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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 51

        v_last_update_date              DATE                                                    ;
Line: 52

        v_last_updated_by               NUMBER                                                  ;
Line: 53

        v_last_update_login             NUMBER                                                  ;
Line: 156

                SELECT  A.order_line_id, A.organization_id, A.location_id, A.register,
                        A.inventory_item_id, A.unit_code uom_code, A.quantity,
                        b.item_class, b.excise_flag ,A.basic_excise_duty_amount,
                        A.add_excise_duty_amount, A.oth_excise_duty_amount, A.excise_amount,
                        A.excise_exempt_type, A.selling_price, A.customer_id, A.ship_to_org_id,
                        A.order_type_id, A.subinventory, A.assessable_value,
                        A.EXCISE_EXEMPT_REFNO, A.org_id  -- added a.org_id by vijay for multi org support
                FROM    JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL           A,
                        JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS           B
                WHERE   A.delivery_detail_id  = p_delivery_detail_id
                AND     A.organization_id     = b.organization_id
                AND     A.inventory_item_id   = b.inventory_item_id
                ORDER   BY b.item_class;
Line: 187

                        order_number                                            ,
                        transactional_curr_code                                 ,
                        conversion_type_code                                    ,
                        conversion_rate                                         ,
                        oe_order_headers_all a  ,
                        oe_order_lines_all   b
                        a.header_id = b.header_id       AND
                        b.line_id   = cp_line_id        AND
                        a.header_id = cp_order_header_id ;
Line: 202

                SELECT NVL(A.bonded,'Y') bonded,NVL(A.trading,'Y') trading
                FROM   JAI_INV_SUBINV_DTLS A
                WHERE  A.sub_inventory_name = p_subinventory
                AND    A.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 209

                SELECT pref_rg23a, pref_rg23c, pref_pla,
                NVL(Export_oriented_unit ,'N')
                WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND location_id = p_location_id ;
Line: 217

                SELECT NVL(rg23a_balance,0) rg23a_balance ,NVL(rg23c_balance,0) rg23c_balance,NVL(pla_balance,0) pla_balance,
                NVL(basic_pla_balance,0) basic_pla_balance,
                NVL(additional_pla_balance,0) additional_pla_balance,
                NVL(other_pla_balance,0) other_pla_balance
                FROM JAI_CMN_RG_BALANCES
                WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND location_id = p_location_id ;
Line: 226

                SELECT ssi_unit_flag
                WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id AND
                       location_id     = p_location_id;
Line: 232

                SELECT A.register_code
                WHERE A.organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND A.location_id = p_location_id
                AND A.register_id = b.register_id
                AND b.order_flag         = 'Y'
                AND b.order_type_id = p_order_type_id ;
Line: 241

                SELECT A.tax_rate, b.rounding_factor
                WHERE  A.tax_id = b.tax_id
                AND    A.delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id
                AND    b.tax_type =   jai_constants.tax_type_modvat_recovery ; /* --'Modvat Recovery'; Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs */
Line: 248

                WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND (location_id = p_location_id
               (location_id is NULL AND  p_location_id  is NULL)); /* Modified by Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs :bug#4428980*/
Line: 257

                SELECT  register_balance
                FROM  JAI_OM_OE_BOND_TRXS
                WHERE  transaction_id = (SELECT MAX(A.transaction_id)
                        FROM   JAI_OM_OE_BOND_TRXS A, JAI_OM_OE_BOND_REG_HDRS B
                        WHERE  A.register_id = B.register_id
                        AND    B.organization_id = p_organization_id
                        AND B.location_id = p_location_id);
Line: 266

                SELECT meaning
                FROM   ja_lookups
                WHERE  lookup_code = p_register_code
                AND    lookup_type = lv_lookup_type ; /*'JAI_REGISTER_TYPE'; Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs */
Line: 272

                SELECT MAX(A.fin_year)
                FROM   JAI_CMN_FIN_YEARS A
                WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND fin_active_flag = 'Y';
Line: 278

                SELECT name
                FROM oe_transaction_types_tl
                WHERE transaction_type_id = p_order_type_id;
Line: 284

                SELECT start_number, end_number, jump_by, prefix
                FROM   JAI_CMN_RG_EXC_INV_NOS
                WHERE  organization_id               = p_organization_id
                AND    location_id                   = p_location_id
                AND    fin_year                      = p_fin_year
                AND    order_invoice_type = p_batch_name
                AND    register_code      = p_register_code; /* Modified by Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs :bug#4428980*/
Line: 295

                SELECT NVL(MAX(GP1),0),NVL(MAX(GP2),0)
                FROM   JAI_CMN_RG_EXC_INV_NOS
                WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND        location_id     = p_location_id
                AND    fin_year        = p_fin_year
                AND    order_invoice_type IS NULL
                AND    register_code IS NULL;
Line: 304

                SELECT A.Organization_Id, A.Location_Id
                WHERE  A.Ec_Code IN (SELECT B.Ec_Code
                        FROM   JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS B
                        WHERE  B.Organization_Id = p_organization_id
                        AND    B.Location_Id     = p_location_id);
Line: 313

                SELECT A.Organization_Id, A.Location_Id
                WHERE  A.Tr_Ec_Code IN (SELECT B.Tr_Ec_Code
                   FROM   JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS B
                   WHERE  B.Organization_Id = p_organization_id
                   AND    B.Location_Id     = p_location_id);
Line: 323

