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Line 1407: -- add checking on existing iex_strategy_work_temp_xref, at least one wi required

1403: end if;
1404: */
1406: -- bug 4141678 begin - ctlee
1407: -- add checking on existing iex_strategy_work_temp_xref, at least one wi required
1408: -- bug 4141678 end - ctlee
1410: IF l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 10 or l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 20 or l_DefaultStrategyLevel = 30 THEN
1411: OPEN c_strategyTemp

Line 1421: and exists (select 1 from IEX_STRATEGY_WORK_TEMP_XREF strx

1417: OBF.OBJECT_ID(+) = ST.Strategy_temp_Group_ID and
1418: OBF.OBJECT_FILTER_TYPE(+) = l_StratObjectFilterType
1419: and (TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(st.valid_from_dt, SYSDATE))
1420: AND TRUNC(NVL(st.valid_to_dt, SYSDATE)))
1421: and exists (select 1 from IEX_STRATEGY_WORK_TEMP_XREF strx
1422: where strx.strategy_temp_id = st.strategy_temp_id)
1423: -- Begin - Andre Araujo -- 01/18/2005 - 4924879 - Improve performance by selecting less records
1424: and ST.STRATEGY_RANK <= p_stry_cnt_rec.SCORE_VALUE
1425: -- End - Andre Araujo -- 01/18/2005 - 4924879 - Improve performance by selecting less records

Line 1445: and exists (select 1 from IEX_STRATEGY_WORK_TEMP_XREF strx

1441: OBF.OBJECT_ID(+) = ST.Strategy_temp_Group_ID and
1442: OBF.OBJECT_FILTER_TYPE(+) = l_StratObjectFilterType
1443: and (TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(st.valid_from_dt, SYSDATE))
1444: AND TRUNC(NVL(st.valid_to_dt, SYSDATE)))
1445: and exists (select 1 from IEX_STRATEGY_WORK_TEMP_XREF strx
1446: where strx.strategy_temp_id = st.strategy_temp_id)
1447: -- Begin - Andre Araujo -- 01/18/2005 - 4924879 - Improve performance by selecting less records
1448: and ST.STRATEGY_RANK <= p_stry_cnt_rec.SCORE_VALUE
1449: -- End - Andre Araujo -- 01/18/2005 - 4924879 - Improve performance by selecting less records