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SELECT                            /*  Fix for bug # 4751315 */
    --  This select block is to get visit, repeated visits, visit duration, page views,
    --  web registrations, web inquiries info from ibw_site_visit_mv for a site and customer.
         1                                 umarker
       , site_id                           site_id
       , null                              header_id       -- Added on 7-JUN-2006
       , customer_id                       customer_id
       , transaction_date                  transaction_date
       , null                              currency_cd_f
       , sum(visits)                       visits
       , SUM(repeat_visits )               repeat_visits
       , sum(visit_duration)               visit_duration
       , sum(page_views)                   page_views
       , null                              daily_uniq_visitors
     	 , null                  					   new_web_customers
       , null									             new_web_customers_all
       , sum(orders_site_visits)           orders_site_visits
       , sum(web_registrations)            web_registrations
       , null                              carts
       , null                              orders
    	 , null									             repeat_web_orders
       , null                              anonymous_carts
       , sum(total_order_inquiries)         total_order_inquiries
       , sum(total_payment_inquiries)       total_payment_inquiries
       , sum(total_invoice_inquiries)       total_invoice_inquiries
       , null                              a_leads
       , null                              booked_amt_f
       , null                              booked_amt_g
       , null                              booked_amt_g1
       , null                              booked_web_orders
       , null                              assisted_web_orders
       , null                              total_booked_amt_f
       , null                              total_booked_amt_g
       , null                              total_booked_amt_g1
       , null                              total_booked_orders
       , sum(opt_outs)                     opt_outs
       , count(visits)                     d_visits
       , count(repeat_visits)              d_repeat_visits
       , count(visit_duration)             d_visit_duration
       , count(page_views)                 d_page_views
       , count(orders_site_visits)         d_orders_site_visits
       , count(web_registrations)          d_web_registrations
       , null                              d_carts
       , null                              d_orders
       , null                              d_anonymous_carts
       , count(total_order_inquiries)       d_total_order_inquiries
       , count(total_payment_inquiries)     d_total_payment_inquiries
       , count(total_invoice_inquiries)     d_total_invoice_inquiries
       , null                              d_a_leads
       , null                              d_booked_amt_f
       , null                              d_booked_amt_g
       , null                              d_booked_amt_g1
       , null                              d_total_booked_amt_f
       , null                              d_total_booked_amt_g
       , null                              d_total_booked_amt_g1
       , count(opt_outs)                   d_opt_outs
       , count(*)                          d_total_cnt
       from ibw_site_visit_mv
       group by
    -- This select block is to get daily unique visitor count form  ibw_vst_cmp_dlyuniqvstr_mv
    -- for a given site and party id.
         2                                 umarker
       , site_id                           site_id
       , null                              header_id       -- Added on 7-JUN-2006
       , customer_id                       customer_id
       , transaction_date                  transaction_date
	     , NULL                              currency_cd_f
       , null				                       visits
       , null				                       repeat_visits
       , null				                       visit_duration
       , null				                       page_views
       , count(party_visitor_id)           daily_uniq_visitors
     	 , null                  					   new_web_customers
       , null									             new_web_customers_all
       , null				                       orders_site_visits
       , null				                       web_registrations
       , null				                       carts
       , null				                       orders
    	 , null									             repeat_web_orders
	     , null                              anonymous_carts
       , null                              total_order_inquiries
       , null                              total_payment_inquiries
       , null                              total_invoice_inquiries
       , null                              a_leads
       , null                              booked_amt_f
       , null                              booked_amt_g
       , null                              booked_amt_g1
       , null                              booked_web_orders
       , null                              assisted_web_orders
       , null                              total_booked_amt_f
       , null                              total_booked_amt_g
       , null                              total_booked_amt_g1
       , null                              total_booked_orders
       , null                              opt_outs
       , null                              d_visits
       , null                              d_repeat_visits
       , null                              d_visit_duration
       , null                              d_page_views
       , null                              d_orders_site_visits
       , null                              d_web_registrations
       , null                              d_carts
       , null                              d_orders
	     , null                              d_anonymous_carts
       , null                              d_total_order_inquiries
       , null                              d_total_payment_inquiries
       , null                              d_total_invoice_inquiries
       , null                              d_a_leads
       , null                              d_booked_amt_f
       , null                              d_booked_amt_g
       , null                              d_booked_amt_g1
       , null                              d_total_booked_amt_f
       , null                              d_total_booked_amt_g
       , null                              d_total_booked_amt_g1
       , null                              d_opt_outs
       , count(*)                          d_total_cnt
	FROM ibw_vst_cmp_dlyuniqvstr_mv
	GROUP BY  site_id,
 -- This select block is to get iStore related order amounts, count of assisted web orders
 -- from ibe_bi_orders_mv for a given site, customer id, functional currency and booked date.
