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1 PACKAGE BODY wip_discrete_ws_move AS
2 /* $Header: wipdsmvb.pls 120.2 2006/09/19 06:31:24 paho noship $ */
4   procedure explodeComponents(p_jobID        in number,
5                               p_orgID        in number,
6                               p_moveQty      in number,
7                               p_fromOp       in number,
8                               p_fromStep     in number,
9                               p_toOp         in number,
10                               p_toStep       in number,
11                               p_txnType      in number,
12                               x_moveTxnID    out nocopy number,
13                               x_cplTxnID     out nocopy number,
14                               x_txnHeaderID  out nocopy number,
15                               x_compHeaderID out nocopy number,
16                               x_batchID      out nocopy number,
17                               x_lotEntryType out nocopy number,
18                               x_compInfo     out nocopy system.wip_lot_serial_obj_t,
19                               x_mtlMode      out nocopy number,
20                               x_periodID     out nocopy number,
21                               x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
22                               x_errMessage   out nocopy varchar2) is
23     openPastPeriod boolean;
24     periodID number;
25   begin
26     select wip_transactions_s.nextval into x_moveTxnID from dual;
27     select mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval into x_cplTxnID from dual;
28     select mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval into x_batchID from dual;
29     select mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval into x_txnHeaderID from dual;
31     openPastPeriod := false;
32     x_mtlMode := nvl(to_number(fnd_profile.value('TRANSACTION_PROCESS_MODE')),
33                      WIP_CONSTANTS.ONLINE);
34     if ( x_mtlMode = WIP_CONSTANTS.FORM_LEVEL ) then
35       x_mtlMode := nvl(to_number(fnd_profile.value('WIP_SHOP_FLOOR_MTL_TRANSACTION')),
36                        WIP_CONSTANTS.ONLINE);
37     end if;
39     if ( x_mtlMode <> WIP_CONSTANTS.ONLINE ) then
40       select mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval into x_compHeaderID from dual;
41     else
42       x_compHeaderID := x_txnHeaderID;
43     end if;
45     -- derive the accounting period stuff by calling inv routine
46     invttmtx.tdatechk(
47       org_id           => p_orgID,
48       transaction_date => sysdate,
49       period_id        => periodID,
50       open_past_period => openPastPeriod);
52     if (periodID = -1 or periodID = 0) then
53       fnd_message.set_name(
54         application => 'INV',
55         name        => 'INV_NO_OPEN_PERIOD');
56       x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
57       x_errMessage := fnd_message.get;
58       return;
59     end if;
61     x_periodID := periodID;
63     wma_move.backflush(p_jobID => p_jobID,
64                        p_orgID => p_orgID,
65                        p_childMoveID => -1,
66                        p_moveID => x_moveTxnID,
67                        p_ocQty => 0,
68                        p_moveQty => p_moveQty,
69                        p_txnDate => sysdate,
70                        p_txnHdrID => x_txnHeaderID,
71                        p_fm_op => p_fromOp,
72                        p_fm_step => p_fromStep,
73                        p_to_op => p_toOp,
74                        p_to_step => p_toStep,
75                        p_cmpTxnID => x_cplTxnID,
76                        p_txnType => p_txnType,
77                        p_objectID => -1,
78                        x_lotEntryType => x_lotEntryType,
79                        x_compInfo => x_compInfo,
80                        x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
81                        x_errMessage => x_errMessage);
83   end explodeComponents;
86   procedure processMove(moveData       in  MoveData,
87                         x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
88                         x_errMessage   out nocopy varchar2) is
89     qaCollectionID number;
90     processStatus number;
91     groupID number;
92     primaryItemID number;
93     lineID number;
95     fmOpCode varchar2(5);
96     fmDeptID number;
97     fmDeptCode varchar2(11);
98     fmPrevOpSeq number;
99     fmNextOpSeq number;
100     fmOpExists boolean;
101     toOpCode varchar2(5);
102     toDeptID number;
103     toDeptCode varchar2(11);
104     toPrevOpSeq number;
105     toNextOpSeq number;
106     toOpExists boolean;
108     l_totalNum number;
109     l_returnStatus VARCHAR2(1);
110     l_logLevel NUMBER;
111     l_params  wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
112   begin
113     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
114     l_totalNum := 0;
115     l_logLevel := to_number(fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level);
116     savepoint dsmove1;
118     if ( l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
