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2 /* $Header: pesaorgi.pkb 115.2 2004/01/14 07:09:47 abppradh noship $ */
4 --
5 --
6 -- Cursor which fetches Organizations from the named hierarchy - bottom to top
7 --
8 CURSOR organization_hierarchy(p_org_id NUMBER, p_org_structure_version_id NUMBER, p_org_exists_in_hierarchy VARCHAR2) IS
9           SELECT p_org_id organization_id_parent
10                 ,0 lev
11             FROM dual
12            WHERE p_org_exists_in_hierarchy = 'Y'
13            UNION
14           SELECT organization_id_parent
15                 ,level lev
16             FROM per_org_structure_elements
17            WHERE org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
18       START WITH organization_id_child    = p_org_id
19 CONNECT BY PRIOR organization_id_parent   = organization_id_child
20              AND org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
21         ORDER BY lev;
22 --
23 CURSOR org_hierarchy(p_org_id NUMBER, p_org_structure_version_id NUMBER, p_org_exists_in_hierarchy VARCHAR2) IS
24           SELECT p_org_id organization_id_parent
25                 ,0 lev
26             FROM dual
27            WHERE p_org_exists_in_hierarchy = 'Y'
28            UNION
29           SELECT organization_id_parent
30                 ,level lev
31             FROM per_org_structure_elements
32            WHERE org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
33       START WITH organization_id_child    = p_org_id
34 CONNECT BY PRIOR organization_id_parent   = organization_id_child
35              AND org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
36         ORDER BY lev;
37 --
38 --
39 -- Service function to return the current named hioerarchy.
40 --
41 FUNCTION named_hierarchy
42 (p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
43   --
44   --
45   -- Cursor to return the current named hierarchy.
46   --
47   CURSOR c_hierarchy(p_organization_id NUMBER) IS
48     SELECT TO_NUMBER(inf.org_information1) organization_structure_id
49     FROM   hr_organization_information inf
50           ,hr_all_organization_units   org
51     WHERE  org.organization_id         = p_organization_id
52       AND  inf.organization_id         = org.business_group_id
53       AND  inf.org_information_context = 'SA_HR_BG_INFO'
54       AND  inf.org_information1        IS NOT NULL;
55   --
56   --
57   -- Local Variables.
58   --
59   l_rec c_hierarchy%ROWTYPE;
61   --
62   --
63   -- Find the current named organization hierarchy.
64   --
65   OPEN  c_hierarchy(p_organization_id => p_organization_id);
66   FETCH c_hierarchy INTO l_rec;
67   CLOSE c_hierarchy;
68   --
69   --
70   -- Return ID.
71   --
72   RETURN l_rec.organization_structure_id;
73 END named_hierarchy;
74 --
75 --
76 -- Service function to return the current version of the named hioerarchy.
77 --
78 FUNCTION latest_named_hierarchy_vers
79 (p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
80   --
81   --
82   -- Cursor to return the current named hierarchy version.
83   --
84   CURSOR c_hierarchy_version(p_organization_id NUMBER, p_organization_structure_id NUMBER) IS
85     SELECT sv.org_structure_version_id, sv.version_number
86     FROM   per_org_structure_versions  sv
87           ,fnd_sessions                ses
88     WHERE  sv.organization_structure_id = p_organization_structure_id
89       AND  ses.session_id               = USERENV('sessionid')
90       AND  ses.effective_date BETWEEN sv.date_from AND NVL(sv.date_to, TO_DATE('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY'))
91     ORDER BY sv.version_number DESC;
92   --
93   --
94   -- Local Variables.
95   --
96   l_rec c_hierarchy_version%ROWTYPE;
98   --
99   --
100   -- Find the current primary organization hierarchy.
101   --
102   OPEN  c_hierarchy_version(p_organization_id           => p_organization_id
103                            ,p_organization_structure_id => named_hierarchy(p_organization_id));
104   FETCH c_hierarchy_version INTO l_rec;
105   CLOSE c_hierarchy_version;
106   --
107   --
108   -- Return ID.
