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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

|     06-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Added the update of event status, bug2936071 |
|     07-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Changed the call to cache API, bug 2945359   |
|     16-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Changed the call of InsertJournalEntries,    |
|                               bug 2963366                                  |
|     03-JUN-2003 K.Boussema    Capture the uncompiled PADs, bug 2963448     |
|     13-JUN-2003 K.Boussema    Changed the error message, bug 2963448       |
|     17-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Modified the update of events, bug 3051978   |
|                               Updated the call to accounting cache, 3055039|
|     21-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewed the call to GetSessionValueChar API |
|     22-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Added the update of journal entries          |
|     29-JAN-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewed the code to solve bug 3072881       |
|     01-AUG-2003 K.Boussema    Modified according to recommendation in bug  |
|                               3076645                                      |
|     27-AUG-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewed the code according to bug 3084324   |
|     03-SEP-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix bug 3125028                   |
|     23-OCT-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix issue raise in bug 3209099    |
|     17-NOV-2003 K.Boussema    Changed the call to validation routine       |
|                               xla_je_validation_pkg.balance_amounts,3233969|
|     21-NOV-2003 K.Boussema    Revised message XLA_AP_PAD_INACTIVE,bg3266350|
|     01-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Added InitExtractErrors, CacheExtractErrors, |
|                               BuildExtractErrors to validate the extract   |
|     03-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Added the extract object name and level in   |
|                               extract error message.                       |
|                               Added CacheExtractObject proc. and changed   |
|                               CacheExtractErrors procedure                 |
|     04-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Removed the token LEDGER_NAME from message   |
|                               XLA_AP_INV_PAD_SETUP, bug 3320707            |
|     12-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Made changes for the FND_LOG.                |
|     22-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Added a parameter p_module to the TRACE calls|
|                               and the procedure.                           |
|     11-MAY-2004 K.Boussema    Removed the call to XLA trace routine from   |
|                                 trace() procedure                          |
|     17-MAY-2004 W.Shen        change SubmitAccountingEngine for accounting |
|                                 attribute enhancement project              |
|     26-Jul-2004 W. Shen       Add a new parameter to CacheExtractErrors    |
|                                 if it is called from transaction reversal  |
|                                 The line count is 0 or null is not treated |
|                                 as an error.                               |
|                                 bug 3786968.                               |
|     23-Sep-2004 S.Singhania   Made changes for the bulk peroformance.It has|
|                                 changed the code at number of places.      |
|     05-Oct-2004 S.Singhania   Bug 3931752: Added code to remove dummy rows |
|                                 from XLA_AE_LINES_GT and XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT |
|                                 (rows with balance_type_code = 'X') in     |
|                                 PostAccountingEngine                       |
|     08-Oct-2004 S.Singhania   Bug 3928357: Made changes to make sure the   |
|                                 following cases are handled:               |
|                                 - Mark events in error when AAD is invalid |
|                                 - Mark events in error when AAD is missing |
|                                 Following routines are modified:           |
|                                 - SubmitAccountingEngine                   |
|                                 - CatchErr_UncompliedAAD                   |
|                                 - PostAccountingEngine                     |
|                                 Following new routine is added:            |
|                                 - CatchErr_MissingAAD                      |
|     21-Oct-2004 S.Singhania   Bug 3962951. Modified PostAccounting. Update |
|                                 statement to update event status in        |
|                                 xla_events_gt is  modified.                |
|                               Added one update statement on xla_events_gt  |
|                                 to update the event status to ERROR for the|
|                                 case where validation in AccoutningRevesal |
|                                 fails.                                     |
|     02-Nov-2004 K.Boussema    Changed for Diagnostic Framework. Included   |
|                                the set of gobal variable g_diagnostics_mode|
|     16-Dec-2004 S.Singhania   Bug 4056420. Performance changes made in:    |
|                                 - PostAccounting                           |
|                               Fixed GSCC warning File.Sql.35 in TRACE.     |
|     9-Mar-2005  W. SHen       Ledger Currency Project                      |
|                                 add call to                                |
|                                 XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.CalculateUnroundedAmounts |
|                                 XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.CalculateGainLossAmounts  |
|                                 XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.adjust_display_line_num   |
|     14-Mar-2005 K.Boussema Changed for ADR-enhancements.                   |
|     25-May-2005  W. SHen       remove call                                 |
|                                    XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.adjust_display_line_num|
|     17-Jun-2005  W. SHen       add call UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus back     |
|                                    bug 4155511                             |
|     24-Jun-2005  W. Chan      Fix bug4092230 - Add ValidateCompleteAADDefn |
|     11-Jul-2005  A. Wan    Changed for MPA.  4262811                       |
|     12-Jul-2005  W. Chan   Fix bug 4480650 - fix  ValidateCompleteAADDefn  |
|     01-Aug-2005 W. Chan     4458381 - Public Sector Enhancement            |
|     27-Dec-2005 A.Wan       4669308 - DeleteIncompleteMPA                  |
|     20-Jan-2006 W.Chan      4946123 - BC changes for prior entry           |
|     24-Jan-2006 A.Wan       4884853 - modify PostAccountingEngine when     |
|                                       rollover MPA/Accrual Reversal date.  |
|     27-Apr-2006 A.Wan       5095554 - performance fix for non-mergable view|
|                                       xla_subledger_options_v              |
|     02-May-2006 A.Wan       5054831  Moved check CatchErr_UncompliedAAD to |
|                                      xla_accounting_pkg.ValidateAAD        |
|     28-Jul-2006 A.Wan       5357406 - add p_ledger_id in PostAcctingEngine |
|                                       when calling bflow prior entry API.  |
|                                                                       |
| CONSTANTS                                                             |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
C_FINAL          CONSTANT     VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
Line: 262

PROCEDURE UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus
Line: 488

PROCEDURE UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus
l_log_module         VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 496

  SELECT xeg.entity_id, xeg.event_id
    FROM xla_events_gt xeg
   WHERE xeg.process_status_code = C_EVT_RELATED;
Line: 501

  SELECT xe.event_id, xah.ae_header_id, xah.ledger_id
    FROM xla_ae_headers xah
         ,xla_events_gt xe
   WHERE xah.event_id           = xe.event_id
     AND xah.application_id     = xe.application_id
     AND xe.process_status_code = C_EVT_RELATED;
Line: 517

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus';
Line: 522

         (p_msg      => 'BEGIN of UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 530

  UPDATE xla_events_gt xeg
     SET xeg.process_status_code = C_EVT_RELATED
   WHERE xeg.process_status_code in (C_DRAFT, C_PROCESSED)
                   FROM xla_events_gt xeg2
                  WHERE xeg2.entity_id = xeg.entity_id
                    AND xeg2.process_status_code in (C_INVALID,
Line: 539

/* we decide not to insert the error message for the event
  OPEN c_related_events;
Line: 560

  /* update related entry status */
  UPDATE xla_ae_headers xah
     SET xah.accounting_entry_status_code = C_AE_EVT_RELATED
         -- Bug 5056632. update group_id to NULL if entry is in error
        ,group_id                         = NULL
   WHERE xah.event_id in
             (SELECT xe.event_id
                FROM xla_events_gt xe
               WHERE xe.process_status_code = C_EVT_RELATED );
Line: 593

         (p_msg      => 'END of UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 603

                (p_location => 'xla_accounting_engine_pkg.UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus');
Line: 605

END UpdateRelatedErrorsStatus;
Line: 612

|    DeleteIncompleteMPA  - 4669308                                     |
|                                                                       |
|  Delete incomplete MPA after all the validation checks taken place,   |
|  and the deletion should take place only for FINAL mode.              |
|  Since the reversal of the original entry could result in invalid     |
|  status after various validation (eg CCID, GL period).  So do not     |
|  delete the incomplete entries unless it is FINAL. This way we can    |
|  allow user to correct any error before deleting the incomplete MPA.  |
|  And also, once the incomplete MPA is deleted, it cannot be recreated.|
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE DeleteIncompleteMPA(p_application_id       IN NUMBER)

   l_log_module               VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 638