119       l_params(1).paramName := 'not printing params';
120       l_params(1).paramValue := ' ';
121       wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_discrete_ws_move.insertMoveRecord',
122                             p_params => l_params,
123                             x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
124     end if;
126     qaCollectionID := moveData.qaCollectionID;
127     if ( moveData.qaCollectionID is not null ) then
128       select count(*) into l_totalNum
129         from qa_results
130        where collection_id = moveData.qaCollectionID;
131       if ( l_totalNum = 0 ) then
132         qaCollectionID := null;
133       end if;
134     end if;
136     if ( moveData.txnMode = 1 ) then
137       groupID := moveData.txnID;
138       processStatus := 2; -- running
139     else
140       groupID := null;
141       processStatus := 1;
142     end if;
144     select primary_item_id, line_id
145       into primaryItemID, lineID
146       from wip_discrete_jobs
147      where organization_id = moveData.orgID
148        and wip_entity_id = moveData.wipEntityID;
150     wip_operations_info.derive_info(
151       p_org_id => moveData.orgID,
152       p_wip_entity_id => moveData.wipEntityID,
153       p_first_schedule_id => null,
154       p_operation_seq_num => moveData.fmOp,
155       p_operation_code => fmOpCode,
156       p_department_id => fmDeptID,
157       p_department_code => fmDeptCode,
158       p_prev_op_seq_num => fmPrevOpSeq,
159       p_next_op_seq_num => fmNextOpSeq,
160       p_operation_exists => fmOpExists);
162     wip_operations_info.derive_info(
163       p_org_id => moveData.orgID,
164       p_wip_entity_id => moveData.wipEntityID,
165       p_first_schedule_id => null,
166       p_operation_seq_num => moveData.toOp,
167       p_operation_code => toOpCode,
168       p_department_id => toDeptID,
169       p_department_code => toDeptCode,
170       p_prev_op_seq_num => toPrevOpSeq,
171       p_next_op_seq_num => toNextOpSeq,
172       p_operation_exists => toOpExists);
175     insert into wip_move_txn_interface
176          (transaction_id,
177           group_id,
178           source_code,
179           last_update_date,
180           last_updated_by,
181           creation_date,
182           created_by,
183           process_phase,
184           process_status,
185           transaction_type,
186           organization_id,
187           wip_entity_id,
188           entity_type,
189           transaction_date,
190           acct_period_id,
191           fm_operation_seq_num,
192           fm_intraoperation_step_type,
193           to_operation_seq_num,
194           to_intraoperation_step_type,
195           transaction_quantity,
196           transaction_uom,
197           scrap_account_id,
198           qa_collection_id,
199           primary_item_id,
200           line_id,
201           fm_operation_code,
202           fm_department_id,
203           fm_department_code,
204           to_operation_code,
205           to_department_id,
206           to_department_code,
207           primary_quantity,
208           primary_uom)
209    values(moveData.txnID,
210           groupID,
211           'Discrete Station Move',
212           sysdate,
213           fnd_global.user_id,
214           sysdate,
215           fnd_global.user_id,
216           2, -- move processing
217           processStatus,
218           moveData.txnType,
219           moveData.orgID,
220           moveData.wipEntityID,
221           1,
222           sysdate,
223           moveData.periodID,
224           moveData.fmOp,
225           moveData.fmStep,
226           moveData.toOp,
227           moveData.toStep,
228           moveData.txnQty,
229           moveData.txnUOM,
230           moveData.scrapAcctID,
231           qaCollectionID,
232           primaryItemID,
233           lineID,
234           fmOpCode,
235           fmDeptID,
236           fmDeptCode,
237           toOpCode,
238           toDeptID,
239           toDeptCode,
240           moveData.txnQty,
241           moveData.txnUOM
242           );
244     if ( moveData.txnMode = WIP_CONSTANTS.BACKGROUND ) then
245       return;
246     end if;
248     -- process online move transactions
249     if ( moveData.compHeaderID is not null ) then
250       wip_mtlTempProc_priv.validateInterfaceTxns(
251          p_txnHdrID      => moveData.compHeaderID,
252          p_addMsgToStack => fnd_api.g_true,
253          p_rollbackOnErr => fnd_api.g_true,
254          x_returnStatus  => l_returnStatus);
255     end if;
257     if ( l_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
258       x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
259       wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => x_errMessage);
260       return;
261     end if;
263     if ( moveData.assyHeaderID is not null AND moveData.assyHeaderID <> moveData.compHeaderID ) then
264       wip_mtlTempProc_priv.validateInterfaceTxns(
265          p_txnHdrID      => moveData.assyHeaderID,
266          p_addMsgToStack => fnd_api.g_true,
267          p_rollbackOnErr => fnd_api.g_true,
