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1 package body hxc_app_period_summary_api as
2 /* $Header: hxcapsumapi.pkb 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/28 11:04:41 appldev ship $ */
3 Procedure delete_app_period
4             (p_application_period_id in hxc_app_period_summary.application_period_id%type
5             ) is
7 Begin
9 --
10 -- 1. Remove all the links between the app_period and the timecards
11 --
12 hxc_tc_ap_links_pkg.remove_app_period_links
13   (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id);
14 --
15 -- 2. Remove all detail links between details and application
16 --    periods
17 --
18 hxc_ap_detail_links_pkg.delete_ap_detail_links
19   (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id);
21 --
22 -- 3. Remove the application period summary row itself
23 --
24 hxc_app_period_summary_pkg.delete_summary_row
25   (p_app_period_id => p_application_period_id);
27 End delete_app_period;
29 procedure app_period_clean_up
30             (p_application_period_id in hxc_app_period_summary.application_period_id%type
31             ,p_mode in varchar2
32             ) is
34 cursor app_period_info
35          (p_id in hxc_app_period_summary.application_period_id%type) is
36   select tbb.resource_id
37         ,tbb.start_time
38         ,tbb.stop_time
39         ,ta.attribute1 time_recipient_id
40     from hxc_time_building_blocks tbb, hxc_time_Attributes ta, hxc_time_attribute_usages tau
41    where tbb.time_building_block_id = p_id
42      and tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
43      and tau.time_building_block_id = tbb.time_building_block_id
44      and tau.time_building_block_ovn = tbb.object_version_number
45      and tau.time_attribute_id = ta.time_attribute_id
46      and ta.attribute_category = 'APPROVAL';
48 cursor app_periods_to_remove
49          (p_resource_id in hxc_app_period_summary.resource_id%type
50          ,p_start_time  in hxc_app_period_summary.start_time%type
51          ,p_stop_time   in hxc_app_period_summary.stop_time%type
52          ,p_time_recipient_id in hxc_app_period_summary.time_recipient_id%type) is
53   select application_period_id
54     from hxc_app_period_summary
55    where resource_id = p_resource_id
56      and start_time <= p_stop_time
57      and stop_time >= p_start_time
58      and time_recipient_id = p_time_recipient_id;
60 l_resource_id       hxc_app_period_summary.resource_id%type;
61 l_start_time        hxc_app_period_summary.start_time%type;
62 l_stop_time         hxc_app_period_summary.stop_time%type;
63 l_time_recipient_id hxc_app_period_summary.time_recipient_id%type;
65 Begin
67 if(p_mode = hxc_timecard_summary_pkg.c_normal_mode) then
68   open app_period_info(p_application_period_id);
69   fetch app_period_info into l_resource_id, l_start_time, l_stop_time,l_time_recipient_id;
70   if (app_period_info%FOUND) then
71     for app_rec in app_periods_to_remove(l_resource_id,l_start_time,l_stop_time,l_time_recipient_id) loop
72       delete_app_period(app_rec.application_period_id);
73     end loop;
74   else
75   -- we can do nothing but delete the current app period
76     delete_app_period(p_application_period_id);
77   end if;
78   close app_period_info;
79 else
80     delete_app_period(p_application_period_id);
81 end if;
83 End app_period_clean_up;
85 procedure app_period_create
86             (p_application_period_id  in hxc_app_period_summary.application_period_id%type
87             ,p_mode                   in varchar2 default hxc_timecard_summary_pkg.c_normal_mode
88             ) is
90 Begin
91 --
92 -- 1. Clean up current application period data
93 --
94   app_period_clean_up(p_application_period_id,p_mode);
95 --
96 -- 2. Create the application period summary row
97 --
98   hxc_app_period_summary_pkg.insert_summary_row
99     (p_app_period_id => p_application_period_id
100     ,p_approval_item_type    => NULL
101     ,p_approval_process_name => NULL
102     ,p_approval_item_key     => NULL
103     );
104 --
105 -- 3. Create the link between the application periods
106 --    and the timecards
107 --
108   hxc_tc_ap_links_pkg.create_app_period_links
109     (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id);
110 --
111 -- 4. Links between details and application
112 --    periods made at another time.
