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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

	Select Max(Concurrent_Process_ID)
          Into icm_cid
	  From Fnd_Concurrent_Processes
	 Where Process_Status_Code = 'A'
	   And (Queue_Application_ID = 0 And
		Concurrent_Queue_ID  = 1);
Line: 137

	Dev_Status := 'DELETED';	-- Was deleted when pending
Line: 232

	Select Concurrent_Program_ID, P.Application_ID
	  Into Program_ID, Prog_Appl_ID
	  From Fnd_Concurrent_Programs P,
	       Fnd_Application A
	 Where Concurrent_Program_Name  = Program
	   And P.Application_ID         = A.Application_ID
	   And A.Application_Short_Name = Appl_ShortName;
Line: 253

	Select Max(Request_ID)
          Into Req_ID
	  From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests
	 Where Program_Application_ID = Prog_Appl_ID
	   And Concurrent_Program_ID  = Program_ID;
Line: 283

    Select Phase_Code, Status_Code, Completion_Text,
                    Phase.Lookup_Code, Status.Lookup_Code,
                    Phase.Meaning, Status.Meaning
               Into req_phase, req_status, comptext,
		    phase_code, status_code,
                    phasem, statusm
               From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests R,
                    Fnd_Concurrent_programs P,
                    Fnd_Lookups Phase,
                    Fnd_Lookups Status
                    Phase.Lookup_Type = PHASE_LOOKUP_TYPE
                AND Phase.Lookup_Code = Decode(Status.Lookup_Code,
                                    'H', 'I',
                                    'S', 'I',
                                    'U', 'I',
                                    'M', 'I',
                                    R.Phase_Code) AND
            Status.Lookup_Type = STATUS_LOOKUP_TYPE AND
            Status.Lookup_Code =
             'P', Decode(R.Hold_Flag,          'Y', 'H',
                  Decode(P.Enabled_Flag,       'N', 'U',
                  Decode(Sign(R.Requested_Start_Date - SYSDATE),1,'P',
             'R', Decode(R.Hold_Flag,          'Y', 'S',
                  Decode(R.Status_Code,        'Q', 'B',
                                               'I', 'B',
                And (R.Concurrent_Program_Id = P.Concurrent_program_ID AND
                     R.Program_Application_ID= P.Application_ID )
                And Request_Id = Req_ID;
Line: 405

	Select To_Number(((To_Char(Sysdate, 'J') - 1 ) * 86400) +
		 To_Char(Sysdate, 'SSSSS'))
	  Into STime From Sys.Dual;
Line: 419

	   Select To_Number(((To_Char(Sysdate, 'J') - 1 ) * 86400) +
		  To_Char(Sysdate, 'SSSSS'))
	     Into ETime From Sys.Dual;
Line: 477

	Select  Concurrent_Process_Id, Session_Id
	  From  Fnd_Concurrent_Processes
	 Where  Process_Status_Code in ( 'A', 'C', 'T' )
	   And (Queue_Application_ID = applid and
		Concurrent_Queue_ID  = managerid );
Line: 490

     select manager_type,
            Running_processes, MAX_PROCESSES, Cartridge_Handle
	into mtype, ActiveP, TargetP, CartType
        from Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Q, Fnd_Cp_Services S
        Where S.Service_ID = Q.Manager_Type
        And (Q.Application_ID = applid
 	And  Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID  = managerid);
Line: 500

       select count(*)
         into ActiveP
         from gv$session GV, fnd_concurrent_processes P
              GV.Inst_id = P.Instance_number
          And GV.audsid = p.session_id
          And (Process_Status_Code not in ('S','K','U'))
          And ( Queue_Application_ID = applid AND
		Concurrent_Queue_ID = managerid );
Line: 550

