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1 PACKAGE pqp_alien_expat_taxation_pkg AUTHID DEFINER AS
2 /* $Header: pqalnexp.pkh 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/28 11:07:48 appldev ship $ */
3 TYPE t_people_rec_type IS RECORD
4 (
5     person_id             per_people_f.person_id%TYPE            ,
6     last_name             per_people_f.last_name%TYPE            ,
7     first_name            per_people_f.first_name%TYPE           ,
8     middle_names          per_people_f.middle_names%TYPE         ,
9     national_identifier   per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE  ,
10     employee_number       per_people_f.employee_number%TYPE      ,
11     date_of_birth         per_people_f.date_of_birth%TYPE        ,
12     title                 per_people_f.title%TYPE                ,
13     suffix                per_people_f.suffix%TYPE               ,
14     marital_status        per_people_f.marital_status%TYPE       ,
15     spouse_here           VARCHAR2(30)                           ,
16     dependents            NUMBER                                 ,
17     address_line1         hr_locations.address_line_1%TYPE       ,
18     address_line2         hr_locations.address_line_2%TYPE       ,
19     address_line3         hr_locations.address_line_3%TYPE       ,
20     city                  hr_locations.loc_information17%TYPE    ,
21     state                 hr_locations.loc_information18%TYPE    ,
22     telephone_number_1    hr_locations.telephone_number_1%TYPE   ,
23     telephone_number_2    hr_locations.telephone_number_2%TYPE   ,
24     telephone_number_3    hr_locations.telephone_number_3%TYPE   ,
25     postal_code           hr_locations.postal_code%TYPE          ,
26     non_us_address_line1  per_addresses.address_line1%TYPE       ,
27     non_us_address_line2  per_addresses.address_line2%TYPE       ,
28     non_us_address_line3  per_addresses.address_line3%TYPE       ,
29     non_us_city_postal_cd per_addresses.postal_code%TYPE         ,
30     non_us_city           per_addresses.town_or_city%TYPE        ,
31     non_us_region         per_addresses.region_1%TYPE            ,
32     non_us_region_postal_cd per_addresses.region_2%TYPE            ,
33     non_us_country_code   VARCHAR2(100)                          ,
34     non_us_country_name   VARCHAR2(100)                          ,
35     citizenship_c_code    VARCHAR2(100)                          ,
36     citizenship_c_name    VARCHAR2(100)                          ,
37     passport_number       VARCHAR2(100)                          ,
38     date_first_entered_us DATE                                   ,
39     date_employment_us    DATE                                   ,
40     validation_flag       VARCHAR2(2)                            ,
41     error_mesg            VARCHAR2(240)
42 );
44 /*****
45 The above Record Type t_people_rec_type stores the personal info data
46 *****/
48 TYPE t_balance_rec_type IS RECORD
49 (
50     person_id                      per_people_f.person_id%TYPE                ,
51     last_name                      per_people_f.last_name%TYPE                ,
52     first_name                     per_people_f.first_name%TYPE               ,
53     middle_names                   per_people_f.middle_names%TYPE             ,
54     national_identifier            per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE      ,
55     date_of_birth                  per_people_f.date_of_birth%TYPE            ,
56     income_code                    pqp_analyzed_alien_details.income_code%TYPE,
57     exemption_code              pqp_analyzed_alien_details.exemption_code%TYPE,
58     gross_amount                   NUMBER                                     ,
59     withholding_allowance
60                       pqp_analyzed_alien_data.withldg_allow_eligible_flag%TYPE,
61     withholding_rate          pqp_analyzed_alien_details.withholding_rate%TYPE,
62     withheld_amount                NUMBER                                     ,
63     income_code_sub_type  pqp_analyzed_alien_details.income_code_sub_type%TYPE,
64     country_code                   VARCHAR2(100)                              ,
65     cycle_date                     VARCHAR2(100)                              ,
66     tax_year                       pqp_analyzed_alien_data.tax_year%TYPE      ,
67     state_withheld_amount          NUMBER                                     ,
68     state_code                     VARCHAR2(100)                              ,
69     record_source                  VARCHAR2(100)                              ,
70     no_of_days_in_cycle            NUMBER                                     ,
71     payment_type                   VARCHAR2(100)                              ,
72     last_date_of_earnings          DATE                                       ,
73     constant_addl_tax        pqp_analyzed_alien_details.constant_addl_tax%TYPE,
74     record_status                  VARCHAR2(100)                              ,
75     prev_er_treaty_benefit_amount  NUMBER
76 );
78 /*****
79  The above Record Type t_balance_rec_type stores the data the balance
80  information
81 *****/
83 TYPE t_visa_rec_type IS RECORD
84 (
85     person_id                   per_people_f.person_id%TYPE             ,
86     last_name                   per_people_f.last_name%TYPE             ,
87     first_name                  per_people_f.first_name%TYPE            ,
88     middle_names                per_people_f.middle_names%TYPE          ,
89     national_identifier         per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE   ,
90     date_of_birth               per_people_f.date_of_birth%TYPE         ,
