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1 PACKAGE BODY edw_hr_person_m_sizing AS
2 /* $Header: hriezpsn.pkb 120.1 2005/06/08 02:48:52 anmajumd noship $ */
4 /******************************************************************************/
5 /* Sets p_num_rows to the number of rows which would be collected between the */
6 /* given dates                                                                */
7 /******************************************************************************/
8 PROCEDURE count_source_rows( p_from_date IN  DATE,
9                              p_to_date   IN  DATE,
10                              p_row_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER )
11 IS
13   /* Selects count of rows from each union of collection view */
14   CURSOR row_count_cur IS
15   SELECT SUM(total)
16   FROM (
17     SELECT COUNT(*) total
18     FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT peo.person_id
19            FROM per_all_people_f peo
20            ,hr_all_organization_units bgr
21            WHERE peo.business_group_id = bgr.organization_id
22            AND greatest( NVL(peo.last_update_date,to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY')),
23                          NVL(bgr.last_update_date,to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY')))
24            BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date )
25     UNION ALL
26     SELECT  COUNT(*) total
27     FROM ra_salesreps_all rs
28     ,hr_all_organization_units org
29     WHERE rs.org_id = org.organization_id (+)
30     AND greatest( NVL( rs.last_update_date,to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY')),
31                   NVL(org.last_update_date,to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY')))
32     BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
33     UNION ALL
34     SELECT COUNT(*)
35     FROM mtl_planners mp
36     ,hr_all_organization_units org
37     WHERE mp.organization_id = org.organization_id
38     AND greatest( NVL(mp.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY')),
39                   NVL(org.last_update_date,to_date('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY')))
40     BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
41   );
45   OPEN row_count_cur;
46   FETCH row_count_cur INTO p_row_count;
47   CLOSE row_count_cur;
49 END count_source_rows;
51 /******************************************************************************/
52 /* Estimates row lengths. Because the union is likely to be heavily skewed    */
53 /* (since per_all_people_f is large and date-tracked) some attributes have    */
54 /* been averaged across the union to improve the accuracy of the estimation   */
55 /******************************************************************************/
56 PROCEDURE estimate_row_length( p_from_date       IN  DATE,
57                                p_to_date         IN  DATE,
58                                p_avg_row_length  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER )
59 IS
61 /* Used to calculate weighted average across union */
62   x_peo_weight            NUMBER;
63   x_ra_weight             NUMBER;
64   x_mtl_weight            NUMBER;
66 /* Length of a date attribute */
67   x_date                  NUMBER := 7;
69 /* Dimension attributes */
70   x_assignment_pk         NUMBER := 0;
71   x_business_group        NUMBER := 0;
72   x_creation_date         NUMBER := x_date;
73   x_end_date              NUMBER := x_date;
74   x_instance              NUMBER := 0;
75   x_last_update_date      NUMBER := x_date;
