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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 106

PROCEDURE update_working_days_in_week (
         errbuf                OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
        ,retcode               OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
        ,p_column_name         IN  VARCHAR2
        ,p_business_group_id   IN  NUMBER
        ,p_overwrite_if_exists IN  VARCHAR2

CURSOR csr_get_table_id (
       p_table_name        IN VARCHAR2
      ,p_legislation_code  IN VARCHAR2
      ,p_business_group_id IN NUMBER )
SELECT user_table_id
FROM   pay_user_tables
WHERE  user_table_name      = p_table_name
  AND  ( legislation_code   = p_legislation_code
       OR business_group_id = p_business_group_id ) ;
Line: 133

SELECT puc.user_column_name user_column_name
      ,puc.user_column_id user_column_id
FROM   pay_user_columns puc
WHERE  puc.user_table_id       = p_user_table_id
  AND (puc.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id
        OR puc.legislation_code = g_legislation_code )
  AND  ( puc.user_column_name LIKE p_column_name
         OR p_column_name IS NULL );
Line: 149

FROM  pay_user_rows_f pur
WHERE user_table_id             = p_user_table_id
  AND row_low_range_or_name     = p_user_row_name
  AND ( pur.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id
        OR pur.legislation_code = p_legislation_code )
Line: 165

SELECT puci.effective_start_date effective_start_date
      ,puci.effective_end_date effective_end_date
FROM   pay_user_column_instances_f puci
WHERE  ( puci.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id
        OR puci.legislation_code = g_legislation_code )
  AND  puci.user_column_id      = p_user_column_id
  AND  puci.user_row_id         = p_user_row_id ;
Line: 184

Line: 399

        debug_enter('update_insert for loop');
Line: 406

         p_user_column_id           => l_user_columns.user_column_id
        ,p_user_row_id              => g_row_ids_seed(idx).user_row_id
	,p_effective_date           => l_day01_eff_start_date
	,p_row_effective_start_date => l_day01_eff_start_date
        ,p_row_effective_end_date   => l_day01_eff_end_date
	,p_business_group_id        => p_business_group_id
	,p_value_to_update          => l_row_values(idx)
	,p_overwrite_if_exists      => p_overwrite_if_exists
         ) ;
Line: 418

        debug_exit('update_insert for loop');
Line: 452

END update_working_days_in_week ;
Line: 471

SELECT user_row_id
FROM   pay_user_rows_f pur
WHERE  user_table_id   = p_user_table_id
  AND  row_low_range_or_name LIKE 'Day __'   -- this is hard coded as it is the seeded data.
  AND  p_effective_date BETWEEN pur.effective_start_date
                            AND pur.effective_end_date ;
Line: 649

PROCEDURE update_insert_row(
               p_user_column_id            IN NUMBER
              ,p_user_row_id               IN NUMBER
              ,p_effective_date            IN DATE
              ,p_row_effective_start_date  IN DATE
              ,p_row_effective_end_date    IN DATE
              ,p_business_group_id         IN NUMBER
              ,p_value_to_update           IN NUMBER
              ,p_overwrite_if_exists       IN VARCHAR2

  l_value               pay_user_column_instances.value%TYPE ;
Line: 666

  l_proc_name           VARCHAR2(200):=g_package_name||'update_insert_row';
Line: 681

Line: 716

                        p_rowid			  =>  l_return_row_id             --IN OUT
                       ,p_user_column_instance_id =>  l_column_instances_id       --IN OUT
                       ,p_effective_start_date    =>  p_row_effective_start_date
                       ,p_effective_end_date      =>  p_row_effective_end_date
                       ,p_user_row_id             =>  p_user_row_id
                       ,p_user_column_id          =>  p_user_column_id
                       ,p_business_group_id       =>  p_business_group_id
                       ,p_legislation_code        =>  NULL
                       ,p_legislation_subgroup    =>  NULL
                       ,p_value                   =>  p_value_to_update ) ;
Line: 753

	   debug(' Row is defined, p_value_to_updat:'||p_value_to_update);
Line: 757

                        p_rowid			  =>  l_row_id
                       ,p_user_column_instance_id =>  l_column_instances_id
                       ,p_effective_start_date    =>  p_row_effective_start_date  -- changed from l_effective_start_date for BUG :4078709
                       ,p_effective_end_date      =>  p_row_effective_end_date    -- changed from l_effective_end_date for BUG :4078709
                       ,p_user_row_id             =>  p_user_row_id
                       ,p_user_column_id          =>  p_user_column_id
                       ,p_business_group_id       =>  p_business_group_id
                       ,p_legislation_code        =>  NULL
                       ,p_legislation_subgroup    =>  NULL
                       ,p_value                   =>  p_value_to_update );
Line: 784

 END update_insert_row ;