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2 /* $Header: RCVTIR1B.pls 120.3.12010000.2 2008/10/09 17:19:00 vthevark ship $ */
4   PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
5                        X_Interface_Transaction_Id       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
6                        X_Group_Id                       NUMBER,
7                        X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
8                        X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
9                        X_Creation_Date                  DATE,
10                        X_Created_By                     NUMBER,
11                        X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
12                        X_Transaction_Type               VARCHAR2,
13                        X_Transaction_Date               DATE,
14                        X_Processing_Status_Code         VARCHAR2,
15                        X_Processing_Mode_Code           VARCHAR2,
16                        X_Processing_Request_Id          NUMBER,
17                        X_Transaction_Status_Code        VARCHAR2,
18                        X_Category_Id                    NUMBER,
19                        X_Quantity                       NUMBER,
20                        X_Unit_Of_Measure                VARCHAR2,
21                        X_Interface_Source_Code          VARCHAR2,
22                        X_Interface_Source_Line_Id       NUMBER,
23                        X_Inv_Transaction_Id             NUMBER,
24                        X_Item_Id                        NUMBER,
25                        X_Item_Description               VARCHAR2,
26                        X_Item_Revision                  VARCHAR2,
27                        X_Uom_Code                       VARCHAR2,
28                        X_Employee_Id                    NUMBER,
29                        X_Auto_Transact_Code             VARCHAR2,
30                        X_Shipment_Header_Id             NUMBER,
31                        X_Shipment_Line_Id               NUMBER,
32                        X_Ship_To_Location_Id            NUMBER,
33                        X_Primary_Quantity               NUMBER,
34                        X_Primary_Unit_Of_Measure        VARCHAR2,
35                        X_Receipt_Source_Code            VARCHAR2,
36                        X_Vendor_Id                      NUMBER,
37                        X_Vendor_Site_Id                 NUMBER,
38                        X_From_Organization_Id           NUMBER,
39                        X_To_Organization_Id             NUMBER,
40                        X_Routing_Header_Id              NUMBER,
41                        X_Routing_Step_Id                NUMBER,
42                        X_Source_Document_Code           VARCHAR2,
43                        X_Parent_Transaction_Id          NUMBER,
44                        X_Po_Header_Id                   NUMBER,
45                        X_Po_Revision_Num                NUMBER,
46                        X_Po_Release_Id                  NUMBER,
47                        X_Po_Line_Id                     NUMBER,
48                        X_Po_Line_Location_Id            NUMBER,
49                        X_Po_Unit_Price                  NUMBER,
50                        X_Currency_Code                  VARCHAR2,
51                        X_Currency_Conversion_Type       VARCHAR2,
52                        X_Currency_Conversion_Rate       NUMBER,
53                        X_Currency_Conversion_Date       DATE,
54                        X_Po_Distribution_Id             NUMBER,
55                        X_Requisition_Line_Id            NUMBER,
56                        X_Req_Distribution_Id            NUMBER,
57                        X_Charge_Account_Id              NUMBER,
58                        X_Substitute_Unordered_Code      VARCHAR2,
59                        X_Receipt_Exception_Flag         VARCHAR2,
60                        X_Accrual_Status_Code            VARCHAR2,
61                        X_Inspection_Status_Code         VARCHAR2,
62                        X_Inspection_Quality_Code        VARCHAR2,
63                        X_Destination_Type_Code          VARCHAR2,
64                        X_Deliver_To_Person_Id           NUMBER,
65                        X_Location_Id                    NUMBER,
66                        X_Deliver_To_Location_Id         NUMBER,
67                        X_Subinventory                   VARCHAR2,
68                        X_Locator_Id                     NUMBER,
69                        X_Wip_Entity_Id                  NUMBER,
70                        X_Wip_Line_Id                    NUMBER,
71                        X_Department_Code                VARCHAR2,
72                        X_Wip_Repetitive_Schedule_Id     NUMBER,
73                        X_Wip_Operation_Seq_Num          NUMBER,
74                        X_Wip_Resource_Seq_Num           NUMBER,
75                        X_Bom_Resource_Id                NUMBER,
76                        X_Shipment_Num                   VARCHAR2,
77                        X_Freight_Carrier_Code           VARCHAR2,
78                        X_Bill_Of_Lading                 VARCHAR2,
79                        X_Packing_Slip                   VARCHAR2,
80                        X_Shipped_Date                   DATE,
81                        X_Expected_Receipt_Date          DATE,
82                        X_Actual_Cost                    NUMBER,
83                        X_Transfer_Cost                  NUMBER,
84                        X_Transportation_Cost            NUMBER,
85                        X_Transportation_Account_Id      NUMBER,
86                        X_Num_Of_Containers              NUMBER,
87                        X_Waybill_Airbill_Num            VARCHAR2,
88                        X_Vendor_Item_Num                VARCHAR2,
89                        X_Vendor_Lot_Num                 VARCHAR2,
90                        X_Rma_Reference                  VARCHAR2,
91                        X_Comments                       VARCHAR2,
92                        X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
93                        X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
94                        X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
95                        X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
96                        X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
97                        X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
98                        X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
99                        X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
100                        X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
101                        X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
102                        X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
103                        X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
104                        X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
105                        X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
106                        X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
107                        X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
108                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute_Category   VARCHAR2,
109                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute1           VARCHAR2,
110                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute2           VARCHAR2,
111                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute3           VARCHAR2,
112                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute4           VARCHAR2,
113                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute5           VARCHAR2,
114                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute6           VARCHAR2,
115                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute7           VARCHAR2,
116                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute8           VARCHAR2,
117                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute9           VARCHAR2,
118                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute10          VARCHAR2,
119                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute11          VARCHAR2,
120                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute12          VARCHAR2,
121                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute13          VARCHAR2,
122                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute14          VARCHAR2,
123                        X_Ship_Head_Attribute15          VARCHAR2,
124                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute_Category   VARCHAR2,
125                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute1           VARCHAR2,
126                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute2           VARCHAR2,
127                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute3           VARCHAR2,
128                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute4           VARCHAR2,
129                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute5           VARCHAR2,
130                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute6           VARCHAR2,
131                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute7           VARCHAR2,
132                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute8           VARCHAR2,
133                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute9           VARCHAR2,
134                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute10          VARCHAR2,
135                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute11          VARCHAR2,
136                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute12          VARCHAR2,
137                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute13          VARCHAR2,
138                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute14          VARCHAR2,
139                        X_Ship_Line_Attribute15          VARCHAR2,
140                        X_Ussgl_Transaction_Code         VARCHAR2,
141                        X_Government_Context             VARCHAR2,
142                        X_Reason_Id                      NUMBER,
143                        X_Destination_Context            VARCHAR2,
144                        X_Source_Doc_Quantity            NUMBER,
145                        X_Source_Doc_Unit_Of_Measure     VARCHAR2,
146 		       X_Lot_Number_CC                  NUMBER,
147 		       X_Serial_Number_CC               NUMBER,
148                        X_QA_Collection_Id		NUMBER,
149 		       X_Country_of_Origin_Code		VARCHAR2,
150 		       X_oe_order_header_id	   	number,
151 		       X_oe_order_line_id	   	number,
152 		       X_customer_item_num	   	varchar2,
153 		       X_customer_id		   	number,
154 		       X_customer_site_id	   	number,