                SELECT A.register_code
                WHERE A.organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND A.location_id = p_location_id
                AND A.register_id = b.register_id
                AND b.order_flag         = 'Y'
                AND b.order_type_id = p_order_type_id
                AND A.REGISTER_CODE LIKE '23D%';
Line: 333

                SELECT SUM(A.quantity_applied) quantity_applied, A.subinventory
                WHERE  A.ref_line_id = p_reference_line_id
                AND ORDER_INVOICE = 'O';                -- cbabu for Bug# 2736191
Line: 340

                SELECT SUM(quantity) shipped_quantity
                FROM   JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
                WHERE delivery_detail_id = p_picking_line_id;
Line: 345

                SELECT source_line_id, source_header_id
                FROM wsh_delivery_details
                WHERE delivery_detail_id = p_picking_line_id;
Line: 350

                SELECT A.receipt_id, A.quantity_applied
                WHERE  A.ref_line_id = p_reference_line_id
                AND ORDER_INVOICE = 'O'         -- cbabu for Bug# 2736191
                AND A.quantity_applied > 0;
Line: 357

                FROM    oe_order_headers_all
                WHERE   header_id = p_order_header_id;
Line: 362

                SELECT qty_to_adjust,excise_duty_rate,rate_per_unit
                FROM   JAI_CMN_RG_23D_TRXS
                WHERE  register_id = p_receipt_id;
Line: 384

                        nvl(round(sum(basic_excise_duty_amount * cp_conversion_rate)),0)       ,
                        nvl(round(sum(add_excise_duty_amount   * cp_conversion_rate)),0)       ,
                        nvl(round(sum(oth_excise_duty_amount   * cp_conversion_rate)),0)       ,
                        nvl(round(sum(excise_amount            * cp_conversion_rate)),0)
                        delivery_id = p_delivery_id
                        and excise_exempt_type is null; -- sriram - 5th nov - bug # 3207685
Line: 398

          select delivery_detail_id , quantity , assessable_Value , excise_exempt_type
          from   JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
          where  delivery_id = p_delivery_id
          and excise_exempt_type is not null;
Line: 406

                SELECT register, EXCISE_INVOICE_NO
                FROM JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
                WHERE delivery_id = p_delivery_id
                AND register IS NOT NULL;
Line: 413

                SELECT status_code,initial_pickup_date
                FROM Wsh_New_deliveries
                WHERE delivery_id = p_delivery_id;
Line: 419

                SELECT SOURCE_LINE_ID FROM wsh_delivery_details
                WHERE delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id;
Line: 424

                SELECT actual_shipment_date
                FROM     Oe_Order_Lines_All
                WHERE    line_id = p_order_line_id;
Line: 448

             SELECT order_number
             FROM   oe_order_headers_all
             WHERE  header_id = p_hdr_id;
Line: 461

           delivery_id                   = p_delivery_id  AND
           nvl(excise_exempt_type,'$$')  <> 'CT3';
Line: 475

			  SELECT count(1)
			         JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL             JTC
			  AND    JSPTL.delivery_detail_id = cp_delivery_detail_id
			  AND    upper(jtc.tax_type) like '%EXCISE%';
Line: 488

      SELECT SUM(NVL(JSPTL.tax_rate,0)) , count(1) --NVL(sum(JSPTL.tax_rate),0)
             JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL      JTC
      AND    JSPTL.delivery_detail_id = cp_delivery_detail_id
Line: 503

      SELECT    sum(jsptl.func_tax_amount)  tax_amount
      FROM      JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES jsptl ,
                JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL            jtc
      WHERE     jtc.tax_id  =  jsptl.tax_id
      AND       delivery_detail_id in
      (SELECT   delivery_detail_id
       WHERE    delivery_id = cp_delivery_id
       AND       upper(jtc.tax_type) in (jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess); /* Modified by Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs :bug#4428980*/
Line: 517

      SELECT    sum(jsptl.func_tax_amount)  tax_amount
      FROM      JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES jsptl ,
                JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL            jtc
      WHERE     jtc.tax_id  =  jsptl.tax_id
      AND       delivery_detail_id in
      (SELECT   delivery_detail_id
       WHERE    delivery_id = cp_delivery_id
       AND       upper(jtc.tax_type) in (jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess);
Line: 545

           sum(func_tax_amount) cess_amount
           jai_om_wsh_lines_all    jspl ,
           jai_om_wsh_line_taxes   jsptl,
           jai_cmn_taxes_all       jtc
           jspl.delivery_detail_id  = jsptl.delivery_detail_id  AND
           jsptl.tax_id             = jtc.tax_id                AND
           upper(jtc.tax_type)        IN (jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess) AND
           jspl.delivery_detail_id  = cp_delivery_detail_id;
Line: 563

					 sum(func_tax_amount) cess_amount
					 JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL       jspl,
					 JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES   jsptl,
					 JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL              jtc
					 jspl.delivery_detail_id  = jsptl.delivery_detail_id  AND
					 jsptl.tax_id             = jtc.tax_id                AND
					 upper(jtc.tax_type)        IN (jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess,
         jspl.delivery_detail_id  = cp_delivery_detail_id;
Line: 584

       WHERE request_id = cp_Request_id;
Line: 644

                        Cursors pref_cur - Incorporated v_export_oriented_unit also in the select clause
                        RG Bal Cur- Incorporated basic,additional,other pla balance also in the select clause.
                        Functions jai_om_wsh_processing_pkg.excise_balance_check - for preference checks in case of EOU and Non-EOU for total excise amount
                        jai_om_wsh_pkg.get_excise_register_with_bal - for preference checks in case of EOU and Non-EOU
                        for exempted amount.
                        Before sending this patch it has to be taken care that, the alter scripts,functions should also
                        accompany the patch otherwise the patch would certainly fail.