     Select Max_Processes Into TargetP From Fnd_Concurrent_Queues
      Where Concurrent_Queue_ID = ManagerID
    And Application_ID      = ApplID;
Line: 556

       program running in this session, select the current session id and
       compare it with the session id of each manager process.
       If they are they same, do not call check_process_status_by_handle,
       as this will cause this session to lose its lock.
    SELECT userenv('SESSIONID') INTO cur_session_id FROM dual;
Line: 638

		update fnd_concurrent_requests
		set interim_status_code = 'W',
		    req_information = substrb(message,1,240)
		where request_id = set_status_autonomous.request_id;
Line: 642

		--debug('updated req_information for request_id '|| set_status_autonomous.request_id);
Line: 644

         	update fnd_concurrent_requests
	            set interim_status_code = set_status_autonomous.status,
                    completion_text = substrb(message, 1, 240)
        	    where request_id = set_status_autonomous.request_id;
Line: 648

		--debug('updated completion_text for request_id '|| set_status_autonomous.request_id);
Line: 652

	update fnd_concurrent_requests
            set phase_code = 'C',
                status_code = set_status_autonomous.status,
                completion_text = substrb(message, 1, 240)
          where request_id = set_status_autonomous.request_id;
Line: 742

    select number_of_copies, print_style, printer, save_output_flag
      into number_of_copies, print_style, printer, save_output_flag
      from fnd_concurrent_requests r
     where r.request_id = get_request_print_options.request_id;
Line: 777

    select p.number_of_copies, r.print_style,
           p.arguments, r.save_output_flag
      from fnd_concurrent_requests r,
           fnd_conc_pp_actions p
     where r.request_id = p.concurrent_request_id
       and p.action_type = 1
       and p.concurrent_request_id = get_request_print_options.request_id
  order by sequence;
Line: 835

     Select Session_ID
       into C_SessionID
       from fnd_concurrent_processes cp,
	    fnd_concurrent_queues cq
      where  process_status_code = 'A'
	and  cp.Queue_Application_ID = cq.application_ID
        and cp.concurrent_queue_id  = cq.concurrent_queue_id
	and cq.concurrent_queue_name = Queue_Name;
Line: 854

      select SH.OSUSER,
       into UName, UProcess_ID, UNode, UTerminal, UProgram
       from V$SESSION SH,
            V$LOCK LW,
            V$LOCK LH,
            V$SESSION SW
      where LH.SID = SH.SID
        and LH.SID <> SW.SID
        and LH.ID1 = LW.ID1
        and LH.ID2 = LW.ID2
        and LW.KADDR = SW.LOCKWAIT
        and SW.LOCKWAIT is not null
        and SW.AUDSID = C_SessionID;
Line: 909

    select PRINTER_NAME, user_printer_style_name, l.meaning
      into printer, style, save_output
      from fnd_concurrent_programs p, fnd_printer_styles_VL ps,
	   fnd_lookups L, fnd_application_vl A
	    l.lookup_code          = p.SAVE_OUTPUT_FLAG
	and l.lookup_type          = ltype
	and ps.printer_style_name  = p.OUTPUT_PRINT_STYLE
 	and p.application_id 	  = a.application_id
	and p.concurrent_program_name = program
	and a.application_short_name  = appl_shortname;
Line: 981

                    instr( userenv('LANGUAGE'), '.') + 1)
      	      Into cpid, csspid, csid, cspid, codeset
	      From V$Session S, V$Process P
	     Where P.Addr = S.Paddr
	       and S.AUDSID = userenv('SESSIONID');
Line: 989

	    update fnd_concurrent_requests
	       set ORACLE_SESSION_ID = csid,
		   ORACLE_PROCESS_ID = csspid,
		   OS_PROCESS_ID     = cspid,
                   NLS_CodeSet       = codeset
	     where request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id;
Line: 1002

                select P.Optimizer_Mode, P.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME,
                       upper(P.enable_Trace),   upper(R.enable_trace),
                       multi_org_category, org_id
                  into optmode, program_name, ptrace, rtrace, etstat, emethod,
                       morg_cat, orgid
      	          from FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS P,
                   And R.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id;
Line: 1028

