1068: p_altered_pa_request_id in number default null,
1069: p_noa_id_corrected in number default null,
1070: p_rowid in rowid default null,
1071: p_pa_history_id in number default null,
1072: p_people_data out nocopy per_all_people_f%rowtype,
1073: p_result_code out nocopy varchar2 ) is
1074: l_result_code varchar2(100);
1075: l_hist_data ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1076: l_proc varchar2(30):='fetch_people';
1073: p_result_code out nocopy varchar2 ) is
1074: l_result_code varchar2(100);
1075: l_hist_data ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1076: l_proc varchar2(30):='fetch_people';
1077: l_people_data per_all_people_f%rowtype;
1079: cursor per_people_f_cursor is
1080: select *
1081: from per_all_people_f
1077: l_people_data per_all_people_f%rowtype;
1079: cursor per_people_f_cursor is
1080: select *
1081: from per_all_people_f
1082: where person_id = p_person_id
1083: and p_date_effective between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
1085: cursor per_people_f_rowid_cursor is
1083: and p_date_effective between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
1085: cursor per_people_f_rowid_cursor is
1086: select *
1087: from per_all_people_f
1088: where rowid = p_rowid;
1089: Begin
1090: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 5);
1091: p_result_code := null;