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1 PACKAGE igf_se_payment_pub AS
2 /* $Header: IGFSE02S.pls 120.1 2006/01/19 01:42:31 ugummall noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * A public API that creates payment information for a given authorization id
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product IGF
7  * @rep:displayname Create payment
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
9  * @rep:compatibility S
10  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY IGF_FWS
11  */
12  /*=======================================================================+
13  |  Copyright (c) 1994, 1996 Oracle Corp. Redwood Shores, California, USA|
14  |                            All rights reserved.                       |
15  +=======================================================================+
16  |                                                                       |
17  | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
18  |      PL/SQL spec for package: igf_se_payment_pub                      |
19  |                                                                       |
20  | NOTES                                                                 |
21  |                                                                       |
22  |                                                                       |
23  |                                                                       |
24  | HISTORY                                                               |
25  | Who       When         What                                           |
26  *=======================================================================*/
29 -- Payment Record declaration
30 TYPE payment_rec_type IS RECORD (
31   transaction_id NUMBER,
32   payroll_id NUMBER,
33   payroll_date DATE,
34   authorization_id NUMBER,
35   person_id NUMBER,
36   paid_amount NUMBER,
37   organization_unit_name VARCHAR2(360),
38   source VARCHAR2(30)
39 );
42 --
43 -- API Name            : create_payment
44 -- Type                : Public
45 -- Pre-reqs            : None
46 -- Function            : Creates a New Payment information for the given
47 --                       authorization id and award year combination.
48 --                       this api updates an existing payment information
49 --                       provided if a payroll id value that is already existing
50 --                       in the system is sent.
51 -- Parameters          :
52 --   IN                :
53 --                       p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 default to FND_API.G_FALSE
54 --                       p_payment_rec payment record type
55 --                               i.    payroll_date IN DATE. date of payment. Required
56 --                               ii.   payroll_id IN NUMBER. Unique payroll identifier
57 --                                     from the payroll interface. Required
58 --                               iii.  authorization_id IN NUMBER the authorization
59 --                                     against which the payment is made. Required
60 --                               iv.   person_id IN NUMBER internal person identifier. Required.
61 --                               v.    payment_amount IN NUMBER the actual amount that is paid.
62 --                                     Required.
63 --                               vi.   organization_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2. The Organization
64 --                                     or the Employer Organization. Optional
65 --                              vii.  source IN VARCHAR2. Oracle seeded values are
66 --                                     ORACLE_HRMS, MANUAL and UPLOAD
67 --                                     if this API is being called from a User Interface then
68 --                                     the source is MANUAL. If the payment table is being
69 --                                     populated via Oracle HRMS then the value is ORACLE_HRMS.
70 --                                     If the payment table is populated via upload from the
71 --                                     payment interface table then the value is UPLOAD.
72 --   OUT               :
73 --                       x_transaction_id OUT NUMBER. a unique identifier in the Oracle Financial
74 --                         Aid Entity, created for each payment record.
75 --
76 --                       x_return_status Return status after the call. The status can
77 --                        be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
78 --                        FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
79 --                        FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
80 --                       x_msg_count Number of messages in message stack.
81 --                       x_msg_data  Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
82 --
83 -- History             :
84 --                       Current Version 1.0
85 --                       Previous Version None
86 --                       Initial Version 1.0
87 --
88 --
89 /*#
90  * A public API that creates payment information for a given authorization id
91  * @param  p_init_msg_list Initialized Message List
92  * @param  p_payment_rec Payment record Type
93  * @param  x_transaction_id Transaction ID
94  * @param  x_return_status Return Status
95  * @param  x_msg_count Message Count
96  * @param  x_msg_data Message Data
97  * @rep:scope public
98  * @rep:lifecycle active
99  * @rep:displayname Create payment
100  */
101 PROCEDURE create_payment(
102  p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
103  p_payment_rec IN payment_rec_type,
104  x_transaction_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
105  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
106  x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
107  x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
108 );
110 END igf_se_payment_pub;