             Select plsql_log, plsql_out, plsql_dir
	       Into plog, pout, pdir
               From Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P, Fnd_Concurrent_Requests R
              Where P.Concurrent_Process_ID = R.Controlling_Manager
	        And R.Request_ID = fnd_global.conc_request_id;
Line: 1051

             	into que_rcg
   	     	from fnd_concurrent_requests r,
		     fnd_concurrent_processes p,
		     fnd_concurrent_queues q
             	where R.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
		  and R.controlling_manager = P.concurrent_process_id
Line: 1066

   		into prg_rcg
   		from fnd_concurrent_programs P,
   		fnd_concurrent_requests R
   		where R.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
Line: 1134

    select P.Rollback_Segment
      into RBS
      WHERE R.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
Line: 1250

           SELECT execution_file_name from fnd_executables
             where execution_method_code = 'Z';
Line: 1363

    Select Request_Id, Completion_Text,
                    Phase.Lookup_Code p_lookup_code,
		    Status.Lookup_Code s_lookup_code,
                    Phase.Meaning p_meaning, Status.Meaning s_meaning
               From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests R,
                    Fnd_Concurrent_programs P,
                    Fnd_Lookups Phase,
                    Fnd_Lookups Status
                    Phase.Lookup_Type = PHASE_LOOKUP_TYPE
                AND Phase.Lookup_Code = Decode(Status.Lookup_Code,
                                    'H', 'I',
                                    'S', 'I',
                                    'U', 'I',
                                    'M', 'I',
                                    R.Phase_Code) AND
            Status.Lookup_Type = STATUS_LOOKUP_TYPE AND
            Status.Lookup_Code =
             'P', Decode(R.Hold_Flag,          'Y', 'H',
                  Decode(P.Enabled_Flag,       'N', 'U',
                  Decode(Sign(R.Requested_Start_Date - SYSDATE),1,'P',
             'R', Decode(R.Hold_Flag,          'Y', 'S',
                  Decode(R.Status_Code,        'Q', 'B',
                                               'I', 'B',
                And (R.Concurrent_Program_Id = P.Concurrent_program_ID AND
                     R.Program_Application_ID= P.Application_ID )
                And Parent_Request_Id = p_request_id;
Line: 1445

	Select request_id
	from fnd_concurrent_requests
	where parent_request_id = parent_id;
Line: 1450

    Select sysdate + (greatest(Max_Wait, 0)/86400)
    into end_of_time
    from dual;
Line: 1454

    Select NVL(Parent_Request_ID,FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID)
      into parent_req_id
      from dual;
Line: 1461

      Select count(*) into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
      where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
        and phase_code <> 'C';
Line: 1479

      select (end_of_time - sysdate) * 86400
      into time_left
      from dual;
Line: 1511

	* Create node.  If it already exists,then we'll Update instead
	select count(*)
	into kount
	from fnd_nodes
	where upper(node_name) = upper(name);
Line: 1519

		insert into fnd_nodes
			(node_id, node_name,
			 support_forms, support_cp, support_web, support_admin,
			 platform_code, created_by, creation_date,
			 last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login,
			 node_mode, server_id, server_address, description,
                         host, domain,support_db, virtual_ip)
			fnd_nodes_s.nextval, name,
			forms_tier, cp_tier, web_tier, admin_tier,
			platform_id, 1, SYSDATE,
			1, SYSDATE, 0,
			'O', p_server_id, p_address, p_description,
                        p_host_name, p_domain,db_tier, p_virtual_ip
		from dual;
Line: 1543

		update fnd_nodes set
			description   = p_description,
			support_forms = decode(forms_tier, 'Y', 'Y', support_forms),
			support_cp    = decode(cp_tier,    'Y', 'Y', support_cp),
			support_web   = decode(web_tier,   'Y', 'Y', support_web),
			support_admin = decode(admin_tier, 'Y', 'Y', support_admin),
			platform_code = platform_id,
			last_update_date = SYSDATE, last_updated_by = 1,
                        host          = p_host_name,
                        domain        = p_domain,
			support_db    = decode(db_tier,'Y','Y',support_db)
		where upper(node_name) = upper(name);
Line: 1556