113 --
114   hxc_ap_detail_links_pkg.create_ap_detail_links
115     (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id);
116 --
117 -- 5. Reevaluate the timecard status
118 --    Not required on migration - status are
119 --    found as the migrated rows are created.
120   if(p_mode = hxc_timecard_summary_pkg.c_normal_mode) then
121     hxc_timecard_summary_api.reevaluate_timecard_statuses
122       (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id);
123   end if;
125 --
126 -- End create application period
127 --
128 End app_period_create;
130 procedure app_period_create
131             (p_application_period_id  in hxc_app_period_summary.application_period_id%type
132             ,p_application_period_ovn in hxc_app_period_summary.application_period_ovn%type
133             ,p_approval_status        in hxc_app_period_summary.approval_status%type
134             ,p_time_recipient_id      in hxc_app_period_summary.time_recipient_id%type
135             ,p_time_category_id       in hxc_app_period_summary.time_category_id%type
136             ,p_start_time             in hxc_app_period_summary.start_time%type
137             ,p_stop_time              in hxc_app_period_summary.stop_time%type
138             ,p_resource_id            in hxc_app_period_summary.resource_id%type
139             ,p_recipient_sequence     in hxc_app_period_summary.recipient_sequence%type
140             ,p_category_sequence      in hxc_app_period_summary.category_sequence%type
141             ,p_creation_date          in hxc_app_period_summary.creation_date%type
142             ,p_notification_status    in hxc_app_period_summary.notification_status%type
143             ,p_approver_id            in hxc_app_period_summary.approver_id%type
144             ,p_approval_comp_id       in hxc_app_period_summary.approval_comp_id%type
145             ,p_approval_item_key      in hxc_app_period_summary.approval_item_key%type default null
146             ) is
148 cursor c_get_data_set_id(p_application_period_id number, p_application_period_ovn number) is
149 select data_set_id from hxc_time_building_blocks
150 where scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD'
151   and time_building_block_id = p_application_period_id
152   and object_version_number = p_application_period_ovn;
154 l_data_set_id hxc_time_building_blocks.data_set_id%TYPE;
156 Begin
157 --
158 -- 1. Clean up current application period data
159 --
160   delete_app_period(p_application_period_id);
161 --
162 -- 2. Create the application period summary row
163 --
164 open c_get_data_set_id(p_application_period_id, p_application_period_ovn);
165 fetch c_get_data_set_id into l_data_set_id;
166 close c_get_data_set_id;
168   hxc_app_period_summary_pkg.insert_summary_row
169     (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id
170     ,p_application_period_ovn=> p_application_period_ovn
171     ,p_approval_status	     => p_approval_status
172     ,p_time_recipient_id     => p_time_recipient_id
173     ,p_time_category_id	     => p_time_category_id
174     ,p_start_time	     => p_start_time
175     ,p_stop_time	     => p_stop_time
176     ,p_resource_id	     => p_resource_id
177     ,p_recipient_sequence    => p_recipient_sequence
178     ,p_category_sequence     => p_category_sequence
179     ,p_creation_date         => p_creation_date
180     ,p_notification_status   => p_notification_status
181     ,p_approver_id           => p_approver_id
182     ,p_approval_comp_id      => p_approval_comp_id
183     ,p_approval_item_type    => NULL
184     ,p_approval_process_name => NULL
185     ,p_approval_item_key     => p_approval_item_key
186     ,p_data_set_id => l_data_set_id
187     );
188 --
189 -- 3. Create the link between the application periods
190 --    and the timecards
191 --
192   hxc_tc_ap_links_pkg.create_app_period_links
193     (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id);
194 --
195 -- 4. Links between details and application
196 --    periods made at another time.
