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Line 11: engTransactionId ame_temp_old_approver_lists.transaction_id%type;

7: *************************************************************************************/
8: /* transaction identifiers */
9: engAmeApplicationId integer;
10: engFndApplicationId integer;
11: engTransactionId ame_temp_old_approver_lists.transaction_id%type;
12: engTransactionTypeId ame_calling_apps.transaction_type_id%type;
13: /* engTransactionIsLocked is for the transaction-locking utilities used by the APIs. */
14: engTransactionIsLocked boolean := false;
15: /*

Line 1494: itemClass ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_class%type;

1490: itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
1491: actionTypeIdIn in integer default null,
1492: groupOrChainIdIn in integer default null) return integer as
1493: engStApproversCount integer;
1494: itemClass ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_class%type;
1495: itemId ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_id%type;
1496: actionTypeId integer;
1497: groupOrChainId integer;
1498: occurrence integer;

Line 1495: itemId ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_id%type;

1491: actionTypeIdIn in integer default null,
1492: groupOrChainIdIn in integer default null) return integer as
1493: engStApproversCount integer;
1494: itemClass ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_class%type;
1495: itemId ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_id%type;
1496: actionTypeId integer;
1497: groupOrChainId integer;
1498: occurrence integer;
1499: begin

Line 5262: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists

5258: approval_status,
5259: action_type_id,
5260: group_or_chain_id,
5261: occurrence
5262: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists
5263: where
5264: application_id = applicationIdIn and
5265: transaction_id = transactionIdIn
5266: order by order_number;

Line 7574: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

7570: for x in 1 .. engStRepeatedIndexes.count loop
7571: if engStRepeatedIndexes(x) = currentTreeNode.approver_index
7572: and engStRepeatedAppIndexes(x) <> currentTreeNode.approver_index then
7573: --+
7574: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
7575: set approval_status = ame_util.notifiedByRepeatedStatus
7576: where application_id = ameApplicationId
7577: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
7578: and name = engStApprovers(engStRepeatedAppIndexes(x)).name --nextApproversOut(i).name

Line 7643: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

7639: for x in 1 .. engStRepeatedIndexes.count loop
7640: if engStRepeatedIndexes(x) = engStApproversTree(currentTreeNode.sibling_index).approver_index
7641: and engStRepeatedAppIndexes(x) <> engStApproversTree(currentTreeNode.sibling_index).approver_index then
7642: --+
7643: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
7644: set approval_status = ame_util.notifiedByRepeatedStatus
7645: where application_id = ameApplicationId
7646: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
7647: and name = engStApprovers(engStRepeatedAppIndexes(x)).name --nextApproversOut(i).name

Line 7784: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

7780: end if;
7781: if flagApproversAsNotifiedIn = ame_util.booleanTrue then
7782: ameApplicationId := ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId;
7783: for i in 1 .. nextApproversOut.count loop
7784: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
7785: set approval_status = ame_util.notifiedStatus
7786: where item_class = nextApproversOut(i).item_class
7787: and item_id = nextApproversOut(i).item_id
7788: and name = nextApproversOut(i).name

Line 8728: ame_temp_old_approver_lists

8724: ame_util.copyApproverRecord2(approverRecord2In => approverIn,
8725: approverRecord2Out => engStApprovers(indexIn));
8726: /*
8727: If the status is not available in ame_temp_insertions get it from
8728: ame_temp_old_approver_lists
8729: */
8730: if engStApprovers(indexIn).approval_status is null then
8731: engStApprovers(indexIn).approval_status := getHandlerApprovalStatus(approverIn => engStApprovers(indexIn));
8732: end if;

Line 11973: delete from ame_temp_old_approver_lists

11969: tempOccurrences ame_util.idList;
11970: tempOrderNumbers ame_util.idList;
11971: tempStatuses ame_util.stringList;
11972: begin
11973: delete from ame_temp_old_approver_lists
11974: where
11975: application_id = engAmeApplicationId and
11976: transaction_id = engTransactionId;
11977: /*

Line 11978: Bulk insert the transaction's current state into ame_temp_old_approver_lists.

