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1 package wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt as
2 /* $Header: wipiscds.pls 120.1 2006/08/04 01:16:53 rekannan noship $ */
4   ------------------------------------------------------------
5   --This procedure will schedule a job or repetitive schedule
6   --based on resources usages, assuming infinite resource
7   --availibility. It will read job/schedule information out of
8   --the relevant database tables, schedule them based on input
9   --parameters, and then update the schedule dates in
11   --
12   --Parameters:
13   --  + p_initMsgList: Clear the message stack before processing?
14   --                   True (fnd_api.g_true) should be passed
15   --                   unless relevant messages are being saved
16   --                   on the stack. This value defaults to true.
17   --  + p_endDebug: Pass true (fnd_api.g_true) unless the debug
18   --                session will be ended at a later point by the
19   --                caller. This value defaults to true.
20   --  + p_orgID: The organization of the entity (job or rep schedule).
21   --  + p_wipEntityID: The entity to reschedule.
22   --  + p_repSchedID: *NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED* This value is currently
23   --                  ignored. In the future, it may be used.
24   --  + p_startDate: if p_opSeqNum is null -> populating this
25   --                 value means the procedure will forward
26   --                 schedule the entity.
27   --                 if p_opSeq is not null -> populating this
28   --                 value means the midpoint op seq will be
29   --                 forward scheduled.
30   --  + p_endDate: if p_opSeqNum is null -> populating this
31   --                 value means the procedure will backward
32   --                 schedule the entity.
33   --                 if p_opSeq is not null -> populating this
34   --                 value means the midpoint op seq will be
35   --                 backward scheduled.
36   -- + p_midPntMethod: constants defined in wip_constants:
37   --                   forwards           --forward schedule job
38   --                   backwards          --backward schedule job
39   --                   midpoint           --midpoint schedule job
40   --                   midpoint_forwards  --schedule midpoint and future operations/op resources
41   --                   midpoint_backwards --schedule midpoint and past operations/op resources
42   --                   current_op         --only schedule current operation
43   --                   current_op_res     --only schedule current op resource
44   --                   current_sub_grp    --only schedule current substitution group
45   -- + p_opSeqNum: Populate to midpoint schedule.
46   -- + p_resSeqNum: Populate to midpoint schedule down to the resource level.
47   --                Only used if p_opSeqNum is populated.
48   -- + p_subGrpNum : Populate to schedule the entire substitute group. When passing
49   --                 this value, use current_sub_grp midpoint method.
50   --   Fix bug 5440007
51   --   p_quantity  : When scheduling is called from wip mass load the quantity
52   --                 may be specified in the wip interface table . In that case we need to
53   --                 take a look at the qty specified in the interface table.
54   --                 Not to impact other callers, the default value for this parameter is null
55   -- + x_returnStatus: fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success if the entity
56   --                   was scheduled successfully.
57   -- + x_errorMsg: The error message. The error message will also
58   --               be left on the stack.
59   procedure schedule(p_initMsgList IN VARCHAR2 := null,
60                      p_endDebug IN VARCHAR2 := null,
61                      p_orgID IN NUMBER,
62                      p_wipEntityID IN NUMBER,
63                      p_repSchedID IN NUMBER := null,
64                      p_startDate IN DATE := null,
65                      p_endDate IN DATE := null,
66                      p_midPntMethod IN NUMBER := null,
67                      p_opSeqNum IN NUMBER := null,
68                      p_resSeqNum IN NUMBER := null,
69                      p_subGrpNum IN NUMBER := null,
70 		     p_quantity  IN NUMBER := null,  -- Fix bug 5440007
71                      x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
72                      x_errorMsg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
74 end wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt;