543: -- Cursor to derive Task time zone for party site
544: CURSOR task_party_site_timezone IS
545: SELECT b.timezone_id
546: FROM hz_party_sites a, hz_locations b
547: WHERE a.location_id = b.location_id
548: --AND a.identifying_address_flag = 'Y'
549: AND a.party_site_id = l_incident_location_id ;
551: -- Cursor to derive Task time zone for location
552: CURSOR task_location_timezone IS
553: SELECT timezone_id
554: FROM hz_locations
555: WHERE location_id = l_incident_location_id ;
557: -- Cursor to derive time zone for technician
558: CURSOR technician_timezone IS
563: -- Cursor to derive time zone for Primary Contact address
564: CURSOR contact_timezone IS
565: SELECT b.timezone_id
566: FROM hz_party_sites a, hz_locations b, cs_hz_sr_contact_points c
567: WHERE a.party_id = c.party_id
568: AND a.identifying_address_flag = 'Y'
569: AND c.primary_flag = 'Y'
570: AND a.location_id = b.location_id
590: -- Cursor to derive time zone for Customer address
591: CURSOR customer_timezone IS
592: SELECT b.timezone_id
593: FROM hz_party_sites a, hz_locations b, cs_incidents_all_b c
594: WHERE a.party_id = c.customer_id
595: AND a.identifying_address_flag = 'Y'
596: AND a.location_id = b.location_id
597: AND c.incident_id = p_incident_id ;
611: -- Cursor to derive time zone for party site
612: CURSOR f_incident_party_site_timezone IS
613: SELECT b.timezone_id
614: FROM hz_party_sites a, hz_locations b
615: WHERE a.location_id = b.location_id
616: --AND a.identifying_address_flag = 'Y'
617: AND a.party_site_id = p_incident_location_id ;
619: -- Cursor to derive time zone for location
620: CURSOR f_incident_location_timezone IS
621: SELECT timezone_id
622: FROM hz_locations
623: WHERE location_id = p_incident_location_id ;
625: -- Cursor to derive time zone for Primary Contact address
626: CURSOR f_contact_timezone IS
625: -- Cursor to derive time zone for Primary Contact address
626: CURSOR f_contact_timezone IS
627: SELECT b.timezone_id
628: FROM hz_party_sites a, hz_locations b
629: WHERE a.location_id = b.location_id
630: AND a.identifying_address_flag = 'Y'
631: AND a.party_id = p_contact_party_id ;
641: -- Cursor to derive time zone for Customer address
642: CURSOR f_customer_timezone IS
643: SELECT b.timezone_id
644: FROM hz_party_sites a, hz_locations b
645: WHERE a.location_id = b.location_id
646: AND a.identifying_address_flag = 'Y'
647: AND a.party_id = p_customer_id ;