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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

|     13-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Updated Code messages                        |
|     16-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to accept value NULL for some system |
|                               sources.                                     |
|     19-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Modified GetTranslatedLookupMeaning          |
|                               GetUnTranslatedLookupMeaning                 |
|                               and get_flex_value_meaning                   |
|                               to fix BUG 2965699                           |
|     30-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewed get_flex_value_meaning, bug2975670  |
|     12-JUN-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewed GetSystemSource fcts, bug 2990642   |
|     23-JUN-2003 K.Boussema   Updated the call to get_period_name bug3005754|
|     30-JUN-2003 K.Boussema   Changed XLA_PERIOD_TYPES by XLA_PERIOD_TYPE   |
|     17-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Updated the call to accounting cache, 3055039|
|     21-JUL-2003 K.Boussema   Changed the source name from                  |
|                              GL_COA_MAPPINGS_NAME to GL_COA_MAPPING_NAME   |
|                              Updated to trap NO_DATA_FOUND exception       |
|     24-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Updated the error messages                   |
|     29-JUL-2003 K.Boussema   Included the retrieve of 'Legal entity name'  |
|     04-AUG-2003 S.Singhania  corrected a typo in the source code:          |
|                               XLA_ACCOUNTING_METHOD_NAME                   |
|     01-SEP-2003 K.Boussema   Removed XLA_LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME system source   |
|                              Add the update of JE status if system source  |
|                              invalid                                       |
|     19-SEP-2003 K.Boussema   Added new system source XLA_JE_CATEGORY_NAME  |
|     15-DEC-2003 K.Boussema   Removed get_flex_value_meaning function       |
|     18-DEC-2003 K.Boussema   Changed to fix bug 3042840,3307761,3268940    |
|                               3310291 and 3320689                          |
|     05-FEB-2004 K.Boussema   Reviewed get_mapping_flexfield_char/number    |
|     16-FEB-2004 K.Boussema   Made changes for the FND_LOG.                 |
|     22-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Added a parameter p_module to the TRACE calls|
|                               and the procedure.                           |
|     11-MAY-2004 K.Boussema   Removed the call to XLA trace routine from    |
|                               trace() procedure                            |
|     17-May-2004 W.Shen       change the view name from xla_acctg_sources_tl|
|                               to xla_acct_attributes_tl                    |
|     22-Sep-2004 S.Singhania  Made minor changes for bulk performance:      |
|                                - Changes to calls to build_message.        |
|     17-Jan-2006 A.Wan        4731177 Do not error if no value found.       |
--|                                                                          |
--| Global variables                                                         |
--|                                                                          |
-- period type and name cache
g_period_name                        VARCHAR2(15);
Line: 179

  SELECT  REPLACE(fat.application_name, '''','''''')
    INTO  l_application_name
    FROM  fnd_application_tl fat
   WHERE  fat.application_id = p_application_id
     AND  fat.language = nvl(USERENV('LANG'),fat.language)
Line: 254

  SELECT  REPLACE(xst.name, '''','''''')
    INTO  l_source_name
    FROM  xla_sources_tl   xst
   WHERE  xst.application_id   = p_source_application_id
     AND  xst.source_type_code = p_source_type_code
     AND  xst.source_code      = p_source_code
     AND  xst.language         = nvl(USERENV('LANG'),xst.language)
Line: 319

  SELECT  REPLACE(xast.name ,'''','''''')
    INTO  l_name
    FROM  xla_acct_attributes_tl xast
   WHERE  xast.accounting_attribute_code = p_accounting_source_code
     AND  xast.language = nvl(USERENV('LANG') ,xast.language)
Line: 391

  SELECT  REPLACE(xmst.name, '''','''''')
    INTO  l_mapping_set_name
    FROM  xla_mapping_sets_tl xmst
   WHERE  xmst.mapping_set_code = p_mapping_set_code
     AND  xmst.amb_context_code = nvl(p_amb_context_code,xmst.amb_context_code)
     AND  nvl(xmst.language,USERENV('LANG') ) = USERENV('LANG')
Line: 478

  SELECT  REPLACE(xsrt.name, '''','''''')
    INTO  l_name
    FROM  xla_seg_rules_tl       xsrt
   WHERE  xsrt.application_id             =  p_component_appl_id
     AND  xsrt.amb_context_code           =  p_amb_context_code
     AND  xsrt.segment_rule_code          =  p_component_code
     AND  xsrt.segment_rule_type_code     =  p_component_type_code
     AND  nvl(xsrt.language,USERENV('LANG') ) = USERENV('LANG')
Line: 565

  SELECT  REPLACE(xdtl.name, '''','''''')
    INTO  l_name
    FROM  xla_descriptions_tl       xdtl
   WHERE  xdtl.application_id             =  p_component_appl_id
     AND  xdtl.amb_context_code           =  p_amb_context_code
     AND  xdtl.description_code           =  p_component_code
     AND  xdtl.description_type_code      =  p_component_type_code
     AND  nvl(xdtl.language,USERENV('LANG') ) = USERENV('LANG')
Line: 662

  SELECT  REPLACE(xaltt.name, '''','''''')
    INTO  l_name
    FROM  xla_acct_line_types_tl       xaltt
   WHERE  xaltt.application_id                 =  p_component_appl_id
     AND  xaltt.amb_context_code               =  p_amb_context_code
     AND  xaltt.entity_code                    =  p_entity_code
     AND  xaltt.event_class_code               =  p_event_class_code
     AND  xaltt.accounting_line_code           =  p_component_code
     AND  xaltt.accounting_line_type_code      =  p_component_type_code
     AND  nvl(xaltt.language,USERENV('LANG') ) = USERENV('LANG')
Line: 2303

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - Select from fnd_lookup_values'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2309

SELECT meaning,
  INTO g_meaning_lookup
  FROM fnd_lookup_values
 WHERE  lookup_type         = p_lookup_type
   AND  lookup_code         = p_lookup_code
   AND  view_application_id = p_view_application_id
   AND  language            = NVL(l_language , USERENV('LANG'))
   AND  enabled_flag        = 'Y'
   AND  l_event_date BETWEEN nvl(start_date_active,l_event_date)  AND nvl (end_date_active, l_event_date)
Line: 2441

 SELECT   xmsv.value_code_combination_id
       ,  xmsv.input_value_type_code
    FROM  xla_mapping_set_values  xmsv
   WHERE  xmsv.mapping_set_code    = p_mapping_set_code
     AND  ( p_event_date  BETWEEN NVL(xmsv.effective_date_from,p_event_date)
                              AND NVL(xmsv.effective_date_to,p_event_date) )
     AND ( ( xmsv.input_value_type_code  ='I'
           AND nvl(xmsv.input_value_constant,p_input_constant) = p_input_constant
           ( xmsv.input_value_type_code = 'D'
     AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
Line: 2522

           (p_msg      => 'SQL- Select from xla_mapping_set_values '
          ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
          ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2650

 SELECT   xmsv.value_constant
       ,  xmsv.input_value_type_code
    FROM  xla_mapping_set_values  xmsv
   WHERE  xmsv.mapping_set_code    = p_mapping_set_code
     AND  ( p_event_date  BETWEEN NVL(xmsv.effective_date_from,p_event_date)
                              AND NVL(xmsv.effective_date_to,p_event_date) )
     AND ( ( xmsv.input_value_type_code ='I'
           AND nvl(xmsv.input_value_constant,p_input_constant) = p_input_constant )
           OR   xmsv.input_value_type_code = 'D'
     AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
Line: 2725

            (p_msg      => 'SQL- Select from xla_mapping_set_values '
           ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
           ,p_module   => l_log_module);