155 		       X_put_away_rule_id		number,
156 		       X_put_away_strategy_id		number,
157 		       X_lpn_id				number,
158 		       X_transfer_lpn_id		number,
159                        X_cost_group_id                  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
160                        X_mmtt_temp_id                   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
161                        X_mobile_txn                     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
162                        X_transfer_cost_group_id         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
163                        /*Bug# 1548597 Preetam B */
164                        X_secondary_quantity		number DEFAULT NULL,
165                        X_secondary_unit_of_measure	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
166                        X_lpn_group_id			number DEFAULT NULL,
167                        p_org_id                         MO_GLOB_ORG_ACCESS_TMP.ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,--<R12 MOAC>
168                        X_from_subinventory              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, --Added bug # 6529950
169                        X_from_locator_id                NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,    --Added bug # 6529950
170                        X_lcm_shipment_line_id           NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, -- lcm changes
171                        X_unit_landed_cost               NUMBER DEFAULT NULL  -- lcm changes
172     ) IS
174                  WHERE interface_transaction_id = X_Interface_Transaction_Id;
180       CURSOR C2 IS SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.nextval FROM sys.dual;
182     BEGIN
183       if (X_Interface_Transaction_Id is NULL) then
184         OPEN C2;
185         FETCH C2 INTO X_Interface_Transaction_Id;
186         CLOSE C2;
187       end if;
190                interface_transaction_id,
191                group_id,
192                last_update_date,
193                last_updated_by,
194                creation_date,
195                created_by,
196                last_update_login,
197                transaction_type,
198                transaction_date,
199                processing_status_code,
200                processing_mode_code,
201                processing_request_id,
202                transaction_status_code,
203                category_id,
204                quantity,
205                unit_of_measure,
206                interface_source_code,
207                interface_source_line_id,
208                inv_transaction_id,
209                item_id,
210                item_description,
211                item_revision,
212                uom_code,
213                employee_id,
214                auto_transact_code,
215                shipment_header_id,
216                shipment_line_id,
217                ship_to_location_id,
218                primary_quantity,
219                primary_unit_of_measure,
220                receipt_source_code,
221                vendor_id,
222                vendor_site_id,
223                from_organization_id,
224                to_organization_id,
225                routing_header_id,
226                routing_step_id,
227                source_document_code,
228                parent_transaction_id,
229                po_header_id,
230                po_revision_num,
231                po_release_id,
232                po_line_id,
233                po_line_location_id,
234                po_unit_price,
235                currency_code,
236                currency_conversion_type,
237                currency_conversion_rate,
238                currency_conversion_date,
239                po_distribution_id,
240                requisition_line_id,
241                req_distribution_id,
242                charge_account_id,
243                substitute_unordered_code,
244                receipt_exception_flag,
245                accrual_status_code,
246                inspection_status_code,
247                inspection_quality_code,
248                destination_type_code,
249                deliver_to_person_id,
250                location_id,
251                deliver_to_location_id,
252                subinventory,
253                locator_id,
254                wip_entity_id,
255                wip_line_id,
256                department_code,
257                wip_repetitive_schedule_id,
258                wip_operation_seq_num,
259                wip_resource_seq_num,
260                bom_resource_id,
261                shipment_num,
262                freight_carrier_code,
263                bill_of_lading,
264                packing_slip,
265                shipped_date,
266                expected_receipt_date,
267                actual_cost,
268                transfer_cost,
269                transportation_cost,
270                transportation_account_id,
271                num_of_containers,
272                waybill_airbill_num,
273                vendor_item_num,
274                vendor_lot_num,
275                rma_reference,
277                attribute_category,
278                attribute1,
279                attribute2,
280                attribute3,
281                attribute4,
282                attribute5,
283                attribute6,
284                attribute7,
285                attribute8,
286                attribute9,
287                attribute10,
288                attribute11,
289                attribute12,
290                attribute13,
291                attribute14,
