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Line 52: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN

48: -- Fix for bug 3217280
49: l_org_id NUMBER;
52: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN
54: /* bsadri performance fixes for bug 1807599 so that the
55: indexes on oe_order_headers and oe_order_lines are
56: used again

Line 98: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN

94: AND NVL(l.org_id,-1) = l_org_id
95: GROUP BY l.source_document_line_id;
97: -- End of bug 2469894,2641565 }
98: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN
99: SELECT nvl(l.ordered_quantity, 0)
100: - nvl(l.shipped_quantity,0)
101: - nvl(l.cancelled_quantity,0)
102: INTO x_open_qty

Line 146: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN

142: -- Fix for bug 3217280
143: l_org_id NUMBER;
144: BEGIN
146: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN
147: /* bsadri performance fixes for bug 1807599 so that the
148: indexes on oe_order_headers and oe_order_lines are
149: used again
150: */

Line 205: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN

201: --AND l.source_document_line_id = p_orig_sys_line_ref;
202: AND l.orig_sys_line_ref = l_orig_sys_line_ref;
203: */
205: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN
206: SELECT nvl(l.shipped_quantity,0)
207: INTO x_shipped_qty
208: FROM so_headers h, so_lines l
209: WHERE h.original_system_source_code = p_order_source_id

Line 266: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN

262: l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;
263: --
264: BEGIN
266: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN
267: /* bsadri performance fixes for bug 1807599 so that the
268: indexes on oe_order_headers and oe_order_lines are
269: used again
270: */

Line 317: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN

314: x_cancelled_qty := l_sum_of_quantity;
315: -- End of bug 2469894,2641565 }
317: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN
318: SELECT l.cancelled_quantity
319: INTO x_cancelled_qty
320: FROM so_headers h, so_lines l
321: WHERE h.original_system_source_code = p_order_source_id

Line 361: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN

357: -- Fix for bug 3217280
358: l_org_id NUMBER;
359: BEGIN
361: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN
362: /* bsadri performance fixes for bug 1807599 so that the
363: indexes on oe_order_headers and oe_order_lines are
364: used again
365: */

Line 395: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN

391: AND l.orig_sys_line_ref = l_orig_sys_line_ref
392: AND h.source_document_id = l.source_document_id
393: AND nvl(h.org_id, -1) = l_org_id;
395: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN
396: SELECT h.order_number
397: INTO x_order_number
398: FROM so_headers h, so_lines l
399: WHERE h.original_system_source_code = p_order_source_id

Line 443: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN

439: l_org_id NUMBER;
440: l_orig_sys_line_ref VARCHAR2(50);
441: BEGIN
443: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN
444: IF p_type = 'H' THEN
445: /* bsadri performance fixes for bug 1807599 so that the
446: indexes on oe_order_headers and oe_order_lines are
447: used again

Line 476: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN

472: AND d.requisition_line_id =
473: nvl(p_requisition_line_id, d.requisition_line_id);
474: END IF;
476: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN
477: IF p_type = 'H' THEN
478: SELECT h.header_id
479: INTO x_header_id
480: FROM so_headers h

Line 522: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN

518: l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;
519: --
520: BEGIN
522: IF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'ONT' THEN
523: IF p_type = 'H' THEN /* From oe_order_headers */
524: -- Following change is made to support the multi-org PO functionality
525: -- SELECT r.requisition_header_id
526: -- INTO x_req_header_id

Line 541: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN

537: INTO x_req_header_id
538: FROM oe_drop_ship_sources d
539: WHERE d.header_id = p_header_id;
540: END IF;
541: ELSIF OE_INSTALL.Get_Active_Product = 'OE' THEN
542: IF p_type = 'H' THEN /* From oe_order_headers */
543: SELECT r.requisition_header_id
544: INTO x_req_header_id
545: FROM so_headers h, po_requisition_headers r