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.DeleteIncompleteMPA';
Line: 643

         (p_msg      => 'BEGIN of DeleteIncompleteMPA'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 666

      SELECT distinct xeh3.ae_header_id, xeh3.ledger_id, xeh3.entity_id
      BULK COLLECT INTO  l_array_LR_incomplete_mpa, l_array_LR_ledger_id, l_array_LR_entity_id
      FROM   xla_ae_headers         xeh1  -- reversal of original entry
            ,xla_distribution_links xdl2  -- reversal of original entry
            ,xla_ae_headers         xeh3  -- incomplete MPA entries
            ,xla_ae_headers         xeh4  -- original entries
            -- Find the original/parent
      WHERE  xeh4.ae_header_id            = xla_ae_lines_pkg.g_incomplete_mpa_acc_LR.l_array_parent_ae_header(i) -- 5108415
      AND    xeh4.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND    xdl2.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND    xdl2.ref_ae_header_id        = xeh4.ae_header_id           -- original's ae_header_id
      AND    xdl2.ref_event_id            = xeh4.event_id
            -- Check this is a reversal of original entry
      AND    xeh1.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND    xeh1.ae_header_id            = xdl2.ae_header_id
      AND    xeh1.event_id                = xdl2.event_id
      AND    xdl2.ref_temp_line_num is not null
      AND    xdl2.ref_temp_line_num       = -1 * xdl2.temp_line_num
      AND    xeh1.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'                    --  FINAL and without errors !!!!!
            -- Determine this is a incomplete MPA with same orginal/parent
      AND    xeh3.application_id               = p_application_id
      AND    xeh3.ae_header_id                 = xla_ae_lines_pkg.g_incomplete_mpa_acc_LR.l_array_ae_header_id(i) -- 5108415
      AND    xeh3.parent_ae_header_id          = xeh4.ae_header_id
      AND    xeh3.event_id                     = xeh4.event_id
      AND    xeh3.accounting_entry_status_code <> 'F'
      ORDER by xeh3.ledger_id, xeh3.entity_id, xeh3.ae_header_id;
Line: 720

         DELETE xla_ae_lines           WHERE application_id = p_application_id AND ae_header_id = l_array_LR_incomplete_mpa(k);
Line: 722

         DELETE xla_ae_headers         WHERE application_id = p_application_id AND ae_header_id = l_array_LR_incomplete_mpa(l);
Line: 724

         DELETE xla_distribution_links WHERE application_id = p_application_id AND ae_header_id = l_array_LR_incomplete_mpa(m);
Line: 736

      SELECT distinct xeh3.ae_header_id, xeh3.ledger_id, xeh3.entity_id
      BULK COLLECT INTO  l_array_TR_incomplete_mpa, l_array_TR_ledger_id, l_array_TR_entity_id
      FROM   xla_ae_headers         xeh1  -- reversal of original entry
            ,xla_distribution_links xdl2  -- reversal of original entry
            ,xla_ae_headers         xeh3  -- incomplete MPA entries
            ,xla_ae_headers         xeh4  -- original entries
            -- Find the original/parent
      WHERE  xeh4.ae_header_id            = xla_ae_lines_pkg.g_incomplete_mpa_acc_TR.l_array_parent_ae_header(i) -- 5108415
      AND    xeh4.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND    xdl2.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND    xdl2.ref_ae_header_id        = xeh4.ae_header_id           -- original's ae_header_id
      AND    xdl2.ref_event_id            = xeh4.event_id
            -- Check this is a reversal of original entry
      AND    xeh1.application_id          = p_application_id
      AND    xeh1.ae_header_id            = xdl2.ae_header_id
      AND    xeh1.event_id                = xdl2.event_id
      AND    xdl2.ref_temp_line_num is not null
      AND    xdl2.ref_temp_line_num       = -1 * xdl2.temp_line_num
      AND    xeh1.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'                    --  FINAL and without errors !!!!!
            -- Determine this is a incomplete MPA with same orginal/parent
      AND    xeh3.application_id               = p_application_id
      AND    xeh3.ae_header_id                 = xla_ae_lines_pkg.g_incomplete_mpa_acc_TR.l_array_ae_header_id(i) -- 5108415
      AND    xeh3.parent_ae_header_id          = xeh4.ae_header_id
      AND    xeh3.event_id                     = xeh4.event_id
      AND    xeh3.accounting_entry_status_code <> 'F'
      ORDER by xeh3.ledger_id, xeh3.entity_id, xeh3.ae_header_id;
Line: 790