76   x_name                  NUMBER := 0;
77   x_start_date            NUMBER := x_date;
78   x_national_identifier   NUMBER := 0;
79   x_person_dp             NUMBER := 0;
80   x_person_id             NUMBER := 0;
81   x_person_num            NUMBER := 0;
82   x_planner_code          NUMBER := 0;
83   x_planner_flag          NUMBER := 0;
84   x_previous_last_name    NUMBER := 0;
85   x_region_of_birth       NUMBER := 0;
86   x_rehire_rcmmndtn       NUMBER := 0;
87   x_resume_exists         NUMBER := 0;
88   x_resume_updated_date   NUMBER := x_date;
89   x_salesrep_id           NUMBER := 0;
90   x_sales_rep_flag        NUMBER := 0;
91   x_student_status        NUMBER := 0;
92   x_sys_gen_flag          NUMBER := 0;
93   x_title                 NUMBER := 0;
94   x_town_of_birth         NUMBER := 0;
95   x_buyer_flag            NUMBER := 0;
96   x_country_of_birth      NUMBER := 0;
97   x_crrspndnc_language    NUMBER := 0;
98   x_date_emp_data_vrfd    NUMBER := x_date;
99   x_date_of_birth         NUMBER := x_date;
100   x_disability_flag       NUMBER := 0;
101   x_effective_end_date    NUMBER := x_date;
102   x_effective_start_date  NUMBER := x_date;
103   x_email_address         NUMBER := 0;
104   x_fast_path_employee    NUMBER := 0;
105   x_first_name            NUMBER := 0;
106   x_fte_capacity          NUMBER := 0;
107   x_full_name             NUMBER := 0;
108   x_gender                NUMBER := 0;
109   x_global_person_id      NUMBER := 0;
110   x_internal_location     NUMBER := 0;
111   x_known_as              NUMBER := 0;
112   x_last_name             NUMBER := 0;
113   x_mailstop              NUMBER := 0;
114   x_marital_status        NUMBER := 0;
115   x_middle_names          NUMBER := 0;
116   x_name_prefix           NUMBER := 0;
117   x_name_suffix           NUMBER := 0;
118   x_nationality           NUMBER := 0;
119   x_employee_flag         NUMBER := 0;
120   x_applicant_flag        NUMBER := 0;
121   x_salesrep_number       NUMBER := 0;
122   x_salesrep_name         NUMBER := 0;
123   x_salesrep_org_id       NUMBER := 0;
124   x_planner_description   NUMBER := 0;
125   x_planner_org_id        NUMBER := 0;
128 /* Selects the length of the instance code */
129   CURSOR inst_cur IS
130   SELECT avg(nvl(vsize(instance_code),0))
131   FROM edw_local_instance;
133 /*************/
134 /* HR Source */
135 /*************/
137 /* Length of an organization name */
138   CURSOR bgr_cur IS
139   SELECT avg(nvl(vsize(name),0))
140   FROM hr_all_organization_units
141   WHERE last_update_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date;
143 /* Length of person attributes - plus a count (weight) of size of table */
144   CURSOR peo_cur IS
145   SELECT
146    avg(nvl(vsize(person_id),0))
147   ,avg(nvl(vsize(last_name),0))
148   ,avg(nvl(vsize(NVL(applicant_number,employee_number)),0))
149   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',NVL(current_employee_flag,'N'))),0))
150   ,avg(nvl(vsize(email_address),0))
151   ,avg(nvl(vsize(first_name),0))
152   ,avg(nvl(vsize(full_name),0))
153   ,avg(nvl(vsize(known_as),0))
154   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('MAR_STATUS',marital_status)),0))
155   ,avg(nvl(vsize(middle_names),0))
156   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('NATIONALITY',nationality)),0))
157   ,avg(nvl(vsize(national_identifier),0))
158   ,avg(nvl(vsize(previous_last_name),0))
159   ,avg(nvl(vsize(sex),0))
160   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('TITLE',title)),0))
161   ,avg(nvl(vsize(fte_capacity),0))
162   ,avg(nvl(vsize(internal_location),0))
