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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

    select *
    from wip_time_entry_interface
    where process_status  = wip_constants.running
    and organization_id = org_id;
Line: 47

    select organization_code
    into l_org_code
    from mtl_parameters
    where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 64

        select distinct case when (attribute_value_code/10) < 2 then 1 else 0 end
        into l_temp
        from wip_preference_values
        where preference_id=26 and
        level_id in (select level_id
                     from wip_preference_levels
                     where organization_id = p_organization_id and
                     resp_key is not null and
                     department_id is null);
Line: 80

            update wip_time_entry_interface
            set process_status     = wip_constants.error,
            error                  = l_err_msg,
            request_id             = g_request_id,
            program_id             = g_program_id,
            program_application_id = g_program_appl_id,
            program_update_date    = sysdate,
            last_updated_by        = g_user_id,
            last_update_date       = sysdate,
            last_update_login      = g_user_login_id
            time_entry_type     = 1
            and process_status  = wip_constants.pending
            and (organization_id = p_organization_id or
                 organization_code = (select mp.organization_code
                                      from mtl_parameters mp
                                      where mp.organization_id = p_organization_id));
Line: 108

        select distinct decode(mod(attribute_value_code,10),1,1,0)
        into l_temp
        from wip_preference_values
        where preference_id=26 and
        level_id in (select level_id
                     from wip_preference_levels
                     where organization_id = p_organization_id and
                     resp_key is not null and
                     department_id is null);
Line: 124

            update wip_time_entry_interface
            set process_status     = wip_constants.error,
            error                  = l_err_msg,
            request_id             = g_request_id,
            program_id             = g_program_id,
            program_application_id = g_program_appl_id,
            program_update_date    = sysdate,
            last_updated_by        = g_user_id,
            last_update_date       = sysdate,
            last_update_login      = g_user_login_id
            time_entry_type     = 3
            and process_status  = wip_constants.pending
            and (organization_id = p_organization_id or
                 organization_code = (select mp.organization_code
                                      from mtl_parameters mp
                                      where mp.organization_id = p_organization_id));
Line: 163

        update wip_time_entry_interface
        set process_status     = wip_constants.error,
        error                  = l_err_msg,
        request_id             = g_request_id,
        program_id             = g_program_id,
        program_application_id = g_program_appl_id,
        program_update_date    = sysdate,
        last_updated_by        = g_user_id,
        last_update_date       = sysdate,
        last_update_login      = g_user_login_id
        time_entry_type     = 1
        and process_status  = wip_constants.pending
        and (organization_id = p_organization_id or
             organization_code = (select mp.organization_code
                                  from mtl_parameters mp
                                  where mp.organization_id = p_organization_id));
Line: 194

        update wip_time_entry_interface
        set process_status     = wip_constants.error,
        error                  = l_err_msg,
        request_id             = g_request_id,
        program_id             = g_program_id,
        program_application_id = g_program_appl_id,
        program_update_date    = sysdate,
        last_updated_by        = g_user_id,
        last_update_date       = sysdate,
        last_update_login      = g_user_login_id
        time_entry_type     = 3
        and process_status  = wip_constants.pending
        and (organization_id = p_organization_id or
             organization_code = (select mp.organization_code
                                  from mtl_parameters mp
                                  where mp.organization_id = p_organization_id));
Line: 221

    update wip_time_entry_interface
    set process_status     = wip_constants.running,
    organization_id        = nvl(organization_id,p_organization_id),
    request_id             = fnd_global.conc_request_id,
    program_id             = fnd_global.conc_program_id,
    program_application_id = fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
    program_update_date    = sysdate,
    last_updated_by        = fnd_global.user_id,
    last_update_date       = sysdate,
    last_update_login      = fnd_global.login_id
    process_status  = wip_constants.pending
    and (organization_id = p_organization_id or
         organization_code = (select mp.organization_code
                              from mtl_parameters mp
                              where mp.organization_id = p_organization_id));
Line: 240

    update wip_time_entry_interface wtei
    set wtei.employee_id   = ( select bre.person_id
                               from per_all_people_f papf,
                                    bom_resource_employees bre
                               where  papf.person_id = bre.person_id
                               and sysdate between papf.effective_start_date and nvl(papf.effective_end_date,sysdate+1)
                               and bre.organization_id = wtei.organization_id
                               and papf.employee_number = wtei.badge_id
                               and rownum=1
    wtei.last_update_date  = sysdate
    wtei.organization_id = p_organization_id and
    wtei.process_status  = wip_constants.running and
    wtei.employee_id is null and
    wtei.badge_id is not null;
Line: 324

