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Line 24: open c_user_resp(fnd_global.user_id, 23815, 724);

20: l_count number := 0;
21: l_retval boolean := false;
22: begin
23: --check whether this user has supplier resp
24: open c_user_resp(fnd_global.user_id, 23815, 724);
25: fetch c_user_resp into l_count;
26: close c_user_resp ;
28: if ( l_count = 0 ) then

Line 287: l_amp varchar2(2) := fnd_global.local_chr(38);

283: l_plsql_proc varchar2(250);
284: l_actual_params varchar2(250);
285: l_temp varchar2(250);
286: l_length number ;
287: l_amp varchar2(2) := fnd_global.local_chr(38);
288: l_found number;
290: begin
291: p_err_msg := null; --initialize to null

Line 421: and fu.user_id = fnd_global.user_id;

417: and mcrs.relationship_id = map.company_key
418: and map.map_type = 1
419: and map.tp_key = mtp.modeled_supplier_id
420: and mtp.partner_type = 3
421: and fu.user_id = fnd_global.user_id;
422: l_temp number;
423: BEGIN
424: open c_org;
425: fetch c_org into l_temp;

Line 451: and fu.user_id = fnd_global.user_id ;

447: and mcrs.relationship_type = 2
448: and mcrs.relationship_id = map.company_key
449: and map.map_type = 1
450: and map.tp_key = mtp.partner_id
451: and fu.user_id = fnd_global.user_id ;
453: l_sup number;
454: l_inst number;
455: BEGIN