197 --
198 --
199 -- 5. Reevaluate the timecard status
200 --
201   hxc_timecard_summary_api.reevaluate_timecard_statuses
202     (p_application_period_id => p_application_period_id);
204 --
205 -- End create application period
206 --
207 End app_period_create;
209 Procedure app_period_delete
210             (p_application_period_id in hxc_app_period_summary.application_period_id%type) is
212 Begin
214 delete_app_period(p_application_period_id);
216 End app_period_delete;
219 --below for Garry's retrieval
220 FUNCTION valid_status(
221   p_status       IN hxc_time_building_blocks.approval_status%TYPE
222  ,p_block_status IN hxc_time_building_blocks.approval_status%TYPE
223 )
225 IS
227   IF p_status = 'APPROVED'
228   THEN
229     IF p_block_status = 'APPROVED'
230     THEN
231       RETURN TRUE;
232     ELSE
233       RETURN FALSE;
234     END IF;
235   ELSIF p_status = 'SUBMITTED' OR p_status = 'WORKING'
236   THEN
237     IF p_block_status = 'APPROVED'
238       OR p_block_status = 'SUBMITTED'
239     THEN
240       RETURN TRUE;
241     ELSE
242       RETURN FALSE;
243     END IF;
245   END IF;
246 END valid_status;
248 PROCEDURE add_old_period(
249   p_valid_periods IN OUT NOCOPY valid_period_tab
250  ,p_start_date    IN DATE
251  ,p_stop_date     IN DATE
252 )
253 IS
254   l_index NUMBER;
256   l_index := NVL(p_valid_periods.last, 0);
258   IF l_index <> 0
259     AND TRUNC(p_start_date) - TRUNC(p_valid_periods(l_index).stop_time) = 1
260   THEN
261     p_valid_periods(l_index).stop_time := p_stop_date;
263     RETURN;
264   END IF;
266   l_index := l_index + 1;
267   p_valid_periods(l_index).start_time := p_start_date;
268   p_valid_periods(l_index).stop_time := p_stop_date;
270 END add_old_period;
271 --
272 -- This version of add period is used by the new
273 -- version of get_valid_periods, not including
274 -- the work done by Soma.
275 --
276 PROCEDURE add_period(
277   p_valid_periods IN OUT NOCOPY valid_period_tab
278  ,p_start_time    IN DATE
279  ,p_stop_time     IN DATE
280 )
281 IS
282   l_index NUMBER;
284   l_index := to_number(to_char(p_start_time,'YYYYMMDD'));
285   p_valid_periods(l_index).start_time := trunc(p_start_time);
286   p_valid_periods(l_index).stop_time := trunc(p_stop_time);
288 END add_period;
289 --
290 -- Added for the 115.7 get_valid_periods rewrite
291 --
292 Function mergePeriods
293            (p_valid_periods in out nocopy valid_period_tab,
294 	    p_invalid_periods in out nocopy valid_period_tab) return valid_period_tab is
295    l_merged_periods valid_period_tab;
296    l_index number;
297    l_merged_index number;
298    l_last_index number;
299 Begin
300    l_index := p_invalid_periods.first;
301    Loop
302       Exit when not p_invalid_periods.exists(l_index);
303       if(p_valid_periods.exists(l_index)) then
304 	 p_valid_periods.delete(l_index);
305       end if;
306       l_index := p_invalid_periods.next(l_index);
307    End Loop;
308    l_index := p_valid_periods.first;
309    l_merged_index := 0;
310    Loop
311       Exit when not p_valid_periods.exists(l_index);
312       if(l_merged_periods.count > 0) then
313 	 l_last_index := l_merged_periods.last;
314 	 if(p_valid_periods(l_index).start_time > l_merged_periods(l_last_index).stop_time) then
315 	    if((p_valid_periods(l_index).start_time - l_merged_periods(l_last_index).stop_time) = 1) then
316 	       l_merged_periods(l_last_index).stop_time := p_valid_periods(l_index).stop_time;
317 	    else
318 	       l_merged_index := l_last_index +1;
319 	       l_merged_periods(l_merged_index).start_time:= p_valid_periods(l_index).start_time;
320 	       l_merged_periods(l_merged_index).stop_time:= p_valid_periods(l_index).stop_time;
321 	    end if;
322 	 end if;
323       else
324 	 l_merged_index := 1;
325 	 l_merged_periods(l_merged_index).start_time:= p_valid_periods(l_index).start_time;
326 	 l_merged_periods(l_merged_index).stop_time:= p_valid_periods(l_index).stop_time;
327       end if;
328       l_index := p_valid_periods.next(l_index);
329    End Loop;
330    return l_merged_periods;
331 End mergePeriods;
333 PROCEDURE get_valid_periods(