         DELETE xla_ae_lines           WHERE application_id = p_application_id AND ae_header_id = l_array_TR_incomplete_mpa(k);
Line: 792

         DELETE xla_ae_headers         WHERE application_id = p_application_id AND ae_header_id = l_array_TR_incomplete_mpa(l);
Line: 794

         DELETE xla_distribution_links WHERE application_id = p_application_id AND ae_header_id = l_array_TR_incomplete_mpa(m);
Line: 800

            (p_msg      => 'END of DeleteIncompleteMPA'
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 811

                (p_location => 'xla_accounting_engine_pkg.DeleteIncompleteMPA');
Line: 813

END DeleteIncompleteMPA;
Line: 830

SELECT xpa.event_type_code
  FROM xla_prod_acct_headers      xpa,
       (SELECT t1.product_rule_type_code
             , t1.product_rule_code
             , sum(1) over (partition by 1) aad_count
        FROM (SELECT acd.product_rule_type_code
                   , acd.product_rule_code
                   , sum(1) over (partition by subl.application_id) aad_count
             -- FROM xla_subledger_options_v    xso   -- 5095554
                FROM gl_ledgers ledg             -- (1)
                   , gl_ledger_relationships glr -- (2)
                   , xla_ledger_options lopt     -- (4)
                   , xla_subledgers subl          -- (5)
             --    , xla_acctg_methods_b        acm
                   , xla_acctg_method_rules     acd
                   , gl_ledgers                 led
               WHERE subl.application_id = p_application_id
                 AND   ledg.ledger_id             = glr.target_ledger_id
                 AND    ledg.ledger_id             = lopt.ledger_id
                 AND    subl.application_id        = lopt.application_id
                 AND    ledg.object_type_code      = 'L' /* only ledgers (not ledger sets) */
                 AND    ledg.le_ledger_type_code   = 'L' /* only legal ledgers */
                 AND    ledg.ledger_category_code in ('PRIMARY', 'SECONDARY')
                 AND    glr.application_id         = 101
                 AND    ( (glr.relationship_type_code = 'SUBLEDGER') OR
                          (glr.target_ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY'
                 AND glr.relationship_type_code = 'NONE'))
                 AND DECODE(led.ledger_category_code
                               ,ledg.ledger_id)            = p_ledger_id
                 AND DECODE(led.ledger_category_code
                               ,'Y')                      = lopt.capture_event_flag
                 AND lopt.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
                 AND glr.relationship_enabled_flag    = 'Y'
                 AND led.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
                 AND ledg.sla_accounting_method_code  = acd.accounting_method_code
                 AND ledg.sla_accounting_method_type  = acd.accounting_method_type_code
              -- AND acm.accounting_method_code      = acd.accounting_method_code
              -- AND acm.accounting_method_type_code = acd.accounting_method_type_code
                 AND acd.application_id = p_application_id
                 AND acd.amb_context_code = NVL(fnd_profile.value('XLA_AMB_CONTEXT'),'DEFAULT')
                 AND nvl(acd.start_date_active,p_min_event_date) <= p_min_event_date
                 AND nvl(acd.end_date_active,p_max_event_date) >= p_max_event_date) t1
        GROUP BY t1.product_rule_type_code, t1.product_rule_code) t
 WHERE xpa.product_rule_type_code = t.product_rule_type_code
   AND xpa.product_rule_code      = t.product_rule_code
   AND xpa.amb_context_code       = NVL(fnd_profile.value('XLA_AMB_CONTEXT'),'DEFAULT')
   AND xpa.application_id         = p_application_id
 GROUP BY xpa.event_type_code, aad_count
 HAVING count(*) < aad_count;
Line: 887

