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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

  insert_allowed           VARCHAR2(10),
  reason_code              VARCHAR2(30),
  certificate              VARCHAR2(80),
  percent_exempt           NUMBER,
  inserted_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
  tax_exemption_id         NUMBER,
  exemption_type           VARCHAR2(30),
  hash_string              VARCHAR2(1000)
Line: 163

 |   Will take each distinct location_segment_id used during updates or    |
 |   inserts to the table: AR_LOCATION_RATES and propogate these sales     |
 |   tax rate changes into the table: AR_SALES_TAX                         |
 |                                                                         |
 |   This procedures fires the cursor: sel_cc to find each Location Code   |
 |   Combination that uses a particular location_segment_id and then       |
 |   updates each of the rows in ar_sales_tax for that specific location.  |
 |                                                                         |
 |   To optimise performance of the code a note of every code combination  |
 |   is made so that the same set of records in ar_sales_tax is only ever  |
 |   visited once.                                                         |
 |                                                                         |
 | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
 |                                                                         |
 |   If the following Code Combinations were active on a system:           |
 |      CA.SAN MATEO.BELMONT      CCID: 1000,   LOCATIONS: 4.6.8           |
 |      CA.SAN MATEO.FOSTER CITY  CCID: 1001,   LOCATIONS: 4.6.10          |
 |      CA.FREEMONT.FREEMONT      CCID: 1002,   LOCATIONS: 4.12.14         |
 |      FL.MIAMI.MIAMI            CCID: 1003,   LOCATIONS: 16.18.20        |
 |                                                                         |
 |   And the user updates AR_LOCATION_RATES for ( CA, and SAN MATEO )      |
 |   There would be two rows set up by the TRIGGER: AR_LOCATION_RATES_BRIU |
 |   in the PL/SQL table: location_segment_id, these rows would be:        |
 |      location_segment_id(0) = 4                                         |
 |      location_segment_id(1) = 6                                         |
 |   This procedure would fire the cursor: sel_cc which for location 4     |
 |   would return: 3 rows, CCIDS: 1000, 10001, and 1002.                   |
 |   Sales Tax Rate records would then be regenerated for all 3 different  |
 |   location code combinations.                                           |
 |   Cursor sel_cc would then be re-fired for location 6 and return the    |
 |   following two rows: 1000, 1001. Since both of these rows have already |
 |   been updated no further work is required and the procedure completes. |
 |                                                                         |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                    |
 |    22-Jan-93  Nigel Smith        Created.                               |
 |                                                                         |

PROCEDURE Implement_Transfer_Rates is
  l_transfer_rates_initialised varchar2(5);
Line: 305

 | For each set of inserted or updateed rows in the table AR_LOCATION_RATES|
 | a distinct value is placed in the column: AR_TRANSFER_CONTROL_ID        |
 | When all records have been inserted or updated, the after statement     |
 | trigger: AR_LOCATION_RATES_ASIU fires, and refetchs each of these new   |
 | records across into the table: AR_SALES_TAX                             |
 |                                                                         |
 | This works around the kernel limitation of MUTATING tables.             |
 |                                                                         |
 | MODIFIES                                                                |
 |   Public variable: LOCATION_RATES_TRANSFER_ID                           |
 |                                                                         |
 | EXCEPTIONS RAISED                                                       |
 |                                                                         |
 | NOTES                                                                   |
 |                                                                         |
 | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
 |                                                                         |