334   p_resource_id       IN hxc_time_building_blocks.resource_id%TYPE
335  ,p_time_recipient_id IN hxc_time_recipients.time_recipient_id%TYPE
336  ,p_start_date        IN DATE
337  ,p_stop_date         IN DATE
338  ,p_valid_status      IN VARCHAR2
339  ,p_valid_periods    OUT NOCOPY valid_period_tab
340 ) is
342   CURSOR c_app_periods(
343     p_resource_id        hxc_time_building_blocks.resource_id%TYPE
344    ,p_time_recipient_id  hxc_time_recipients.time_recipient_id%TYPE
345    ,p_start_date         DATE
346    ,p_stop_date          DATE
347   )
348   IS
349     SELECT aps.start_time
350           ,aps.stop_time
351           ,aps.approval_status
352 	  ,aps.time_category_id
353       FROM hxc_app_period_summary aps
354      WHERE aps.resource_id =  p_resource_id
355        AND aps.time_recipient_id = p_time_recipient_id
356        AND aps.start_time <= p_stop_date
357        AND aps.stop_time  >= p_start_date
358        and exists
359          (select 1
360             from hxc_tc_ap_links tal
361            where tal.application_period_id = aps.application_period_id
362 		 )
363     ORDER BY start_time;
365   CURSOR c_timecard_periods
366    (   p_resource_id        hxc_time_building_blocks.resource_id%TYPE
367       ,p_start_date         DATE
368       ,p_stop_date          DATE
369    )
370    is
371      SELECT tc.start_time
372            ,tc.stop_time
373        FROM hxc_timecard_summary tc
374       WHERE tc.resource_id =  p_resource_id
375         AND tc.start_time <= p_stop_date
376         AND tc.stop_time  >= p_start_date
377         AND tc.approval_status in ('SUBMITTED','APPROVED')
378      ORDER BY start_time;
380   l_valid BOOLEAN;
381   l_start DATE := NULL;
382   l_stop  DATE := NULL;
383   l_app_period_start DATE;
384   l_app_period_stop  DATE;
385   l_app_period_status hxc_time_building_blocks.approval_status%TYPE;
386   l_index NUMBER := 0;
388   l_ela_used boolean;
389   l_time_category_id number;
390   l_invalid_periods valid_period_tab;
392 Begin
393   if p_valid_status = 'SUBMITTED' then
395    -- incoming status is 'SUBMITTED''
396    -- we open c_timecard_periods cursor and add every period
397    -- to the valid periods
399        OPEN c_timecard_periods(
400          p_resource_id       => p_resource_id
401         ,p_start_date        => p_start_date
402         ,p_stop_date         => p_stop_date
403        );
405        LOOP
406            FETCH c_timecard_periods into l_start,l_stop;
407            EXIT WHEN c_timecard_periods%NOTFOUND;
409             add_old_period(
410                p_valid_periods => p_valid_periods
411               ,p_start_date    => greatest(p_start_date,l_start)
412               ,p_stop_date     => least(p_stop_date, l_stop)
413              );
415        END LOOP;
416        CLOSE c_timecard_periods;
417          -- finally after adding all periods, we return
418        return;
419   end if;
421   OPEN c_app_periods(
422     p_resource_id       => p_resource_id
423    ,p_time_recipient_id => p_time_recipient_id
424    ,p_start_date        => p_start_date
425    ,p_stop_date         => p_stop_date
426   );
428   Loop
429      FETCH c_app_periods INTO l_app_period_start, l_app_period_stop, l_app_period_status, l_time_category_id;
430      EXIT WHEN c_app_periods%NOTFOUND;
432      if(l_time_category_id is not null) then
433 	l_ela_used := true;
434      end if;
436      l_valid := valid_status(p_valid_status, l_app_period_status);
438      if(l_valid) then
439 	add_period(
440 		   p_valid_periods => p_valid_periods,
441 		   p_start_time    => greatest(p_start_date,l_app_period_start),
442 		   p_stop_time     => least(p_stop_date,l_app_period_stop)
443 		   ); /* Bug: 5599914 */
444      else
445 	add_period(
446 		   p_valid_periods => l_invalid_periods,
447 		   p_start_time    => greatest(p_start_date,l_app_period_start),
448 		   p_stop_time     => least(p_stop_date,l_app_period_stop)
449 		   );	/* Bug: 5599914 */
450      end if;
451   End Loop;
453   p_valid_periods :=  mergePeriods(p_valid_periods,l_invalid_periods);
455 End get_valid_periods;
457 end hxc_app_period_summary_api;