109   --
110   RETURN l_rec.org_structure_version_id;
111 END latest_named_hierarchy_vers;
112 --
113 --
114 -- Service function to see if organization belongs to the current named hioerarchy.
115 --
116 FUNCTION org_exists_in_hierarchy
117 (p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
118   --
119   --
120   -- Cursor to see if the organization belongs to the current named hierarchy.
121   --
122   CURSOR c_org_exists(p_organization_id NUMBER, p_org_structure_version_id NUMBER) IS
123     SELECT se.organization_id_child
124     FROM   per_org_structure_elements se
125     WHERE  se.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
126       AND  (se.organization_id_parent  = p_organization_id OR
127             se.organization_id_child   = p_organization_id);
128   --
129   --
130   -- Local Variables.
131   --
132   l_rec c_org_exists%ROWTYPE;
134   OPEN  c_org_exists(p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
135                     ,p_org_structure_version_id => latest_named_hierarchy_vers(p_organization_id));
136   FETCH c_org_exists INTO l_rec;
137   IF c_org_exists%FOUND THEN
138     CLOSE c_org_exists;
139     RETURN 'Y';
140   ELSE
141     CLOSE c_org_exists;
142     RETURN 'N';
143   END IF;
144 END org_exists_in_hierarchy;
146 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 The following procedure checks if the Organization passed in exists in the Prima
148 ry Hierarchy. Called in HREMEA.pll to validate the Organization Name on the Assi
149 gnment form
150 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
151 PROCEDURE chk_for_org_in_hierarchy(p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
152                                    p_exists out nocopy varchar2) IS
153  l_organization_id      hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
154  l_level 	        number;
156   p_exists := org_exists_in_hierarchy(p_org_id);
157 END chk_for_org_in_hierarchy;
159 PROCEDURE get_employer_name (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
160                              p_employer_name out nocopy varchar2,
161 			     p_business_group_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE) IS
162 cursor csr_employer (p_organization_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
163 			 p_bus_group_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE) is
164 	select hou.name
165 	from hr_organization_units hou,
166 		hr_organization_information hoi1,
167 		hr_organization_information hoi2
168 	where (hou.business_group_id= p_bus_group_id
169 	OR (hou.business_group_id=hou.organization_id and
170 	hou.business_group_id <> p_bus_group_id   )) and
171 	trunc(sysdate) between hou.date_from and nvl(hou.date_to,
172 	to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')) and
173 	hou.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id and
174 	hou.organization_id = p_organization_id  and
175 	hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS' and
176 	hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL' and
177 	Hoi1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id and
178 	Hoi2.org_information_context = 'SA_EMPLOYER_GOSI_DETAILS'
179 	order by hou.name;
180 l_results varchar2(240);
182 if 'Y' <> org_exists_in_hierarchy(p_org_id) then
183 	p_employer_name := 'NO_EMPLOYER_FOUND';
184 end if;
185 	FOR hier_org IN ORG_HIERARCHY (p_org_id, latest_named_hierarchy_vers(p_org_id),org_exists_in_hierarchy(p_org_id)) LOOP
186 		OPEN csr_employer(hier_org.organization_id_parent,p_business_group_id);
187 		FETCH csr_employer INTO l_results;
188 --		CLOSE csr_employer;
190 		if csr_employer%FOUND then
191 			p_employer_name := l_results;
192 			CLOSE csr_employer;
193 			exit;
194 		else
195 			p_employer_name := 'NO_EMPLOYER_FOUND';
196 			CLOSE csr_employer;
197 		end if;
199 	END LOOP;
201 end get_employer_name;
203 PROCEDURE get_employer_name (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
204                              p_employer_name out nocopy varchar2,
205 			     p_business_group_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
