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Line 408: and ((nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' and

404: per_periods_of_service pos
405: where ppf.person_id = p_person_id
406: and ppf.person_id = pos.person_id
407: and ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
408: and ((nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' and
409: ppf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
410: or nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'Y')
411: and (p_date_projected_start is null or p_date_projected_start
412: between pos.date_start and nvl(pos.actual_termination_date,hr_api.g_eot))

Line 410: or nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'Y')

406: and ppf.person_id = pos.person_id
407: and ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
408: and ((nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' and
409: ppf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
410: or nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'Y')
411: and (p_date_projected_start is null or p_date_projected_start
412: between pos.date_start and nvl(pos.actual_termination_date,hr_api.g_eot))
413: and (p_date_projected_end is null or p_date_projected_end
414: between pos.date_start and nvl(pos.actual_termination_date,hr_api.g_eot))

Line 427: and ((nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' and

423: where ppf.person_id = p_person_id
424: and ppf.person_id = pop.person_id
425: and ppf.person_id = pawv.person_id
426: and ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y'
427: and ((nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' and
428: ppf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
429: or nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'Y')
430: and (p_date_projected_start is null or p_date_projected_start
431: between pop.date_start and nvl(pop.actual_termination_date,hr_api.g_eot))

Line 429: or nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'Y')

425: and ppf.person_id = pawv.person_id
426: and ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y'
427: and ((nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' and
428: ppf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
429: or nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'Y')
430: and (p_date_projected_start is null or p_date_projected_start
431: between pop.date_start and nvl(pop.actual_termination_date,hr_api.g_eot))
432: and (p_date_projected_end is null or p_date_projected_end
433: between pop.date_start and nvl(pop.actual_termination_date,hr_api.g_eot))

Line 1034: l_sch_based_dur := NVL(FND_PROFILE.Value('HR_SCH_BASED_ABS_CALC'),'N');

1030: fetch c_get_absence_info into l_hours_or_days,
1031: l_element_type_id;
1032: close c_get_absence_info;
1034: l_sch_based_dur := NVL(FND_PROFILE.Value('HR_SCH_BASED_ABS_CALC'),'N');
1035: l_sch_based_dur_found := FALSE;
1036: --
1037: IF l_sch_based_dur = 'Y' THEN
1038: --

Line 2207: nvl(fnd_profile.value('PER_ABSENCE_DURATION_AUTO_OVERWRITE'),'N');

2203: -- from the Fast Formula and the durations are null or
2204: -- auto-overwrite is set to Yes.
2205: --
2206: l_auto_overwrite :=
2207: nvl(fnd_profile.value('PER_ABSENCE_DURATION_AUTO_OVERWRITE'),'N');
2209: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
2211: If (l_use_formula)