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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

   p_person_selection_rule_id in number default null,
   p_comp_selection_rule_id   in number default null,
   p_pgm_id                   in number default null,
   p_pl_typ_id                in number default null,
   p_organization_id          in number default null,
   p_legal_entity_id          in number default null,
   p_business_group_id        in number,
   p_mo_num                   in number,
   p_yr_num                   in number,
   p_first_day_of_month       in date,
   p_effective_date           in date) is
  l_package               varchar2(80) := g_package||'.main';
Line: 33

    select distinct pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id, pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt, pen.pgm_id,
           pen.pl_id, pen.oipl_id, pen.person_id, pen.ler_id, pen.pl_typ_id,
           pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd, pen.sspndd_flag, pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd,
           pen.effective_start_date, pen.effective_end_date,
    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen, ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
           ben_per_in_ler pil
           ,ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f prm, ben_actl_prem_f apr
         ( (pen.sspndd_flag = 'N'
           -- Credits for 'normal' stuff and
           -- Task 417:  Credits for:
           -- c. voided results (RETRO and PRO).
    and    (pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
           or pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd = 'VOIDD')
           -- result effective START date is this month
   -- and    pen.effective_start_date between
   --        p_first_day_of_month and p_effective_date
           -- cvg ended prior to the end of this month - needed for prospective
           -- for retro we really care about cvg ending last month.
    and    pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt between  add_months(p_effective_date, - (apr.cr_lkbk_val))
                    and p_effective_date
           -- a premium was paid for the month in which coverage ended
    and    ((prm.mo_num = to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,'mm')
           and    prm.yr_num = to_char(pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,'yyyy'))
           -- or a premium was paid for the month after cvg ended
           or    (prm.mo_num = to_char(add_months(pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,1),'mm')
           and    prm.yr_num = to_char(add_months(pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt,1),'yyyy')))
    and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('BCKDT')
    and    p_effective_date between
           ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
    and    p_effective_date between
           prm.effective_start_date and prm.effective_end_date)
    -- Task 415:  Credits for:
    -- b. suspended results (PRO).
    or     (pen.sspndd_flag = 'Y'
    and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
           -- result effective START date is this month
    and    pen.effective_start_date between
           p_first_day_of_month and p_effective_date
           -- this will only happen for prospective, this is redundant
    and    apr.prsptv_r_rtsptv_cd = 'PRO'
           -- a premium was paid for the month in which coverage was suspended
    and    ((prm.mo_num = to_char(p_effective_date,'mm')
           and    prm.yr_num = to_char(p_effective_date,'yyyy')))
    and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
    and    p_effective_date between
           ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
    and    p_effective_date between
           prm.effective_start_date and prm.effective_end_date)
    -- Task 415: create prem credits for:
    -- INTERIM dt-ended before cvg started criteria (PRO):
    or    (pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
           -- rows where result was ended, not just date-track updated.
    and    pen.object_version_number = (select max(object_version_number)
           from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f p where p.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id)
           -- cvg started sometime this month - a pro prem could have been written
    and    pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt between p_first_day_of_month and p_effective_date
           -- result effective END date is this month
    and    pen.effective_end_date between
           p_first_day_of_month and p_effective_date
           -- date track ended before cvg started.
    and    pen.effective_end_date < pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt
           -- a premium was paid for this month
    and    (prm.mo_num = to_char(p_first_day_of_month,'mm')
           and    prm.yr_num = to_char(p_first_day_of_month,'yyyy'))
           -- this will only happen for prospective, this is redundant
    and    apr.prsptv_r_rtsptv_cd = 'PRO'
    and    pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT'))
    -- Task 417: create prem credits for:
    -- BACKED OUT per in ler criteria (RETRO AND PRO):
    -- when the premium processfor backedout le
    -- get all the prem_by_mo for the period between the process and lkbk  prd
    -- then find ler_id for the premium is backed out and make sure credit entries are not alread ycreated for the
    --  premium bug 3692290
    or (pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd in ( 'BCKDT' ,'VOIDD')
       --- and    pil.bckt_dt between
       ---        p_first_day_of_month and p_effective_date
       --- and    p_effective_date between
       ---        ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
       --- and    p_effective_date between
       ---        prm.effective_start_date and prm.effective_end_date
         and pil.per_in_ler_id = ppe.per_in_ler_id
         and ppe.prtt_prem_id  = prm.prtt_prem_id
         and prm.cr_val is null
         and prm.effective_start_date between add_months(p_effective_date, - (apr.cr_lkbk_val))
               and p_effective_date
          and  p_effective_date  between
               ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
          and  p_effective_date  between
               prm.effective_start_date and prm.effective_end_date
          and not exists
            ( select pmo.prtt_prem_by_mo_id from  ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f pmo
              where  pmo.prtt_prem_by_mo_id = prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id
              and    pmo.cr_val is not null
    and    pen.comp_lvl_cd not in ('PLANFC', 'PLANIMP')  -- not a dummy plan
    and    (pen.pl_id = p_pl_id  or p_pl_id is null)
    and    (pen.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id or p_pl_typ_id is null)
    and    (pen.pgm_id = p_pgm_id or p_pgm_id is null)
    and    (pen.person_id = p_person_id or p_person_id is null)
           -- premium was not already credited
    and    nvl(prm.cr_val,0) = 0
           -- credit look backs defined
    and    apr.cr_lkbk_val is not null
    and    apr.cr_lkbk_val <>0  -- bug 1213601
    and    pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    and    pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    and    ppe.prtt_prem_id = prm.prtt_prem_id
    and    ppe.actl_prem_id = apr.actl_prem_id
    and    apr.prem_asnmt_cd = 'ENRT'
    and    p_effective_date between
           apr.effective_start_date and apr.effective_end_date
    -- Do not use effective date against ppe nor prm because we want to pick
    -- up interim rows that were end dated.
    --and    p_effective_date between
    --       ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date
    --and    p_effective_date between
    --       prm.effective_start_date and prm.effective_end_date
    and    pil.per_in_ler_id=ppe.per_in_ler_id
    and    pil.business_group_id=ppe.business_group_id;
Line: 162

