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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

  select nvl(mp.total_orders,0)
  from mst_plans mp
  where mp.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 30

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in
        (select mdl.delivery_id
         from mst_trips t
            , mst_trip_stops ts
            , mst_delivery_legs mdl
            , fte_location_parameters flp
         where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
         and ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
         and ts.stop_id  = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
         and ts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
	 and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
         and ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
         and ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id)
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mdd.container_flag = 2;
Line: 60

  select count(distinct dd.source_header_number)
  from (
        select mdd.source_header_number
        from mst_delivery_details mdd
           , mst_deliveries md
           , mst_delivery_assignments mda
        where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
        and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
        and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
        and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
        and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
        and   md.delivery_id in
                    (select mdl.delivery_id
                     from  mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                     where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                     and   mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                     and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                          or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id))
  union all
  select mdd.source_header_number
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and   not exists (select 1 from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    where mdl.plan_id=md.plan_id
                    and   mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id)) dd;
Line: 97

  select count(distinct nvl(mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id, mdd.delivery_detail_id))
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  where mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 149

  select count(*)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 156

  select count(*)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 168

  select count(*)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 175

  select count(*)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 219

  select nvl(mp.total_weight,0)
  from mst_plans mp
  where mp.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 226

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 238

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 245

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 289

  select nvl(mp.total_volume,0)
  from mst_plans mp
  where mp.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 296

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 308

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 315

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 359

  select nvl(mp.total_pieces,0)
  from mst_plans mp
  where mp.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 366

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 378

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 385

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 428

  select sum(nvl(mdd.unit_price,0)* nvl(mdd.requested_quantity,0))
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  where mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id;
Line: 441

  select sum(nvl(mdd.unit_price,0)* nvl(mdd.requested_quantity,0))
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 459

  select sum(nvl(mdd.unit_price,0)* nvl(mdd.requested_quantity,0))
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  where mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 473

  select sum(nvl(mdd.unit_price,0)* nvl(mdd.requested_quantity,0))
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  where mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 525

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode;
Line: 533

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and flp.location_id in (select mts.stop_location_id
                          from mst_trip_stops mts
			  where mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 548

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >= 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 576

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode;
Line: 617

  select decode(l_mode,'TRUCK',nvl(mp.total_tl_cost,0)
                      ,'LTL'  ,nvl(mp.total_ltl_cost,0)
  from mst_plans mp
  where mp.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 627

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
                       or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id));
Line: 653

  ( select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and ( md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id ) );
Line: 676

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		       or md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id));
Line: 700

  ( select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
--  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 718

  select nvl(sum(decode(mt.mode_of_transport
                       , 'TRUCK', (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
                                 + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)
		                 + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0))
		       , (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
		       + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)))),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode;
Line: 766

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_plans mp
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mp.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mdl.trip_id in (select mt.trip_id
                      from mst_trips mt
		      where mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
		      and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode)
  and mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 781

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
                       or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id));
Line: 806

  ( select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and ( md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id ) );
Line: 827

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		       or md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id));
Line: 850

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
--  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 868

  select nvl(sum(decode(mt.mode_of_transport
                       , 'TRUCK', (nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0))
		       , (nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)))),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode;
Line: 911

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_plans mp
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mp.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mdl.trip_id in (select mt.trip_id
                      from mst_trips mt
		      where mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
		      and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode)
  and mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 929

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
                       or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id));
Line: 957

  ( select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and ( md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id ) );
Line: 981

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		       or md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id));
Line: 1007

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
--  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 1027

  select nvl(sum(decode(mt.mode_of_transport
                       , 'TRUCK', (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
                                 + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)
		                 + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0))
		       , (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
		        + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)))),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode;
Line: 1078

  select count(*)
  from mst_trip_stops mts
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mts.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 1089

  select count(*)
  from mst_trip_stops mts
  , mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and flp.location_id = mts.stop_location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and mts.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 1102

  select count(*)
  from mst_trip_stops mts
  where mts.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mts.trip_id in ( select distinct mt.trip_id
                    from mst_trips mt
                    , mst_trip_stops mts1
                    , fte_location_parameters flp
                    where mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                    and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
                    and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and mts1.trip_id = mt.trip_id
                    and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                    and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id );
Line: 1118

  select count ( * )
  from mst_trips mt
  , mst_trip_stops mts
  where mts.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
  and mt.plan_id= mts.plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in ( select mdl.trip_id
                      from mst_deliveries md
					  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
					  , fte_location_parameters flp
					  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
					  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
					  and ( md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id
					        or md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id )
					  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
					  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id );
Line: 1139

  select count(*)
  from mst_trip_stops mts
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mts.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_delivery_legs mdl
		     , mst_deliveries md
		     where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                     and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id);
Line: 1156

  select count(*)
  from mst_trip_stops mts
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mts.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 1166

