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APPS.IGS_FI_LOAD_EXT_CHG dependencies on IGS_FI_GEN_008

Line 320: sapanigr 24-Feb-2006 Bug#5018036 - Cursor cur_person replaced by call to function igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number.

316: enhancements,
317: remarks :
318: Change History
319: Who When What
320: sapanigr 24-Feb-2006 Bug#5018036 - Cursor cur_person replaced by call to function igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number.
321: sapanigr 12-Feb-2006 Bug#5018036 - Cursor cur_person now queries hz_parties instead of igs_fi_parties_v. (R12 SQL Repository tuning)
322: svuppala 09-AUG-2005 Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
323: Impact of Charges API version Number change
324: Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount

Line 456: l_person_number := igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number(p_person_id);

452: igs_ge_gen_003.Set_Org_Id(p_org_id);
454: -- SYKRISHN -- Bug 2682928 -- Logging of parameters introduced.. 31DEC2002
455: IF p_person_id IS NOT NULL THEN
456: l_person_number := igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number(p_person_id);
457: END IF;
459: OPEN cur_fee_period(p_fee_cal_type,p_fee_ci_sequence_number);
460: FETCH cur_fee_period INTO l_cur_fee_period;

Line 518: l_person_number := igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number(l_cur_fei.person_id);

514: -- Removed incrementing of record count from here to end of loop
515: -- Increment to be done only on successful import for the particular record
516: -- (pathipat) as part of bug 2737666
518: l_person_number := igs_fi_gen_008.get_party_number(l_cur_fei.person_id);
520: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',77,'-'));
521: -- Checking which Account Receivables is installed at the client side and insert into corresponding columns accordingly
522: l_v_rec_installed := igs_fi_gen_005.finp_get_receivables_inst;