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1 package body FND_DEBUG as
2 /* $Header: AFCPDWBB.pls 120.2 2005/09/30 10:42:13 rckalyan ship $ */
4   --
6   --
7   TYPE rules_rec_type is record
8           (debug_option     varchar2(30),
9            -- option_value     varchar2(80),
10            disable_routine  varchar2(500));
12   TYPE rules_tab_type is table of rules_rec_type
13          index by binary_integer;
15   P_RULES rules_tab_type;
16   RULEC   number := 0;
18   TYPE rule_select_rec is record
19   ( enable_routine      FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.enable_routine%TYPE,
20     disable_routine     FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.disable_routine%TYPE,
21     debug_option_name   FND_DEBUG_RULE_OPTIONS.debug_option_name%TYPE,
22     debug_option_value  FND_DEBUG_RULE_OPTIONS.debug_option_value%TYPE,
23     debug_rule_id       FND_DEBUG_RULES.debug_rule_id%TYPE,
24     repeation_counter   FND_DEBUG_RULES.repeation_counter%TYPE,
25     start_time          FND_DEBUG_RULES.start_time%TYPE,
26     end_time            FND_DEBUG_RULES.end_time%TYPE,
27     user_id             FND_DEBUG_RULES.user_id%TYPE,
28     responsibility_id   FND_DEBUG_RULES.responsibility_id%TYPE,
29     resp_appl_id        FND_DEBUG_RULES.resp_appl_id%TYPE,
30     component_type      FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_type%TYPE,
31     component_name      FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_name%TYPE,
32     component_id        FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_id%TYPE,
33     component_appl_id   FND_DEBUG_RULES.component_appl_id%TYPE,
34     trace_file_routine  FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.trace_file_routine%TYPE,
35     trace_file_node     FND_DEBUG_OPTION_VALUES.trace_file_node%TYPE,
36     comments            FND_DEBUG_RULES.comments%TYPE,
37     reqid               FND_DEBUG_RULES.request_id%TYPE
38    );
40   -- Exceptions
42   -- Exception Pragmas
44   --
46   --
48   --
49   -- Name
50   --   enable_db_rules
51   -- Purpose
52   --   Based on debug rules currently active for the user / responsibility
53   --   it will execute the matching rules accordingly
54   --   return string which will contain the debug string for the
55   --   component instance to use.
56   --
57   -- return true if atleast one rule is executed in this call
58   --        other wise returns false (if no rule is executed)
59   /*
60     some examples to call this API
61     1. To execute all rules associated with this component having different debug options
62         enable_db_rules(FND_DEBUG.FORM, 'FNDRSRUN');
64     2. To execute all rules associated with this component id and component application id
65         having different debug options (one of the component name or comp id and  comp appl id is required)
66         enable_db_rules(FND_DEBUG.REPORT, null, 1,2);
68     3. To execute rules specific to a request id having different debug options
69         enable_db_rules(FND_DEBUG.REPORT, 'FNDSCURS', null, null, 12345);
71   */
72   FUNCTION enable_db_rules (comp_type       in varchar2,
73                             comp_name       in varchar2,
74                             comp_appl_id    in number default null,
75                             comp_id         in number default null,
76                             req_id          in number default null
77                             ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
80       CURSOR DRC_REQ (ctype varchar2, cname varchar2, capplid number,
81             cid number, userid number, respid number,
82             respapplid number, reqid number) is
83             select enable_routine, disable_routine, DRO.debug_option_name,
84              DRO.debug_option_value, DR.debug_rule_id, repeation_counter, start_time,
85              end_time, user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id, component_type,
86              component_name, component_id, component_appl_id,
87              trace_file_routine, trace_file_node, comments, nvl(request_id,0) reqid
88         from fnd_debug_options DO,
89              fnd_debug_rules DR,
90              fnd_debug_option_values DOV,
91              fnd_debug_rule_options DRO
92        where ( DR.user_id = userid
93               OR (DR.responsibility_id = respid
94                  and DR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
95               OR (DR.user_id is null and DR.Responsibility_ID is null) )
96              AND (( sysdate >= DR.Start_time and sysdate <= DR.end_time)
97                  or DR.repeation_counter > 0 )
98              AND ( DR.Component_Name = cname
99                  or (DR.Component_id = cid
100                        AND DR.component_appl_id = capplid ) )
101              AND DR.Component_type = ctype
102              AND DRO.debug_option_name = DOV.debug_option_name
103              AND DRO.debug_option_value = DOV.debug_option_value
104              AND DRO.debug_option_name = DO.debug_option_name
105              AND DO.type = 'D'
106              AND DO.enabled_flag = 'Y'
107              AND ((DR.request_id is not null AND reqid = DR.request_id) OR (DR.request_id is null) )
108              AND DR.debug_rule_id = DRO.debug_rule_id