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK';
Line: 1174

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mts.trip_id
                     from mst_trip_stops mts
		     , fte_location_parameters flp
		     where mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
		     and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id);
Line: 1186

  select count ( * )
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id= l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in ( select mdl.trip_id
                      from mst_deliveries md
					  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
					  , fte_location_parameters flp
					  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
					  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
					  and ( md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id
					        or md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id )
					  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
					  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id );
Line: 1205

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_trip_stops mts
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		     , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >= 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 1230

  select count ( * )
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id= l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in ( select mdl.trip_id
                      from mst_deliveries md
					  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
					  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
					  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
					  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
					  and decode ( l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id ) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 1244

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1319

  select nvl(sum(mt.total_trip_distance),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id= l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK';
Line: 1327

  select nvl(sum(mt.total_trip_distance),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id= l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mts.trip_id
                     from mst_trip_stops mts
		     , fte_location_parameters flp
		     where mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
		     and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id);
Line: 1339

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mt.total_trip_distance,0)),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id= l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in ( select mdl.trip_id
                      from mst_deliveries md
					  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
					  , fte_location_parameters flp
					  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
					  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
					  and ( md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id
					        or md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id )
					  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
					  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id );
Line: 1359

  select nvl(sum(mt.total_trip_distance),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_trip_stops mts
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		     , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >= 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 1384

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mt.total_trip_distance,0)),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id= l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.trip_id in ( select mdl.trip_id
                      from mst_deliveries md
					  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
					  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
					  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
					  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
					  and decode ( l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id ) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 1398

  select nvl(sum(mt.total_trip_distance),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id= l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1439

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1448

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
  and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 1460

  select count ( distinct mt.trip_id )
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and ( md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id )
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1480

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >= 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 1506

  select count ( distinct mt.trip_id )
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode ( l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id ) = l_cust_supp_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1549

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_plans mp
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mp.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mdl.trip_id in (select mt.trip_id
                      from mst_trips mt
		      where mt.plan_id = mp.plan_id
		      and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id)
  and mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 1563

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_trips mt
     , mst_trip_stops mts
     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and   mts.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
--  and   mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
-- Bug_Fix for 3694008
  and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
      or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
  and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
  and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 1581

  select sum ( nvl ( mdl.allocated_transport_cost, 0 ) )
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and ( md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id )
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1601

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)),0)
  from  mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
  and   mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1614

  select sum ( nvl ( mdl.allocated_transport_cost, 0 ) )
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode ( l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id ) = l_cust_supp_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id;
Line: 1660

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_orig_state
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 1679

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_orig_state
  and   flp.location_id = md.pickup_location_id
  and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 1697

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_delivery_details mdd
  where mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 1726

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_orig_state
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 1745

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in
        (select mdl.delivery_id
         from mst_trips t
         , mst_trip_stops ts
         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
         , wsh_locations wl
         where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
         and ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
         and ts.stop_id  = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
	 and wl.wsh_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
         and ts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	 and wl.state = l_orig_state
         and ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
         and ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id
	 and t.carrier_id = l_carrier_id)
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mdd.container_flag = 2;
Line: 1806

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state;
Line: 1817

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and flp.location_id = md.pickup_location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 1828

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 1853

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 1864

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 1912

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state;
Line: 1923

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and flp.location_id = md.pickup_location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 1934

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 1959

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 1970

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 2018

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state;
Line: 2029

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and flp.location_id = md.pickup_location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 2040

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2065

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 2076

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 2124

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_orig_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 2152

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
                           , fte_location_parameters flp
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_orig_state
                           and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                           and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 2184

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_orig_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id)
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 2214

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_orig_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 2275

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_orig_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 2303

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
                           , fte_location_parameters flp
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_orig_state
                           and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                           and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 2335

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_orig_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id)
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 2365

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_orig_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 2426

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
 	 	     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2448

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , fte_location_parameters flp
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
	 	     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_orig_state
		     and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
		     and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id);
Line: 2474

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_orig_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id);
Line: 2498

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
 	 	     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2552