     3                                                  umarker
   , minisite_id                                        site_id
   , null                                               header_id       -- Added on 7-JUN-2006
	 , customer_id                                        customer_id
	 , booked_date                                        transaction_date
	 , currency_cd_f                                      currency_cd_f
	 , null                                               visits
   , null                                               repeat_visits
   , null                                               visit_duration
   , null                                               page_views
   , null                                               daily_uniq_visitors
 	 , null                  					                    new_web_customers
   , null									                              new_web_customers_all
   , null                                               orders_site_visits
   , null                                               web_registrations
   , null                                               carts
   , null                                               orders
    		, null									                        repeat_web_orders
	 , null                                               anonymous_carts
   , null                                               total_order_inquiries
   , null                                               total_payment_inquiries
   , null                                               total_invoice_inquiries
   , null                                               a_leads
   , sum(amount_f)                                      booked_amt_f
   , sum(amount_g)                                      booked_amt_g
   , sum(amount_g1)                                     booked_amt_g1
   , count(header_id )                                  booked_web_orders
   , count(decode(resource_flag,'Y',header_id,null))  assisted_web_orders
   , null                                               total_booked_amt_f
   , null                                               total_booked_amt_g
   , null                                               total_booked_amt_g1
   , null                                               total_booked_orders
   , null                                               opt_outs
   , null                                               d_visits
   , null                                               d_repeat_visits
   , null                                               d_visit_duration
   , null                                               d_page_views
   , null                                               d_orders_site_visits
   , null                                               d_web_registrations
   , null                                               d_carts
   , null                                               d_orders
	 , null                                               d_anonymous_carts
   , null                                               d_total_order_inquiries
   , null                                               d_total_payment_inquiries
   , null                                               d_total_invoice_inquiries
   , null                                               d_a_leads
   , count(amount_f)                                    d_booked_amt_f
   , count(amount_g)                                    d_booked_amt_g
   , count(amount_g1)                                   d_booked_amt_g1
   , null                                               d_total_booked_amt_f
   , null                                               d_total_booked_amt_g
   , null                                               d_total_booked_amt_g1
   , null                                               d_opt_outs
   , count(*)                                           d_total_cnt
   published_quote_flag = 'N'                        -- To exclude published quotes
-- This is to get total carts, orders, anonymous carts count from ibw_cart_base_mv
-- for a given site id, party id and creation date.
      4                                 umarker
    , site_id                           site_id
    , null                              header_id       -- Added on 7-JUN-2006
	  , customer_id                       customer_id
	  , transaction_date                  transaction_date
	  , null                              currency_cd_f
	  , null                              visits
    , null                              repeat_visits
    , null                              visit_duration
    , null                              page_views
    , null                              daily_uniq_visitors
 	  , null                  					  new_web_customers
    , null									            new_web_customers_all
    , null				                      orders_site_visits
    , null                      		    web_registrations
    , sum(carts)                        carts
    , sum(orders)                       orders
 		, null									            repeat_web_orders
	  , sum(anonymous_carts)              anonymous_carts
    , null                              total_order_inquiries
    , null                              total_payment_inquiries
    , null                              total_invoice_inquiries
    , sum(lead_rank)                    a_leads
    , null                              booked_amt_f
    , null                              booked_amt_g
    , null                              booked_amt_g1
    , null                              booked_web_orders
    , null                              assisted_web_orders
    , null                              total_booked_amt_f
    , null                              total_booked_amt_g
    , null                              total_booked_amt_g1
    , null                              total_booked_orders
    , null                              opt_outs
    , null                              d_visits
    , null                              d_repeat_visits
    , null                              d_visit_duration
    , null                              d_page_views
    , null                              d_orders_site_visits
    , null                              d_web_registrations
    , count(carts)                      d_carts
    , count(orders)                     d_orders
	  , count(anonymous_carts)            d_anonymous_carts
    , null                              d_total_order_inquiries
    , null                              d_total_payment_inquiries
    , null                              d_total_invoice_inquiries
    , count(lead_rank)                  d_a_leads
    , null                              d_booked_amt_f
    , null                              d_booked_amt_g
    , null                              d_booked_amt_g1
    , null                              d_total_booked_amt_f
    , null                              d_total_booked_amt_g
    , null                              d_total_booked_amt_g1
    , null                              d_opt_outs
    , count(*)                          d_total_cnt
     ibw_cart_base_mv a
      -- This select block is to get unassigned site records from isc_book_sum2_f
      -- for a customer id, functional currency and booked date.