292                attribute15,
293                ship_head_attribute_category,
294                ship_head_attribute1,
295                ship_head_attribute2,
296                ship_head_attribute3,
297                ship_head_attribute4,
298                ship_head_attribute5,
299                ship_head_attribute6,
300                ship_head_attribute7,
301                ship_head_attribute8,
302                ship_head_attribute9,
303                ship_head_attribute10,
304                ship_head_attribute11,
305                ship_head_attribute12,
306                ship_head_attribute13,
307                ship_head_attribute14,
308                ship_head_attribute15,
312                ship_line_attribute3,
309                ship_line_attribute_category,
310                ship_line_attribute1,
311                ship_line_attribute2,
313                ship_line_attribute4,
314                ship_line_attribute5,
315                ship_line_attribute6,
316                ship_line_attribute7,
317                ship_line_attribute8,
318                ship_line_attribute9,
319                ship_line_attribute10,
320                ship_line_attribute11,
321                ship_line_attribute12,
322                ship_line_attribute13,
323                ship_line_attribute14,
324                ship_line_attribute15,
325                ussgl_transaction_code,
326                government_context,
327                reason_id,
328                destination_context,
329                source_doc_quantity,
330                source_doc_unit_of_measure,
331                use_mtl_lot,
332                use_mtl_serial,
333                qa_collection_id,
334 	       country_of_origin_code,
335 	       oe_order_header_id,
336 	       oe_order_line_id,
337 	       customer_item_num,
338 	       customer_id,
339 	       customer_site_id,
340 	       put_away_rule_id,
341 	       put_away_strategy_id,
342 	       lpn_id,
343 	       transfer_lpn_id,
344 	       cost_group_id,
345 	       mmtt_temp_id,
346 	       mobile_txn,
347 	       transfer_cost_group_id,
348 	       /*Bug# 1548597 Preetam B */
349 	       secondary_quantity,
350                secondary_unit_of_measure,
351 	       lpn_group_id,
352                org_id,     --<R12 MOAC>
353 	       from_subinventory, --Added bug # 6529950
354 	       from_locator_id,    --Added bug # 6529950
355 	       lcm_shipment_line_id,
356 	       unit_landed_cost
357              ) VALUES (
358                X_Interface_Transaction_Id,
359                X_Group_Id,
360                X_Last_Update_Date,
361                X_Last_Updated_By,
362                X_Creation_Date,
363                X_Created_By,
364                X_Last_Update_Login,
365                X_Transaction_Type,
366                X_Transaction_Date,
367                X_Processing_Status_Code,
368                X_Processing_Mode_Code,
369                X_Processing_Request_Id,
370                X_Transaction_Status_Code,
371                X_Category_Id,
372                X_Quantity,
373                X_Unit_Of_Measure,
374                X_Interface_Source_Code,
375                X_Interface_Source_Line_Id,
376                X_Inv_Transaction_Id,
377                X_Item_Id,
378                X_Item_Description,
379                X_Item_Revision,
380                X_Uom_Code,
381                X_Employee_Id,
382                X_Auto_Transact_Code,
383                X_Shipment_Header_Id,
384                X_Shipment_Line_Id,
385                X_Ship_To_Location_Id,
386                X_Primary_Quantity,
387                X_Primary_Unit_Of_Measure,
388                X_Receipt_Source_Code,
389                X_Vendor_Id,
390                X_Vendor_Site_Id,
391                X_From_Organization_Id,
392                X_To_Organization_Id,
393                X_Routing_Header_Id,
394                X_Routing_Step_Id,
395                X_Source_Document_Code,
396                X_Parent_Transaction_Id,
397                X_Po_Header_Id,
398                X_Po_Revision_Num,
399                X_Po_Release_Id,
400                X_Po_Line_Id,
401                X_Po_Line_Location_Id,
402                X_Po_Unit_Price,
403                X_Currency_Code,
404                X_Currency_Conversion_Type,
405                X_Currency_Conversion_Rate,
406                X_Currency_Conversion_Date,
407                X_Po_Distribution_Id,
408                X_Requisition_Line_Id,
409                X_Req_Distribution_Id,
410                X_Charge_Account_Id,
411                X_Substitute_Unordered_Code,
412                X_Receipt_Exception_Flag,
413                X_Accrual_Status_Code,
414                X_Inspection_Status_Code,
415                X_Inspection_Quality_Code,
416                X_Destination_Type_Code,
417                X_Deliver_To_Person_Id,
418                X_Location_Id,
419                X_Deliver_To_Location_Id,
420                X_Subinventory,
421                X_Locator_Id,
422                X_Wip_Entity_Id,
423                X_Wip_Line_Id,
424                X_Department_Code,
425                X_Wip_Repetitive_Schedule_Id,
426                X_Wip_Operation_Seq_Num,
427                X_Wip_Resource_Seq_Num,
428                X_Bom_Resource_Id,
429                X_Shipment_Num,
430                X_Freight_Carrier_Code,
431                X_Bill_Of_Lading,
432                X_Packing_Slip,
433                X_Shipped_Date,
434                X_Expected_Receipt_Date,
435                X_Actual_Cost,
436                X_Transfer_Cost,
