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2 /*$Header: CSFGTPLS.pls 120.14.12010000.1 2008/07/28 07:37:06 appldev ship $*/
4       /* Change history
5    Date         Userid     Change
6    ----------   --------   ---------------------------------------------------
7    05/10/2004   vakulkar   created new package for Gantt
8    14/10/2004   vakulkar   addded global variable for userenv('lang')
9 			                 changed the get_scheduled_task/virtual_tasks
10 			                 procedures parameters
11    30/10/2004   vakulkar   addded 2 extra parametrs to procedure
12 			                 get_planned_shitfs.
13 			                 created one new procedure for showing
14 			                 real tasks in plantoption window
15               			     get_advise_real_tasks
16    09/12/2004   vakulkar   modified get_scheduled_real_task,virtual_tasks
17                              get_planned_shifts,get_planned_tasks procedure
19                              In get_scheduled_real/virtual task removed
20                              the code for populating tooltip.
21                              Redesign the cursor for getting the data
22                              like removed join cs_incident_all_b and other
23                              tabels related to it.
25                              Removed all uneccessary code for tooltip and
26                              color and get_contact_point.
28                              Created 3 new procedures for tooltip
29                              get_tooltip_data_gantt
30                              get_tooltip_data_sch_adv
31                              get_gantt_task_color
32    28/12/2004   vakulkar   Added Drag n Drop procedure for Gantt
33    23/02/2005   vakulkar   Added Procedure get_skilled_resources
34 			   used when drag n drop is done from
35 			   one resource to another then check if
36 			   new resource has the same skills and they
37 			   are active on that day.
38 			   And if task is drag and drop to same resource
39 			   but diffrent date then validate the skills
40 			   same as above
41 			   Added get_resource_name, get_resource_type_name
42 			   Procedures which will be used by CSFDataSource.java
43 			   to populate Resources in Left pane of Gantt.
45     25/04/2005 vakulkar introduced new 3 new procedure for schedule advise gantt
46 	                1. g_do_match for matchin the color for task
47 			2.g_get_custom_color for populating pl/sql table
48 			  which willbe used by g_do_match procedure for
49 			  getting the color
50 			3.get_tooltip_for_plan_task this is used to show
51 			  tooltip for planned task
53     17/02/2006 vakulkar	   removed seven procedures and introduced two procedures for
54 			   doing the same task. The procedures removed are
55 			   1. get_resource_shifts
56 			   2. get_planned_shifts
57 			   3. get_scheduled_virtual_tasks
58 			   4. get_advise_real_tasks
59 			   5. get_scheduled_real_tasks
60 			   6. get_schedule_advise_tasks
61 			   7. get_adv_real_tasks
62 			        The procedure that are introduced are
63 			   1. get_dispatch_task_dtls
64 			   2. get_schedule_advise_options
65    */
66 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 -- Public variable, constants, funtions
68 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
69    blue     Constant Number (3)     := 255;        -- color for regular tasks
70    red      Constant Number (8)     := 16711680;
71    -- color for escalated tasks
72    green    Constant Number (5)     := 65280;
73    -- color for task plan option
74    yellow   Constant Number (8)     := 16776960;
77    TYPE g_custom_color_rec IS RECORD (
78          task_type_id                  NUMBER,
79          task_priority_id              NUMBER,
80          assignment_status_id          NUMBER,
81          escalated_task                VARCHAR2 (1),
82          background_col_dec            NUMBER,
83          background_col_rgb            VARCHAR2 (12)
84       );
86    TYPE g_custom_color_tbl IS TABLE OF g_custom_color_rec
88    -- color for task with actual times
89    Type tooltip_data_rec_type Is Record (
90       task_name                jtf_tasks_tl.task_name%Type
91     , task_number              jtf_tasks_b.task_number%Type
92     , task_type                jtf_task_types_tl.Name%Type
93     , task_status              jtf_task_statuses_vl.Name%Type
94     , address                  Varchar2 (2000)
95     , parts                    Varchar2 (30)
96     , incident_number          cs_incidents_all_b.incident_number%Type
97     , incident_type_name       cs_incident_types_tl.Name%Type
98     , incident_customer_name   varchar2(1000)           --bug no 5674408
99     , contact                  Varchar2 (2000)
100     , phone                    Varchar2 (2000)
101     , product_name             mtl_system_items_kfv.concatenated_segments%Type
102     , serial_number            csi_item_instances.serial_number%Type
103     , lot_number               csi_item_instances.lot_number%Type
104     , resource_name            Varchar2 (2000)
105     , planned_start            Varchar2 (30)
106     , planned_end              Varchar2 (30)
107     , scheduled_start_date     Date