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2574

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , fte_location_parameters flp
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_orig_state
		     and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
		     and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id);
Line: 2600

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_orig_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id);
Line: 2624

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2681

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , wsh_locations wl
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
	        and   mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	        and   wl.state = l_orig_state
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id);
Line: 2708

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
--  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , wsh_locations wl
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id );
Line: 2740

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
		   , wsh_locations wl
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
	        and   flp.location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	        and   wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2771

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
--  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , wsh_locations wl
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
--  and mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
--  and mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
--  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id );
Line: 2798

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2833

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from mst_trips mt
                , mst_trip_stops mts
                , mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                , mst_deliveries md
		, wsh_locations wl
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	        and   wl.state = l_orig_state
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id);
Line: 2861

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
--  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , wsh_locations wl
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
--  and mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_orig_state
--  and mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
--  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 2891

  select nvl(sum(decode(mt.mode_of_transport
                       , 'TRUCK', (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
                                 + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)
		                 + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0))
		       , (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
		        + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)))),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
--  and mt.continuous_move_id is null --check
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    , wsh_locations wl
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
		    and mts.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
		    and wl.wsh_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		    and wl.state = l_orig_state);
Line: 2921

	select  nvl ( sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
        	  + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	          + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
                  + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)
    	  	  + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)), 0 )
	from  mst_deliveries md
	, mst_delivery_legs mdl
	, mst_trips mt
	, wsh_locations wl
	, mst_trip_stops mts
	where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
	and md.plan_id = mts.plan_id
	and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
	and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
	and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	and mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
	and wl.state = l_orig_state;
Line: 2979

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 2998

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and   flp.location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
  and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 3016

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_delivery_details mdd
  where mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3045

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 3063

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in
        (select mdl.delivery_id
         from mst_trips t
         , mst_trip_stops ts
         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
         , wsh_locations wl
         where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
         and ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
         and ts.stop_id  = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
	 and wl.wsh_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
         and ts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	 and wl.state = l_destination_state
         and ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
         and ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id
	 and t.carrier_id = l_carrier_id)
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mdd.container_flag = 2;
Line: 3124

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state;
Line: 3135

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and flp.location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 3146

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3171

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 3182

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_destination_state
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 3230

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state;
Line: 3241

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and flp.location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 3252

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3277

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 3288

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_destination_state
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 3336

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state;
Line: 3347

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and flp.location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 3358

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3383

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and   wl.state = l_destination_state
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 3394

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , wsh_locations wl
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_destination_state
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 3442

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_destination_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 3470

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
                           , fte_location_parameters flp
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_destination_state
                           and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                           and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 3502

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_destination_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id)
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 3532

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_destination_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 3592

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_destination_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 3620

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
                           , fte_location_parameters flp
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_destination_state
                           and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                           and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 3652

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_destination_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id)
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 3682

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
			   , wsh_locations wl
			   where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			   and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
			   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
			   and wl.state = l_destination_state)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 3743

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3765

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , fte_location_parameters flp
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_destination_state
		     and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
		     and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id);
Line: 3791

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_destination_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id);
Line: 3815

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'LTL'
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3869

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3891

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , fte_location_parameters flp
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
 	             and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_destination_state
		     and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
		     and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id);
Line: 3917

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.trip_id in
	          (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	           from mst_deliveries md
		   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
		   , mst_trip_stops mts1
		   , wsh_locations wl
		   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts1.stop_id
		   and mdl.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
		   and mts1.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		   and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		   and wl.state = l_destination_state
		   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id);
Line: 3941

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'PARCEL'
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
                     from mst_deliveries md
		     , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                     , mst_trip_stops mts1
		     , wsh_locations wl
		     where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		     and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
		     and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                     and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
		     and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
		     and mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		     and mts1.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		     and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 3998

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , wsh_locations wl
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
	        and   mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	        and   wl.state = l_destination_state
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id);
Line: 4025

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
--  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , wsh_locations wl
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and wl.state = l_destination_state
  and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id );
Line: 4056

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
		   , wsh_locations wl
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id
		and   flp.location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
		and   wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 4087

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
--  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , wsh_locations wl
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
--  and mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_destination_state
  and md.dropoff_location_id = wsh_location_id
--  and mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
--  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id );
Line: 4114

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in (select mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         , wsh_locations wl
                         where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                         and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                         and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                               or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id )
                         and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                         and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                         and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                         and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                         and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
                         and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 4149