20  2002/07/20  SSUMAITH  Bug # 2454978 Added code for ensuring the tax target amount is not 0 for 0% CST.

21  2002/10/24  SSUMAITH  Bug # 2638797 - Added code to see that the register is gettig hit for a trading organization
                          and  the item a trading item , then the register to be hit is RG23D.

22  2003/01/02  SSUMAITH  Bug # 2731434 - File Version - 615.3
                          Added the (NVL(v_bonded_flag,'Y') = 'Y' to the condition which checks if the exise_flag is 'Y' for the item
                          so that excise invoice number gets generated only if item is excisable and subinventory is bonded.

23  2003/01/13  SSUMAITH Bug # 2746921 . File Version - 615.4
                         Excise invoice number was not getting generated for a trading subinventory.This was reported after the patch
                         associated with the Bug # 2731434 was applied. It was noticed that , an earlier bug Bug # 2392099 was the reason
                         as it was considering only "item being excisable" to be the constraint for excise invoice generation .This has been
                         supplemented by the condition that the subinventory should also be bonded , which caused that for a trading
                         subinventory , excise invoice number not getting generated. This issue has been fixed by adding the following
                         Item should be excisable AND (Subinventory is either Bonded or Trading) for excise invoice num to be generated.

23  2003/01/15           cbabu for Bug# 2736191, File Version# 615.5 (Obsoleted with 2803409)
                         When a trading transaction is done with delivery detail matched to multiple receipts, then RG23D register is not being hit properly.
                         Code changes are made to hit the register with proper quantity and reduce the balances of receipts as per the matched quantity

24. 2003/01/27           ssumaith  Bug # 2769436 File version 616.6  (Obsoleted with 2803409)
                         When a transaction is done with the register code as DOM_WITHOUT_EXCISE , still excise invoice number was getting
                         generated based on gp2 instead of gp1.This was because , this transaction type was excluded in the if condition .
                         adding this condition to the if which takes care of this issue.Also taken care of register type '23D_DOM_WITHOUT_EXCISE'
                         which was not handled till now.

25  2003/02/19        cbabu for Bug# 2803409, FileVersion# 615.7
                      DELETE from JAI_OM_OE_GEN_TAXINV_T statement got deleted in file version 615.5(Bug# 2736191) somehow. This statement is
                      reincorporated with his bug. Bugs 2736191 and 2769436 were made obsolete and this bug needs to be send instead of them

26. 2003/02/20       ssumaith - Bug # 2663211 File Version # 615.8
                      Excise invoice generation logic in this procedure has been removed and instead a call to the
                      excise invoice generation procedure has been made.
                      This has dependency on the  jai_cmn_setup_pkg.generate_excise_invoice_no procedure . Hence this bug
                      is a pre-requisite for future bugs.

27. 2003/07/24       Aiyer - Bug #3032569, File Version 616.1
                      The Excise Invoice number is being generated for non excisable RG23D transactions.
                      This needs to be stopped for Trading Domestic Without Excise and Export Without excise scenario's.
                      Modified the IF statment to remove the check that the trading register_codes should be in
                      '23D_DOM_WITHOUT_EXCISE' and '23D_EXPORT_WITHOUT_EXCISE' .
                      Now the excise invoice number would be generated only for orders with Bond register types as Domestic
                      Trading With Excise and Export with Excise.

                      Dependency Introduced Due to this Bug : -

28.  2003/07/28       Aiyer - Bug#3071342, File Version 616.2
                      As the excise invoice generation should not be done in case Domestic Without Excise for trading and manufacturing
                      organizations and hence modified the if statement to validate that
                      excise invoice generation procedure is called only in case where v_register_code is in '23D_DOMESTIC_EXCISE','23D_EXPORT_EXCISE'
                      ,'DOMESTIC_EXCISE', 'EXPORT_EXCISE' ,'BOND_REG'.
                      This would ensure that the excise invoice generation would not happen in case where v_register_code in
                      'DOM_WITHOUT_EXCISE','23D_DOM_WITHOUT_EXCISE' i.e Domestic Without Excise for Trading and manufacturing organizations.

                      Dependency Introduced Due to this Bug : -

29. 2003/07/31       SSUMAITH Bug # 2769440 File Version 616.3 (GL Link)

                     As part of the GL Link Enhancement , added parameters in call to the jai_om_rg_pkg's procedures ja_in_rg23_part_II_entry ,
                     ja_in_pla_entry and Ja_In_Rg23d_Entry.

                     Dependency Introduced Due to this Bug : -
                       This patch has dependency on all further patches using this object.

30. 2003/08/22 SSUMAITH Bug # 3021588 File Version 616.4 (Bond Register Enhancement)

                For Multiple Bond Register Enhancement,
                Instead of using the cursors for fetching the register associated with the order type , a call has been made to the procedures
                of the jai_cmn_bond_register_pkg package. There enhancement has created dependency because of the
                introduction of 3 new columns in the JAI_OM_OE_BOND_REG_HDRS table and also call to the new package jai_cmn_bond_register_pkg.

                New Validations for checking the bond expiry date and to check the balance based on the call to the jai_cmn_bond_register_pkg has been added

                Provision for letter of undertaking has been incorporated. In the case of the letter of undetaking , its also a type of bond register
                but without validation for the balances.
                This has been done by checking if the LOU_FLAG is 'Y' in the JAI_OM_OE_BOND_REG_HDRS table for the
                associated register id , if yes , then validation is only based on bond expiry date .

                Dependency Introduced Due to this Bug : -
                 This fix has introduced huge dependency . All future changes in this object should have this bug as a prereq

31.  2003/09/24  Aiyer - Bug#3139718, File Version 616.5

                          Modified the cursor get_conv_detail_cur to get the actual_shipment_date from oe_order_lines_all instead of the
                          conversion_date from oe_order_headers_all.
                          As a Sales order shipment date can be different from its creation date, hence the conversion rate
                          applicable on the date of shipment should be considered for all processing rather than the creation
                          date of the Sales order.
                          Added a call to jai_cmn_utils_pkg.currency_conversion procedure to get the conversion rate based on the actual shipment date.

                         Fix of Bug 3158282: -
                          1. The values passed to the parameters p_basic_ed/p_dr_basic_ed,p_additional_ed/p_dr_additional_ed and p_other_ed/p_dr_other_ed
                             in the procedures ja_in_rg_I_entry and ja_in_rg23_part_I_entry of the package
                             jai_om_rg_pkg was rounded off (using a round function to 0 decimal values) so that all values of columns basic,
                             additional and other amounts passed to the tables JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS, JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS table
                             get rounded off.

                          2. For the calls to the procedure procedures ja_in_rg23_part_II_entry,ja_in_pla_entry,ja_in_regsiter_txn_entry in the jai_om_rg_pkg
                             the values of fields being passed i.e basic_excise_duty_amount, add_excise_duty_amount, oth_excise_duty_amount and excise_amount
                             have been rounded off at the cursor get_total_excise_amt level itself, as these values should always be in INR.

                          Dependency Due to this bug:-

32. 11/10/2003     ssumaith - Bug # 3158976 File Version 616.6

                    Sales order number is appended to the variable v_ref_10 which holds a standard text
                    in a loop of delivery details for a particular delivery.
                    If the number of delivery details are huge , the appending is causing the width of the concatenated text
                    to exceed beyond 250 characters.
                    It causes PL/SQL Numeric or value error.

33. 11/10/2003    ssumaith - bug # 3138194 File Version 616.7

                  Population of ST forms related functionality is removed from this procedure and instead moved into a
                  new concurrent program. All other logic remains same , with respect to hitting the RG registers.

34. 4-nov-03     ssumaith - bug # 3207685

                 For excise exempted transactions, modvat entry was happening only for the first line.
                 The reason this happens because the value being fetched was only of the first record.
                 This has been corrected by calculating the excise exempted amount correctly and passing
                 it to the jai_om_rg_pkg .

35. 11-Nov-2003  Aiyer  - Bug #3249375 File Version 617.1
                  References to JA_IN_OE_ST_FORMS_HDR table, which has been obsolete post IN60105D1 patchset, was found
          in this file in some cursors.
          As these tables do not exists in the database any more, post application of the above mentioned patchset
          hence deleting the cursors.

                  Dependency Due to This Bug:-
               Can be applied only post application of IN60105D1.

36.05-Dec-2003  ssumaith - bug #  3229697  version 617.2
                Performance improvement done in 'Excise invoice genration program'

                Dependency Due to This Bug:-

37.30-jan-04    ssumaith  bug# 3368475 file version 618.1

                CENVAT Reversal Entries should not be passed for CT3 Transaction.

                On Shipping goods to an 100% EOU against a CT 3 Form at an exempted rate,
                India Localization reverses the CENVAT at 8% of the Base Amount. This
                        is incorrect. The CENVAT should not be reversed.

                This has been acheived by making code changes:

                1) if CT3 type of excise exemption is chosen in the sales order :
                   only quantity register gets hit
                   amount register does not get hit.
                2) if other than CT3 type of excise exemption is chosen in the sales order
                   both quantity and amount registers get hit.

                3) Please note that in cases where amount registers are not hit because of CT3 excise exemption, the
                register column in the JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL table will show NULL. this is
                        also the change which i have incorporated.

                Dependency Due to This Bug:-

38. 18-Feb-2004  Aiyer Bug #3448674, File Version  618.2
                 Amount registers are hit with excise amoutns which are getting round at Shipping Line level
                 instead of at a Delivery level.

                 Changed the cursor get_total_excise_amt to do rounding at a paticualr delivery level rather
                   than the line level.
                   For this , we are first summing the taxes and then rounding them. This prevents line level
                 rounding and enforces delivery level rounding.

                Dependency Due to This Bug:-

38. 09-Mar-2004  Aiyer Bug #3446362, File Version  618.3(reopened) fixed in 618.4.
                          When a Order has multiple lines out of which one line is Excise Exempted and the other are not,
                  then the behaviour expected is that the item which is not excise exempt should hit Excise registers.
                  However, the same is not currently happening.

                 Reason: -
                  This was happening as the code that calls the jai_om_rg_pkg package to insert records into any of the amount
                  registers i.e either of JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_II_TRXS or JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_TRXS was bypassed if the first one was found to contain
                  a 'CT3' type of exemption.

