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Line 1112: from qp_list_headers_b a,qp_pte_source_systems b

1108: b.attribute_code;
1109: --
1110: CURSOR assign_pte_cur is
1111: select a.list_header_id,b.pte_code
1112: from qp_list_headers_b a,qp_pte_source_systems b
1113: where nvl(a.source_system_code,'x') = b.application_short_name
1114: order by decode(b.pte_code,'ORDFUL',2,1);
1115: --
1116: l_segment_level varchar2(10);

Line 1438: -- in qp_list_headers_b table

1434: --
1435: commit;
1436: --
1437: -- Derving PTE code and assigning PTE code to new pte_code column
1438: -- in qp_list_headers_b table
1439: --
1440: open assign_pte_cur;
1441: loop
1442: fetch assign_pte_cur INTO l_list_header_id,l_pte_code;

Line 1445: update qp_list_headers_b

1441: loop
1442: fetch assign_pte_cur INTO l_list_header_id,l_pte_code;
1443: exit when assign_pte_cur%notfound;
1444: --
1445: update qp_list_headers_b
1446: set pte_code = l_pte_code
1447: where list_header_id = l_list_header_id;
1448: --
1449: end loop;