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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

          pwhereclause := pwhereclause || ' AND hdr.header_id = (select min(header_id) from IGI_CIS_MTH_RET_HDR_T where period_name = ''' || p_period || '''';
Line: 33

          pwhereclause := pwhereclause || ' AND hdr.header_id = (select min(header_id) from IGI_CIS_MTH_RET_HDR_H where period_name = ''' || p_period || '''';
Line: 57

      partselect := ' '''' invoice_num, ';
Line: 60

      partselect := 'nvl((select invoice_num from ap_invoices where pay.invoice_id = invoice_id),'''') invoice_num, ';
Line: 82

    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'partselect :' || partselect);
Line: 93

    Select min(header_id) --Bug 5933093
    into l_header_id
    from igi_cis_mth_ret_hdr_t
    where period_name = p_period
    and request_status_code = 'P';
Line: 98

    delete from igi_cis_mth_ret_hdr_t where header_id = l_header_id;
Line: 99

    delete from igi_cis_mth_ret_lines_t where header_id = l_header_id;
Line: 100

    delete from igi_cis_mth_ret_pay_t where header_id = l_header_id;
Line: 128

   SELECT start_date
     INTO l_start_date
     FROM ap_other_periods
    WHERE period_type = l_period_type
      AND period_name = p_period;
Line: 147

   SELECT end_date
     INTO l_end_date
     FROM ap_other_periods
    WHERE period_type = l_period_type
      AND period_name = p_period;
Line: 163

   SELECT meaning
     INTO l_print_type
     FROM igi_lookups
    WHERE lookup_type = 'IGI_CIS2007_PRINT_TYPES'
      AND lookup_code = p_print_type;
Line: 182

   SELECT name
     INTO l_org_name
     FROM hr_operating_units
    WHERE organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 197

   SELECT meaning
     INTO l_sort_by
     FROM igi_lookups
    WHERE lookup_type='IGI_CIS2007_MTHR_SORT_COLS'
      AND lookup_code=p_sort_by;
Line: 213

    SELECT meaning
      INTO l_report_title
      FROM igi_lookups
     WHERE lookup_type = 'IGI_CIS2007_NEW_REPORTS'
       AND lookup_code = decode(p_mode||p_report_lev,'PS','IGIPMTPS',
Line: 237

  SELECT meaning
     INTO l_tax_status
     FROM igi_lookups
     WHERE lookup_type = 'IGI_CIS2007_TAX_STATUS'
     AND lookup_code = decode(nvl(p_awt_group_code,' '),l_gross_group,'G',
Line: 261

    SELECT meaning
      INTO l_amt_type
      FROM igi_lookups
     WHERE lookup_type = 'IGI_CIS2007_MTH_RET_AMT_TYPE'
       AND lookup_code = nvl(p_amt_type,'P');