    select apr.actl_prem_id, apr.prtl_mo_det_mthd_cd, apr.prtl_mo_det_mthd_rl,
           apr.cr_lkbk_crnt_py_only_flag, apr.cr_lkbk_uom,
           apr.cr_lkbk_val, ppe.prtt_prem_id, apr.wsh_rl_dy_mo_num,
           apr.rndg_cd, apr.rndg_rl, ppe.std_prem_val, apr.prsptv_r_rtsptv_cd,
           apr.lwr_lmt_calc_rl, apr.lwr_lmt_val,
           apr.upr_lmt_calc_rl, apr.upr_lmt_val
    from   ben_actl_prem_f apr, ben_prtt_prem_f ppe
    where  apr.prem_asnmt_cd = 'ENRT'
    and    apr.cr_lkbk_val is not null   -- bug 1213601
    and    apr.cr_lkbk_val <>0
    and    ppe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    and    ppe.actl_prem_id = apr.actl_prem_id
    and    apr.business_group_id+0 = p_business_group_id
    and    (p_interim = 'Y'
     or    p_effective_date between
           ppe.effective_start_date and ppe.effective_end_date)
    and    p_effective_date between
           apr.effective_start_date and apr.effective_end_date;
Line: 187

    select prm.val, prm.prtt_prem_by_mo_id, prm.mo_num, prm.yr_num,
           prm.object_version_number, prm.effective_start_date
    from   ben_prtt_prem_by_mo_f prm
    where  prm.prtt_prem_id = p_prtt_prem_id
    and    prm.mo_num = p_process_mo_num
    and    prm.yr_num = p_process_yr_num
    and    prm.business_group_id+0 = p_business_group_id
    and    (p_interim = 'Y'
     or    p_effective_date between
           prm.effective_start_date and prm.effective_end_date);
Line: 201

    select yrp.start_date
    from   ben_yr_perd yrp, ben_popl_yr_perd cpy
    where  yrp.business_group_id+0 = p_business_group_id
    and    p_effective_date between
           yrp.start_date and yrp.end_date
    and    yrp.yr_perd_id = cpy.yr_perd_id
    and    ((cpy.pgm_id = p_pgm_id) or
           (p_pgm_id is null and cpy.pl_id = p_pl_id));
Line: 212

	select opt_id from ben_oipl_f oipl
	where oipl.oipl_id = l_oipl_id
        and p_effective_date between
            oipl.effective_start_date and oipl.effective_end_date;
Line: 244

     if p_person_selection_rule_id is not null then
        hr_utility.set_location('found a person rule',14);
Line: 246

        l_rule_ret := ben_batch_utils.person_selection_rule
                    (p_person_id               => l_results.person_id
                    ,p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id
                    ,p_person_selection_rule_id=> p_person_selection_rule_id
                    ,p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
Line: 261

     if l_rule_ret = 'Y' and p_comp_selection_rule_id is not null then
        hr_utility.set_location('found a comp object rule',16);
Line: 269

                p_person_id                => l_results.person_id
               ,p_business_group_id        => p_business_group_id
               ,p_pgm_id                   => l_results.pgm_id
               ,p_pl_id                    => l_results.pl_id
               ,p_pl_typ_id                => l_results.pl_typ_id
               ,p_opt_id                   => l_opt.opt_id
               ,p_oipl_id                  => l_results.oipl_id
               ,p_ler_id                   => null  -- do not call with ler.
               ,p_comp_selection_rule_id   => p_comp_selection_rule_id
               ,p_effective_date           => p_effective_date
Line: 462

                          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 474

                       if l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_update then
                           l_prem_val := null;
Line: 480

                         (p_prtt_prem_by_mo_id    => l_prem_by_mo.prtt_prem_by_mo_id
                         ,p_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
                         ,p_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
                         ,p_val                   => l_prem_val
                         ,p_cr_val                => l_val
                         ,p_object_version_number => l_prem_by_mo.object_version_number
                         ,p_request_id            => fnd_global.conc_request_id
                         ,p_program_application_id  => fnd_global.prog_appl_id
                         ,p_program_id            => fnd_global.conc_program_id
                         ,p_program_update_date   => sysdate
                         ,p_effective_date        => l_effective_date
                         ,p_datetrack_mode        => l_datetrack_mode);