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Line 270: ben_ler_f ler

266: --
267: CURSOR c_per_in_ler IS
268: SELECT pil.per_in_ler_id
269: FROM ben_per_in_ler pil,
270: ben_ler_f ler
271: WHERE pil.person_id = p_person_id
272: and pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
273: and ler.typ_cd not in ('COMP','GSP', 'IREC', 'ABS')
274: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')

Line 278: ben_ler_f ler1

274: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
275: AND lf_evt_ocrd_dt =
276: (SELECT MAX(b.lf_evt_ocrd_dt)
277: FROM ben_per_in_ler b,
278: ben_ler_f ler1
279: WHERE b.person_id = p_person_id
280: and b.ler_id = ler1.ler_id
281: and b.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
282: and ler1.typ_cd not in ('COMP','GSP', 'IREC', 'ABS')