APARKES       110.5   648085     Made check for bank holidays
                                                 case insensitive in function
    03-DEC-1998 FDUCHENE      110.6   749168     Changed cursors (see .pkh)
    16-FEB-1999 APARKES       110.7   809367     Made get_process_date treat
                                                 monthly periods the same as
                                                 shorter ones
    07-OCT-1999 PDAVIES       110.8              Replaced all occurrences of
                                                 DBMS_Output.Put_Line with
    16-FEB-2000 SMROBINS      115.1   1071880    Handle date parameters in
                                                 canonical format
    24-NOV-2000 AMILLS        115.2   1381231    Added territory_code to get_
                                                 banks cursor as unique key
                                                 pay_payment_types_uk changed.
    05-MAR-2002 KTHAMPAN      115.6   2231983    Change select statement in function check_hols from
                                                 select inst.user_column_instance_id into hols_id
                                                 to select 1 into hols_id
    06-MAR-2002 KTHAMPAN      115.7              Add dbdrv command
    06-MAR-2002 GBUTLER	      115.8		 Changed sql_str declaration in validate_process_date
    						 for UTF8 project.
    11-JUN-2002 KTHAMPAN      115.9   2366717    Removing knowledge of hardcoded id_flex_num.
    09-SEP-2004 KTHAMPAN      115.10             Fix GSCC error
-- Package body:
      total_body_count             NUMBER;
Line: 137

      SELECT ppp.org_payment_method_id,
      FROM   pay_assignment_actions paa,
             pay_pre_payments ppp,
             per_assignments pa
      WHERE  paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      AND    ppp.pre_payment_id = paa.pre_payment_id
      AND    paa.assignment_id = pa.assignment_id
      ORDER BY ppp.org_payment_method_id, pa.assignment_number;
Line: 153

      select_count         VARCHAR2(11);
Line: 160

      SELECT DISTINCT formula_id
      INTO p_formula_id
      FROM   ff_formulas_f
      WHERE formula_name = p_formula_name;
Line: 182

      SELECT to_char(effective_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
      INTO p_session_date
      from fnd_sessions
      where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 196

        select nvl(substr(LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS,
                        '0', null,
                 to_char(add_months(sysdate,2),'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ) Expiration_date
                 into    p_expiration_date
                 from    pay_payroll_actions
                 where   PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 214

                        '0', null,
                  'NOLABL') Submission_number
                  into    p_submission_number
                  from pay_payroll_actions
                  where PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 237

 		to_char(OVERRIDING_DD_DATE ,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') effdate
		into p_process_date
               from pay_payroll_actions
               where PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 260

      SELECT  ppp.org_payment_method_id
      INTO      p_org_payment_method_id
      FROM   pay_assignment_actions paa, pay_pre_payments ppp
      WHERE  paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      AND    ppp.pre_payment_id = paa.pre_payment_id
      AND    ROWNUM = 1
      ORDER BY ppp.org_payment_method_id;
Line: 335

        pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(6) := 'TRANSFER_SELECT_COUNT';
Line: 492

  select  1 into hols_id
   from   pay_user_column_instances_f inst,
          pay_user_rows_f row1,
          pay_user_columns col1,
          pay_user_tables tab1
   where tab1.user_table_name = 'BANK_HOLIDAYS'
    and  tab1.business_group_id is null
    and  tab1.legislation_code = 'GB'
    and  row1.user_table_id = tab1.user_table_id
    and  col1.user_table_id = tab1.user_table_id
    and  col1.user_column_name = sql_str
    and  inst.user_column_id = col1.user_column_id
    and  inst.user_row_id = row1.user_row_id
    and  upper(row1.ROW_LOW_RANGE_OR_NAME) = date_in_char;
Line: 571

    select  default_dd_date
      from  pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            per_time_periods ptp
     where  paa.assignment_action_id =
       and  ppa.payroll_action_id =
       and  ptp.time_period_id = ppa.time_period_id;
Line: 582

    select  ppa.effective_date,
      from  per_time_period_rules tpr,
            per_time_period_types tpt,
            per_time_periods ptp,
            pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa
     where  paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
       and  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       and  ptp.time_period_id = ppa.time_period_id
       and  ptp.period_type = tpt.period_type
       and  tpt.number_per_fiscal_year = tpr.number_per_fiscal_year;
Line: 644

      select  paa.assignment_id, ppa.effective_date
        from  pay_payroll_actions ppa,
              pay_assignment_actions paa
        where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
          and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 651

     select  pea.segment8
        from  pay_org_payment_methods_f pop,
              pay_personal_payment_methods_f ppp,
              pay_assignment_actions paa,
              pay_external_accounts pea,
              pay_payment_types ppt
        where paa.assignment_action_id =
        and   ppp.assignment_id =
        and   pea.external_account_id =
        and   pop.org_payment_method_id =
        and   ppt.payment_type_id =
                pop.payment_type_id +0
        and   ppt.payment_type_name = 'BACS Tape'
        and   ppt.territory_code = 'GB';
Line: 671

     SELECT target.SEGMENT9
        FROM    hr_soft_coding_keyflex target,
                fnd_id_flex_structures  FNDID,
                per_assignments_f ASSIGN,
                pay_payrolls_f PAYROLL
        WHERE   param1 BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
                       AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
             AND ASSIGN.assignment_id = param2
             AND target.id_flex_num = FNDID.id_flex_num
             AND FNDID.id_flex_structure_code = 'GB_STATUTORY_INFO.'
             AND target.enabled_flag = 'Y'
             AND PAYROLL.payroll_id = ASSIGN.payroll_id
             AND param1 BETWEEN PAYROLL.effective_start_date
                        AND PAYROLL.effective_end_date
             AND target.soft_coding_keyflex_id =