108     , scheduled_start          Varchar2 (30)
109     , scheduled_end            Varchar2 (30)
110     , actual_start             Varchar2 (30)
111     , actual_end               Varchar2 (30)
112     , departure_time           Varchar2 (30)
113     , travel_time              Varchar2 (300)
114     , estimated_start          Varchar2 (30)
115     , estimated_end            Varchar2 (30)
116     , assigned_flag            Varchar2 (30)
117     , is_plan_option           Varchar2 (1)
118    );
120   PROCEDURE get_message_text
121  ( p_api_version              IN         Number
122  , p_init_msg_list            IN         Varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
123  , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
124  , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY Number
125  , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
126  , p_message_text             OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
127  , p_message_code             OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
128  );
130  Procedure get_dispatch_task_dtls (
131   p_api_version              IN         Number
132 , p_init_msg_list            IN         Varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
133 , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
134 , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY Number
135 , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
136 , p_start_date_range         IN         DATE
137 , p_end_date_range           IN         DATE
138 , p_res_id                   OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
139 , p_res_type                 OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
140 , p_res_name                 OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
141 , p_res_typ_name             OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
142 , p_res_key                  OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
143 , p_trip_id                  OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
144 , p_shift_start_date         OUT NOCOPY jtf_date_table
145 , p_shift_end_date           OUT NOCOPY jtf_date_table
146 , p_block_trip               OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
147 , p_shift_res_key            OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
148 , p_vir_task_id		         OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_100
149 , p_vir_start_date	         OUT NOCOPY jtf_date_table
150 , p_vir_end_date	         OUT NOCOPY jtf_date_table
151 , p_vir_color		         OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
152 , p_vir_name		         OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_100
153 , p_vir_duration	         OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
154 , p_vir_task_type_id	     OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
155 , p_vir_tooltip		         OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
156 , p_vir_resource_key	     OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
157 , real_task_id         OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
158 , real_start_date      OUT NOCOPY    jtf_date_table
159 , real_end_date        OUT NOCOPY    jtf_date_table
160 , real_color           OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
161 , real_NAME            OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
162 , real_tooltip         OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
163 , real_DURATION        OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
164 , real_task_type_id    OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
165 , real_resource_key    OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
166 , real_parts_required  OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
167 , real_access_hours    OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
168 , real_after_hours     OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
169 , real_customer_conf   OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
170 , real_task_depend     OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
171 , real_child_task      OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
172 , p_show_arr_dep_tasks IN	     varchar2  DEFAULT 'N');
174    PROCEDURE get_schedule_advise_options
175    (
176       p_api_version              IN         NUMBER
177     , p_init_msg_list            IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
178     , x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
179     , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
180     , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
181     , p_display_option           IN         VARCHAR2
182     , p_resource_id              IN         NUMBER
183     , p_resource_type            IN         VARCHAR2
184     , p_req_id                   IN         NUMBER
185     , p_par_task                 IN         NUMBER
186     , p_task_id                  IN         NUMBER
187     , p_res_id                   OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
188     , p_res_type                 OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
