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Line 130: The destination table is hr_leg_lookups. This is necessary as some

126: --
127: /* Find which lookups are in the french lookup but not the core lookup
128: Note: fnd_lookup_values is used for the source table as we need to check
129: lookups for any dates. hr_lookups only gets lookup at session date
130: The destination table is hr_leg_lookups. This is necessary as some
131: APIs validate to this view and we need to ensure that the TAG column
132: is taken into account. This view obtains at session date, this is
133: acceptable as the API will expect the lookups to be available on
134: session date. */

Line 142: from hr_leg_lookups lup2

138: ,lup1.meaning
139: from fnd_lookup_values lup1
140: where lup1.lookup_type = p_fr_lookup_type
141: and NOT exists (select lup2.lookup_code
142: from hr_leg_lookups lup2
143: where lup2.lookup_type = p_core_lookup_type
144: and lup2.lookup_code = lup1.lookup_code
145: and lup2.enabled_flag = lup1.enabled_flag
146: and nvl(lup2.start_date_active,to_date('01010001','DDMMYYYY')) <= nvl(lup1.start_date_active,to_date('01010001','DDMMYYYY'))