109              AND DR.debug_rule_id=(SELECT min(debug_rule_id) FROM fnd_debug_rules IDR
110                                    WHERE (IDR.user_id = userid
111                                                  OR (IDR.responsibility_id = respid
112                                                     AND IDR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
113                                                  OR (IDR.user_id IS NULL AND IDR.Responsibility_ID IS NULL) )
114                                                 AND (( sysdate >= IDR.Start_time and sysdate <= IDR.end_time)
115                                                     OR IDR.repeation_counter > 0 )
116                                                 AND ( IDR.Component_Name = cname
117                                                     OR (IDR.Component_id = cid
118                                                     AND IDR.component_appl_id = capplid ) )
119                                                 AND IDR.Component_type = ctype
120 								                AND ((IDR.request_id IS NOT NULL
121 												    AND reqid = IDR.request_id) OR (IDR.request_id IS NULL) )
124 								  )  -- Fix for Bug 3960063,Earliest rule is selected
125        order by reqid desc, DR.creation_date, DR.debug_rule_id
126        /* sorted by oldest rule based on creation such that same rule id are contiguous*/;
128       CURSOR DRC_NON_REQ (ctype varchar2, cname varchar2, capplid number,
129              cid number, userid number, respid number,
130              respapplid number) is
131       select enable_routine, disable_routine, DRO.debug_option_name,
132              DRO.debug_option_value, DR.debug_rule_id, repeation_counter, start_time,
133              end_time, user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id, component_type,
134              component_name, component_id, component_appl_id,
135              trace_file_routine, trace_file_node, comments, nvl(request_id,0) reqid
136        from fnd_debug_options DO,
137              fnd_debug_rules DR,
138              fnd_debug_option_values DOV,
139              fnd_debug_rule_options DRO
140        where ( DR.user_id = userid
141               OR (DR.responsibility_id = respid
142                  and DR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
143               OR (DR.user_id is null and DR.Responsibility_ID is null) )
144               AND (( sysdate >= DR.Start_time and sysdate <= DR.end_time)
145                  or DR.repeation_counter > 0 )
146               AND DR.Component_Name = cname
147               AND DR.Component_type = ctype
148               AND DRO.debug_option_name = DOV.debug_option_name
149               AND DRO.debug_option_value = DOV.debug_option_value
150               AND DRO.debug_option_name = DO.debug_option_name
151               AND DO.type = 'D'
152               AND DO.enabled_flag = 'Y'
153               AND DR.request_id is null
154               AND DR.debug_rule_id = DRO.debug_rule_id
155              AND DR.debug_rule_id=(SELECT min(debug_rule_id) FROM fnd_debug_rules IDR
156                                    WHERE (IDR.user_id = userid
157                                                  OR (IDR.responsibility_id = respid
158                                                     AND IDR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
159                                                  OR (IDR.user_id IS NULL AND IDR.Responsibility_ID IS NULL) )
160                                                 AND (( sysdate >= IDR.Start_time and sysdate <= IDR.end_time)
161                                                     OR IDR.repeation_counter > 0 )
162                                                 AND  IDR.Component_Name = cname
163                                                 AND IDR.Component_type = ctype
164 								                AND IDR.request_id IS NULL
166 								  )  -- Fix for Bug 3960063,Earliest rule is selected
167        order by reqid desc, DR.creation_date , DR.debug_rule_id
168            /* sorted by oldest rule based on creation such that same rule id are contiguous */;
171       i                 number;
172       -- duplicate         boolean := FALSE;
173       empty_drules      rules_tab_type;
174       sql_str           varchar2(512);
175       trans_id          number;
176       log_file          varchar2(512);
177       node_name         varchar2(512);
178       left_iterations   number;
179       is_rule_processed boolean := FALSE; -- turned on if any rule is executed
180       userid            number;
181       respid            number;
182       respapplid        number;
183       loginid           number;
184       dr_rec            rule_select_rec;
185       last_rule_id      number;
186       repetition_counter FND_DEBUG_RULES.repeation_counter%TYPE := 0; -- repetition_counter is the number of actual occurances for a rule
187   begin
189       RULEC := 0;
190       P_RULES := empty_drules;
191       userid  := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
192       respid  := FND_GLOBAL.resp_id;
193       respapplid  := FND_GLOBAL.resp_appl_id;
194       loginid := FND_GLOBAL.login_id;
195       last_rule_id := 0;
197       -- find any debug rules available for this component instance.