189     , p_res_name                 OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
190     , p_res_typ_name             OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
191     , p_res_key                  OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
192     , p_cost                     OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
193     , p_start_date               IN         DATE
194     , p_end_date                 IN         DATE
195     , sch_adv_tz                 In         Varchar2
196     , inc_tz_code                In         Varchar2
197     , trip_id                    OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
198     , start_date                 OUT NOCOPY jtf_date_table
199     , end_date                   OUT NOCOPY jtf_date_table
200     , block_trip                 OUT NOCOPY jtf_number_table
201     , p_bck_res_key               OUT NOCOPY jtf_varchar2_table_2000
202     , plan_task_key              OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
203     , plan_start_date            OUT NOCOPY    jtf_date_table
204     , plan_end_date              OUT NOCOPY    jtf_date_table
205     , plan_color                 OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
206     , plan_name                  OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
207     , plan_tooltip               OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
208     , plan_duration              OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
209     , plan_task_type_id          OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
210     , plan_resource_key          OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
211     , real_task_key              OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
212     , real_start_date            OUT NOCOPY    jtf_date_table
213     , real_end_date              OUT NOCOPY    jtf_date_table
214     , real_color                 OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
215     , real_name                  OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
216     , real_tooltip               OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
217     , real_duration              OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
218     , real_task_type_id          OUT NOCOPY    jtf_number_table
219     , real_resource_key          OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
220     , child_task                 OUT Nocopy    jtf_varchar2_table_100
221     , real_parts_required        OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
222     , real_access_hours          OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
223     , real_after_hours           OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
224     , real_customer_conf         OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
225     , real_task_depend           OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
226     , oth_real_task_id           Out Nocopy    jtf_varchar2_table_100
227     , oth_real_start_date        Out Nocopy    jtf_date_table
228     , oth_real_end_date          Out Nocopy    jtf_date_table
229     , oth_real_color             Out Nocopy    jtf_number_table
230     , oth_real_Name              Out Nocopy    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
231     , oth_real_Duration          Out Nocopy    jtf_number_table
232     , oth_real_task_type_id      Out Nocopy    jtf_number_table
233     , oth_real_resource_key      Out Nocopy    jtf_varchar2_table_2000
234     , oth_real_child_task        Out Nocopy    jtf_varchar2_table_100
235     , oth_real_parts_required        OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
236     , oth_real_access_hours          OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
237     , oth_real_after_hours           OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
238     , oth_real_customer_conf         OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
239     , oth_real_task_depend           OUT NOCOPY    jtf_varchar2_table_100
240    );
242     FUNCTION get_tooltip_data_sch_advise(
243     p_task_id       NUMBER
244   , p_resource_id   NUMBER
245   , p_resource_type VARCHAR2
246   , p_start_date    DATE
247   , p_end_date      DATE
248   , p_duration      NUMBER
249   , sch_adv_tz      varchar2
250   , p_server_tz_code VARCHAR2
251   , p_client_tz_code VARCHAR2
252   , p_timezone_enb   boolean
253   , p_inc_tz_desc    varchar2
254   , p_inc_tz_code    VARCHAR2
255   )
256     Return varchar2;
258     FUNCTION get_tooltip_data_gantt(
259     p_task_id number
260    ,p_resource_id number
261    ,p_resource_type varchar2
262    ,p_start_date date
263    ,p_end_date date
264    ,p_inc_tz_code    VARCHAR2
265    ,p_server_tz_code VARCHAR2
266    ,p_client_tz_code VARCHAR2
267    ,p_timezone_enb   boolean
268    ) return varchar2;
270     FUNCTION get_tooltip_for_plan_task(
271       p_task_id number
272     , p_resource_id number
273     , p_resource_type varchar2
274     , p_start_date date
275     , p_end_date date
276     , p_duration Number default 0
277     , p_inc_tz_code    VARCHAR2