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from mst_trips mt
                , mst_trip_stops mts
                , mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                , mst_deliveries md
		, wsh_locations wl
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	        and   wl.state = l_destination_state
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id);
Line: 4177

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
--  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , wsh_locations wl
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
--  and mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.state = l_destination_state
  and md.dropoff_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
--  and mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
--  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 4207

  select nvl(sum(decode(mt.mode_of_transport
                       , 'TRUCK', (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
                                 + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)
		                 + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0))
		       , (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
		        + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)))),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
--  and mt.continuous_move_id is null --check
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    , wsh_locations wl
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mts.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		    and wl.wsh_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		    and wl.state = l_destination_state);
Line: 4237

	select  nvl ( sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
        	+ nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
                + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
	        + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)
    	        + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)), 0 )
	from  mst_deliveries md
	, mst_delivery_legs mdl
	, mst_trips mt
	, wsh_locations wl
	, mst_trip_stops mts
	where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
	and md.plan_id = mts.plan_id
	and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
	and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
	and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	and mts.stop_location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
	and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id
	and wl.state = l_destination_state;
Line: 4296

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in
        (select mdl.delivery_id
         from -- mst_trips t -- Removing the join with mst_trips
            mst_trip_stops ts
            , mst_delivery_legs mdl
            , fte_location_parameters flp
         where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
         and ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
--         and ts.stop_id  = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
-- Bug_Fix for 3693945
         and ( ts.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
             or ts.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
         and ts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
	 and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id ) -- ending the subquery here, with the join with mst_trips removed
--         and ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
--         and ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id)
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mdd.container_flag = 2;
Line: 4330

  select count(distinct dd.source_header_number)
  from (
        select mdd.source_header_number
        from mst_delivery_details mdd
           , mst_deliveries md
           , mst_delivery_assignments mda
        where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
        and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
        and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
        and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
        and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
        and   md.delivery_id in
                    (select mdl.delivery_id
                     from  mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
			 , fte_location_parameters flp
                     where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                     and   mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                     and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                          or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
		     and   flp.location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		     and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id)
  union all
  select mdd.source_header_number
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and   not exists (select 1 from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    where mdl.plan_id=md.plan_id
                    and   mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id)) dd;
Line: 4371

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in
        (select mdl.delivery_id
         from mst_trips t
            , mst_trip_stops ts
            , mst_delivery_legs mdl
            , fte_location_parameters flp
         where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
         and ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
--         and ts.stop_id  = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
-- Bug_Fix for 3693945
         and ( ts.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
             or ts.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
         and ts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
	 and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
         and ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
         and ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id
	 and t.carrier_id = l_carrier_id)
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mdd.container_flag = 2;
Line: 4431

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 4444

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 4456

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 4502

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 4515

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 4527

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 4573

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 4586

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 4598

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 4645

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and flp.location_id in (select mts.stop_location_id
                          from mst_trip_stops mts
			  where mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 4661

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
		    , fte_location_parameters flp
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
		    and flp.location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		    and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >= 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 4693

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and flp.location_id in (select mts.stop_location_id
                          from mst_trip_stops mts
			  where mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 4741

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
                and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
                       or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id));
Line: 4769

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and ( md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id ) );
Line: 4794

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
		and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
		       or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id));
Line: 4823

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and ( md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id ) );
Line: 4847

  select nvl(sum(decode(mt.mode_of_transport
                       , 'TRUCK', (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
                                 + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)
		                 + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0))
		       , (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
		        + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)))),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
--  and mt.continuous_move_id is null  --check
  and mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    , fte_location_parameters flp
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
		    and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
		        or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
		    and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id);
Line: 4882

 select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)  +
            nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)    +
            nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)  )
 from mst_delivery_legs mdl
 where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
 and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1,
                     mst_deliveries md,
                     mst_trips mt,
                     mst_trip_stops mts
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = l_location_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and  (  md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
                     or md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id));
Line: 4907

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , mst_trip_stops mts
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mts.stop_location_id = l_location_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and ( md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
        or md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id ) );
Line: 4935

  select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)  +
             nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)    +
             nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)  )
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1,
                     mst_deliveries md,
                     mst_trips mt,
                     mst_trip_stops mts
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
		and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = l_location_id
                and   (mts.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                      or mts.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id)
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   md.pickup_location_id <> mts.stop_location_id
                and   md.dropoff_location_id <> mts.stop_location_id);
Line: 4962