206                              p_structure_version_id number) IS
207 cursor csr_employer (p_organization_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
208 			 p_bus_group_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE) is
209 	select hou.name
210 	from hr_organization_units hou,
211 		hr_organization_information hoi1,
212 		hr_organization_information hoi2
213 	where (hou.business_group_id= p_bus_group_id
214 	OR (hou.business_group_id=hou.organization_id and
215 	hou.business_group_id <> p_bus_group_id   )) and
216 	trunc(sysdate) between hou.date_from and nvl(hou.date_to,
217 	to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')) and
218 	hou.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id and
219 	hou.organization_id = p_organization_id  and
220 	hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS' and
221 	hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL' and
222 	Hoi1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id and
223 	Hoi2.org_information_context = 'SA_EMPLOYER_GOSI_DETAILS'
224 	order by hou.name;
225 l_results varchar2(240);
227 	FOR hier_org IN ORG_HIERARCHY (p_org_id, p_structure_version_id,'Y') LOOP
228 		OPEN csr_employer(hier_org.organization_id_parent,p_business_group_id);
229 		FETCH csr_employer INTO l_results;
230 --		CLOSE csr_employer;
232 		if csr_employer%FOUND then
233 			p_employer_name := l_results;
234 			CLOSE csr_employer;
235 			exit;
236 		else
237 			p_employer_name := 'NO_EMPLOYER_FOUND';
238 			CLOSE csr_employer;
239 		end if;
241 	END LOOP;
243 end get_employer_name;
246 FUNCTION get_employer_name (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
247 			     p_business_group_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
248                              p_structure_version_id number default null) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
249 cursor csr_employer (p_organization_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
250 			 p_bus_group_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE) is
251 	select hou.name
252 	from hr_organization_units hou,
253 		hr_organization_information hoi1,
254 		hr_organization_information hoi2
255 	where (hou.business_group_id= p_bus_group_id
256 	OR (hou.business_group_id=hou.organization_id and
257 	hou.business_group_id <> p_bus_group_id   )) and
258 	trunc(sysdate) between hou.date_from and nvl(hou.date_to,
259 	to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')) and
260 	hou.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id and
261 	hou.organization_id = p_organization_id  and
262 	hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS' and
263 	hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL' and
264 	Hoi1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id and
265 	Hoi2.org_information_context = 'SA_EMPLOYER_GOSI_DETAILS'
266 	order by hou.name;
267   l_employer_name varchar2(240);
268   l_results       varchar2(240);
270   IF p_structure_version_id is not null then
271 	FOR hier_org IN ORG_HIERARCHY (p_org_id, p_structure_version_id,'Y') LOOP
272 		OPEN csr_employer(hier_org.organization_id_parent,p_business_group_id);
273 		FETCH csr_employer INTO l_results;
274 --		CLOSE csr_employer;
276 		if csr_employer%FOUND then
277 			l_employer_name := l_results;
278 			CLOSE csr_employer;
279 			exit;
280 		else
281 			l_employer_name := null;
282 			CLOSE csr_employer;
283 		end if;
285 	END LOOP;
286   ELSE
287     if 'Y' <> org_exists_in_hierarchy(p_org_id) then
288 	l_employer_name := null;
289     end if;
290 	FOR hier_org IN ORG_HIERARCHY (p_org_id, latest_named_hierarchy_vers(p_org_id),org_exists_in_hierarchy(p_org_id)) LOOP
291 		OPEN csr_employer(hier_org.organization_id_parent,p_business_group_id);
292 		FETCH csr_employer INTO l_results;
293 --		CLOSE csr_employer;
294 		if csr_employer%FOUND then
295 			l_employer_name := l_results;
296 			CLOSE csr_employer;
297 			exit;
298 		else
299 			l_employer_name := null;
300 			CLOSE csr_employer;
301 		end if;
303 	END LOOP;
304   END IF;
306   RETURN l_employer_name;
308 end get_employer_name;