                 Fix :-
                     Modified the code to check whether any of the delivery details for the given delivery has a excise exemption
                 type other than 'CT3' (this includes null rows also). Only if one or more such records exist, then
                 hit the amount registers, else bypass the call.
                 Cursor c_ct3_flag_exists has been added to the code to take the count of records which do not have excise exemption
                 of type CT3.

38. 19-Mar-2004  Aiyer Bug #3446362, File Version  618.4(reopened) fixed in 619.1
                 The bug 3446362 version 618.4 of this file did not work correctly on the clients instance.
                 It was still not entering the excise amount line in the amount registers when the order conatined mulitple lines with the first line excise exempted.

                 The amount register is hit based on the which amount register needs to be hit.The value of amount register to be hit is stored in the variable  v_reg_type.Now initially the v_reg_type
                would be set to Null for the line which had 'CT3'type of exemption.
                 Now if this line happens to be the first line then and the register are also hit only once, so the code ignores the other lines as v_reg_type is set to null.

                 The fix done is that instead of setting the v_reg_type to null when a 'CT3' exemption is found and later
                 updating this variable into JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL.register, handled this condition though a decode
                 statement, instead of directly updating the v_reg_type variable.
                     The v_reg_type now still holds the value for the register, where as the table is updated with null when ever the exemption is 'CT3'.
                 This has rectified the problem.

                Dependency Due to This Bug:-

39. 24-Aug-2004  Sanjikum Bug #3849638, File Version  115.1
                 Excise invoice number is generated even when inventory interface ends in warning


                 For selecting the cases where Inventory Interface has failed, the following condition was being used -
                 NVL(wdd.inv_interfaced_flag,'N') = 'N'
                 For the failure there can be one more status - 'P'. Which is being missed in this case.

                 The fix done is that instead of condition - NVL(wdd.inv_interfaced_flag,'N') = 'N'
                 The new condition is used - NVL(wdd.inv_interfaced_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
                 This has rectified the problem.
                 While updating the JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL, new columns are added -
                 last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login, as these were not previously updated

                 Dependency Due to This Bug:-

40. 20-JAN-2005 - ssumaith  - Bug#4136981 - Corrected the call to the JAI_OM_OE_BOND_TRXS entry.
                 It was not consistent with the other calls , such as rg1 entry , rg23_part_ii entry , pla entry.
                 This fix introduces no dependency.

41. 2005/02/11    ssumaith - bug# 4171272 - File version 115.3

                 Shipment needs to be stopped if education cess is not available.

                 The basic business logic validation is that both cess and excise should be available as
                 part of the same register type and the register preference setup at the organization additional information
                 needs to be considered for picking up the correct register .

                 This code object calls the functions jai_om_wsh_processing_pkg.excise_balance_check_f and jai_om_wsh_pkg.get_excise_register_with_bal_f
                 which have had changes in their signature and hence the caller also needs to pass the correct

                 The change done in this object is to pass the additional parameters correctly to the functions.

                 Dependency Due to this Bug:-
                  The current procedure becomes dependent on the functions jai_om_wsh_processing_pkg.excise_balance_check (version 115.1) and
                  jai_om_wsh_pkg.get_excise_register_with_bal (version 115.1) also packaged as part of this bug.

42. 2005/02/16    ssumaith - bug# 4185392 - File version 115.4

                  Excise Duty rate was going in as zero in JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS table. This was because the variable
                  corresponding to the excise_duty_rate parameter in the ja_in_rg_i_entry procedure was
                  explicitly set to zero.

                  This has been changed and made as excise_duty_amount divided by (assessable value * shipped quantity).
                  Care has been taken to ensure that zero divide error does not come by checking for non zero values
                  for the elements in the denominator of the fraction.

                  As expected by IL support , rounding the tax_rate to two decimals.

                   Dependency Due to this Bug:-

43. 08-Jun-2005   File Version 116.3. Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
                  as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.

44. 13-Jun-2005   Ramananda for bug#4428980. File Version: 116.4
                  Removal of SQL LITERALs is done

45. 06-Jul-2005   Ramananda for bug#4477004. File Version: 116.5
                  GL Sources and GL Categories got changed. Refer bug for the details

46. 9-Aug-2005    Ramananda for bug#4543424. File version 120.2
                  Excise Duty rate was going as fractions in JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS table.
                  This is because the excise amount is rounded off at the shipment level and when the rate is recalculated
                  it is calculated as excise amount divided by assessable value * 100. This results in rounding issue.

                  This has been resolved by making the following changes.
                  The excise rate is calculated as a sum of total 'EXCISE' tax rates divided by the number of 'EXCISE' taxes.

                  Dependency Due to this Bug:-

47. 19-Aug-2005  Bug4562791. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami Version 120.3
                 The excise invoice date , the date on which rg registers are hit should be the
		 date when the concurent request is submitted. This is as per the product
		 management requirement.

                 Hence added a cursor that gets the request submitted date and punched that
		 date in the calls to the ja_in_rg_pkg.ja_in_rg23_part_ii_entry ,
		 ja_in_Rg_pkg.pla_entry and the same gets carried forward
                 to the gl interface as well.

		 Also changed the creation_date and last_update_date with v_date.

		 Dependencies (Compilation and Functional Dependencies)
		 jai_om_rg.pls 120.2
		 jai_om_rg.plb 120.3

48. 23-Aug-2005 Aiyer - Bug 4566054 (Forward porting for the 11.5 bug 4346220 ),Version 120.4
                  Issue :-
                   Rg does not show correct cess value in case of Shipment transactions.