91     visa_type                   VARCHAR2(100)                           ,
92     j_category_code             VARCHAR2(100)                           ,
93     primary_activity_code       VARCHAR2(100)                           ,
94     visa_start_date             DATE                                    ,
95     visa_end_date               DATE                                    ,
96     visa_number                 VARCHAR2(100)                           ,
97     tax_residence_country_code  VARCHAR2(100)
98 );
100 /*****
101  The above Record Type stores the data selected of the visa information
102 *****/
103 TYPE t_payment_export_type IS RECORD
104 (  id                            per_people_f.person_id%TYPE             ,
105    last_name                     per_people_f.last_name%TYPE             ,
106    first_name                    per_people_f.first_name%TYPE            ,
107    middle_names                  per_people_f.middle_names%TYPE          ,
108    system_id_number              NUMBER        ,
109    social_security_number        VARCHAR2(11)  ,
110    institution_indiv_id          VARCHAR2(15)  ,
111    date_of_birth                 DATE          ,
112    taxyear                       NUMBER        ,
113    income_code                   VARCHAR2(2)   ,
114    withholding_rate              VARCHAR2(3)   ,
115    scholarship_type              VARCHAR2(1)   ,
116    exemption_code                VARCHAR2(1)   ,
117    maximum_benefit               NUMBER        ,
118    retro_lose_on_amount          NUMBER        ,
119    date_benefit_ends             DATE          ,
120    retro_lose_on_date            NUMBER        ,
121    residency_status              VARCHAR2(1)   ,
122    date_becomes_ra               DATE          ,
123    target_departure_date         DATE          ,
124    date_record_created           DATE          ,
125    tax_residence_country_code    VARCHAR2(2)   ,
126    date_treaty_updated           DATE          ,
127    exempt_fica                   NUMBER        ,
128    exempt_student_fica           NUMBER        ,
129    add_wh_for_nra_whennotreaty   NUMBER        ,
130    amount_of_addl_withholding    NUMBER        ,
131    personal_exemption            VARCHAR2(1)   ,
132    additional_exemptions_allowed NUMBER        ,
133    days_in_usa                   NUMBER        ,
134    eligible_for_whallowance      NUMBER        ,
135    treatybenefits_allowed        NUMBER        ,
136    treatybenefit_startdate       DATE          ,
137    ra_effective_date             DATE          ,
138    state_code                    VARCHAR2(2)   ,
139    state_honours_treaty          NUMBER        ,
140    ytd_payments                  NUMBER        ,
141    ytd_w2payments                NUMBER        ,
142    ytd_withholding               NUMBER        ,
143    ytd_whallowance               NUMBER        ,
144    ytd_treaty_payments           NUMBER        ,
145    ytd_treaty_withheld_amts      NUMBER        ,
146    record_source                 VARCHAR2(3)   ,
147    visa_type                     VARCHAR2(4)   ,
148    jsub_type                     VARCHAR2(2)   ,
149    primary_activity              VARCHAR2(2)   ,
150    nus_countrycode               VARCHAR2(2)   ,
151    citizenship                   VARCHAR2(2)   ,
152    constant_additional_tax       NUMBER        ,
153    out_of_system_treaty          NUMBER        ,
154    amount_of_addl_wh_type        VARCHAR2(1)   ,
155    error_indicator               VARCHAR2(30)  ,
156    error_text                    VARCHAR2(4000),
157    date_w4_signed                DATE          ,
158    date_8233_signed              DATE
159 );
161 SUBTYPE out_mesg_type IS VARCHAR2(240);
162 /*****
163  The above Record Type stores the message for error processing
164 *****/
165     TYPE t_error_rec_type IS RECORD
166     (
167         person_id             per_people_f.person_id%TYPE              ,
168         process_event_id      pay_process_events.process_event_id%TYPE
169     );
171 TYPE t_error_tab_type IS TABLE OF t_error_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
173 TYPE t_people_tab_type IS TABLE OF t_people_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
174 /*****
175  This is the definition of the table of the t_people_rec_type record type
176 *****/
178 TYPE t_balance_tab_type IS TABLE OF t_balance_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
179 /*****
180  This is the definition of the table of the t_per_balance_rec_type record type
181 *****/
182 TYPE t_visa_tab_type IS TABLE OF t_visa_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER   ;
184 /*****
185   This is the definition of the table of the t_per_visa_rec_type record type
186 *****/
187 PROCEDURE pqp_read_public
188 (
189     p_selection_criterion        IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL         ,
190     p_effective_date             IN    DATE                          ,
191     p_batch_size                OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER                        ,
192     t_people_tab                OUT NOCOPY    t_people_tab_type             ,
193     t_balance_tab               OUT NOCOPY    t_balance_tab_type            ,
194     t_visa_tab                  OUT NOCOPY    t_visa_tab_type               ,
195     p_person_read_count         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER                        ,
196     p_person_err_count          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
197 );
198 /*****
199  The above procedure pqp_windstar_read  is a public procedure and is called
200  from the wrapper script.