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , mst_trip_stops mts
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mts.stop_location_id = l_location_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
  and ( mts.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
        or mts.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
  and md.pickup_location_id <> mts.stop_location_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id <> mts.stop_location_id );
Line: 4997

    select flp.location_id
    into l_loc_id
    from fte_location_parameters flp
    where flp.facility_id = p_myfac_id;
Line: 5030

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and md.delivery_id in
        (select mdl.delivery_id
         from -- mst_trips t -- removing this join
              mst_trip_stops ts
            , mst_delivery_legs mdl
            , fte_location_parameters flp
         where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
         and ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
--         and ts.stop_id  = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
-- Bug_Fix for 3694008
         and ( ts.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
             or ts.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
         and ts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
	 and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id ) -- end of subquery, as the join with t has been removed
         -- and ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
         -- and ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id)
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mdd.container_flag = 2
  and   mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id is null;
Line: 5066

  select count(distinct dd.source_header_number)
  from (
        select mdd.source_header_number
        from mst_delivery_details mdd
           , mst_deliveries md
           , mst_delivery_assignments mda
        where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
        and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
        and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
        and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
        and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
	and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
        and   md.delivery_id in
                    (select mdl.delivery_id
                     from  mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
                     where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                     and   mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                     and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                          or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id))
  union all
  select mdd.source_header_number
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
     , mst_deliveries md
     , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and   not exists (select 1 from mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    where mdl.plan_id=md.plan_id
                    and   mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id)) dd;
Line: 5107

  select count(distinct dd.source_header_number)
  from (
        select mdd.source_header_number source_header_number
        from mst_delivery_details mdd
           , mst_deliveries md
           , mst_delivery_assignments mda
        where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
        and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
        and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
        and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and   md.plan_id = l_plan_id
        and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
        and   md.delivery_id in
                    (select mdl.delivery_id
                     from  mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts
			 , mst_trips mt
                     where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                     and   mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                     and ( mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
                          or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
		     and   mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
		     and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
		     and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
		     and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id)) dd;
Line: 5168

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 5183

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 5193

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.gross_weight,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 5240

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 5255

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 5265

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.volume,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 5311

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
     , fte_location_parameters flp
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
      or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 5326

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id;
Line: 5336

  select nvl(sum(nvl(md.number_of_pieces,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and md.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl.delivery_id
                         from mst_delivery_legs mdl
			 , mst_trips mt
			 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
			 and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			 and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
			 and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id);
Line: 5384

  select count(*)
  from mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and flp.location_id in (select distinct mts.stop_location_id
                          from mst_trip_stops mts
			  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			  , mst_deliveries md
			  where mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
			  and mdl.plan_id = mts.plan_id
			  and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
			  and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			  and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
			  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id)
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id;
Line: 5408

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
		    and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >= 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 5439

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
--                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >= 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 5502

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
		   , fte_location_parameters flp
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
		and   flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
		       or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id));
Line: 5531

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  , fte_location_parameters flp
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and ( md.pickup_location_id = flp.location_id
        or md.dropoff_location_id = flp.location_id ) );
Line: 5558

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id in
             ( select md.delivery_id
               from  mst_delivery_legs mdl1
                   , mst_deliveries md
                   , mst_trips mt
                   , mst_trip_stops mts
                where mt.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id  = mdl1.trip_id
                and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
                and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
                and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl1.plan_id
                and   md.delivery_id  = mdl1.delivery_id
                and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  		and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
                and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                and   (md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
		       or md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id));
Line: 5585

  (select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)),0)
  from mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
  and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
  and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
  and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
  and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id );
Line: 5607

/*  select nvl(sum(decode(mt.mode_of_transport
                       , 'TRUCK', (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
                                 + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)
		                 + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
			         + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0))
		       , (nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
		        + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)))),0)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
--  and mt.continuous_move_id is null  --check
  and mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
--		    and (md.pickup_location_id = mts.stop_location_id
--		        or md.dropoff_location_id = mts.stop_location_id)
		    and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id);
Line: 5635

 select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
          + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
          + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
	  + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)
	  + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0))
  from  mst_deliveries md,
        mst_delivery_legs mdl,
        mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
  and   mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode;
Line: 5687

  SELECT count(mt.trip_id) num_stops
  FROM mst_trips mt
  WHERE mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  AND mt.trip_id IN ( SELECT mdl.trip_id
	                 FROM mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts1
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         WHERE mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                         AND md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                         AND md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                         AND decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                         AND mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                         AND mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
                         -- and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                         -- Bug_Fix for 3694008
                         AND ( mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                             OR mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
                         AND flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                         AND flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id )
  AND mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
       ( SELECT ts.trip_id
         FROM mst_trip_stops ts
         WHERE ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
         AND   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
         HAVING COUNT(ts.stop_id) = 2
         GROUP BY ts.trip_id );
Line: 5716