437                X_Transportation_Cost,
438                X_Transportation_Account_Id,
439                X_Num_Of_Containers,
440                X_Waybill_Airbill_Num,
441                X_Vendor_Item_Num,
442                X_Vendor_Lot_Num,
443                X_Rma_Reference,
444                X_Comments,
445                X_Attribute_Category,
446                X_Attribute1,
447                X_Attribute2,
448                X_Attribute3,
452                X_Attribute7,
449                X_Attribute4,
450                X_Attribute5,
451                X_Attribute6,
453                X_Attribute8,
454                X_Attribute9,
455                X_Attribute10,
456                X_Attribute11,
457                X_Attribute12,
458                X_Attribute13,
459                X_Attribute14,
460                X_Attribute15,
461                X_Ship_Head_Attribute_Category,
462                X_Ship_Head_Attribute1,
463                X_Ship_Head_Attribute2,
464                X_Ship_Head_Attribute3,
465                X_Ship_Head_Attribute4,
466                X_Ship_Head_Attribute5,
467                X_Ship_Head_Attribute6,
468                X_Ship_Head_Attribute7,
469                X_Ship_Head_Attribute8,
470                X_Ship_Head_Attribute9,
471                X_Ship_Head_Attribute10,
472                X_Ship_Head_Attribute11,
473                X_Ship_Head_Attribute12,
474                X_Ship_Head_Attribute13,
475                X_Ship_Head_Attribute14,
476                X_Ship_Head_Attribute15,
477                X_Ship_Line_Attribute_Category,
478                X_Ship_Line_Attribute1,
479                X_Ship_Line_Attribute2,
480                X_Ship_Line_Attribute3,
481                X_Ship_Line_Attribute4,
482                X_Ship_Line_Attribute5,
483                X_Ship_Line_Attribute6,
484                X_Ship_Line_Attribute7,
485                X_Ship_Line_Attribute8,
486                X_Ship_Line_Attribute9,
487                X_Ship_Line_Attribute10,
488                X_Ship_Line_Attribute11,
489                X_Ship_Line_Attribute12,
490                X_Ship_Line_Attribute13,
491                X_Ship_Line_Attribute14,
492                X_Ship_Line_Attribute15,
493                X_Ussgl_Transaction_Code,
494                X_Government_Context,
495                X_Reason_Id,
496                X_Destination_Context,
497                X_Source_Doc_Quantity,
498                X_Source_Doc_Unit_Of_Measure,
499 	       X_Lot_Number_CC,
500 	       X_Serial_Number_CC,
501                X_QA_Collection_Id,
502 	       X_Country_of_Origin_Code,
503 	       X_oe_order_header_id,
504                X_oe_order_line_id,
505                X_customer_item_num,
506                X_customer_id,
507                X_customer_site_id,
508 	       X_put_away_rule_id,
509 	       X_put_away_strategy_id,
510 	       X_lpn_id,
511 	       X_transfer_lpn_id,
512 	       X_cost_group_id,
513 	       X_mmtt_temp_id,
514 	       X_mobile_txn,
515 	       X_transfer_cost_group_id,
516 	       /*Bug# 1548597 Preetam B */
517 	       X_secondary_quantity,
518                X_secondary_unit_of_measure,
519 	       X_lpn_group_id,
520                p_org_id,       --<R12 MOAC>
521                X_from_subinventory, --Added bug # 6529950
522                X_from_locator_id,    --Added bug # 6529950
523 	       X_lcm_shipment_line_id,
524 	       X_unit_landed_cost
525              );
527     OPEN C;
528     FETCH C INTO X_Rowid;
529     if (C%NOTFOUND) then
530       CLOSE C;
531       Raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
532     end if;
533     CLOSE C;
534   END Insert_Row;
537   -- Procedure for updating vendor site id in rcv_shipment_headers.
539                            X_SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID   IN NUMBER,
540                            X_ADD_RECEIPT          IN VARCHAR2) IS
542   x_vendor_site_id         NUMBER;
543   x_site_id_count          NUMBER;
544   x_rcv_lines_count        NUMBER;
545   hdr_vendor_site_id       NUMBER;
546   x_count                  NUMBER;
548   BEGIN
550        /*
551        ** Determining the value of vendor_site_id to be populated in rcv_shipment_headers
552        */
554        /* The following select statement sequences thru the RTI
555        ** for our group_id and determines whether the records have
556        ** the same vendor_site_id or not. If the vendor_site_id
557        ** is the same, we populate this value in rcv_shipment_headers
558        ** else we null it out.
559        */
561         select count(count(vendor_site_id))
562         into   x_site_id_count
563         from   rcv_transactions_interface RTI
564         where  RTI.group_id = x_group_id
565         group  by vendor_site_id;
568         select vendor_site_id
569         into hdr_vendor_site_id
570         from rcv_shipment_headers
571         where shipment_header_id = x_shipment_header_id;
574         if (x_site_id_count = 1) then
576            select distinct vendor_site_id
577            into x_vendor_site_id
578            from rcv_transactions_interface RTI
579            where RTI.group_id = x_group_id;
581        	   IF (X_ADD_RECEIPT = 'NEW') THEN
582                 hdr_vendor_site_id := x_vendor_site_id;
583            elsif (hdr_vendor_site_id <> x_vendor_site_id) then
584                 hdr_vendor_site_id := '';
585            end if;
587          else
589 	     hdr_vendor_site_id := '';
591          end if;
593          update rcv_shipment_headers
594          set vendor_site_id = hdr_vendor_site_id
595          where shipment_header_id = x_shipment_header_id;