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1 PACKAGE BODY hri_dbi_wmv_budget AS
2 /* $Header: hribdgco.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 07:01:54 appldev noship $ */
3     --
4     --**********************************************
5     --*        Define global constants             *
6     --**********************************************
7     --
8     g_con_context_type    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'SUPERVISOR';
9     g_con_info_category   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET';
10     g_object_name         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET';
11     --
12     --***********************************************
13     --*        Define global parameters             *
14     --***********************************************
15     --
16     g_abv_type VARCHAR2(30);
17     --
18     --**********************************************************************************
19     --* Calculate events between p_effective_start_date and p_effective_end_date*
20     --**********************************************************************************
21     --
22     PROCEDURE calc_events ( p_effective_start_date IN DATE
23                            ,p_effective_end_date   IN DATE) IS
24     BEGIN
25         INSERT INTO hri_dbi_wmv_budget_evts_tmp
26                     ( supervisor_id
27                      ,effective_start_date
28                      ,effective_end_date
29                      ,budget_version_id
30                      ,budgeted_count)
31                     SELECT DISTINCT org.org_information2, b.version_date_from, b.version_date_to,
32                                     b.budget_version_id,0
33                     FROM   hr_organization_information org,
34                            hri_mb_budget_v b
35                     WHERE  org.org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
36                     AND    org.org_information2 IS NOT NULL
37                     AND    org.organization_id = b.organization_id
38                     AND    b.position_control_flag_code = 'Y'
39                     AND    b.version_date_from BETWEEN p_effective_start_date
40                                                   AND   p_effective_end_date;
41         COMMIT;
42         --
43         bis_collection_utilities.log('Events Population Done',1);
44         --
45     END calc_events;
46     --
47     --*******************************
48     --* Calculate budgeted headcount*
49     --*******************************
50     --
51     PROCEDURE get_budgeted_headcount IS
53     BEGIN
54         UPDATE hri_dbi_wmv_budget_evts_tmp hrp
55         SET    hrp.budgeted_count = (SELECT sum(decode(g_abv_type,b.budget_unit1_system_type_cd, b.budget_unit1_value,
56                                                               b.budget_unit2_system_type_cd, b.budget_unit2_value,
57                                                               b.budget_unit1_system_type_cd,b.budget_unit3_value ))
58                                      FROM HRI_MB_BUDGET_V b,
59                                           HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION org
60                                      WHERE b.position_control_flag_code = 'Y'
61                                      AND   b.organization_id = org.organization_id
62                                      AND   org.org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
63                                      AND   org.org_information2 = hrp.supervisor_id
64                                      AND   b.version_date_from = hrp.effective_start_date
65                                      AND   b.budget_version_id = hrp.budget_version_id);
67         COMMIT;
68         --
69         bis_collection_utilities.log('Budgeted Headcount Calculation Done',1);
70         --
71     END get_budgeted_headcount;
72     --
73     --*******************************
74     --* Compare Dates               *
75     --*******************************
76     --
77     FUNCTION comp_date(p_effective_start_date IN DATE,p_effective_end_date IN DATE) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
79     ret_val VARCHAR2(10);
80     BEGIN
81         IF p_effective_start_date > p_effective_end_date then
82            ret_val := 'Y';
83         ELSE
84            ret_val := 'N';
85         END IF;
86         return ret_val;
87    END comp_date;
89     --
90     -- ***********************************************************************
91     -- * Fully refresh all summary data for the budgeted headcount           *
92     -- * within the specified time period                                    *
93     -- ***********************************************************************
94     --
95     PROCEDURE full_refresh( errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
96                            ,retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
97                            ,p_effective_start_date IN VARCHAR2
98                            ,p_effective_end_date   IN VARCHAR2) IS
100               l_supervisor_id           NUMBER(32);
101               l_location_id             NUMBER(32);
102               l_budgeted_headcount      NUMBER;
103               l_effective_date          DATE;
104               l_effective_date1         DATE;
105               l_effective_start_date    DATE;
106               l_effective_end_date      DATE;
108               CURSOR c_events IS
109                      SELECT hrp.supervisor_id, hrp.effective_start_date, hrp.effective_end_date,
110                             hrp.budgeted_count
111                      FROM   hri_dbi_wmv_budget_evts_tmp hrp;
