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1 PACKAGE pos_log AS
2 /*$Header: POSLOGS.pls 120.2 2006/02/20 11:42:37 bitang noship $ */
4 -- This procedure logs the return status, msg count and msg data.
5 -- p_prefix will be used as the prefix of the logged message
6 PROCEDURE log_call_result
7   (p_module        IN VARCHAR2,
8    p_prefix        IN VARCHAR2,
9    p_return_status IN VARCHAR2,
10    p_msg_count     IN NUMBER,
11    p_msg_data      IN VARCHAR2,
12    p_name1         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
13    p_value1        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
14    p_name2         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
15    p_value2        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
16    p_name3         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
17    p_value3        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
18    );
20 -- This procedure logs the current value of sqlerrm
21 PROCEDURE log_sqlerrm
22   (p_module        IN VARCHAR2,
23    p_prefix        IN VARCHAR2
24    );
26 -- This procedure returns the combined messages in fnd_msg_pub
27 PROCEDURE combine_fnd_msg
28   (p_msg_count IN  NUMBER,
29    x_msg_data  OUT nocopy VARCHAR2
30    );
33 -- Warning: The following 3 procedures/function should be used together
34 -- Please read the instruction carefully before using them.
35 --
36 -- Usage: say you want to log field names and values of a plsql record type variable.
37 --     1. You should call set_msg_prefix so that your logs will share the common prefix
38 --        which you can use to correlate the logs.
39 --     2. Then you call set_msg_module so that your logs will share the same log module
40 --     3. Then you call log_field for each field name, and value.
41 --     4. You will then call finish_log_field at the end.
43 g_msg        fnd_log_messages.message_text%TYPE;
44 g_msg_prefix VARCHAR2(200);
45 g_msg_module fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE;
47 -- set common log message prefix
48 PROCEDURE set_msg_prefix (p_prefix IN VARCHAR2);
50 -- set common log message module
51 PROCEDURE set_msg_module (p_module IN VARCHAR2);
53 -- add field name and value to log
54 PROCEDURE log_field
55   (p_field_name   IN VARCHAR2,
56    p_field_value  IN VARCHAR2
57    );
59 -- call this procedure after logging all fields
60 PROCEDURE finish_log_field;
62 END pos_log;