                  Two fields cess_amt and source have been added in JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS table.
                  The cess amt and source would be populated from jai_jar_t_aru_t1 (Source -> 'AR' ) and
                  as 'WSH' from jai_om_wsh.plb procedure Shipment.
                  Corresponding changes have been done in the form JAINIRGI.fmb and JAFRMRG1.rdf .
                  For shipment and Ar receivable transaction currently the transaction_id is 33 and in some cases where the jai_cmn_rg_i_trxs.ref_doc_id
                  exactly matches the jai_om_wsh_lines_all.delivery_detail_id and jai_ar_trxs.customer_trx_id the tracking of the source
                  becomes very difficult hence to have a clear demarcation between WSh and AR sources hence the source field has been added.

                  Added 2 new parametes p_cess_amt and p_source to jai_om_rg_pkg.ja_in_rg_i_entry package.
                  This has been populated from this and jai_om_wsh_pkg.process_delivery procedure.

                  A migration script has been provided to migrate the value for cess and source.

                  Dependency due to this bug:-
                  1. Datamodel change in table JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS, added the cess_amt and source fields
                  2. Added two new parameters in jai_om_rg_pkg.ja_in_rg_i_entry procedure to insert data into JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS table
                  3. Modified the trigger jai_jar_t_aru_t1
                  4. Procedure jai_om_wsh_pkg.process_delivery
                  5. Report JAICMNRG1.rdf
                  6. Created a migration script to populate cess_amt and source for Shipment and Receivable transactions.
                  Both functional and technical dependencies exists

49. 01-DEC-2005 Aiyer - Bug 4765347 ,Version 120.5
                Issue :- Excise invoice program runs into error.
                Fix   :- Changed the form JAIITMCl.fmb to insert into the jai_inv_items_setups form
                         also changed the current procedure to add who column into jai_cmn_errors_t.

              Dependencies introduced due to this bug:-
                Yes, please refer the future dependencies section.

50. 13-Feb-2007   bgowrava for forward porting bug#5554420 (11i bug#5531051). File Version 120.7
                  Issue: Excise invoice/register not getting updated properly in ja_in_so_picking_lines
                      Also observed that if excise invoice is not generated for first line of delivery,
                      then it is not getting generated at all.

                  Resolution: introduced the flag to know whether excise invoice is generated for the delivery.
                  if not generated for 1st line, added the code to execute the generation code again for next lines for delivery
                  - added new cursor c_excise_tax_cnt to know the excise taxes count and generate exc invoice number
                    only if count > 0
                  - Added the logic to execute amount register hitting logic once for every delivery (usually this
                     will be done for the first line that has excise implication)

51. 23/02/07      bduvarag for bug#5403048,File version 120.8
                Forward porting the changes done in 11i bug 5401533

52. 13-April-2007   ssawant for bug 5989740 ,File version 120.9
                    Forward porting Budget07-08 changes of handling secondary and
	                 Higher Secondary Education Cess from 11.5( bug no 5907436) to R12 (bug no 5989740).

53.	18/Apr/2007		Bgowrava for forward porting bug#5989740, 11i BUG#5907436 File Version 120.9
									ENH: Handling Secondary and Higher Education Cess
									Added the new cess types jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess

54. 28/05/2007		CSahoo for bug#6077065, File version 120.10
									Issue: The excise invoice num and excise_invoice_date was not getting updated in the JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL table.
									Fix:added the following line in the code lv_exc_inv_gen_for_dlry_flag := 'Y'.

55. 05/07/2007    kunkumar for Bug#6121833 File version 120.11
                    Added an if condition  After open-fetch-close in lv_statement_no :=18

56. 20-MAY-2008   JMEENA bug#7043292
		  Issue :- Excise Invoice Generation completes with ORA-01476
                  Fix   :- The calculation of v_proportionate_edr was using v_total_base_duty_amount fetched
                            from matched_receipt_cur which was comming as zero.
                            A check is introduced to verify that v_proportionate_edr is calculated
                            only in the case when v_total_base_duty_amount is non-zero.

63. 26-nov-2008   vkaranam for bug#7591616, File Version 115.20.6107.11
FIX: Modified the code to populate the excise invoice date with the actual shipment date.
Further the gl accounting date and the transaction dates for all the register
updates is also populated by the actual shipment date.

Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
(Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/
A datamodel change )

Current Version       Current Bug    Dependent           Files                                        Version   Author   Date         Remarks
Of File                              On Bug/Patchset    Dependent On
616.1                  3032569       IN60104D1             None           --                                   Aiyer   24/07/2003   Row introduces to start dependency tracking

616.3                  2769440       IN60104D1 +        jai_om_rg_pkg.sql                                     Ssumaith  31/07/2003   GL Link Enhancement.
                                     2801751 +          ja_in_gl_interface_new.sql

616.4                  3021588       IN60104D1 +                                                               ssumaith  22/08/2003   Bond Register Enhancement
                                     2801751   +

617.1                  3249375       IN60105D1                                                                 Aiyer     11/Nov/2003  Can be applied only after IN60105D1 patchset
                                                                                                                                     has been applied.

