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Line 892: FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav

888: )
889: IS
890: SELECT nvl(to_char(number_value),
891: nvl(varchar2_value,to_char(date_value))) sec_value
892: FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav
893: WHERE awusav.web_user_id = p_user_id
894: AND awusav.attribute_application_id = p_attribute_appl_id
895: AND awusav.attribute_code = p_attribute_code
896: union

Line 1049: -- ak_web_user_sec_attr_values or on the AK_RESP_SECURITY_ATTR_VALUES table.

1045: end if; -- end if display_node_flag = 'Y'
1047: --
1048: -- Item has secured VALUES if it was found on the
1049: -- ak_web_user_sec_attr_values or on the AK_RESP_SECURITY_ATTR_VALUES table.
1050: -- If found, then the
1051: -- record(s) will contain value(s) to use in the where clause
1052: -- to limit row selection. If item was suppose to have secured
1053: -- values, but none where found then create a where clause

Line 1119: || 'FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav '

1115: END;
1116: ELSE -- p_use_subquery = T
1117: where_temp := '(akq.'||select_rec.column_name || ' IN ('
1118: || 'SELECT nvl(number_value,nvl(varchar2_value,date_value)) '
1119: || 'FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav '
1120: || 'WHERE awusav.web_user_id = :BIND'
1121: || to_char(select_count) || 'USER_ID '
1122: || 'AND awusav.attribute_application_id = :BIND'
1123: || to_char(select_count) || 'ATTR_APPL_ID '

Line 2636: FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav

2632: p_responsibility_id NUMBER
2633: )
2634: IS
2635: SELECT nvl(to_char(number_value),nvl(varchar2_value, to_char(date_value))) sec_value
2636: FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav
2637: WHERE awusav.web_user_id = p_user_id
2638: AND awusav.attribute_application_id = p_attribute_appl_id
2639: AND awusav.attribute_code = p_attribute_code
2640: union

Line 2706: -- ak_web_user_sec_attr_values table or ak_resp_security_attr_values table

2703: print_debug ( 'Secured Value is -> ' || select_rec.rls_column);
2704: --
2705: -- Item has secured VALUES if it was found on the
2706: -- ak_web_user_sec_attr_values table or ak_resp_security_attr_values table
2707: -- If found, then the
2708: -- record(s) will contain value(s) to use in the where clause
2709: -- to limit row selection. If item was suppose to have secured
2710: -- values, but none where found then create a where clause

Line 2721: FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav

2717: /** Verify if there is bad data **/
2719: SELECT count(*)
2720: INTO select_count1
2721: FROM ak_web_user_sec_attr_values awusav
2722: WHERE awusav.web_user_id = p_user_id
2723: AND awusav.attribute_application_id = select_rec.attribute_application_id
2724: AND awusav.attribute_code = select_rec.attribute_code
2725: AND (( varchar2_value is not null and date_value is not null) or