PROCEDURE Initialise_Transfer_Rates is
  c			integer;
Line: 400

 | In order to do this, it may be necessary to insert new items into       |
 | the tables: AR_LOCATION_VALUES and AR_LOCATION_COMBINATIONS             |
 |                                                                         |
 | REQUIRES                                                                |
 |    Location_CCID         Location ID for ths entry in Sales Tax         |
 |    location_id_segments  1 .. 10, Location_segment_id for each segment  |
 |                          in the location flexfield structure.           |
 |                                                                         |
 | STATEMENT_TYPE                                                          |
 |                                                                         |
 |    INSERT                New Location CCID Created, there will be *NO*  |
 |                          pre-existing sales tax data for this location  |
 |    DELETE                A Locatoin Code Combination has been deleted   |
 |                          purge ununsed sales tax rates.                 |
 |    UPDATE                Existing Data May Exist, some of whic may now  |
 |                          be invalid. Purge Invalid data, creating new   |
 |                          valid data in its place.                       |
 | EXCEPTIONS RAISED                                                       |
 |                                                                         |
 | NOTES                                                                   |
 |                                                                         |
 | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
 |                                                                         |

PROCEDURE Populate_Sales_Tax(   statement_type                   in varchar2,
                                location_ccid          in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_1  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_2  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_3  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_4  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_5  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_6  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_7  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_8  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_9  in number,
                                p_location_id_segment_10 in number ) is
  c			integer;
Line: 475

 | CALLED BY USER EXIT: #AR SALESTAX MODE=UPDATE                           |
 |                                                                         |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
 |   Will renumber each Tax line belonging to an invoice so that duplicate |
 |   line numbers no longer exist.                                         |
 |   For Example:- if Original Invoice had the following lines, this       |
 |   procedure would update each of the line numbers to be:-               |
 |                                                                         |
 |             OLD INVOICE                    NEW_INVOICE                  |
 |   1 ITEM LINE                       1 ITEM LINE                         |
 |     1 TAX LINE                        1 TAX LINE                        |
 |     2 TAX LINE                        2 TAX LINE                        |
 |     1 TAX LINE                        3 TAX LINE                        |
 |                                                                         |
 |  Duplicate Line numbers can occur when a header level change is made    |
 |  for an invoice and all but Adhoc Tax lines are deleted and then        |
 |  recalculated.                                                          |
 |                                                                         |
 | REQUIRES: CUSTOMER_TRX_ID                                               |
 |                                                                         |
 | MODIFIES: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES.LINE_NUMBER                             |
 |                                                                         |

PROCEDURE renumber_tax_lines( customer_trx_id in number,
                              trx_type in varchar2 default 'TAX' ) is
  c			integer;
Line: 552

 |    INSERT_ALLOWED            If False and "E" is called but not        |
 |                              valid exemption is on file; this routine  |
Line: 560

 |    INSERTED_FLAG             TRUE if this call forced an insert        |
 |    EXEMPTION_TYPE            CUSTOMER or ITEM                          |
 |                                                                        |
 | DATABASE REQUIREMENTS                                                  |
 |    View: TAX_EXEMPTIONS_QP_V This view must be installed before        |
 |                              this database package can be installed    |
 |                                                                        |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
 |                                                                        |
 |  17-May-94  Nigel Smith      Created.                                  |
 |  3 Aug, 94  Nigel Smith      BUGFIX: 228807, Exemptions are now        |
 |                              managed by Bill To Customer and Ship      |
 |                              To Site.                                  |
 |    13 Oct 94  Nigel Smith    Bugfix: 227953, Exemptions with No        |
 |                              certificate number were not shown by Order|
 |                              Entry.                                    |
 |    19 Oct 94  Nigel Smith    Bugfix: 244306, Error Validating Address  |
 |                              during order entry; or invoice creation on|
Line: 592

        insert_allowed          in varchar2 default 'TRUE',
        reason_code             in out NOCOPY varchar2,
        certificate             in out NOCOPY varchar2,
        percent_exempt          out NOCOPY number,
        inserted_flag           out NOCOPY varchar2,
        tax_exemption_id        out NOCOPY number,
        exemption_type          out NOCOPY varchar2
                               ) is
  dummy_number          number;
Line: 629

 |   MODIFIES:   inserts combined rates into AR_SALES_TAX                 |
 |                                                                        |

PROCEDURE combine_tax_rates IS
  c			integer;