112     BEGIN
114          bis_collection_utilities.log('********************************',1);
115          bis_collection_utilities.log('*HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET.FULL_REFRESH*',1);
116          bis_collection_utilities.log('********************************',1);
118          DELETE
119          FROM   hr_ptl_summary_data psum
120          WHERE  psum.sum_information_category = 'HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET'
121          AND    psum.summary_context_type = 'SUPERVISOR';
122          COMMIT;
123          --
124          bis_collection_utilities.log('Delete records from the HR_PORTAL_SUMMARY_DATA table',1);
125          --
126          --set dates
127          l_effective_start_date := trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_start_date));
128          l_effective_end_date := trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_end_date));
130          --
131          bis_collection_utilities.log('Effective Start Date : '||TO_CHAR(l_effective_start_date),1);
132          bis_collection_utilities.log('Effective End Date : '||TO_CHAR(l_effective_end_date),1);
133          --
134          --set global parameters
135          --
136          g_abv_type := fnd_profile.value('BIS_WORKFORCE_MEASUREMENT_TYPE');
137          --
138          bis_collection_utilities.log('Workforce Measurement Value: '||g_abv_type,1);
139          --
140          --events population
141          hri_dbi_wmv_budget.calc_events(l_effective_start_date,l_effective_end_date);
142          --
143          --calculate budgeted headcount
144          hri_dbi_wmv_budget.get_budgeted_headcount;
146          OPEN c_events;
147          LOOP
148             FETCH c_events INTO l_supervisor_id, l_effective_date, l_effective_date1, l_budgeted_headcount;
149             EXIT WHEN c_events%NOTFOUND;
151             l_location_id := null;
153             INSERT INTO hr_ptl_summary_data
154                       ( summary_data_id
155                        ,summary_context_type
156                        ,summary_context_id
157                        ,effective_date
158                        ,created_by
159                        ,creation_date
160                        ,object_version_number
161                        ,sum_information_category
162                        ,sum_information1
163                        ,sum_information2
164                        ,effective_end_date)
165             VALUES    ( hr_ptl_summary_data_s.NEXTVAL
166                        ,g_con_context_type
167                        ,l_supervisor_id
168                        ,l_effective_date
169                        ,fnd_global.user_id
170                        ,TRUNC(SYSDATE)
171                        ,1
172                        ,g_con_info_category
173                        ,l_location_id
174                        ,l_budgeted_headcount
175                        ,TRUNC(l_effective_date1));
176          END LOOP;
177          CLOSE c_events;
178          COMMIT;
179          --
180          bis_collection_utilities.log('Full Refresh Complete',1);
181          --
182          EXCEPTION
183             WHEN OTHERS THEN
184               errbuf := SQLERRM;
185               retcode := SQLCODE;
186     END full_refresh;
187     --
188     -- **********************************************************************
189     -- * Refresh the summary data for the employee budgeted count           *
190     -- **********************************************************************
191     --
192     PROCEDURE refresh_from_deltas ( errbuf  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
193                                    ,retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ) IS
195               l_effective_from_date    VARCHAR2(25);
196               l_effective_to_date      VARCHAR2(25);
198     BEGIN
199               l_effective_from_date := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(TRUNC(bis_common_parameters.get_global_start_date));
200               l_effective_to_date   := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(TRUNC(sysdate));
202               hri_dbi_wmv_budget.full_refresh(errbuf,retcode,l_effective_from_date,l_effective_to_date);
204     END refresh_from_deltas;
205     --
206     -- **********************************************************************
207     -- * Refresh the materialized view for the employee budgeted count      *
208     -- **********************************************************************
209     --
210     PROCEDURE refresh_mvs( errbuf  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
211                           ,retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
212     BEGIN
213          --
214          bis_collection_utilities.log('****************************',1);
215          bis_collection_utilities.log('*Refresh Materialized Views*',1);
216          bis_collection_utilities.log('****************************',1);
217          --
218          dbms_mview.refresh('HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET_MV','C');
219          --
220          bis_collection_utilities.log('HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET_MV Materialized View refreshed',1);
221          --
222          fnd_stats.gather_table_stats('APPS','HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET_MV');
223          --
224          bis_collection_utilities.log('HRI_DBI_WMV_BUDGET_MV view statastics gathered',1);
225          --
226      EXCEPTION
227         WHEN OTHERS THEN
228             errbuf := SQLERRM;
229             retcode := SQLCODE;
230     END refresh_mvs;
231 END hri_dbi_wmv_budget;