		-- If server_id is not null, update fnd_nodes.server_id.
		-- fnd_nodes.server_id can only be null if the application server node has been
		-- removed.
 		if (p_server_id is not null) then
			update fnd_nodes
			set server_id = p_server_id
			where upper(node_name) = upper(name);
Line: 1565

		-- If server_address is not null, update fnd_nodes.server_address.
		if (p_address is not null) then
			update fnd_nodes
			set server_address = p_address
			where upper(node_name) = upper(name);
Line: 1574

		        update fnd_nodes
			set virtual_ip = p_virtual_ip
			where upper(node_name) = upper(name);
Line: 1602

     select APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME c_appl_short_name,
                    CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME c_svc_name,
		    RUNNING_PROCESSES c_run_procs,
		    MAX_PROCESSES c_max_procs,
                    CONTROL_CODE c_ctrl_code,
                    ENABLED_FLAG c_enabled
               from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES fcq,
                    FND_CP_SERVICES fcs,
                    FND_APPLICATION fa
                    fcq.MANAGER_TYPE = to_char(fcs.SERVICE_id)
                and fcq.application_id = fa.application_id
                and fcs.SERVICE_ID = svc_id;
Line: 1624

      select SERVICE_ID
      into svc_id
      from FND_CP_SERVICES
      where SERVICE_HANDLE = upper(svc_handle);
Line: 1684

     select CONCURRENT_PROCESS_ID c_cpid,
                    MEANING c_state,
                    fcp.NODE_NAME c_node,
                    fcp.SERVICE_PARAMETERS c_parameters
               from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES fcq,
                    FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES fcp,
                    FND_APPLICATION fa,
                    FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_VL flv
                    fcp.QUEUE_APPLICATION_ID   = fcq.APPLICATION_ID
                and fcp.CONCURRENT_QUEUE_ID    = fcq.CONCURRENT_QUEUE_ID
                and fcq.APPLICATION_ID         = fa.APPLICATION_ID
                and flv.LOOKUP_TYPE            = ltype
                and flv.LOOKUP_CODE            = fcp.PROCESS_STATUS_CODE
                and fa.APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME  = upper(appl_short_name)
                and fcq.CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME  = upper(svc_instance_name)
                and ((proc_state is not null)
                      or (fcp.PROCESS_STATUS_CODE not in ('S', 'K', 'U')))
                and exists
                    (select 1
                     from fnd_lookup_values flv2
                     where flv2.LOOKUP_TYPE = ltype
                     and flv2.LOOKUP_CODE = fcp.PROCESS_STATUS_CODE
                     and upper(flv2.meaning) =
Line: 1718

        select 0
               into i
               from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES fcq,
                    FND_APPLICATION fa
              where fcq.APPLICATION_ID = fa.APPLICATION_ID
                and APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME = upper(appl_short_name)
                and upper(CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME) = upper(svc_instance_name);
Line: 1765

    select argument1, argument2, argument3
	into rarg1, rarg2, rarg3
	from fnd_concurrent_requests R
	where requestid = R.request_id;
Line: 1773

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
        into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
      where concurrent_queue_id = rarg1
        and application_id = rarg2
        and manager_type = mtype;
Line: 1794

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
        into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
      where application_id = rarg2
        and manager_type = mtype;
Line: 1855

    select argument1, argument2, argument3
	into rarg1, rarg2, rarg3
	from fnd_concurrent_requests R
	where requestid = R.request_id;
Line: 1929