268          x_returnStatus  => l_returnStatus);
269       if ( l_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
270         x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
271         wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => x_errMessage);
272         return;
273       end if;
274     end if;
276     wip_movProc_priv.processIntf(
277                         p_group_id => groupID,
278                         p_proc_phase => WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_PROC,
279                         p_time_out => 0,
280                         p_move_mode => WIP_CONSTANTS.ONLINE,
281                         p_bf_mode => WIP_CONSTANTS.ONLINE,
282                         p_mtl_mode => moveData.mtlMode,
283                         p_endDebug => fnd_api.g_true,
284                         p_initMsgList => fnd_api.g_true,
285                         p_insertAssy => fnd_api.g_false,
286                         p_do_backflush => fnd_api.g_false,
287                         p_assy_header_id => moveData.assyHeaderID,
288                         p_mtl_header_id => moveData.compHeaderID,
289                         x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
290     if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
291       wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => x_errMessage);
292       rollback to dsmove1;
293     end if;
295   exception
296     when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
297       rollback to dsmove1;
298       x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
299       wip_utilities.get_message_stack(p_msg => x_errMessage);
300       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
301         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_discrete_ws_move.insertMoveRecord',
302                              p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
303                              p_msg => x_errMessage,
304                              x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
305       end if;
307     when others then
308       rollback to dsmove1;
309       x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
310       fnd_message.set_name ('WIP', 'GENERIC_ERROR');
311       fnd_message.set_token ('PROCEDURE', 'wip_discrete_ws_move.processMove');
312       fnd_message.set_token ('ERROR', SQLCODE || ' ' || SQLERRM);
313       x_errMessage := fnd_message.get;
314       if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
315         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_discrete_ws_move.processMove',
316                              p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
317                              p_msg => x_errMessage,
318                              x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
319       end if;
320   end processMove;
323   procedure createLocator(p_orgID        in number,
324                           p_locatorName  in varchar2,
325                           p_subinv       in varchar2,
326                           x_locatorID    out nocopy number,
327                           x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
328                           x_errMessage   out nocopy varchar2) is
329     l_msgCount number;
330     l_locExists varchar2(1);
331   begin
332     inv_loc_wms_pub.create_locator(
333                      x_return_status => x_returnStatus,
334                      x_msg_count => l_msgCount,
335                      x_msg_data => x_errMessage,
336                      x_inventory_location_id => x_locatorID,
337                      x_locator_exists => l_locExists,
338                      p_organization_id => p_orgID,
339                      p_organization_code => null,
340                      p_concatenated_segments => p_locatorName,
341                      p_description => null,
342                      p_inventory_location_type => 3, --storage locator
343                      p_picking_order => null,
344                      p_location_maximum_units => null,
345                      p_subinventory_code => p_subinv,
346                      p_location_weight_uom_code => null,
347                      p_max_weight => null,
348                      p_volume_uom_code => null,
349                      p_max_cubic_area => null,
350                      p_x_coordinate => null,
351                      p_y_coordinate => null,
352                      p_z_coordinate => null,
353                      p_physical_location_id => null,
354                      p_pick_uom_code => null,
355                      p_dimension_uom_code => null,
356                      p_length => null,
357                      p_width => null,
358                      p_height => null,
359                      p_status_id => null,
360                      p_dropping_order => null);
361   end createLocator;
364   procedure checkOvershipment(p_orgID       in number,
365                               p_itemID      in number,
366                               p_orderLineID in number,
367                               p_primaryQty  in number,
