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1 package body hrdateth as
2 /* $Header: dtdateth.pkb 115.1 2002/12/06 16:13:55 apholt ship $ */
3 /*
4 --
5 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991, 1992, 1993. All rights reserved.
6 --
7 /*
8    NAME
9      dtdateth.pkb     -- procedure for Date Track History (DTH)
10 --
12      This procedure is called from the 'C' code of the Date Track History
13      program.  It is responsible for seeing if a view can be used rather than
14      the supplied base table to drive the date track history, and also for
15      forming the title to be displayed on the values screen of DTH.  If a view
16      exists then this is returned in 'p_base_table', else if no view exists it
17      returns the supplied base table name.  The view name is similar to the
18      base table name, except that the end string of "_f" (if it exists) is
19      removed, and concatenated with "_DTH_V". For example, the base table name
20      of 'per_people_f' would have a DTH view of 'per_people_dth_v'.
21 --
23      mwcallag   18-JUL-1994 - test added : to look for synonym a when the code
24                               is being called by a secure user.
25      mwcallag   03-AUG-1993 - view name changed to have suffix of '_d'
26      mwcallag   13-JUL-1993 - created.
28   115.1     A.Holt     06-Dec-2002 - NOCOPY Performance Changes for 11.5.9
29                                      GSCC complinance*/
30 --
31 procedure get_view
32 (
33     p_base_table   in out nocopy varchar2,
34     p_out_title       out nocopy varchar2
35 ) is
36 l_table_name   user_catalog.table_name%type;
37 l_title        user_catalog.table_name%type;
38 l_name_length  number;
39 l_count        number;
40 l_found_flag   boolean;
41 l_temp         varchar2(10);
43   --
44   -- remove the "_f" (if its present) from the base table.
45   --
46   l_table_name := upper (rtrim (p_base_table));
47   l_name_length := length (l_table_name);          -- get table string length
48   l_count :=instrb (l_table_name, '_', -1);        -- get position of last '_'
49   --
50   if (l_count = (l_name_length - 1)) then
51     l_table_name := rtrim (l_table_name, '_F');
52   end if;
53   --
54   -- strip off the leading product, and convert to title display
55   --
56   l_title := substr (l_table_name, (instrb (l_table_name, '_') + 1));
57   l_title := initcap (replace (l_title, '_', ' '));
58   --
59   -- now see if the DTH view owned by the user exists:
60   --
61   l_table_name := l_table_name || '_D';
62   l_found_flag := TRUE;
63   hr_utility.set_location ('hrdateth.get_view', 1);
64   begin
65     select 1
66     into   l_temp
67     from   user_catalog
68     where  table_name     = l_table_name
69     and    table_type     = 'VIEW';
70   exception
71     when no_data_found then
72       --
73       -- If we are logged in as a secure user, the DTH 'view' could be defined
74       -- as a synonym:
75       --
76       -- Note: In order to perform a complete check, the sql statement below
77       --       should access the table 'table_privileges' to see if the user
78       --       has select privileges.  So, the SQL should be:
79       --
80       --       select 1
81       --       into   l_temp
82       --       from   all_synonyms           SYN
83       --       ,      table_privileges       PRIV
84       --       where  SYN.table_name       = l_table_name
85       --       and    SYN.owner           in ('PUBLIC', user)
86       --       and    PRIV.table_name      = SYN.table_name
87       --       and    PRIV.select_priv     = 'Y'
88       --       and    rownum               = 1;
89       --
90       --       However, accessing table_privileges causes an ORA-600 error.
91       --       This has been logged previously as bug 200413 and is fixed in
92       --       the Oracle release 7.1.  So, for now this table is not included
93       --       in the sql statement, and may be added at a later date when 7.1
94       --       is available if it is deemed necessary.
95       --
96       begin
97         select 1
98         into   l_temp
99         from   all_synonyms           SYN
100         where  SYN.table_name       = l_table_name
101         and    SYN.owner           in ('PUBLIC', user)
102         and    rownum               = 1;
103         --
104       exception
105         when no_data_found then l_found_flag := FALSE;
106       end;
107   end;
108   if (l_found_flag = TRUE) then     -- use the view name
109     p_base_table := l_table_name;
110     p_out_title  := l_title || ' View';
111   else                              -- no change to base table name
112     p_out_title := l_title;
113   end if;
114 END get_view;
115 end hrdateth;