201 *****/
202 PROCEDURE  update_pay_process_events
203 (
204     p_person_id       IN  NUMBER   ,
205     p_effective_date  IN  DATE     ,
206     p_source_type     IN  VARCHAR2 ,
207     p_status          IN  VARCHAR2 ,
208     p_desc            IN  VARCHAR2
209 );
211 PROCEDURE pqp_write_public
212 (
213     p_id                            IN NUMBER        ,
214     p_last_name                     IN VARCHAR2      ,
215     p_first_name                    IN VARCHAR2      ,
216     p_middle_names                  IN VARCHAR2      ,
217     p_system_id_number              IN NUMBER        ,
218     p_social_security_number        IN VARCHAR2      ,
219     p_institution_indiv_id          IN VARCHAR2      ,
220     p_date_of_birth                 IN DATE          ,
221     p_taxyear                       IN NUMBER        ,
222     p_income_code                   IN VARCHAR2      ,
223     p_withholding_rate              IN VARCHAR2      ,
224     p_scholarship_type              IN VARCHAR2      ,
225     p_exemption_code                IN VARCHAR2      ,
226     p_maximum_benefit               IN NUMBER        ,
227     p_retro_lose_on_amount          IN NUMBER        ,
228     p_date_benefit_ends             IN DATE          ,
229     p_retro_lose_on_date            IN NUMBER        ,
230     p_residency_status              IN VARCHAR2      ,
231     p_date_becomes_ra               IN DATE          ,
232     p_target_departure_date         IN DATE          ,
233     p_date_record_created           IN DATE          ,
234     p_tax_residence_country_code    IN VARCHAR2      ,
235     p_date_treaty_updated           IN DATE          ,
236     p_exempt_fica                   IN NUMBER        ,
237     p_exempt_student_fica           IN NUMBER        ,
238     p_add_wh_for_nra_whennotreaty   IN NUMBER        ,
239     p_amount_of_addl_withholding    IN NUMBER        ,
240     p_personal_exemption            IN VARCHAR2      ,
241     p_add_exemptions_allowed        IN NUMBER        ,
242     p_days_in_usa                   IN NUMBER        ,
243     p_eligible_for_whallowance      IN NUMBER        ,
244     p_treatybenefits_allowed        IN NUMBER        ,
245     p_treatybenefit_startdate       IN DATE          ,
246     p_ra_effective_date             IN DATE          ,
247     p_state_code                    IN VARCHAR2      ,
248     p_state_honours_treaty          IN NUMBER        ,
249     p_ytd_payments                  IN NUMBER        ,
250     p_ytd_w2payments                IN NUMBER        ,
251     p_ytd_withholding               IN NUMBER        ,
252     p_ytd_whallowance               IN NUMBER        ,
253     p_ytd_treaty_payments           IN NUMBER        ,
254     p_ytd_treaty_withheld_amts      IN NUMBER        ,
255     p_record_source                 IN VARCHAR2      ,
256     p_visa_type                     IN VARCHAR2      ,
257     p_jsub_type                     IN VARCHAR2      ,
258     p_primary_activity              IN VARCHAR2      ,
259     p_nus_countrycode               IN VARCHAR2      ,
260     p_citizenship                   IN VARCHAR2      ,
261     p_constant_additional_tax       IN NUMBER        ,
262     p_out_of_system_treaty          IN NUMBER        ,
263     p_amount_of_addl_wh_type        IN VARCHAR2      ,
264     p_error_indicator               IN VARCHAR2      ,
265     p_error_text                    IN VARCHAR2      ,
266     p_date_w4_signed                IN DATE          ,
267     p_date_8233_signed              IN DATE          ,
268     p_reconcile                     IN BOOLEAN       ,
269     p_effective_date                IN DATE          ,
270     p_current_analysis              IN NUMBER        ,
271     p_forecast_income_code          IN VARCHAR2      ,
272     p_error_message                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
273 );
275 PROCEDURE pqp_batch_size(p_batch_size OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
277 /*****
278  The above procedure pqp_windstar_write is a public procedure and is called
279  from the wrapper script. The p_payment_export_id is NOT a Mandatory parameter.
280  If a null value is passed, then all the records with a rec_read_by_external_sys = 0 in payment_export table are selected. Otherwise, if the p_payment_export_id
281  is specified, then only the record with payment_export.id = one that is
282  specified is selected.
283 *****/
284 PROCEDURE ResetForReadAPI(p_process_event_id IN NUMBER);
285 PROCEDURE AbortReadAPI(p_process_event_id IN NUMBER);
286 END pqp_alien_expat_taxation_pkg;