198       -- if request_id is passed then use DRC_REQ else DRC_NON_REQ cursor.
199       if ( req_id is null ) then
200         OPEN DRC_NON_REQ(comp_type, comp_name, comp_appl_id, comp_id, userid,
201 			respid, respapplid);
202       else
203         OPEN DRC_REQ(comp_type, comp_name, comp_appl_id, comp_id, userid,
204 			respid, respapplid, req_id);
205       end if;
207       LOOP
209         if ( req_id is null ) then
210            FETCH DRC_NON_REQ INTO dr_rec;
211            EXIT when DRC_NON_REQ%NOTFOUND;
212         else
213            FETCH DRC_REQ INTO dr_rec;
214            EXIT when DRC_REQ%NOTFOUND;
215         end if;
217         -- check if this call to enable_db_rule is request id based
218         -- and also the fetched rule has the same request id
219         -- If fnd_debug_rule has a request_id that means rule is associated
220         -- to a specific request_id. If we find even one request_id based
221 	    -- rule for the current request then, we will execute that one only.
222         -- Not other non-request_id based rules.
224         if ( req_id is not null and dr_rec.reqid <> req_id
225 		 and dr_rec.reqid <> 0 ) then
226           goto end_loop;
227         end if;
229         /*
230         -- check this debug option with value already processed or not.
231         -- this condition is to avoid executing the same debug optiontwice.
232         -- if yes then ignore it.
234         ** no need to check the duplicate as we will be processing only one
235         debug rule with all of its debug options **
236           for i in 1..RULEC loop
237             if ( dr_rec.debug_option_name = P_RULES(i).debug_option ) then
238               duplicate := TRUE;
239             end if;
240           end loop;
241         */
242         -- execute all the rules with same rule id.. for the first time
243         -- last_rule_id will be 0 and be initialized to the first rule id
244         if ((dr_rec.enable_routine is not null) AND
245             (last_rule_id = 0 OR last_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id) ) then
247             -- last_rule_id := dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
248             is_rule_processed := TRUE;
249             -- Store this debug option with value in global to use in
250             -- disable_db_rules.
251             RULEC := RULEC + 1;
252             P_RULES(RULEC).debug_option := dr_rec.debug_option_name;
253             -- P_RULES(RULEC).option_value := dr_rec.debug_option_value;
254             P_RULES(RULEC).disable_routine := dr_rec.disable_routine;
256             -- Run the enable routine to enable the debugging.
257             sql_str := 'begin ' || dr_rec.enable_routine || '; end;';
259             execute immediate sql_str;
261             -- insert row about execution in fnd_debug_rule_executions
262             trans_id := get_transaction_id(FALSE);
264             log_file := get_ret_value(dr_rec.trace_file_routine);
266             node_name := get_ret_value(dr_rec.trace_file_node);
268          -- added repetition_counter as a fix for bug 3787995
269          -- repetition_counter is the number of actual occurances for this rule
270          SELECT NVL(MAX(DRO.repeation_counter),0) INTO repetition_counter
271          FROM  fnd_debug_rule_executions DRO,
272                fnd_debug_option_values DOV
273          WHERE DRO.debug_option_name=DOV.debug_option_name
274             AND DRO.debug_option_value=DOV.debug_option_value
275             AND DOV.debug_option_name=dr_rec.debug_option_name
276             AND DOV.debug_option_value=dr_rec.debug_option_value
277             AND DRO.rule_id=dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
279           insert into fnd_debug_rule_executions
280                     (transaction_id, rule_id, component_type, component_name,
281                      component_id, component_appl_id, start_time, end_time,
282                      repeation_counter, debug_log_file, log_file_node_name,
283                      user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id,
284                      debug_option_name, debug_option_value, creation_date,
285                      created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
286                      last_update_login, comments, request_id)
287             values (trans_id, dr_rec.debug_rule_id, dr_rec.component_type,
288                      dr_rec.component_name, dr_rec.component_id,
289                      dr_rec.component_appl_id, dr_rec.start_time,
290                      dr_rec.end_time, repetition_counter+1, log_file,  -- fix for bug 3787995
291                      node_name, dr_rec.user_Id, dr_rec.responsibility_id,
292                      dr_rec.resp_appl_id, dr_rec.debug_option_name,
293                      dr_rec.debug_option_value, sysdate, userid,
294                      sysdate, userid, loginid,
295                      dr_rec.comments, req_id); --Added for Bug 3788285.For showing request_id
298            -- decrement repeation_counter if there are some more to run
299            -- else delete the row from fnd_debug_rules
300            -- If it is time based then repeation_counter will be null.
