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Line 13: FROM gl_ledger_config_details glcd, gl_ledgers ledger

9: x_config_id NUMBER)
11: CURSOR c_ledgers IS
12: SELECT DISTINCT ledger.chart_of_accounts_id -- glcd.object_id,
13: FROM gl_ledger_config_details glcd, gl_ledgers ledger
14: WHERE glcd.configuration_id = x_config_id
15: AND glcd.setup_step_code = 'NONE'
16: AND ledger.ledger_id = glcd.object_id;

Line 807: FROM gl_ledger_config_details

803: x_completion_status VARCHAR2(30);
805: CURSOR c_primary_ledgers IS
806: SELECT DISTINCT object_id
807: FROM gl_ledger_config_details
808: WHERE object_type_code = 'PRIMARY'
809: AND setup_step_code = 'NONE'
810: AND configuration_id IN(
811: SELECT configuration_id

Line 812: FROM gl_ledger_config_details

808: WHERE object_type_code = 'PRIMARY'
809: AND setup_step_code = 'NONE'
810: AND configuration_id IN(
811: SELECT configuration_id
812: FROM gl_ledger_config_details
813: WHERE object_type_code = 'SECONDARY'
814: AND setup_step_code = 'NONE'
815: AND object_id = x_ledger_id);

Line 1059: -- the following logic will be moved to a API package for table GL_LEDGER_CONFIG_details

1055: OR ( target_ledger_category_code = 'ALC'
1056: AND relationship_type_code <> 'BALANCE'));
1057: END IF;
1059: -- the following logic will be moved to a API package for table GL_LEDGER_CONFIG_details
1060: IF ( (x_ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY')
1061: OR (x_ledger_category_code = 'SECONDARY')) THEN
1062: IF (x_current_name <> x_name) THEN
1063: UPDATE gl_ledger_config_details

Line 1063: UPDATE gl_ledger_config_details

1059: -- the following logic will be moved to a API package for table GL_LEDGER_CONFIG_details
1060: IF ( (x_ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY')
1061: OR (x_ledger_category_code = 'SECONDARY')) THEN
1062: IF (x_current_name <> x_name) THEN
1063: UPDATE gl_ledger_config_details
1064: SET object_name = x_name
1065: WHERE configuration_id = x_configuration_id
1066: AND object_id = x_ledger_id
1067: AND object_type_code = x_ledger_category_code;

Line 1078: INSERT INTO gl_ledger_config_details

1074: FROM gl_ledgers
1075: WHERE ledger_id = x_ledger_id;
1077: /* IF (x_current_bsv_option_code <> x_bal_seg_value_option_code) THEN
1078: INSERT INTO gl_ledger_config_details
1079: (configuration_id, object_type_code,
1080: object_id, object_name, setup_step_code,
1081: next_action_code, status_code, created_by,
1082: last_update_login, last_update_date,

Line 1102: INSERT INTO gl_ledger_config_details

1098: IF ( ( (x_current_sla_actg_method_code IS NULL)
1099: AND (x_sla_accounting_method_code IS NOT NULL))
1100: OR ( (x_current_sla_actg_method_type IS NULL)
1101: AND (x_sla_accounting_method_type IS NOT NULL))) THEN
1102: INSERT INTO gl_ledger_config_details
1103: (configuration_id, object_type_code,
1104: object_id, object_name, setup_step_code,
1105: next_action_code, status_code,
1106: created_by, last_update_login,

Line 1139: DELETE FROM gl_ledger_config_details

1135: ELSIF( ( (x_current_sla_actg_method_code IS NOT NULL)
1136: AND (x_sla_accounting_method_code IS NULL))
1137: OR ( (x_current_sla_actg_method_type IS NOT NULL)
1138: AND (x_sla_accounting_method_type IS NULL))) THEN
1139: DELETE FROM gl_ledger_config_details
1140: WHERE configuration_id = x_configuration_id
1141: AND object_type_code = x_ledger_category_code
1142: AND object_id = x_ledger_id
1143: AND object_name = x_name

Line 1151: UPDATE gl_ledger_config_details

1147: ELSIF( (x_current_sla_actg_method_code <>
1148: x_sla_accounting_method_code)
1149: OR (x_current_sla_actg_method_type <>
1150: x_sla_accounting_method_type)) THEN
1151: UPDATE gl_ledger_config_details
1152: SET next_action_code = 'REVIEW_DEFAULTS',
1153: status_code = 'CONFIRMED',
1154: last_update_login = x_last_update_login,
1155: last_update_date = x_last_update_date,