163   ,avg(nvl(vsize(mailstop),0))
164   ,avg(nvl(vsize(pre_name_adjunct),0))
165   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('STUDENT_STATUS',student_status)),0))
166   ,avg(nvl(vsize(suffix),0))
167   ,avg(nvl(vsize(town_of_birth),0))
168   ,avg(nvl(vsize(region_of_birth),0))
169   ,avg(nvl(vsize(country_of_birth),0))
170   ,avg(nvl(vsize(global_person_id),0))
171   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',rehire_recommendation)),0))
172   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',registered_disabled_flag)),0))
173   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',resume_exists)),0))
174   ,avg(nvl(vsize(hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',fast_path_employee)),0))
175   ,count(person_id)
176   FROM
177    per_all_people_f peo
178   WHERE last_update_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date;
180 /* Length of language */
181   CURSOR lng_cur IS
182   SELECT avg(nvl(vsize(nls_language),0))
183   FROM fnd_languages
184   WHERE last_update_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date;
186 /*************/
187 /* RA Source */
188 /*************/
190 /* Length of salesrep attributes - plus a weight */
191   CURSOR ra_cur IS
192   SELECT
193     avg(nvl(vsize(salesrep_id),0))
194    ,avg(nvl(vsize(salesrep_number),0))
195    ,avg(nvl(vsize(name),0))
196    ,avg(nvl(vsize(org_id),0))
197    ,count(salesrep_id)
198   FROM ra_salesreps_all
199   WHERE last_update_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date;
201 /**************/
202 /* MTL Source */
203 /**************/
205 /* Lenghth of planner attributes - plus a weight */
206   CURSOR mtl_cur IS
207   SELECT
208    avg(nvl(vsize(planner_code),0))
209   ,avg(nvl(vsize(description),0))
210   ,avg(nvl(vsize(organization_id),0))
211   ,count(planner_code)
212   FROM mtl_planners
213   WHERE last_update_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date;
219   OPEN inst_cur;
220   FETCH inst_cur INTO x_instance;
221   CLOSE inst_cur;
223 /*************/
224 /* HR Source */
225 /*************/
227   OPEN bgr_cur;
228   FETCH bgr_cur INTO x_business_group;
229   CLOSE bgr_cur;
231   OPEN peo_cur;
232   FETCH peo_cur INTO
233     x_person_id,
234     x_last_name,
235     x_person_num,
236     x_employee_flag,
237     x_email_address,
238     x_first_name,
239     x_full_name,
240     x_known_as,
241     x_marital_status,
242     x_middle_names,
243     x_nationality,
244     x_national_identifier,
245     x_previous_last_name,
246     x_gender,
247     x_title,
248     x_fte_capacity,
249     x_internal_location,
250     x_mailstop,
251     x_name_prefix,
252     x_student_status,
253     x_name_suffix,
254     x_town_of_birth,
255     x_region_of_birth,
256     x_country_of_birth,
257     x_global_person_id,
258     x_rehire_rcmmndtn,
259     x_disability_flag,
260     x_resume_exists,
261     x_fast_path_employee,
262     x_peo_weight;
263   CLOSE peo_cur;
265   OPEN lng_cur;
266   FETCH lng_cur INTO x_crrspndnc_language;
267   CLOSE lng_cur;
269   x_assignment_pk := x_person_id + x_instance;
270   x_name          := x_full_name + x_person_num;
273 /* Yes-No flags should all be similar if the length of "Yes" and "No" is close */
274   x_planner_flag    := x_employee_flag;
275   x_sales_rep_flag  := x_employee_flag;
276   x_sys_gen_flag    := x_employee_flag;
277   x_buyer_flag      := x_employee_flag;
278   x_applicant_flag  := x_employee_flag;
280 /*************/
281 /* RA Source */
282 /*************/
283   OPEN ra_cur;
284   FETCH ra_cur INTO
285     x_salesrep_id,
286     x_salesrep_number,
