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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 85

  l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select upper(ltc.name) name,ltc.elementid id,upper(lvl.LEVEL_PREFIX) prefix from ';
Line: 107

    l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select * from '||g_wh_dang_table||g_db_link_stmt||
    ' where 1=2';
Line: 141

  l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select distinct level_table,value';
Line: 179

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select distinct level_table,value';
Line: 195

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select * from '||l_table;
Line: 210

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select level_table,value';
Line: 214

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||' from '||l_table2||' UNION  select level_table,value';
Line: 273

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select * from '||l_table;
Line: 289

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select A.rowid row_id from '||l_table||' A,'||g_dang_table||' B '||
      ' where ';
Line: 315

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select rowid row_id from '||l_table||' MINUS select row_id from '||l_table2;
Line: 326

      l_stmt:='insert into '||g_dang_table||'(';
Line: 331

      l_stmt:=l_stmt||') select ';
Line: 342

        write_to_log_file_n('Inserted '||sql%rowcount||' rows '||get_time);
Line: 403

  l_stmt:='select name,id,prefix from '||g_level_table;
Line: 422

  l_stmt:='select EDW_OWB_COLLECTION_UTIL.get_lowest_level_table'||g_db_link_stmt||'(null,'||g_object_id||
  ') from dual';
Line: 441

  l_stmt:='select EDW_OWB_COLLECTION_UTIL.get_dim_pk'||g_db_link_stmt||'(null,'||g_object_id||
  ') from dual';
Line: 457

  l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select ';
Line: 476

  l_stmt1:='insert ';
Line: 488

  l_stmt1:=l_stmt1||') select ';
Line: 514

        write_to_log_file_n('Inserted '||sql%rowcount||' rows '||get_time);
Line: 529

      write_to_log_file_n('Inserted '||sql%rowcount||' rows '||get_time);
Line: 543

        l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select distinct '||l_level_pk||' from '||l_table;
Line: 560

          l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select value '||l_level_pk||' from '||g_dang_table||
          ' where level_table='||l_level_id(i);
Line: 577

          l_stmt:=l_stmt||' as select '||l_level_pk||' from '||l_table2||' MINUS select '||
          l_level_pk||' from '||l_table3;
Line: 598

        l_stmt:='insert into '||g_dang_table||'(level_table,value) select '||l_level_id(i)||','||l_level_pk||
        ' from '||l_table4;
Line: 605

          write_to_log_file_n('Inserted '||sql%rowcount||' rows '||get_time);
Line: 685

  l_stmt:='select DIM_ID from edw_dimensions_md_v'||g_db_link_stmt||' where DIM_NAME=:a';
Line: 721

  l_stmt:='select instance_code from edw_local_instance';
Line: 738

  l_stmt:='select default_tablespace from dba_users where username=:a';
Line: 773

  l_stmt:='select 1 from edw_attribute_sets_md_v'||g_db_link_stmt||' sis where '||
  'and sis.ENTITY_ID=:b';
Line: 863

  l_stmt:='select EDW_OPTION.get_source_option'||g_db_link_stmt||'(null,'||g_object_id||','''||
  p_option_code||''','''||g_instance||''') from dual';
Line: 959

      l_stmt:='select 1 from '||p_table||' where rownum=1';
Line: 961

      l_stmt:='select 1 from '||p_owner||'.'||p_table||' where rownum=1';
Line: 998

    l_stmt:='select column_name from all_tab_columns where table_name=:a and owner=:b order by column_id';
Line: 1004

    l_stmt:='select tab.column_name from all_tab_columns tab, user_synonyms syn where
    tab.table_name=:a and tab.table_name=syn.table_name and tab.owner=syn.table_owner order by tab.column_id';
Line: 1060

  l_stmt:='select profile_option_name from fnd_profile_options where profile_option_name '||
  ' like '''||g_object_name||'_PS%''';
Line: 1167

    l_stmt:='select 1 from '||p_table||' where rownum=1';
Line: 1169

    l_stmt:='select 1 from '||p_table||' where '||p_where||' and rownum=1';
Line: 1196

  l_stmt:='create or replace view '||g_missing_key_view||' as select '''||g_object_name||''' dimension_name,'||
  'A.name level_table,B.value value';