	Select request_id
	from fnd_concurrent_requests R, fnd_concurrent_programs P
 	where r.phase_code = 'P'
        and p.application_id = r.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
	and p.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
        and p.queue_control_flag = 'Y'
        and msc_match(request_id, app_id, service_inst_id, my_service_id) = 1
	order by request_id;
Line: 1946

	select manager_type, application_id
	into my_service_id, app_id
	from fnd_concurrent_queues
	where concurrent_queue_id = service_inst_id;
Line: 1984

        Select R2.request_id
        from fnd_concurrent_requests R1,
	     fnd_concurrent_requests R2,
	     fnd_concurrent_programs P1,
             fnd_concurrent_programs P2,
             fnd_concurrent_queues Q,
             fnd_application A
        where r1.request_id = reqid
	  and P1.concurrent_program_id = R1.concurrent_program_id
	  and p1.queue_control_flag = 'Y'
	  and r2.request_id > r1.request_id
          and P2.concurrent_program_id = R2.concurrent_program_id
          and P2.concurrent_program_id <> 2
          and P2.concurrent_program_id <> 6
          and p2.queue_control_flag = 'Y'
          AND a.application_id = p2.application_id
          AND a.application_short_name = 'FND'
          and msc_match(reqid,
		Q.application_id, Q.concurrent_queue_id, Q.manager_type) +
		Q.application_id, Q.concurrent_queue_id, Q.manager_type) = 2
        order by R2.request_id;
Line: 2026

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
      into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
      where concurrent_queue_id = rarg1
        and application_id = rarg2
	and ((Running_processes <> MAX_PROCESSES)
	    or ((goal_state is not null) and
		((CONTROL_CODE <> goal_state) or (CONTROL_CODE is null)))
	    or ((goal_state is null) and (CONTROL_CODE is null)));
Line: 2039

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
      into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
      where application_id = rarg2
	and (
           /* either CM or TM and request is for mgrs (or both) */
           (((manager_type = 1) or (manager_type = 3))
		and ((rarg3 = 0) or (rarg3 = 2)))
          or  /* or service and request is for services (or both) */
           ((manager_type > 999) and ((rarg3 = 1) or (rarg3 = 2))))
               and ((Running_processes <> MAX_PROCESSES)
            or ((goal_state is not null) and
                ((CONTROL_CODE <> goal_state) or (CONTROL_CODE is null)))
            or ((goal_state is null) and (CONTROL_CODE is null)));
Line: 2056

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
      into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
      where manager_type IN ('1', '3', '4', '5')
        and ((Running_processes <> MAX_PROCESSES)
            or ((goal_state is not null) and
                ((CONTROL_CODE <> goal_state) or (CONTROL_CODE is null)))
            or ((goal_state is null) and (CONTROL_CODE is null)));
Line: 2068

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
      into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
      where manager_type = to_char(rarg2)
        and ((Running_processes <> MAX_PROCESSES)
            or ((goal_state is not null) and
                ((CONTROL_CODE <> goal_state) or (CONTROL_CODE is null)))
            or ((goal_state is null) and (CONTROL_CODE is null)));
Line: 2079

      select count(concurrent_queue_id)
      into kount
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
      where manager_type < 1000
        and ((Running_processes <> MAX_PROCESSES)
            or ((goal_state is not null) and
                ((CONTROL_CODE <> goal_state) or (CONTROL_CODE is null)))
            or ((goal_state is null) and (CONTROL_CODE is null)));
Line: 2137

    select sysdate
    into mystart
    from dual;
Line: 2143

      select concurrent_program_id, program_application_id, phase_code,
		argument1, argument2, argument3, Decode(concurrent_program_id,
		0,null, 1,'E', 3, null, 4, 'X', 5, 'E', 7, 'P', 8, null, null)
	into prog_id, r_app_id, r_phase, rarg1, rarg2, rarg3, goal_state
        from fnd_concurrent_requests
       where request_id = reqid;
Line: 2179