301            IF (last_rule_id <> dr_rec.debug_rule_id) THEN
302             BEGIN
303              left_iterations := NVL(dr_rec.repeation_counter, 0) - 1;
304              IF ( left_iterations >= 1 ) THEN
305                 UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
306                 SET repeation_counter = repeation_counter -1,
307                        last_update_date = sysdate
308                 WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
309              ELSIF (left_iterations = 0 ) THEN
310                 BEGIN
311                  UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
312                  SET repeation_counter = 0,
313                       last_update_date = sysdate
314                  WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
315                 END;
316              END IF;
317             END;
318            END IF;
320               last_rule_id := dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
321         end if;
322         <<end_loop>>
323         null;
324       END LOOP;
326       if ( req_id is null ) then
327           CLOSE DRC_NON_REQ;
328       else
332       -- delete any old rules as a fix for bug 3787995
329           CLOSE DRC_REQ;
330       end if;
333       DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rule_options WHERE debug_rule_id IN
334       (SELECT debug_rule_id FROM fnd_debug_rules
335        WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
336           OR (repeation_counter = 0)
337        );
339       DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rules
340       WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
341          OR (repeation_counter = 0);
343       commit;
345       return(is_rule_processed);
347       exception
348          when others then
349             fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
350             fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
351             fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
352             fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', 'FND_DEBUG.ENABLE_DB_RULES', FALSE);
353             IF (fnd_log.LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
354               fnd_log.message(FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION,
355                             'fnd.plsql.FND_DEBUG.ENABLE_DB_RULES.others',
356 			    FALSE);
357             END IF;
358             if ( req_id is null ) then
359                 CLOSE DRC_NON_REQ;
360             else
361                 CLOSE DRC_REQ;
362             end if;
364             commit;
365             return (FALSE);
367   end;
369   --
370   -- Name
371   --   disable_db_rules
372   -- Purpose
373   --   Based on all debug rules currently active for the user / responsibility
374   --   it will disable the rules in the database session.
375   --
376   -- return true if atleast one rule is disabled
377   --        other wise returns false (if no rule is disabled)
378   function disable_db_rules return boolean is
379     sql_str varchar2(512);
380     is_rule_processed boolean := FALSE;
381   begin
383       -- database disable rules always executed in the same session
384       -- where ever they enabled.
385       for i in 1..RULEC loop
386         if (P_RULES(i).disable_routine is not null) then
387             is_rule_processed := TRUE;
388             -- Run the diable routine to disable debugging.
389             sql_str := 'begin ' || P_RULES(i).disable_routine || '; end;';
391             execute immediate sql_str;
392         end if;
393       end loop;
395       return is_rule_processed;
397       exception
398          when others then
399             fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
400             fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
401             fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
402             fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', 'FND_DEBUG.DISABLE_DB_RULES', FALSE);
403             IF (fnd_log.LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
404               fnd_log.message(FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION,
405                             'fnd.plsql.FND_DEBUG.DISABLE_DB_RULES.others',
406 			    FALSE);
407             END IF;
408             return (FALSE);
410   end;
413   --
414   -- Name
415   --    get_os_rules
416   -- Purpose
417   --    Based on debug rules currently active for the user / responsibility
418   --    it will return debug string which contains debug string for the component
419   --    to use before running the component.