  SELECT entity_id, event_id
    FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
   WHERE event_type_code = x_event_type;
Line: 916

    UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt
       SET accounting_entry_status_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.C_RELATED_INVALID
          ,event_status_code            = 'I'
     WHERE event_type_code = l_array_event_type(i);
Line: 925

         (p_msg      => '# rows updated in  xla_ae_headers_gt ='||l_count
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1082

         (p_msg      => 'SQL- update xla_events_gt'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1087

INTO l_array_temp_events
FROM xla_ae_lines_gt
WHERE reversal_code = 'DUMMY_LR_ERROR';
Line: 1093

UPDATE xla_events_gt
SET process_status_code = 'E'
WHERE event_id = l_array_temp_events(i);
Line: 1100

         (p_msg      => '# rows updated in xla_events_gt ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1107

DELETE FROM xla_ae_lines_gt
  WHERE balance_type_code = 'X'
     OR (unrounded_accounted_cr is null AND unrounded_accounted_dr is null AND gain_or_loss_flag = 'Y' AND calculate_g_l_amts_flag= 'Y');
Line: 1111

DELETE FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
  WHERE balance_type_code = 'X';
Line: 1116

         (p_msg      => 'SQL- update xla_ae_headers_gt (1)'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1122

UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt     aeh
   SET ae_header_id = xla_ae_headers_s.nextval
      , period_year
      , period_closing_status
      , period_start_date
      , period_end_date) =       -- 4262811
       (SELECT period_name
             , period_year
             , closing_status
             , start_date
             , end_date                        -- 4262811
          FROM gl_period_statuses     gps
         WHERE gps.application_id          = 101
           AND gps.ledger_id               = aeh.ledger_id
           AND gps.adjustment_period_flag  = 'N'
           AND aeh.ACCOUNTING_DATE BETWEEN gps.start_date AND gps.end_date)
RETURNING event_id, ledger_id, balance_type_code, header_num, ae_header_id BULK COLLECT  -- 4262811
INTO xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_event_id
     ,xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_header_num          -- 4262811
Line: 1148

         (p_msg      => '# rows updated in xla_ae_headers_gt(1) ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1162

UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt xah
   SET first_day_next_gl_period =
       (SELECT min(gps.start_date)
          FROM gl_period_statuses gps
         WHERE gps.application_id         = 101
           AND gps.ledger_id              = xah.ledger_id
           AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
           AND gps.closing_status         = 'O'
           AND gps.start_date             > xah.accounting_date)
 WHERE  xah.acc_rev_gl_date_option = 'XLA_FIRST_DAY_NEXT_GL_PERIOD'
    OR  xah.acc_rev_gl_date_option = 'XLA_LAST_DAY_NEXT_GL_PERIOD'
--  4262811a  Rollover MPA Gl Date
        xah.period_closing_status IN ('P', 'C'))
        xah.period_closing_status = 'N' and xah.accounting_date <= p_end_date);
Line: 1189

  UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt  xah
     SET (accounting_date
         ,period_end_date) =
       --(SELECT DECODE(xah.acc_rev_gl_date_option, 'XLA_LAST_DAY_NEXT_GL_PERIOD'
       --              ,NVL(gps.end_date, xah.accounting_date)
       --              ,NVL(gps.start_date, xah.accounting_date))
         (SELECT NVL(gps.start_date, xah.accounting_date)        -- 4884853 rollover to the first day of next open period
               , NVL(gps.period_name, xah.period_name)
               , NVL(gps.period_year, xah.period_year)
               , NVL(gps.closing_status, xah.period_closing_status)
               , NVL(gps.start_date, xah.period_start_date)
               , NVL(gps.end_date, xah.period_end_date)
            FROM xla_ae_headers_gt  xah2
               , gl_period_statuses gps
           WHERE xah.ae_header_id               = xah2.ae_header_id
             AND gps.application_id         (+) = 101
             AND gps.ledger_id              (+) = xah2.ledger_id
             AND gps.adjustment_period_flag (+) = 'N'
             AND gps.closing_status         (+) = 'O'
             AND gps.start_date             (+) = xah2.first_day_next_gl_period)
   -- 4884853
     AND (xah.period_closing_status IN ('P', 'C') OR (xah.period_closing_status = 'N' AND xah.accounting_date <= p_end_date));
Line: 1230