        select level_id
        into l_level_id
        from wip_preference_levels
        where organization_id = p_organization_id
        and department_id is null
        and level_id in (select level_id
                         from wip_preference_values
                         where preference_id = 26)
        and rownum=1;
Line: 344

        select to_number(attribute_value_code)
        into l_pref_value
        from wip_preference_values
        where level_id = l_level_id
        and preference_id = 26;
Line: 355

            select to_number(attribute_value_code)
            into l_pref_value
            from wip_preference_values
            where level_id = 1
            and preference_id = 26;
Line: 390

    select resource_id
    into l_res_id
    from wip_operation_resources
    where organization_id = p_org_id
    and wip_entity_id = p_wip_id
    and operation_seq_num = p_op_seq
    and resource_seq_num = p_res_seq;
Line: 677

        select wip_resource_actual_times_s.nextval
        into v_wip_res_actual_times(ins_counter).time_entry_id from dual;
Line: 686

        select decode(l_wip_time_intf_tbl(l_counter).time_entry_type,1,6,2,7,3,5)
        into v_wip_res_actual_times(ins_counter).time_entry_mode from dual;
Line: 700

        v_wip_res_actual_times(ins_counter).last_updated_by           := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 701

        v_wip_res_actual_times(ins_counter).last_update_date         := sysdate;
Line: 702

        v_wip_res_actual_times(ins_counter).last_update_login         := fnd_global.login_id;
Line: 708

        v_wip_res_actual_times(ins_counter).program_update_date       := sysdate;
Line: 719

            wip_ws_util.trace_log('Before Inserting records in Actual Times Table');
Line: 724

    INSERT into WIP_RESOURCE_ACTUAL_TIMES values v_wip_res_actual_times(ins_index);
Line: 727

            wip_ws_util.trace_log('After Inserting records in Actual Times Table');
Line: 732

    update wip_time_entry_interface set
    process_status   = decode(v_process_status(upd_index),
                              wip_constants.running,wip_constants.completed,v_process_status(upd_index) ),
    error            = v_error(upd_index),
    last_update_date = sysdate
    where interface_id = v_interface_id(upd_index);
Line: 767

        select count(1)
        into l_count
        from bom_resource_employees bre,
             bom_department_resources bdr
        where bdr.department_id = p_dep_id
        and bdr.resource_id = p_res_id
        and bdr.resource_id = bre.resource_id
        and bre.organization_id = p_org_id
        and bre.person_id = p_emp_id;
Line: 777

        select count(1)
        into l_count
        from bom_resource_employees bre
        where bre.organization_id = p_org_id
        and bre.person_id = p_emp_id
        and bre.resource_id = nvl(p_res_id,bre.resource_id);
Line: 796

    select wip_entity_id
    into l_we_id
    from wip_entities
    where wip_entity_name = p_job_name
    and organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 812

     select count(1)
     into l_count
     from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
     where wdj.organization_id = p_org_id
     and wdj.wip_entity_id = p_we_id
     and wdj.status_type in (wip_constants.released,wip_constants.comp_chrg,wip_constants.hold);
Line: 832

    select department_id
    into l_dep_id
    from wip_operations
    where organization_id=p_org_id
    and wip_entity_id=p_we_id
    and operation_seq_num=p_op_seq;
Line: 849

    select resource_id
    into l_res_id
    from bom_resources
    where organization_id = p_org_id
    and resource_code = p_res_name;
Line: 866

    select count(1)
    into l_count
    from bom_department_resources bdr,
         bom_departments bd
    where bdr.department_id= bd.department_id
    and bd.organization_id = p_org_id
    and bd.department_id = p_dep_id
    and bdr.resource_id = p_res_id;
Line: 892

    select organization_id
    into l_org_id
    from wip_entities
    where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 905

        select count(1)
        into l_count
        from wip_resource_actual_times
        where organization_id = l_org_id
        and employee_id = p_employee_id
        and wip_entity_id is null
        and time_entry_mode = 8
        and end_date is null;