278     , p_server_tz_code VARCHAR2
279     , p_client_tz_code VARCHAR2
280     , p_timezone_enb   boolean
281     , sch_adv_tz      varchar2
282     , p_inc_tz_desc    varchar2)
283     Return varchar2;
285    Function get_green
286       Return Number;
288    Function get_gantt_task_color (
289       p_task_id                  In       Number
290     , p_task_type_id             In       Number
291     , p_task_priority_id         In       Number
292     , p_assignment_status_id     In       Number
293     , p_task_assignment_id       In       Number
294     , p_actual_start_date        In       Date
295 	, p_actual_end_date        In       Date
296 	, p_actual_effort	         In       Number
297 	, p_actual_effort_uom        In       Varchar2
298 	, p_planned_effort            In       Number
299 	, p_planned_effort_uom       In       Varchar2
300 	, p_scheduled_start_date     In       Date
301 	, p_scheduled_end_date	     In       Date
302    )
303     Return Number;
305    Procedure get_planned_task (
306       p_api_version              In       Number
307     , p_init_msg_list            In       Varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
308     , p_request_id               In       varchar2
309     , x_return_status            Out Nocopy Varchar2
310     , x_msg_count                Out Nocopy Number
311     , x_msg_data                 Out Nocopy Varchar2
312     , task_id                    Out Nocopy jtf_varchar2_table_100
313     , start_date                 Out Nocopy jtf_date_table
314     , end_date                   Out Nocopy jtf_date_table
315     , color                      Out Nocopy jtf_number_table
316     , Name                       Out Nocopy jtf_varchar2_table_100
317     , tooltip                    Out Nocopy jtf_varchar2_table_2000
318     , Duration                   Out Nocopy jtf_number_table
319     , task_type_id               Out Nocopy jtf_number_table
320     , resource_key               Out Nocopy jtf_varchar2_table_2000
321     , sch_adv_tz                 In       Varchar2
322    );
324    Function convert_to_days (
325       p_duration                          Number
326     , p_uom                               Varchar2
327     , p_uom_hours                         Varchar2
328    )
329       Return Number;
331    Procedure drag_n_drop
332 	( p_api_version                in  number
333 	, p_init_msg_list              in  varchar2  DEFAULT NULL
334 	, p_commit                     in  varchar2  DEFAULT NULL
335 	, p_task_id                    in  number
336 	, p_task_assignment_id         in  number   default null
337 	, p_object_version_number      in  out nocopy number
338 	, p_old_resource_type_code         in  varchar2
339 	, p_new_resource_type_code         in  varchar2
340 	, p_old_resource_id                in  number
341 	, p_new_resource_id                in  number
342 	, p_cancel_status_id           in  number
343 	, p_assignment_status_id       in  number
344 	, p_old_object_capacity_id     in  number
345 	, p_new_object_capacity_id     in  number
346 	, p_sched_travel_distance      in  number   default null
347 	, p_sched_travel_duration      in  number   default null
348 	, p_sched_travel_duration_uom  in  varchar2 default null
349 	, p_old_shift_construct_id     in  number   default null
350 	, p_new_shift_construct_id     in  number   default null
351 	, p_shift_changed              in  boolean
352 	, p_task_changed               in  boolean
353 	, p_assignment_changed         in  boolean
354 	, p_time_occupied              in  number
355 	, p_new_sched_start_date       in date
356 	, p_new_sched_end_date         in date
357 	, p_update_plan_date           in  varchar2 default 'N'
358         , p_planned_start_date         IN  DATE  DEFAULT NULL
359         , p_planned_end_date           IN  DATE  DEFAULT NULL
360         , p_planned_effort	       IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
361         , p_planned_effort_uom	       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
362 	, x_return_status              out nocopy   varchar2
363 	, x_msg_count                  out nocopy   number
364 	, x_msg_data                   out nocopy   varchar2
365 	, x_task_assignment_id         out nocopy   number
366 	, x_task_object_version_number out nocopy   number
367 	, x_task_status_id             out nocopy   number
368 	, x_task_status_name           out nocopy   varchar2
369 	, x_task_type_id               out nocopy    number
370 	);
372     FUNCTION get_skilled_resources
373         ( p_task_id       number
374 	, p_start         date
375 	, p_end           date
376         , p_resource_id   number   default null
377         , p_resource_type varchar2 default null
378         ) return Number;
380     FUNCTION get_resource_name ( p_res_id   number
381                                 , p_res_type varchar2 ) return varchar2;
382     FUNCTION get_resource_type_name ( p_res_type varchar2 ) return varchar2;
383     FUNCTION g_do_match (
384          p_task_type_id           IN   NUMBER,
385          p_task_priority_id       IN   NUMBER,
386          p_assignment_status_id   IN   NUMBER,
387          p_escalated_task         IN   VARCHAR2
388       )