11974: where
11975: application_id = engAmeApplicationId and
11976: transaction_id = engTransactionId;
11977: /*
11978: Bulk insert the transaction's current state into ame_temp_old_approver_lists.
11979: Take the state from engStApprovers, to account for all operations on the approver list.
11980: */
11981: ame_util.convertApproversTable2ToValues(approversTableIn => engStApprovers,
11982: namesOut => tempNames,

Line 12005: insert into ame_temp_old_approver_lists(

12001: setInsertedApprovalStatus(currentApproverIndexIn => i
12002: ,approvalStatusIn => engStApprovers(i).approval_status);
12003: end loop;
12004: forall i in 1 .. tempCount
12005: insert into ame_temp_old_approver_lists(
12006: transaction_id,
12007: application_id,
12008: order_number,
12009: name,

Line 12451: Update the status of approverIn in ame_temp_old_approver_lists. If updateItemIn

12447: ,userCommentsIn => notificationIn.user_comments
12448: ,dateClearedIn => null
12449: ,historyTypeIn => 'APPROVERPRESENT');
12450: /*
12451: Update the status of approverIn in ame_temp_old_approver_lists. If updateItemIn
12452: is true, update also any other occurrences of the same approver for the same item
12453: class and item ID.
12454: */
12455: if(updateItemIn) then

Line 12458: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

12454: */
12455: if(updateItemIn) then
12456: if(approver.approval_status in (ame_util.forwardStatus, ame_util.approveAndForwardStatus)) then
12457: /* Update the forwarder proper. */
12458: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
12459: set approval_status = approver.approval_status
12460: where
12461: application_id = ameApplicationId and
12462: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and

Line 12470: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

12466: action_type_id = approver.action_type_id and
12467: group_or_chain_id = approver.group_or_chain_id and
12468: occurrence = approver.occurrence;
12469: /* Suppress other occurrences of the approver, for the same item. */
12470: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
12471: set approval_status = ame_util.suppressedStatus
12472: where
12473: application_id = ameApplicationId and
12474: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and

Line 12482: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

12478: (action_type_id <> approver.action_type_id or
12479: group_or_chain_id <> approver.group_or_chain_id or
12480: occurrence <> approver.occurrence);
12481: else
12482: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
12483: set approval_status = approver.approval_status
12484: where
12485: application_id = ameApplicationId and
12486: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and

Line 12492: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

12488: item_class = approver.item_class and
12489: item_id = approver.item_id;
12490: end if;
12491: else
12492: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
12493: set approval_status = approver.approval_status
12494: where
12495: application_id = ameApplicationId and
12496: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and

Line 12516: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

12512: ,ame_util.forwardStatus
12513: ,ame_util.noResponseStatus) then
12514: for z in 1 .. repeatedIndexes.count loop
12515: if repeatedIndexes(z) = approverInIndex and repeatedAppIndexes(z) <> approverInIndex then
12516: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
12517: set approval_status = decode(approver.approval_status
12518: ,ame_util.approvedStatus
12519: ,ame_util.approvedByRepeatedStatus
12520: ,ame_util.approveAndForwardStatus

Line 12587: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

12583: approverIn must be the first responder (otherwise, they would be suppressed,
12584: and we would have returned above). Suppress the other approval approvers in the
12585: group or chain (including other occurrences of the input approver).
12586: */
12587: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
12588: set approval_status = ame_util.beatByFirstResponderStatus
12589: where
12590: application_id = ameApplicationId and
12591: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and

Line 12646: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists

12642: and currentApprovers(x).approver_category = ame_util.approvalApproverCategory
12643: and currentApprovers(x).approval_status <> ame_util.approvedByRepeatedStatus then
12644: for z in 1 .. repeatedIndexes.count loop
12645: if repeatedIndexes(z) = x and repeatedAppIndexes(z) <> x then
12646: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists
12647: set approval_status = ame_util.nullStatus
12648: where application_id = ameApplicationId
12649: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
12650: and name = currentApprovers(x).name