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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 38

    15-AUG-2001 tmehra   110.3               Updated the above remark

   07-DEC-2001 irgonzal  115.4               Same as 115.2
                                             115.3 changes are not required
                                             due to performance issues.
    04-FEB-2002 meshah   115.5   2166701     added procedure load_data,
                                             load_state_taxes and
                                             load_federal_taxes. Also changed
                                             some cursors for performance.
    05-FEB-2002 meshah   115.6               Added checkfile entry to the file.
    05-MAR-2002 meshah   115.7               removed to_char from 401, 403 and
                                             457 in hr_utility.
    06-MAR-2002 meshah   115.8               cursor c_federal_taxes was refered
                                             at a wrong place in load_federal_balance.
                                             this was causing report to error out
                                             with invalid cursor error.
    20-MAR-2002 meshah   115.9               changed the date checking in load_data
                                             and removed per_assignments_f table
                                             from load_state_data.
    27-MAR-2002 meshah   115.10   2280318    the call to get_tax_balances has been
                                             changed. Instead of calling it in the
                                             sql statement we are calling it in a
                                             loop. Also the get_value function has
                                             been changed from pay_us_balance_view_pkg
                                             to pay_balance_pkg for Tax Group balances
                                             and setting the TAX GROUP context instead
                                             of the TAX UNIT ID.
    30-APR-2002 meshah   115.11   2345031    cursor sel_aaid has been changed in load_data
                                             we are now selecting effective_end_date for
                                             the assignment. This date is then compared
                                             with as_of_date and the lowest date is then
                                             passed to the other procedures/functions.
                                             This is required to handle terminated employees.
   07-JUN-2002 sshetty  115.12               Added qualifier to func get_pqp_limit
                                             and get_457_annual_limit.
   25-NOV-2002 irgonzal 115.13    2664340    Added logic to handle Catchup balances.
   03-DEC-2002 irgonzal 115.14    2664340    Modified Load_Fed_Catchup_Balance
                                             procedure and ensure the balance_name
                                             does not concatenate "_".
   03-DEC-2002 irgonzal 115.15   2664340     Modified Load_Fed_Catchup_Balance
                                             procedure and added upper function
                                             when getting balance name.
   17-DEC-2002 irgonzal 115.16   2714501     Modified load_data procedure: initialized
                                             l_as_of_date within the "sel_aaid" loop.
   19-DEC-2002 irgonzal 115.17   2693022     Added logic to handle USERRA balances.
   18-MAY-2003 vgunasek 115.18   2938556     report rewrite including support for
   					     new balance reporting architecture (run
   					     balances) and multi threading.
   06-JUN-2003 vgunasek 115.19   2938556     Changed code to check changes in Tax group
   					     removed chnkno = 1 check to insert dummy
   					     assignment action. Some Spell changes in
   06-JUN-2003 vgunasek 115.20   2938556     Changed comments and fixed gscc errors.
   12-JUN-2003 vgunasek 115.21   3002767     Initialised g_inserted_asg_action_id_flag
   					     for all assignments. Made state query as
   					     rule based.
   19-JUN-2003 kaverma  115.22   3015312     Corrected the declaration of l_leg_param in
   24-JUN-2003 kaverma  115.23   3018606     Corrected call to load_federal_taxes and load_state_taxes
                                             in load_data procedure.
   07-AUG-2003 sshetty  115.24               Added a check for Defined
                                             Contrib Plan  over limit.

   05-SEP-2003 sdahiya  115.25   3118107     Added code in load_data procedure for insertion
                                             of assignment action id.
   02-JAN-2004 sshetty  115.26   3349624     Changed the Dimension name referenced
                                             for DCP from PER_YTD to PER_GRE_YTD.
   02-SEP-2004 tmehra   115.27   3770316     Removed the 403b and 457 Catchup
                                             limit checking for tax_type = null
   16-NOV-2006 ckesanap 115.28   4521358     Added the 'Roth 401k' and 'Roth 403b' over limit
                                             check. The balance values of both deferred 401k and Roth 401k
					     are combined and then checked for exceeding the annual limit.
					     Similarly for 403b.