         (p_msg      => 'SQL- update xla_ae_headers_gt (2)'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1242

UPDATE xla_ae_headers_gt a
SET accounting_entry_status_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.C_RELATED_INVALID
   ,event_status_code            = 'I'
WHERE accounting_entry_status_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.C_VALID
   (SELECT /*+ HASH_SJ */ '1'
      FROM xla_ae_headers_gt
     WHERE event_id = a.event_id
       AND accounting_entry_status_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.C_INVALID);
Line: 1255

         (p_msg      => '# rows updated in  xla_ae_headers_gt(2) ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1262

         (p_msg      => '--> CALL xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.InsertJournalEntries'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1268

l_result := xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.InsertJournalEntries
               (p_application_id         => p_application_id
               ,p_accounting_batch_id    => p_accounting_batch_id
               ,p_end_date               => p_end_date             -- 4262811
               ,p_accounting_mode        => p_accounting_mode
               ,p_budgetary_control_mode => p_budgetary_control_mode);
Line: 1282

SELECT DISTINCT event_id, event_status_code BULK COLLECT
INTO l_array_temp_events, l_array_temp_status
FROM xla_ae_headers_gt;
Line: 1287

UPDATE xla_events_gt
SET process_status_code = DECODE(l_array_temp_status(i)
                                ,'X', DECODE(process_status_code
WHERE event_id = l_array_temp_events(i);
Line: 1321

       p_old_status => l_result
     , p_new_status => xla_je_validation_pkg.balance_amounts
                         (p_application_id         => p_application_id
                         ,p_end_date               => p_end_date           -- 4262811
                         ,p_mode                   => 'CREATE_ACCOUNTING'  -- 4262811
                         ,p_ledger_id              => p_ledger_id
                         ,p_budgetary_control_mode => p_budgetary_control_mode
                         ,p_accounting_mode        => p_accounting_mode));
Line: 1335

Line: 1339

DeleteIncompleteMPA (p_application_id         => p_application_id);
Line: 1452

     SELECT ledger_category_code,enable_budgetary_control_flag
     INTO l_ledger_category_code,l_enable_bc_flag
     FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = p_base_ledger_id;
Line: 1586

SELECT MIN(event_date), MAX(event_date)
  INTO p_min_event_date, p_max_event_date
  FROM xla_events_gt;
Line: 1708

     SELECT ledger_category_code,enable_budgetary_control_flag
     INTO l_ledger_category_code,l_enable_bc_flag
     FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = l_array_base_ledgers(Jdx);
Line: 1925

   UPDATE xla_events_gt
      SET process_status_code = DECODE(process_status_code, 'U', 'E', process_status_code)
    WHERE event_date BETWEEN p_min_date AND p_max_date
   RETURNING entity_id, event_id
Line: 2022

      UPDATE xla_events_gt
         SET process_status_code = DECODE(process_status_code, 'U', 'E', process_status_code)
       WHERE event_date BETWEEN p_min_event_date AND (p_min_aad_start_date -1)
          OR event_date BETWEEN (p_max_aad_end_date +1) AND p_max_event_date
      RETURNING entity_id, event_id
Line: 2031

      UPDATE xla_events_gt
         SET process_status_code = DECODE(process_status_code, 'U', 'E', process_status_code)
       WHERE event_date BETWEEN p_min_event_date AND (p_min_aad_start_date -1)
      RETURNING entity_id, event_id
Line: 2039

      UPDATE xla_events_gt
         SET process_status_code = DECODE(process_status_code, 'U', 'E', process_status_code)
       WHERE event_date BETWEEN (p_max_aad_end_date +1) AND p_max_event_date
      RETURNING entity_id, event_id