368                               p_primaryUOM  in varchar2,
369                               x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
370                               x_errMessage   out nocopy varchar2) is
371     l_wsh_minmax_in_rec wsh_integration.minmaxinrectype;
372     l_wsh_minmax_out_rec wsh_integration.minmaxoutrectype;
373     l_wsh_minmax_inout_rec wsh_integration.minmaxinoutrectype;
374     l_msg_count number;
375     l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
377     l_max_rem_primary_qty number;
378     l_inv_primary_rsv_quantity number;
379   begin
380     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
381     l_wsh_minmax_in_rec.api_version_number := 1.0;
382     l_wsh_minmax_in_rec.source_code := 'OE';--Fix for Bug 4635597
383     l_wsh_minmax_in_rec.line_id := p_orderLineID;
385     wsh_integration.get_min_max_tolerance_quantity(
386       p_in_attributes => l_wsh_minmax_in_rec,
387       p_out_attributes => l_wsh_minmax_out_rec,
388       p_inout_attributes => l_wsh_minmax_inout_rec,
389       x_return_status => x_returnStatus,
390       x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
391       x_msg_data => l_msg_data);
393     if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
394       fnd_message.set_name(application => 'WIP',
395                            name => 'WIP_WSH_MINMAX_API_FAILURE');
396       fnd_message.set_token(token => 'ENTITY1',
397                             value => substr(l_msg_data, 1, 250),
398                             translate => false);
399       x_errMessage := fnd_message.get;
400       return;
401     end if;
403     l_max_rem_primary_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
404         item_id => p_itemID,
405         precision => null,
406         from_quantity => l_wsh_minmax_out_rec.max_remaining_quantity,
407         from_unit => l_wsh_minmax_out_rec.quantity_uom,
408         to_unit => p_primaryUOM,
409         from_name => null,
410         to_name => null);
412     select nvl(sum(primary_reservation_quantity), 0)
413       into l_inv_primary_rsv_quantity
414       from mtl_reservations
415      where demand_source_line_id = p_orderLineID
416        and organization_id = p_orgID
417        and supply_source_type_id = 13;
419     if ( p_primaryQty > l_max_rem_primary_qty - l_inv_primary_rsv_quantity ) then
420       x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
421       fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_OSHP_TOLERANCE_FAIL');
422       x_errMessage := fnd_message.get;
423     end if;
425   end checkOvershipment;
428   function clientToServerDate(p_date in date) return date is
429     l_dateval varchar2(100);
430     l_date  date;
431   begin
432     if ( p_date is null ) then
433       return null;
434     end if;
435     l_dateval := to_char(p_date, fnd_date.outputDT_mask);
436     l_date := fnd_date.displayDT_to_date(l_dateval);
437     return l_date;
438   end clientToServerDate;
441   function serverToClientDate(p_date in date) return date is
442     l_dateval varchar2(100);
443     l_date  date;
444   begin
445     if ( p_date is null ) then
446       return null;
447     end if;
448     l_dateval := fnd_date.date_to_displayDT(p_date);
449     l_date := to_date(l_dateval, fnd_date.outputDT_mask);
450     return l_date;
451   end serverToClientDate;
454   procedure initTimezone is
455   begin
456     fnd_date.timezones_enabled := true;
457     fnd_date.server_timezone_code := fnd_timezones.get_server_timezone_code;
458     fnd_date.client_timezone_code := fnd_timezones.get_client_timezone_code;
459     if ( fnd_timezones.timezones_enabled = 'N' ) then
460       fnd_date.timezones_enabled := false;
461     end if;
462   end initTimezone;
465 /* Fix for bug 4568517: New procedure get_prj_loc_lov added.
466  * ==========================================================
467  * Procedure returns a ref cursor containing LOV statement to
468  * be used by discrete workstation code completion locator.
469  * For PJM enabled orgs, the locator will show project number
470  * and task number, and if project/task are passed, the
471  * restriction would be applied.
472  *===========================================================
473  */
474 PROCEDURE get_prj_loc_lov(
475     x_locators               OUT    NOCOPY t_genref
476   , p_organization_id        IN     NUMBER
477   , p_subinventory_code      IN     VARCHAR2
478   , p_restrict_locators_code IN     NUMBER
479   , p_inventory_item_id      IN     NUMBER
480   , p_concatenated_segments  IN     VARCHAR2
481   , p_transaction_type_id    IN     NUMBER
482   , p_wms_installed          IN     VARCHAR2
483   , p_project_id             IN     NUMBER
484   , p_task_id                IN     NUMBER
485   ) IS
487   l_ispjm_org VARCHAR2(1);
488   l_sub_type      NUMBER;
490   BEGIN
492     INTO   l_ispjm_org
493     FROM   pjm_org_parameters
494     WHERE  organization_id=p_organization_id;
497        l_ispjm_org:='N';
498   END;
500   BEGIN
501     SELECT Nvl(subinventory_type,1)
502     INTO   l_sub_type
503     FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories
504     WHERE  secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory_code
505     AND    organization_id = p_organization_id;
508         l_sub_type := 1;
509     END;
511   IF l_ispjm_org='N' THEN /*Non PJM Org*/
512     IF p_Restrict_Locators_Code = 1 AND l_sub_type = 1 THEN --Locators restricted to predefined list
513       OPEN   x_Locators FOR
514       SELECT a.inventory_location_id,
515              a.concatenated_segments,
516              nvl( a.description, -1)
517       FROM   mtl_item_locations_kfv a,mtl_secondary_locators b
518       WHERE  b.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
519       AND    b.inventory_item_id = p_Inventory_Item_Id
520       AND    nvl(a.disable_date, trunc(sysdate+1)) > trunc(sysdate)
521       AND    b.subinventory_code = p_Subinventory_Code
522       AND    a.inventory_location_id = b.secondary_locator
523       AND    a.concatenated_segments LIKE (p_concatenated_segments)
524       AND    inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable
525              ( p_wms_installed,
526                NULL,
527                p_transaction_type_id,
528                NULL,
529                NULL,
530                p_Organization_Id,
531                p_Inventory_Item_Id,
532                p_Subinventory_Code,
533                a.inventory_location_id,
534                NULL,
535                NULL,
536                'L') = 'Y'
537       ORDER BY 2;
539     ELSE --Locators not restricted
540       OPEN   x_Locators FOR
541       SELECT inventory_location_id,
542              concatenated_segments,
543              description
544       FROM   mtl_item_locations_kfv
545       WHERE  organization_id = p_Organization_Id
546       AND    subinventory_code = p_Subinventory_Code
547       AND    nvl(disable_date, trunc(sysdate+1)) > trunc(sysdate)
548       AND    concatenated_segments LIKE (p_concatenated_segments )
549       AND    inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable
550              ( p_wms_installed,
551                NULL,
552                p_transaction_type_id,
553                NULL,
554                NULL,
555                p_Organization_Id,
556                p_Inventory_Item_Id,
557                p_Subinventory_Code,
558                inventory_location_id,
559                NULL,
560                NULL,
561                'L') = 'Y'
562       ORDER BY 2;
563     END IF;
564   ELSE /*PJM org*/
565     IF p_Restrict_Locators_Code = 1 AND l_sub_type = 1 THEN --Locators restricted to predefined list
566       OPEN x_Locators FOR
567       SELECT a.inventory_location_id,
568              inv_project.get_locator(a.inventory_location_id,
569                                      a.organization_id) concatenated_segments,
570              nvl( a.description, -1)
571       FROM   mtl_item_locations_kfv a,mtl_secondary_locators b
572       WHERE  b.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
573       AND    b.inventory_item_id = p_Inventory_Item_Id
574       AND    nvl(a.disable_date, trunc(sysdate+1)) > trunc(sysdate)
575       AND    b.subinventory_code = p_Subinventory_Code
576       AND    a.inventory_location_id = b.secondary_locator
577       AND    a.concatenated_segments like (p_concatenated_segments )
578       AND    nvl(a.project_id,-1) = nvl(p_project_id, -1)
579       AND    nvl(a.task_id, -1) = nvl(p_task_id, -1)
580       AND    inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable
581              ( p_wms_installed,
582                NULL,
583                p_transaction_type_id,
584                NULL,
585                NULL,
586                p_Organization_Id,
587                p_Inventory_Item_Id,
588                p_Subinventory_Code,
589                a.inventory_location_id,
590                NULL,
591                NULL,
592                'L') = 'Y'
593       ORDER BY 2;
594     ELSE --Locators not restricted
595       OPEN x_Locators FOR
596       SELECT inventory_location_id,
597              inv_project.get_locator(inventory_location_id,
598                                      organization_id) concatenated_segments,
599              description
600       FROM   mtl_item_locations_kfv
601       WHERE  organization_id = p_Organization_Id
602       AND    subinventory_code = p_Subinventory_Code
603       AND    nvl(disable_date, trunc(sysdate+1)) > trunc(sysdate)
604       AND    concatenated_segments LIKE (p_concatenated_segments )
605       AND    nvl(project_id,-1) = nvl(p_project_id, -1)
606       AND    nvl(task_id, -1) = nvl(p_task_id, -1)
607       AND    inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable
608              ( p_wms_installed,
609                NULL,
610                p_transaction_type_id,
611                NULL,
612                NULL,
613                p_Organization_Id,
614                p_Inventory_Item_Id,
615                p_Subinventory_Code,
616                inventory_location_id,
617                NULL,
618                NULL,
619                'L') = 'Y'
620       ORDER BY 2;
621     END IF;
622   END IF;
623 END get_prj_loc_lov;
625 END wip_discrete_ws_move;