  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        FROM mst_trips mt
           , mst_trip_stops mts
	    WHERE mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	    AND mt.trip_id in (SELECT DISTINCT mdl.trip_id
	                       FROM   mst_deliveries md
			                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			                    , mst_trip_stops mts1
                                , fte_location_parameters flp
			               WHERE mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			               AND md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			               AND md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
			               AND decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                           AND mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			               AND mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
                           --			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                           -- Bug_Fix for 3694008
                           AND ( mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                                OR mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
                           AND flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                           AND flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id)
	    AND mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	    AND mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	    AND mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	    GROUP BY mt.trip_id) temp
        WHERE temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 5750

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) = 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 5780

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
--                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) = 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 5841

  SELECT count(mt.trip_id) num_stops
  FROM mst_trips mt
  WHERE mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  AND mt.trip_id IN ( SELECT mdl.trip_id
	                 FROM mst_deliveries md
                         , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                         , mst_trip_stops mts1
                         , fte_location_parameters flp
                         WHERE mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                         AND md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                         AND md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                         AND decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                         AND mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                         AND mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
                         -- and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                         -- Bug_Fix for 3694008
                         AND ( mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                             OR mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
                         AND flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                         AND flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id )
  AND mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
       ( SELECT ts.trip_id
         FROM mst_trip_stops ts
         WHERE ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
         AND   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
         HAVING COUNT(ts.stop_id) > 2
         GROUP BY ts.trip_id );
Line: 5870

  select count(*)
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
	and mt.trip_id in (select distinct mdl.trip_id
	                   from mst_deliveries md
			   , mst_delivery_legs mdl
			   , mst_trip_stops mts1
                           , fte_location_parameters flp
			   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
			   and md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
			   and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                           and mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
			   and mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
--			   and mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
-- Bug_Fix for 3694008
                           and ( mts1.stop_id = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                               or mts1.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id )
                           and flp.location_id = mts1.stop_location_id
                           and flp.facility_id = l_myfac_id)
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 5904

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
  		    and decode ( l_report_for, 2, md.customer_id, 4, md.supplier_id, 0 ) = decode ( l_report_for, 2, l_report_for_id, 4, l_report_for_id, 0 )
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) > 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 5934

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and   mt.carrier_id = l_carrier_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and decode(l_c_s_ident, 2, md.customer_id, md.supplier_id) = l_cust_supp_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
--                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) > 2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 5991

  insert into mst_mast_sum_report_temp_gt
  ( view_id
  , plan_id
  , compile_designator
  , report_date
  , plan_start_date
  , plan_end_date
  , orders
  , order_groups
  , weight
  , volume
  , pieces
  , pallets
  , allocated_cost  ---not used anymore
  , plan_value
  , total_tl_count
  , ltl_count
  , parcel_count
  , tl_cost
  , ltl_cost
  , parcel_cost
  , transportation_cost
  , handling_cost
  , total_cost
  , tl_stops
  , tl_distance
  , percent_alloc_cost  ---not used anymore
  , percent_value
  , mp.plan_id
  , mp.compile_designator
  , sysdate
  , mp.start_date
  , mp.cutoff_date
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_order_count(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_order_group_count(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_weight(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_volume(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_pieces(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , 0
  , 0
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trips_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'TRUCK')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trips_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'LTL')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trips_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'PARCEL')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trans_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'TRUCK')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trans_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'LTL')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trans_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'PARCEL')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trans_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'TRUCK')
   +mst_reports_pkg.get_trans_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'LTL')
   +mst_reports_pkg.get_trans_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'PARCEL')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_handl_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'TRUCK')
   +mst_reports_pkg.get_handl_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'LTL')
   +mst_reports_pkg.get_handl_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'PARCEL')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'TRUCK')
   +mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'LTL')
   +mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'PARCEL')
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_stops_per_load(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_TL_distance(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
  , 0
  , ( ( mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'TRUCK')
       +mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'LTL')
       +mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_per_mode(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id,'PARCEL')
       ) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)
                 , 0, 1
	         , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id, p_report_for, p_report_for_id)) ) * 100
  from mst_plans mp
  where mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
Line: 6065