619.1                  3446362       IN60105D2             None           --                                   Aiyer     19/03/2004   Row introduces to start dependency tracking

115.3                  4171272      IN60106 +
                                    4147608             jai_om_wsh_pkg.get_excise_register_with_bal_f.sql 115.1 ssumaith  11/02/2005    New parameters added to function.
                                                        jai_om_wsh_processing_pkg.excise_balance_check_f.sql        115.1 ssumaith  11/02/2005    New parameters added to function.

12.0                   4566054                          jai_om_rg.pls                                      120.3   Aiyer     24-Aug-2005
                                                        jai_om_rg.plb                                      120.4
                                                        jai_om_wsh.plb (jai_om_wsh_pkg.process_delivery)   120.4
                                                        JAINIRGI.fmb                                       120.2
                                                        jain14.odf                                         120.3
                                                        jain14reg.ldt                                      120.3
                                                        New migration script to port data into new tables  120.0
                                                        JAICMNRG1.rdf                                      120.3
                                                        jai_jai_t.sql (trigger jai_jar_t_aru_t1)           120.1

120.4                 4765347                           JAIITMCL.fmb                                       120.9
                                                        jai_om_rg.plb                                      120.4

  /* Ramananda for File.Sql.35 */
  lv_debug            := jai_constants.yes ;
Line: 1119

    SELECT *
    WHERE delivery_id = p_delivery_id
    and            /*The idea of putting the exists is to see that do not process a delivery ,if it has
                     at least one delivery detail with inv_interfaced_flag = 'N' */
    not exists
    ( select 1
               wsh_delivery_details            wdd     ,
               wsh_new_deliveries              wnd     ,
               wsh_delivery_assignments        wda
               wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id             AND
               wda.Delivery_Id        = wnd.Delivery_Id                    AND
               wnd.Delivery_Id        = ja_tmp.delivery_id                 AND
               wdd.source_code        = 'OE'                               AND
               --NVL(wdd.inv_interfaced_flag,'N') = 'N'
               --Commented the above and added the below for bug #3849638
               NVL(wdd.inv_interfaced_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
    v_ref_26 := p_delivery_id                           ;
Line: 1194

    v_last_update_date  := Each_record.last_update_date;
Line: 1195

    v_last_updated_by   := Each_record.last_updated_by;
Line: 1196

    v_last_update_login := Each_record.last_update_login;
Line: 1709

         SELECT NVL(Item_Trading_Flag,'N') INTO V_item_trading_flag
                                         FROM JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS
                                         WHERE organization_id = v_organization_id
                 AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 1725

               excise_invoice_no     = v_exc_invoice_no,
                excise_invoice_date   = TRUNC(v_actual_shipment_date), --replaced v_date for bug#7591616
               register              = DECODE(nvl(v_excise_exempt_type,'$$$'), 'CT3',NULL,v_reg_type), /*register should be updated as null incase of CT3 excise exemption  Bug 3446362*/
               order_line_id         = v_source_line_id_pick,  /*2001/09/13 Jagdish */
               --added the next 3 columns for Bug #3849638, as these were not updated previously
               last_update_date      = sysdate,
               last_updated_by       = v_last_updated_by,
               last_update_login     = v_last_update_login
               organization_id       = v_organization_id     AND
               location_id           = v_location_id        AND
               delivery_detail_id    = each_record.delivery_detail_id;
Line: 1838

                                                v_register_code                                 ,	/* Bug 4562791. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami Commented creation_date and last_update_date and passing v_date v_creation_date  ,*/
						                                    v_date                                          ,
                                                v_created_by                                    ,
                                                --v_last_update_date                            ,
						                                    v_date                                          ,
                                                v_last_updated_by                               ,
                                                v_last_update_login                             ,
                                                v_assessable_value                              ,
                                                ln_del_det_totcess_amt                          , /*Parameters p_cess_amt and p_source added by aiyer for the bug 4566054 */
                                                ln_del_det_totshcess_amt	,	  --Bgowrava for forward porting bug#5989740
Line: 1852

               SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS_S.CURRVAL INTO v_part_i_register_id  FROM dual;
Line: 1892

							   Commented creation_date and last_update_date
							   and passing v_date
							   v_creation_date                                 ,*/
							   v_date                                          ,
                                                           v_created_by                                    ,
                                                           --v_last_update_date                            ,
							   v_date                                          ,
                                                           v_last_updated_by                               ,
Line: 1903

                 SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS_S.CURRVAL INTO v_part_i_register_id FROM dual;
Line: 1968

							       Commented creation_date and last_update_date
							       and passing v_date
							       v_creation_date                                 ,*/
							       v_date                                          ,
                                                               v_created_by                                    ,
                                                               --v_last_update_date                              ,
							       v_date                                          ,
                                                               v_last_updated_by                               ,
                                                               v_last_update_login                             ,
                                                               each_record.delivery_detail_id                  ,
                                                               v_excise_exempt_type                            ,
                                                               v_remarks                                       ,
                                                               v_ref_10                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                               v_ref_23                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                               v_ref_24                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                               v_ref_25                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                               v_ref_26                                          -- bug # 2769440
Line: 2014

						  Commented creation_date and last_update_date
						  and passing v_date
						  v_creation_date                                 ,*/
						  v_date                                   ,
                                                  v_created_by                             ,
                                                  --v_last_update_date                       ,
						  v_date                                   ,
                                                  v_last_updated_by                        ,
                                                  v_last_update_login                      ,
                                                  v_ref_10                                 , -- bug # 2769440
                                                  v_ref_23                                 , -- bug # 2769440
                                                  v_ref_24                                 , -- bug # 2769440
                                                  v_ref_25                                 , -- bug # 2769440
                                                  v_ref_26                                   -- bug # 2769440
Line: 2036

               SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_I_TRXS_S.CURRVAL INTO v_rg23_part_i_no  FROM dual;
Line: 2039

                 SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_II_TRXS_S.CURRVAL INTO v_rg23_part_ii_no FROM dual;
Line: 2041

                        register_id_part_ii = v_rg23_part_ii_no,
                        charge_account_id = (SELECT
                                                     register_id = v_rg23_part_ii_no
                        register_id = v_rg23_part_i_no;
Line: 2056

                 SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_TRXS_S1.CURRVAL INTO v_pla_register_no FROM dual;
Line: 2058

                       register_id_part_ii = v_pla_register_no,
                       charge_account_id   = (
                                               SELECT CHARGE_ACCOUNT_ID
                                                     register_id = v_pla_register_no
                       register_id = v_rg23_part_i_no;
Line: 2075

               SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS_S.CURRVAL INTO v_rg23_part_i_no  FROM dual;
Line: 2079

                 SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_II_TRXS_S.CURRVAL INTO v_rg23_part_ii_no FROM dual;
Line: 2081

                 UPDATE  JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS
                         SET  REGISTER_ID_PART_II = v_rg23_part_ii_no,
                                 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_ID = (SELECT CHARGE_ACCOUNT_ID
                         FROM JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_II_TRXS
                         WHERE  register_id = v_rg23_part_ii_no)
                         WHERE  register_id = v_rg23_part_i_no;
Line: 2089

                 SELECT  JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_TRXS_S1.CURRVAL INTO v_pla_register_no FROM dual;
Line: 2091

                           REGISTER_ID_PART_II = v_pla_register_no,
                           charge_account_id = (
                                                 FROM      JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_TRXS
                                                           register_id = v_pla_register_no
                 WHERE  register_id = v_rg23_part_i_no;
Line: 2130

						     Commented creation_date and last_update_date
						     and passing v_date
						     v_creation_date                                 ,*/
						     v_date                                          ,
						     v_created_by                                    ,
                                                     --v_last_update_date                              ,
						     v_Date                                          ,
                                                     v_last_updated_by                               ,
Line: 2154

           SELECT NVL(Item_Trading_Flag,'N') INTO V_item_trading_flag
                   FROM JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS
                   WHERE organization_id = v_organization_id
                   AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 2204

                          SET ship_status='CLOSED'
                  WHERE ref_line_id = each_record.delivery_detail_id
                  AND ORDER_INVOICE = 'O';                -- cbabu for Bug# 2736191
Line: 2266

                  SELECT JAI_CMN_RG_23D_TRXS_S.NEXTVAL INTO v_register_id FROM Dual;
Line: 2294

							 Commented creation_date and last_update_date
							 and passing v_date
							 v_creation_date                                 ,*/
							 v_date                                          ,
                                                         v_created_by                                    ,
							 --v_last_update_date                              ,
							 v_date                                          ,
                                                         v_last_update_login                             ,
                                                         v_last_updated_by                               ,
                                                         NULL                                            ,
                                                         NULL                                            ,
                                                         NULL                                            ,
                                                         v_exc_invoice_no                                ,
                                                          TRUNC(v_actual_shipment_date)                          ,--replaced v_date for bug#7591616
                                                         v_ref_10                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                         v_ref_23                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                         v_ref_24                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                         v_ref_25                                        , -- bug # 2769440
                                                         v_ref_26  -- bug # 2769440
Line: 2325

      DELETE JAI_OM_OE_GEN_TAXINV_T WHERE delivery_detail_id = each_record.delivery_detail_id;
Line: 2352

      ln_last_update_login    NUMBER ; /* added by aiyer for the bug 4765347*/
Line: 2359

      ln_last_update_login  :=  fnd_global.conc_login_id ;
Line: 2366

                                                APPLICATION_SOURCE          ,
                                                error_message           ,
                                                additional_error_mesg   ,
                                                creation_date           ,
                                                created_by              ,
                                                last_updated_by         ,
                                                last_update_date        ,
                                  VALUES  (
                                                lv_procedure_name       ,
                                                lv_error_mesg           ,
                                                'EXCEPTION captured BY WHEN OTHERS IN the PROCEDURE. BLOCK No/STATEMENT No:' || lv_block_no || '/' || lv_statement_no,
                                                v_date                 ,
                                                ln_created_by          ,
                                                ln_created_by          , /* added by aiyer for the bug 4765347*/
                                                v_date                 ,/* added by aiyer for the bug 4765347*/
                                                ln_last_update_login    /* added by aiyer for the bug 4765347*/
Line: 2536

        SELECT DECODE(SUBSTR (value,1,INSTR(value,',') -1),NULL,
        Value,SUBSTR (value,1,INSTR(value,',') -1))
        INTO v_utl_location
        FROM v$parameter
        WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 2832

   SELECT trip_id
   INTO v_trip_id
   FROM wsh_delivery_trips_v
   WHERE delivery_id=p_delivery_id;
Line: 2909

    FOR temp_rec IN ( Select distinct delivery_id
                      From   JAI_OM_OE_GEN_TAXINV_T
        fnd_file.put_line ( fnd_file.log , ' Calling jai_om_wsh_pkg.process_delivery with delivery id => ' || temp_rec.delivery_id );