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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 36

      select supervisor_id
      into supervisorPersonId
        person_id = personIdIn and
        per_all_assignments_f.primary_flag = 'Y' and
        per_all_assignments_f.assignment_type in ('E','C') and
        per_all_assignments_f.assignment_status_type_id not in
          (select assignment_status_type_id
             from per_assignment_status_types
             where per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN') and
        trunc(sysdate) between
          per_all_assignments_f.effective_start_date and
Line: 139

        /* Update hasFinalAuthorityYN as needed. */
        if(not tempRuleSatisfied and
           hasFinalAuthorityYN = ame_util.booleanTrue) then
          hasFinalAuthorityYN := ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 157

          /* Update source. */
          ame_util.appendRuleIdToSource(ruleIdIn => ruleIds(i),
                                        sourceInOut => source);
Line: 160

          /* Update category as needed. */
          if(category = ame_util.fyiApproverCategory and
             approverCategories(i) = ame_util.approvalApproverCategory) then
            category := ame_util.approvalApproverCategory;
Line: 182

    COAInsertee ame_util.approverRecord2;
Line: 232

      /* Check for COA Insertions */
      ame_engine.getHandlerCOAFirstApprover(itemClassIn => tempApprover.item_class,
                                            itemIdIn => tempApprover.item_id,
                                            actionTypeIdIn => tempApprover.action_type_id,
                                            groupOrChainIdIn => tempApprover.group_or_chain_id,
                                            nameOut => COAInsertee.name,
                                            origSystemOut => COAInsertee.orig_system,
                                            origSystemIdOut => COAInsertee.orig_system_id,
                                            displayNameOut => COAInsertee.display_name,
                                            sourceOut => COAInsertee.source);
Line: 243

        Start building the chain from the COA Insertee if defined otherwise from the non-default
        starting point or the requestor's supervisor.
      if COAInsertee.name is  null then
        /* Fetch some of the required attributes. */
        startingPointId :=
          to_number(ame_engine.getHeaderAttValue2(attributeNameIn => ame_util.supStartingPointAttribute));
Line: 272

              tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.oamGenerated;
Line: 290

        tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.oamGenerated;
Line: 296

        tempApprover.name := COAInsertee.name;
Line: 297

        tempApprover.orig_system := COAInsertee.orig_system;
Line: 298

        tempApprover.orig_system_id := COAInsertee.orig_system_id;
Line: 299

        tempApprover.display_name :=  COAInsertee.display_name;
Line: 300

        firstApproverSource := COAInsertee.source;
Line: 301

        tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.apiAuthorityInsertion;
Line: 311

        /* reassign the value of source in case approver was a firstAuthority insertee */
        if firstApproverSource is not null then
          tempApprover.source := firstApproverSource;
Line: 336

        /* check to see if there is a COA insertion after this approver. If a COA insertion is
           found, keep checking till no more COA insertions.
        currentApproverPersonId := tempApprover.orig_system_id;
Line: 341

          /* Initialize COAInsertee approver record 2 */
          COAInsertee := ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2;
Line: 343

          /* Check if there are any chain of authority insertions */
          ame_engine.getHandlerCOAInsertion(nameIn => tempApprover.name,
                                            itemClassIn => tempApprover.item_class,
                                            itemIdIn => tempApprover.item_id,
                                            actionTypeIdIn => tempApprover.action_type_id,
                                            groupOrChainIdIn => tempApprover.group_or_chain_id,
                                            occurrenceIn => tempApprover.occurrence,
                                            approvalStatusIn => tempApprover.approval_status,
                                            nameOut => COAInsertee.name,
                                            origSystemOut => COAInsertee.orig_system,
                                            origSystemIdOut => COAInsertee.orig_system_id,
                                            displayNameOut => COAInsertee.display_name,
                                            sourceOut => COAInsertee.source);
Line: 356

          if COAInsertee.name is  null then
Line: 359

            if COAInsertee.source <> ame_util.specialForwardInsertion then
              coaInsAuthForward := true;
Line: 361

              currentApproverPersonId := COAInsertee.orig_system_id;
Line: 363

            tempApprover.name := COAInsertee.name;
Line: 364

            tempApprover.orig_system := COAInsertee.orig_system;
Line: 365

            tempApprover.orig_system_id := COAInsertee.orig_system_id;
Line: 366

            tempApprover.display_name :=  COAInsertee.display_name;
Line: 367

            tempApprover.source := COAInsertee.source;
Line: 369

            tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.apiAuthorityInsertion;
Line: 397

        /*if the next approver because of first auth insertion the populate the date and reason*/
        if firstAuthInsExists then
Line: 404

        tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.oamGenerated;