  insert into mst_mast_sum_report_temp_gt
  ( view_id
  , plan_id
  , facility_name
  , orders
  , weight
  , volume
  , pieces
  , tl_cost
  , ltl_cost
  , parcel_cost
  , total_cost
  , cost_per_unit_weight
  , cost_per_unit_volume
  , percent_value
  , percent_alloc_cost
  , temp.plan_id
  , fte.facility_code
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_orders_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_pieces_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',fte.facility_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'LTL',fte.facility_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'PARCEL',fte.facility_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',fte.facility_id)
  ,( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',fte.facility_id)
   ) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id)
              ,0 ,1
              , mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id))
  ,( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',fte.facility_id)
   ) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id)
              ,0 ,1
	      , mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,fte.facility_id))
, ( ( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_myfac(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',fte.facility_id)
     ) / decode( nvl(mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id),0)
                 , 0, 1
		 , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id)) ) * 100
  , 0
  from (select distinct mts.plan_id plan_id, mts.stop_location_id loc_id
        from mst_trip_stops mts
        , mst_trips mt
        where mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id) temp,
  mst_plans mp,
  wsh_location_owners wlo,
  wsh_locations wl,
  fte_location_parameters fte
  where mp.plan_id = temp.plan_id
  and temp.loc_id = fte.location_id
  and fte.location_id = wl.wsh_location_id
  and wl.wsh_location_id = wlo.wsh_location_id
  and wlo.owner_type = 1
  and mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and decode ( p_report_for, 1, fte.facility_id, p_report_for_id ) = p_report_for_id
Line: 6135

  insert into mst_mast_sum_report_temp_gt
  ( view_id
  , plan_id
  , carrier_name
  , carr_moves
  , total_cost
  , mode_of_transport
  , mt.plan_id
  , wc.freight_code
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_carr_movements(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,mt.carrier_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_carr_cost(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,mt.carrier_id)
  , mt.mode_of_transport
  from mst_trips mt
  , wsh_carriers wc
  WHERE mt.carrier_id = wc.carrier_id
  and mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and decode ( p_report_for, 3, mt.carrier_id, p_report_for_id ) = p_report_for_id
  group by mt.plan_id
  , mt.carrier_id
  , wc.freight_code
Line: 6164

  insert into mst_mast_sum_report_temp_gt
  ( view_id
  , plan_id
  , origin_name
  , orders
  , weight
  , volume
  , pieces
  , mtl_count
  , dtl_count
  , ltl_count
  , parcel_count
  , tl_cost
  , ltl_cost
  , parcel_cost
  , total_cost
  , cost_per_unit_weight
  , cost_per_unit_volume
  , percent_value
  , percent_alloc_cost
  (SELECT distinct 4
  , mp.plan_id
  , wl.state
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_orders_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_pieces_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_MTL_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_DTL_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_LTL_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_PCL_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'LTL',wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'PARCEL',wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
    ) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
               ,0 ,1
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
    ) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
               ,0 ,1
  ,( mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_orig(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
   ) / decode( nvl(mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id),0)
             , 0, 1
 	     , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id) ) * 100
  , 0
  from mst_plans mp
  ,wsh_locations wl
  WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and wl.wsh_location_id in (select distinct md.pickup_location_id
                             from mst_deliveries md
                             where md.plan_id = mp.plan_id)
Line: 6232

  insert into mst_mast_sum_report_temp_gt
  ( view_id
  , plan_id
  , destination_name
  , orders
  , weight
  , volume
  , pieces
  , mtl_count
  , dtl_count
  , ltl_count
  , parcel_count
  , tl_cost
  , ltl_cost
  , parcel_cost
  , total_cost
  , cost_per_unit_weight
  , cost_per_unit_volume
  , percent_value
  , percent_alloc_cost
  (SELECT distinct 5
  , mp.plan_id
  , wl.state
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_orders_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_pieces_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_MTL_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_DTL_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_LTL_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_PCL_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'LTL',wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'PARCEL',wl.state)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
    ) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
               ,0 ,1
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
    ) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,wl.state)
               ,0 ,1
  ,( mst_reports_pkg.get_total_cost_mode_dest(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',wl.state)
   ) / decode( nvl(mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id),0)
               , 0, 1
               , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id) ) * 100
  , 0
  from mst_plans mp
  ,wsh_locations wl
  WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and wl.wsh_location_id in (select distinct md.dropoff_location_id
                             from mst_deliveries md
                             where md.plan_id = mp.plan_id)
Line: 6304