420   --    this will execute one and only one rule at a call
421   --    in case multiple rules are matching, the oldest rule will be picked
422   --
423   --  return string containing debug string for matched rule
424   /*
425     some examples to call this API
426     1. To execute rule associated with this component for a specific user
427         get_os_rules(FND_DEBUG.REPORT, 'FNDSCURS', null, null, 12345, 0, 20450,1);
430   */
431   function get_os_rules ( comp_type          in varchar2,
432                           comp_name          in varchar2,
433                           comp_appl_id       in number default null,
434                           comp_id            in number default null,
435                           comp_inst_id       in number default null,  /* request id */
436                           user_id            in number,
437                           resp_appl_id       in number,
438                           resp_id            in number
439                         ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
442       -- avoid using the same debug option twice, will take old one.
443       CURSOR DRC (ctype varchar2, cname varchar2,
444                   capplid number, cid number,
445                   uid number, respapplid number, respid number,
446                   reqid number) is
447       select * from (
448         select DRO.debug_option_name, DRO.debug_option_value, separator,
449                trace_file_token, DR.debug_rule_id, repeation_counter, start_time,
450                end_time, user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id,
451 	       component_type, component_name, component_id, component_appl_id,
452 	       trace_file_routine, trace_file_node, comments,
453 	       nvl(request_id,0) reqid
454           from fnd_debug_options DO,
455                fnd_debug_rules DR,
456                fnd_debug_option_values DOV,
457                fnd_debug_rule_options DRO
461                   OR (DR.user_id is null and DR.Responsibility_ID is null))
458          where ( DR.user_id = uid
459                   OR (DR.responsibility_id = respid
460                      and DR.Resp_appl_id  = respapplid )
462                AND (( sysdate >= DR.Start_time and sysdate <= DR.end_time  )
463                    or DR.repeation_counter > 0 )
464                AND ( DR.Component_Name = cname
465                    or (DR.Component_id = cid
466                          AND DR.component_appl_id = capplid ) )
467                AND DR.Component_type = ctype
468                AND DRO.debug_option_name = DOV.debug_option_name
469                AND DRO.debug_option_value = DOV.debug_option_value
470                AND DRO.debug_option_name = DO.debug_option_name
471                AND DO.type = 'O'
472                AND DO.enabled_flag = 'Y'
473                AND ((DR.request_id is not null AND reqid = DR.request_id) OR (DR.request_id is null) )
474                AND DR.debug_rule_id = DRO.debug_rule_id
475                order by reqid desc, DR.creation_date )
476                where rownum =1;
478        t_ftoken           varchar(80);
479        debug_str          varchar2(500);
480        trace_file         varchar2(250);
481        trace_file_str     varchar2(250);
482        trc_option_nmval   varchar2(250);
483        left_iterations    number;
484        trans_id           number;
485        log_file           varchar2(250);
486        node_name          varchar2(250);
487        db_rule_enabled varchar2(1);
488        repetition_counter FND_DEBUG_RULES.repeation_counter%TYPE := 0;
490   begin
491       debug_str := '';
492       -- find any debug rules available for this component instance.
493       FOR dr_rec in drc(comp_type, comp_name, comp_appl_id, comp_id,
494       user_id, resp_appl_id, resp_id, comp_inst_id) LOOP
496         -- construct debug string
497         if ( dr_rec.trace_file_token is not null ) then
499           -- get trace file name;
500           trace_file := get_ret_value(dr_rec.trace_file_routine);
501           trace_file_str :=   NVL(dr_rec.separator,' ') ||
502           dr_rec.trace_file_token || '=' || trace_file;
503         else
504            -- check this debug option might have any trace file name
505            -- at option values.