--------------------- GLOBAL variables ----------------------------------
l_start_date               pay_payroll_actions.start_date%type;
Line: 145

g_inserted_asg_action_id_flag  varchar2(1):= 'N';
Line: 146

g_inserted_asg_action_id  number;
Line: 148

p_insert_done_flag         varchar2(1):= 'N';
Line: 169

    select org_information5
      from hr_organization_information
     where organization_id = cp_tax_unit_id
       and org_information_context = 'Federal Tax Rules';
Line: 223

      select creator_id
        from ff_database_items fdi,
             ff_user_entities fue
       where fue.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
         and fue.creator_type='B'
         and fdi.user_name = cp_balance_name;
Line: 447

      select creator_id
        from ff_database_items fdi,
             ff_user_entities fue
       where fue.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
         and fue.creator_type='B'
         and fdi.user_name = cp_balance_name;
Line: 504

      select creator_id
        from ff_database_items fdi,
             ff_user_entities fue
       where fue.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
         and fue.creator_type='B'
         and fdi.user_name = cp_balance_name;
Line: 639

     hr_utility.trace('Inserting fed_balance_list table with balance name  ' || t_fed_balance_list(i).balance_name );
Line: 640

     hr_utility.trace('Inserting fed_balance_list table with balance id  ' || t_fed_balance_list(i).balance_id );
Line: 655

      select creator_id
        from ff_database_items fdi,
             ff_user_entities fue
       where fue.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
         and fue.creator_type='B'
         and fdi.user_name = cp_balance_name;
Line: 697

     hr_utility.trace('Inserting state_balance_list table with balance name  ' || t_state_balance_list(i).balance_name );
Line: 698

     hr_utility.trace('Inserting state_balance_list table with balance id  ' || t_state_balance_list(i).balance_id );
Line: 750

  select /*+RULE */
      pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f pest,
      pay_us_states pus
         pest.assignment_id = p_asg_id
     and p_as_of_date between pest.effective_start_date
                          and pest.effective_end_date
     and pus.state_code = pest.state_code
     order by state_abbrev;
Line: 854

	     if (g_inserted_asg_action_id_flag  = 'N') then
	        select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                into   new_asg_act_id
                from   dual;
Line: 864

                g_inserted_asg_action_id_flag  := 'Y';
Line: 866

                g_inserted_asg_action_id_flag  := 'N';
Line: 867

      	        new_asg_act_id := g_inserted_asg_action_id;
Line: 868

                hr_utility.trace('Inserted Assignment action id: '||to_char(new_asg_act_id));
Line: 870

                select paf.assignment_number
		into   l_assignment_number
		from  per_assignments_f paf
  		     ,per_people_f      ppf
		where paf.assignment_id = p_asg_id
		and   paf.effective_end_date = ( select max(paf1.effective_end_date)
                                                    from per_assignments_f paf1
                                                    where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                                                      and paf1.effective_start_date <= p_as_of_date)
		and   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
		and   p_as_of_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 893

	     insert into pay_us_rpt_totals
                   ( attribute2, -- :PACTID
                     gre_name, organization_name,
                     location_name, state_code, state_abbrev
                    ,value7      -- asg. id
                    ,attribute7  -- tax type
                    ,value1       -- state_taxable_value
                    ,value2       -- state_over_limit
                    ,value3       -- state_tax_limit
		    ,attribute5   -- New Assignment Action id
		    ,attribute10   -- Assignment number
		    ,attribute11  -- Person id
		    ,attribute12  -- First name
		    ,attribute13  -- Middle name
                    ,attribute14  -- Last name
		    ,attribute15  -- SSN
                  ,l_gre_name, l_org_name
                  ,l_location_code, l_state_code, l_state_abbrev
Line: 932

        	hr_utility.trace('Inserting a record in pay_us_rpt_totals for the employee ' ||l_last_name || ' ' ||
l_first_name );
Line: 934

		hr_utility.trace('Inserted chunk number ' ||p_chnkno || ' for tax type ' || l_state_tax_type );
Line: 977

    select bal.balance_type_id, bal.balance_name
    from pay_balance_types   bal
    where bal.balance_name    like cp_tax_type
      and bal.business_group_id  = cp_bg_id
    order by bal.balance_name DESC;
Line: 984

    select 'Y'
    from pay_balance_feeds_f
    where balance_type_id   = cp_balance_type_id
      and business_group_id = cp_bg_id;
Line: 992

        select def.defined_balance_id
        from pay_defined_balances   def
            ,pay_balance_dimensions dim
        where def.balance_type_id      = cp_balance_type_id
          and def.business_group_id    = cp_bg_id
          and def.balance_dimension_id = dim.balance_dimension_id
          and dim.legislation_code = 'US'
          and dim.dimension_name = cp_dimension;
Line: 1321

	     select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into   new_asg_act_id
             from   dual;
Line: 1325