  insert into mst_mast_sum_report_temp_gt
  ( view_id
  , plan_id
  , customer_name
  , orders
  , weight
  , volume
  , pieces
  , mtl_count
  , dtl_count
  , ltl_count
  , parcel_count
  , tl_cost
  , ltl_cost
  , parcel_cost
  , total_cost
  , cost_per_unit_weight
  , cost_per_unit_volume
  , percent_value
  , percent_alloc_cost
  , mp.plan_id
  , hzp.party_name
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_orders_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_pieces_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_MTL_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_DTL_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trips_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'LTL',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trips_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'PARCEL',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'LTL',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'PARCEL',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
	) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
	            ,0 ,1
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
	) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
	            ,0 ,1
  , (( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,hzc.cust_account_id)
     ) / decode( nvl(mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id),0)
                 , 0, 1
		 , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id)) ) * 100
  from mst_plans mp
  , hz_parties hzp
  , hz_cust_accounts hzc
  WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and hzp.party_id = hzc.party_id
  and hzc.cust_account_id in (select distinct md.customer_id
                              from mst_deliveries md
                              where md.plan_id = mp.plan_id)
  and decode ( p_report_for, 2, hzc.cust_account_id, p_report_for_id ) = p_report_for_id
Line: 6379

  insert into mst_mast_sum_report_temp_gt
  ( view_id
  , plan_id
  , supplier_name
  , orders
  , weight
  , volume
  , pieces
  , mtl_count
  , dtl_count
  , ltl_count
  , parcel_count
  , tl_cost
  , ltl_cost
  , parcel_cost
  , total_cost
  , cost_per_unit_weight
  , cost_per_unit_volume
  , percent_value
  , percent_alloc_cost
  , mp.plan_id
  , hz.party_name
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_orders_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_pieces_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_MTL_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_DTL_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trips_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'LTL',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_trips_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'PARCEL',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'LTL',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'PARCEL',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
	) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_weight_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
	            ,0 ,1
  , ( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
	) / decode( mst_reports_pkg.get_volume_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
	            ,0 ,1
  , (( mst_reports_pkg.get_cost_per_mode_c_s(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id,'TRUCK',l_c_s_ident,pov.vendor_id)
     ) / decode( nvl(mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id),0)
                 , 0, 1
		 , mst_reports_pkg.get_plan_value(p_plan_id,p_report_for,p_report_for_id)) ) * 100
  from mst_plans mp
     , po_vendors pov
     , hz_relationships hzr
     , hz_parties hz
  WHERE mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and pov.vendor_id = hzr.subject_id
  and hzr.object_id = hz.party_id
  and hzr.relationship_type = 'POS_VENDOR_PARTY'
  and pov.vendor_id in (select mdd.supplier_id
                        from  mst_delivery_details mdd
                        where mdd.plan_id = mp.plan_id)
  and decode ( p_report_for, 4, pov.vendor_id , p_report_for_id ) = p_report_for_id
Line: 6466

  select distinct mc.segment2
  from mtl_category_sets mcs
  , mtl_categories mc
  , mst_delivery_details mdd
  where mcs.structure_id = mc.structure_id
  and UPPER(mcs.category_set_name) = 'WSH_COMMODITY_CODE'    --'FREIGHT CLASS'
  and mc.category_id = mdd.commodity_code_cat_id             --mdd.freight_class_cat_id
  and mdd.plan_id = l_plan_id
  and mdd.source_header_number = l_source_header_number;
Line: 6503

  SELECT mts2.planned_arrival_date   planned_arrival_date,
         mts1.planned_departure_date planned_departure_date,
         mts1.drv_time_to_next_stop  drv_time_to_next_stop,
         mts1.total_layover_duration total_layover_duration
  FROM mst_trip_stops mts1
       ,mst_trip_stops mts2
  WHERE mts1.plan_id = l_plan_id
  AND   mts1.trip_id = l_trip_id
  AND   mts1.stop_id = l_stop_id
  AND   mts2.plan_id = mts1.plan_id
  AND   mts2.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
  AND   mts2.stop_sequence_number = ( SELECT MIN( mts3.stop_sequence_number )
                                      FROM mst_trip_stops mts3
                                      WHERE mts3.plan_id = mts1.plan_id
                                      AND  mts3.trip_id = mts1.trip_id
                                      AND  mts3.stop_sequence_number > mts1.stop_sequence_number );