506          begin
507             select debug_option_value
508               into t_ftoken
509               from fnd_debug_option_values
510               where debug_option_name = dr_rec.debug_option_name
511               and is_file_token = 'Y';
513             trace_file := get_ret_value(dr_rec.trace_file_routine);
514             trace_file_str :=  NVL(dr_rec.separator, ' ') || t_ftoken ||
515                               '=' || trace_file ;
517             exception
518                when no_data_found then
519                   null;
520          end;
521         end if;
523         trc_option_nmval := ' ';
525         if ( dr_rec.debug_option_value = 'BLANK' ) then
526            trc_option_nmval := dr_rec.debug_option_name;
527         else
528            trc_option_nmval := dr_rec.debug_option_name || '=' ||
529 				dr_rec.debug_option_value;
530         end if;
532         debug_str := debug_str || ' ' || trc_option_nmval ||
533                       NVL(dr_rec.separator,' ') || trace_file_str || ' ';
535         -- insert row about execution in fnd_debug_rule_executions
536         trans_id := get_transaction_id(TRUE, comp_type, comp_inst_id,
537                   comp_appl_id, user_id, resp_id, resp_appl_id);
538         log_file := trace_file;
539         node_name := get_ret_value(dr_rec.trace_file_node);
541         -- added repetition_counter as a fix for bug 3787995
542         -- repetition_counter is the number of actual occurances for this rule
543         SELECT NVL(MAX(DRO.repeation_counter),0) INTO repetition_counter
544         FROM  fnd_debug_rule_executions DRO,
545               fnd_debug_option_values DOV
546         WHERE DRO.debug_option_name=DOV.debug_option_name
547            AND DRO.debug_option_value=DOV.debug_option_value
548            AND DOV.debug_option_name=dr_rec.debug_option_name
549            AND DOV.debug_option_value=dr_rec.debug_option_value
550            AND DRO.rule_id=dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
552         insert into fnd_debug_rule_executions
553               (transaction_id, rule_id, component_type, component_name,
554 	       component_id, component_appl_id, start_time, end_time,
555                repeation_counter, debug_log_file, log_file_node_name,
556                user_id, responsibility_id, resp_appl_id,
557                debug_option_name, debug_option_value, creation_date,
558                created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
559                last_update_login, comments, request_id)
560         values (trans_id, dr_rec.debug_rule_id, dr_rec.component_type,
561 		dr_rec.component_name, dr_rec.component_id,
562 		dr_rec.component_appl_id, dr_rec.start_time,
563                 dr_rec.end_time, repetition_counter+1, log_file, -- fix for bug 3787995
564                 node_name, dr_rec.user_Id, dr_rec.responsibility_id,
565                 dr_rec.resp_appl_id, dr_rec.debug_option_name,
566                 dr_rec.debug_option_value, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
567                   sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
568                   dr_rec.comments, comp_inst_id); --Added for Bug 3788285.For showing request_id
571         -- added db_rule_enabled  as a fix for bug 3787995
572         BEGIN --check whether any of the db rule is enabled or not
573         SELECT 'T' INTO db_rule_enabled
574         FROM	 DUAL
575         WHERE EXISTS(
576                SELECT *
577                FROM fnd_debug_rule_options DRO,
578                    fnd_debug_options DO
579                WHERE DRO.debug_option_name=DO.debug_option_name
580                   AND DO.type='D'
581                   AND dr_rec.debug_rule_id=DRO.debug_rule_id);
582         EXCEPTION
584            db_rule_enabled:='F';
585         END;  --check whether any of the db rule is enabled or not
587         -- decrement repeation_counter if no db rules are enabled and
588         -- if there are some more to run
589         -- else delete the row from fnd_debug_rules
590         -- If it is time based then repeation_counter will be null.
591      	-- added the check as a fix for bug 3787995
592         IF (db_rule_enabled='F') THEN --if none of db rules are enabled
593          BEGIN
594           left_iterations := nvl(dr_rec.repeation_counter,0) - 1;
598               last_update_date = sysdate
595           IF ( left_iterations >= 1 ) THEN
596             UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
597             SET repeation_counter = repeation_counter -1,
599             WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
600           ELSIF (left_iterations = 0 ) THEN
601                  BEGIN
602                   UPDATE fnd_debug_rules
603                    SET repeation_counter = 0,
604                        last_update_date = sysdate
605                    WHERE debug_rule_id = dr_rec.debug_rule_id;
606                  END;
607           END IF;
608          END;
609         END IF;	   --if none of db rules are enabled
612       END LOOP;
615       -- delete any old rules as a fix for bug 3787995
616       DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rule_options WHERE debug_rule_id IN
617       (SELECT debug_rule_id
618        FROM fnd_debug_rules
619        WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
620           OR (repeation_counter = 0)
621        );
623       DELETE FROM fnd_debug_rules
624       WHERE (start_time IS NOT NULL AND end_time < sysdate)
625          OR (repeation_counter = 0);
629       commit;
631       return ltrim(rtrim(debug_str));
633       exception
634          when others then
635             fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
636             fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
637             fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
638             fnd_message.set_token (
639                              'ROUTINE', 'FND_DEBUG.GET_OS_RULES', FALSE);
640             IF (fnd_log.LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
641              fnd_log.message(FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION,
642                             'fnd.plsql.FND_DEBUG.GET_OS_RULES.others', FALSE);
643             END IF;
644             commit;
645             return ltrim(rtrim(debug_str));
646   end;
648   --
649   -- Name
650   --    get_transaction_id
651   -- Purpose
652   --    Returns the transaction context id by calling
653   --    fnd_log_repository.init_trans_int_with_context api.