	     -- insert the action record.
	     hr_utility.trace('New Assignment action id: '||to_char(new_asg_act_id));
Line: 1330

	     g_inserted_asg_action_id := new_asg_act_id;
Line: 1331

	     g_inserted_asg_action_id_flag  := 'Y';
Line: 1332

             select paf.assignment_number
	      into  l_assignment_number
              from  per_assignments_f paf
  		   ,per_people_f      ppf
              where paf.assignment_id = p_asg_id
	      and   paf.effective_end_date = ( select max(paf1.effective_end_date)
                                               from per_assignments_f paf1
                                               where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                                               and paf1.effective_start_date <= p_as_of_date)
	      and   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
	      and   p_as_of_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1356

           insert into pay_us_rpt_totals
               ( attribute2 -- :PACTID
                ,gre_name, organization_name, location_name
                ,value7      -- asg. id
                ,attribute7  -- tax type
                ,value1       -- fed_taxable_value
                ,value2       -- fed_over_limit
                ,value3       -- fed_tax_limit
       		,attribute5   -- New Assignment Action id
       		,attribute10   -- Assignment number
		,attribute11  -- Person id
		,attribute12  -- First name
		,attribute13  -- Middle name
                ,attribute14  -- Last name
		,attribute15  -- SSN
               ,l_gre_name, l_org_name, l_location_code
Line: 1392

	hr_utility.trace('Inserting a record in pay_us_rpt_totals for the employee ' ||l_last_name || ' ' || l_first_name
Line: 1394

	hr_utility.trace('Inserted chunk number ' ||p_chnkno || ' for tax type ' || l_fed_tax_type );
Line: 1422

          ppa_arch.start_date          start_date,
          ppa_arch.effective_date      end_date,
          ppa_arch.business_group_id   business_group_id,
          ppa_arch.payroll_action_id   payroll_action_id,
--          to_number(paa.serial_number) assignment_action_id, -- max assignment_action_id
          paa.assignment_id            assignment_id,
          paa.tax_unit_id              tax_unit_id,
          hou.name                     gre_name,
          paf.organization_id          organization_id,
          hou1.name                    organization_name,
          paf.location_id              location_id,
          hrl.location_code            location_code,
          paf.effective_end_date       max_end_date
  from    hr_locations_all             hrl,
          hr_all_organization_units    hou1,
          hr_all_organization_units    hou,
          per_assignments_f            paf,
          pay_assignment_actions       paa,     -- PYUGEN
          pay_payroll_actions          ppa_arch -- PYUGEN
--    ppa_arch.payroll_action_id = l_pactid
      paa.assignment_action_id   = l_aaid
      and paa.payroll_action_id      = ppa_arch.payroll_action_id
--      and paa.chunk_number           = l_chnkno
      and paf.assignment_id          = paa.assignment_id
      and paf.effective_end_date     = ( select max(effective_end_date)
                                         from per_assignments_f paf1
                                         where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                                           and paf1.effective_start_date <=
      and hrl.location_id            = NVL(paf.location_id,hou.location_id)
      and hou1.organization_id       =  nvl(paf.organization_id,paf.business_group_id)
      and hou.organization_id        = paa.tax_unit_id;
Line: 1473

        select ppa.legislative_parameters,
          into l_leg_param,
          from pay_payroll_actions ppa
         where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 1506

    g_inserted_asg_action_id_flag := 'N';
Line: 1510

        hr_utility.trace('Inserting Limit Values using utilities package');
Line: 1558

 if  p_insert_done_flag = 'N' then
     l_prev_tg := l_tax_group;
Line: 1630

    if p_insert_done_flag = 'N' then
       select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
       into new_asg_act_id
       from dual;
Line: 1637

       p_insert_done_flag := 'Y';