287     x_salesrep_name,
288     x_salesrep_org_id,
289     x_ra_weight;
290   CLOSE ra_cur;
292   x_assignment_pk := GREATEST(x_assignment_pk,
293                               x_salesrep_id + x_salesrep_org_id + x_instance);
294   x_name          := (((x_name*x_peo_weight)
295                    + ((x_salesrep_name + x_business_group)*x_ra_weight))
296                    / (x_peo_weight + x_ra_weight));
297   x_full_name     := (((x_full_name*x_peo_weight)
298                    + (x_salesrep_name*x_ra_weight))
299                    / (x_peo_weight + x_ra_weight));
302 /**************/
303 /* MTL Source */
304 /**************/
305   OPEN mtl_cur;
306   FETCH mtl_cur INTO
307     x_planner_code,
308     x_planner_description,
309     x_planner_org_id,
310     x_mtl_weight;
311   CLOSE mtl_cur;
313   x_assignment_pk := GREATEST(x_assignment_pk,
314                               x_planner_code + x_planner_org_id + x_instance);
315   x_full_name     := (((x_full_name*(x_peo_weight+x_ra_weight))
316                    + (x_planner_description*x_mtl_weight))
317                    / (x_peo_weight + x_ra_weight + x_mtl_weight));
318   x_name          := (((x_name*(x_peo_weight+x_ra_weight))
319                    + ((x_planner_code + x_business_group)*x_mtl_weight))
320                    / (x_peo_weight + x_ra_weight + x_mtl_weight));
321   x_person_dp     := x_name;
323   p_avg_row_length :=
324   ( NVL(ceil(x_assignment_pk + 1), 0)
325   + NVL(ceil(x_business_group + 1), 0)
326   + NVL(ceil(x_creation_date + 1), 0)
327   + NVL(ceil(x_end_date + 1), 0)
328   + NVL(ceil(x_instance + 1), 0)
329   + NVL(ceil(x_last_update_date + 1), 0)
330   + NVL(ceil(x_name + 1), 0)
331   + NVL(ceil(x_start_date + 1), 0)
332   + NVL(ceil(x_national_identifier + 1), 0)
333   + NVL(ceil(x_person_dp + 1), 0)
334   + NVL(ceil(x_person_id + 1), 0)
335   + NVL(ceil(x_person_num + 1), 0)
336   + NVL(ceil(x_planner_code + 1), 0)
337   + NVL(ceil(x_planner_flag + 1), 0)
338   + NVL(ceil(x_previous_last_name + 1), 0)
339   + NVL(ceil(x_region_of_birth + 1), 0)
340   + NVL(ceil(x_rehire_rcmmndtn + 1), 0)
341   + NVL(ceil(x_resume_exists + 1), 0)
342   + NVL(ceil(x_resume_updated_date + 1), 0)
343   + NVL(ceil(x_salesrep_id + 1), 0)
344   + NVL(ceil(x_sales_rep_flag + 1), 0)
345   + NVL(ceil(x_student_status + 1), 0)
346   + NVL(ceil(x_sys_gen_flag + 1), 0)
347   + NVL(ceil(x_title + 1), 0)
348   + NVL(ceil(x_town_of_birth + 1), 0)
349   + NVL(ceil(x_buyer_flag + 1), 0)
350   + NVL(ceil(x_country_of_birth + 1), 0)
351   + NVL(ceil(x_crrspndnc_language + 1), 0)
352   + NVL(ceil(x_date_emp_data_vrfd + 1), 0)
353   + NVL(ceil(x_date_of_birth + 1), 0)
354   + NVL(ceil(x_disability_flag + 1), 0)
355   + NVL(ceil(x_effective_end_date + 1), 0)
356   + NVL(ceil(x_effective_start_date + 1), 0)
357   + NVL(ceil(x_email_address + 1), 0)
358   + NVL(ceil(x_fast_path_employee + 1), 0)
359   + NVL(ceil(x_first_name + 1), 0)
360   + NVL(ceil(x_fte_capacity + 1), 0)
361   + NVL(ceil(x_full_name + 1), 0)
362   + NVL(ceil(x_gender + 1), 0)
363   + NVL(ceil(x_global_person_id + 1), 0)
364   + NVL(ceil(x_internal_location + 1), 0)
365   + NVL(ceil(x_known_as + 1), 0)
366   + NVL(ceil(x_last_name + 1), 0)
367   + NVL(ceil(x_mailstop + 1), 0)
368   + NVL(ceil(x_marital_status + 1), 0)
369   + NVL(ceil(x_middle_names + 1), 0)
370   + NVL(ceil(x_name_prefix + 1), 0)
371   + NVL(ceil(x_name_suffix + 1), 0)
372   + NVL(ceil(x_nationality + 1), 0)
373   + NVL(ceil(x_employee_flag + 1), 0)
374   + NVL(ceil(x_applicant_flag + 1), 0) );
376   END estimate_row_length;
378 END edw_hr_person_m_sizing;