655   function get_transaction_id(force               boolean   default FALSE,
656                               comp_type           varchar2  default null,
657                               comp_inst_id        number    default null,
658                               comp_inst_appl_id   number    default null,
659                               user_id             number    default null,
660                               resp_id             number    default null,
661                               resp_appl_id        number    default null
662                             ) RETURN NUMBER IS
663       transaction_id  number;
664       conc_request_id number;
665       form_id         number;
666       form_appl_id    number;
667       conc_process_id number;
668       conc_queue_id   number;
669       icx_session_id  number;
671   begin
672       -- if force is true then it will always gets the new transaction context
673       -- information, otherwise checks context already exitsts or not if
674       -- exists then use that one else create new one.
675       -- force is used in spawned concurrent request case.
676       if ( force ) then
677          if (comp_type in (FND_DEBUG.SQLPLUS_CP, FND_DEBUG.PLSQL_CP,
679             conc_request_id := comp_inst_id;
680          end if;
682          transaction_id := fnd_log_repository.init_trans_int_with_context
683 			      (conc_request_id,
684               form_id,
685               form_appl_id,
686               conc_process_id,
687               conc_queue_id,
688               icx_session_id,
689               user_id,
690               resp_appl_id,
691               resp_id,
692               fnd_global.security_group_id
693               );
695       else
696         if ( fnd_log.g_transaction_context_id is null ) then
697          transaction_id := fnd_log_repository.init_trans_int_with_context
698                               (fnd_global.conc_request_id,
699                                fnd_global.form_id,
700                                fnd_global.form_appl_id,
701                                fnd_global.conc_process_id,
702                                fnd_global.conc_queue_id,
703                                fnd_global.queue_appl_id,
704                                icx_sec.g_session_id,
705                                fnd_global.user_id,
706                                fnd_global.resp_appl_id,
707                                fnd_global.resp_id,
708                                fnd_global.security_group_id
709                               );
710         else
711          transaction_id := fnd_log.g_transaction_context_id;
712         end if;
713        end if;
715        return transaction_id;
717   end;
720   --
721   -- Name
722   --    get_ret_value
723   -- Purpose
724   --    A utility function to execute the passed routine as string
725   --
726   --  returns string containing the result of execution of passes string.
727   function get_ret_value(t_routine varchar2) return varchar2 is
728     ret_val varchar2(500);
729     sql_str varchar2(512);
730   begin
731      if ( t_routine is null ) then
732         ret_val := '';
733      else
734         sql_str := 'begin :1 := ' || t_routine || '; end;';
736         execute immediate sql_str using out ret_val;
738      end if;
740      return ret_val;
741   end;
743   --
744   -- Name
745   --    assign_request
746   -- Purpose
747   --    It will assign specified request_id to the debug_rule_execution.
748   --    In case of PL SQL Profiling we have to submit a request to get the
749   --    output of trace information.
750   -- Arguments:
751   --    Transaction_id : transaction_id for which we need to assign the
752   --                     request_id
753   --    request_id     : Request_id value we need to assign.
754   procedure assign_request(transaction_id  IN number,
755 			   request_id      IN number) is
757   begin
758       update fnd_debug_rule_executions
759          set log_request_id = assign_request.request_id
760        where transaction_id = assign_request.transaction_id
761          and debug_option_value = 'PLSQL_PROFILER';
763       commit;
765     exception
766       when others then
767             fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
768             fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
769             fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
770             fnd_message.set_token (
771                              'ROUTINE', 'FND_DEBUG.ASSIGN_REQUEST', FALSE);
772             IF (fnd_log.LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
773               fnd_log.message(FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION,
774                             'fnd.plsql.FND_DEBUG.ASSIGN_REQUEST.others', FALSE);
775             END IF;
776             commit;
779   end;
780  end FND_DEBUG;