Line 1199: INSERT INTO gl_ledger_config_details

1195: -- bug fix 3175231 insert the CE row in config details
1196: --IF ( (x_acctg_environment_code = 'EXCLUSIVE')
1197: -- OR ( (x_acctg_environment_code = 'SHARED')
1198: -- AND (x_bal_seg_value_option_code = 'I') ) ) THEN
1199: INSERT INTO gl_ledger_config_details
1200: (configuration_id, object_type_code,
1201: object_id, object_name, setup_step_code,
1202: next_action_code, status_code, created_by,
1203: last_update_login, last_update_date,

Line 1213: DELETE gl_ledger_config_details

1209: x_last_updated_by, x_last_update_date);
1210: --END IF;
1211: ELSIF( (x_current_allow_intercom_flag = 'Y')
1212: AND (x_allow_intercompany_post_flag = 'N')) THEN
1213: DELETE gl_ledger_config_details
1214: WHERE configuration_id = x_configuration_id
1215: AND object_id = x_ledger_id
1216: AND setup_step_code = 'INTRA_BAL';
1217: END IF;

Line 1550: from gl_ledger_config_details

1546: update gl_ledger_configurations
1547: set name = x_name
1548: where configuration_id =
1549: (select configuration_id
1550: from gl_ledger_config_details
1551: where object_id = x_ledger_id
1552: and object_type_code = 'PRIMARY'
1553: and setup_step_code = 'NONE');
1554: END IF;

Line 3451: gl_ledger_config_details cd1, gl_ledger_config_details cd2

3447: l_has_le_bsv VARCHAR2(30);
3448: CURSOR get_ledger_id IS
3449: select l.ledger_id, cd2.configuration_id
3450: from gl_ledgers l, gl_le_value_sets lv,
3451: gl_ledger_config_details cd1, gl_ledger_config_details cd2
3452: where lv.legal_entity_id = x_le_id
3453: and lv.flex_value_set_id = x_value_set_id
3454: and cd1.object_id = lv.legal_entity_id
3455: and cd1.object_type_code = 'LEGAL_ENTITY'

Line 3483: from gl_ledger_config_details

3479: select completion_status_code
3480: from gl_ledger_configurations
3481: where configuration_id =
3482: (select configuration_id
3483: from gl_ledger_config_details
3484: where object_id = x_le_id
3485: and object_type_code = 'LEGAL_ENTITY');
3486: BEGIN
3487: OPEN get_complete_status;

Line 3537: insert into gl_ledger_config_details

3533: where ledger_id = l_ledger_id
3534: and segment_type_code = 'B'
3535: and segment_value = x_bsv_value
3536: and segment_value_type_code = 'S';
3537: insert into gl_ledger_config_details
3538: (configuration_id,
3539: object_type_code,
3540: object_id,
3541: object_name,

Line 3563: from gl_ledger_config_details

3559: fnd_global.login_id,
3560: sysdate,
3561: fnd_global.user_id,
3562: sysdate
3563: from gl_ledger_config_details
3564: where object_id = l_ledger_id
3565: and object_type_code <> 'LEGAL_ENTITY'
3566: and setup_step_code = 'NONE'
3567: and configuration_id = l_config_id

Line 3569: from gl_ledger_config_details

3565: and object_type_code <> 'LEGAL_ENTITY'
3566: and setup_step_code = 'NONE'
3567: and configuration_id = l_config_id
3568: and NOT EXISTS(select 1
3569: from gl_ledger_config_details
3570: where object_id = l_ledger_id
3571: and object_type_code <> 'LEGAL_ENTITY'
3572: and setup_step_code = 'INTER_ASSG');
3573: update gl_ledgers

Line 3992: FROM gl_ledger_config_details

3989: PROCEDURE remove_ou_setup(x_config_id IN NUMBER) IS
3990: CURSOR le_assigned IS
3991: SELECT object_id
3992: FROM gl_ledger_config_details
3993: WHERE configuration_id = x_config_id
3994: AND object_type_code = 'LEGAL_ENTITY';
3995: test NUMBER;
3996: BEGIN

Line 4000: delete from gl_ledger_config_details

3996: BEGIN
3997: OPEN le_assigned;
3998: FETCH le_assigned INTO test;
3999: IF(le_assigned%NOTFOUND) THEN
4000: delete from gl_ledger_config_details
4001: where configuration_id = x_config_id
4002: and object_type_code = 'PRIMARY'
4003: and setup_step_code = 'OU_SETUP';
4004: END IF;