    select ((sysdate - mystart) * 86400) - Timeout
        into timesup
        from dual;
Line: 2184

    select decode(phase_code, 'C', 0, -1)
	into Done
        from fnd_concurrent_requests
       where request_id = reqid;
Line: 2253

    select sysdate
    into mystart
    from dual;
Line: 2267

        select ((sysdate - mystart) * 86400) - Timeout
        into done
        from dual;
Line: 2312

         into action
         from fnd_concurrent_programs_vl cp, fnd_application a
           where cp.concurrent_program_name = prog
           AND cp.application_id = a.application_id
           AND a.application_short_name = 'FND';
Line: 2325

  	     into Detail
	     from fnd_concurrent_queues_vl
            where APPLICATION_ID = Arg2
	      and concurrent_queue_id = Arg1;
Line: 2344

           select APPLICATION_NAME
             into Detail
             from fnd_application_vl
            where APPLICATION_ID = Arg2;
Line: 2370

           select SERVICE_NAME
             into Detail
             from fnd_cp_services_vl
            where SERVICE_ID = Arg2;
Line: 2425

       Select Requested_By
         into submitter
         from fnd_concurrent_requests
        where request_id = Cancel_Request.request_id;
Line: 2606

	-- Select all the information needed for this request from fnd_concurrent_requests,
	-- using the fnd_cp_sql_requests table.
	-- A row should have been inserted earlier in usdspid, containing the current request id,
	-- machine name, and process id.
	-- By joining these tables with v$session, we can pull out all the information we need,
	-- using only our own session id.

select process, machine
  into lpid, lmachine
  from v$session
 where audsid = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 2629

      select 0, fcr.requested_by,
             fcr.responsibility_id, fcr.responsibility_application_id,
             fcr.security_group_id, 0,
             fcr.requested_by, fcr.conc_login_id,
             fcr.program_application_id, fcr.concurrent_program_id,
             fcr.request_id, fcr.priority_request_id
      into session_id, userid, respid, respappid,
           secgrpid, siteid, loginid, cloginid,
           progappid, cprogid, creqid, cprireqid
      from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
           fnd_cp_sql_requests sr
      where fcr.phase_code = 'R'
      and   fcr.status_code = 'R'
      and   fcr.request_id = sr.request_id
      and   sr.machine = lmachine
      and   sr.client_process_id = lpid;
Line: 2650

	  -- now delete the row, to avoid having to purge the table.
	  DELETE from fnd_cp_sql_requests where request_id = creqid;
Line: 2700

	--		 VALUES(sysdate,'FND_CONCURRENT.get_m_s',message,0);
Line: 2712

     SELECT user_id
       FROM fnd_user
       WHERE user_name = upper(p_user_name);
Line: 2716

     SELECT responsibility_id
       FROM fnd_responsibility
       WHERE responsibility_key = 'SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR';
Line: 2720

     SELECT count(responsibility_id)
       FROM fnd_user_resp_groups
       WHERE user_id = p_user_id
       AND responsibility_id = p_responsibility_id;
Line: 2766

     SELECT count(responsibility_id)
       FROM fnd_user_resp_groups
       WHERE user_id = p_user_id
       AND responsibility_id = p_resp_id
       AND responsibility_application_id = p_resp_appl_id
       AND security_group_id = p_sec_group_id;
Line: 2774

     SELECT user_id
       FROM fnd_user
       WHERE user_name = p_user_name;
Line: 2779

     SELECT application_id
       FROM fnd_application
       WHERE application_short_name = p_application_short_name;
Line: 2785

     SELECT concurrent_program_id, srs_flag
       FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
       WHERE concurrent_program_name = p_program_name
       AND application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 2835

        l_sql_stmt := 'select count(p.concurrent_program_id) from fnd_concurrent_programs p where p.concurrent_program_id = :1 and p.application_id = :2 and ' || l_predicate || '';