      -- We are getting denominator(order amounts from all channels) for percent web orders
          5                                   umarker
        , -9999                               site_id
        , header_id                           header_id       -- Added this on 7-JUN-2006.
	      , customer_id                         customer_id
	      , booked_date                         transaction_date
        , currency_func_id                    currency_cd_f
        , null                                visits
        , null                                repeat_visits
        , null                                visit_duration
        , null                                page_views
        , null                                daily_uniq_visitors
     	  , null                  					    new_web_customers
	      , null									              new_web_customers_all
        , null                                orders_site_visits
        , null                                web_registrations
        , null                                carts
        , null                                orders
    		, null									              repeat_web_orders
	      , null                                anonymous_carts
        , null                                total_order_inquiries
        , null                                total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                a_leads
        , null                                booked_amt_f
        , null                                booked_amt_g
        , null                                booked_amt_g1
        , null                                booked_web_orders
        , null                                assisted_web_orders
        , SUM(NVL(book.booked_amt_f, null))   total_booked_amt_f
        , SUM(NVL(book.booked_amt_g, null))   total_booked_amt_g
        , SUM(NVL(book.booked_amt_g1, null))  total_booked_amt_g1
        , 1                                   total_booked_orders    -- changed count(book.header_id) to 1 to get
                                                                     -- total booked orders. count(book.header_id) would give the total order lines
        , null                                opt_outs
        , null                                d_visits
        , null                                d_repeat_visits
        , null                                d_visit_duration
        , null                                d_page_views
        , null                                d_orders_site_visits
        , null                                d_web_registrations
        , null                                d_carts
        , null                                d_orders
	      , null                                d_anonymous_carts
        , null                                d_total_order_inquiries
        , null                                d_total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                d_total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                d_a_leads
        , null                                d_booked_amt_f
        , null                                d_booked_amt_g
        , null                                d_booked_amt_g1
        , count(NVL(book.booked_amt_f, null)) d_total_booked_amt_f
        , count(NVL(book.booked_amt_g, null)) d_total_booked_amt_g
        , count(NVL(book.booked_amt_g1,null)) d_total_booked_amt_g1
        , null                                d_opt_outs
        , count(*)                            d_total_cnt
     ISC.ISC_BOOK_SUM2_F book
      book.order_category_id IN ('ORDER')
  AND book.line_category_code = 'ORDER'
  AND book.flow_status_code <> 'CANCELLED'
  AND book.charge_periodicity_code IS NULL            -- Added as per Bug # 4589076 to remove recurring charge lines
        , header_id                       -- Added this on 7-JUN-2006. This was included to count orders in same day by same customers.
		    , customer_id
		    , booked_date
        , currency_func_id
      -- This select block is to get New Web Customers for Customer Acquisition Report
      -- This select block queries IBE_BI_CUST_MV  and IBE_BI_ORDERS_MV to get the customers who
	    -- have placed first orders through the Web channel.
          6                                       umarker
        ,minisite_id                              site_id
        , null                                    header_id       -- Added on 7-JUN-2006
	      ,cust.customer_id                         customer_id
	      ,orders.booked_date                       transaction_date
        , null                    			          currency_cd_f
        , null                                    visits
        , null                                    repeat_visits
        , null                                    visit_duration
        , null                                    page_views
        , null                                    daily_uniq_visitors
		    , 1   					                          new_web_customers
	      , null									                  new_web_customers_all
        , null                                    orders_site_visits
        , null                                    web_registrations
        , null                                    carts
        , null                                    orders
    	  , null										                repeat_web_orders
	      , null                                    anonymous_carts
        , null                                    total_order_inquiries
        , null                                    total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                    total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                    a_leads
        , null                                    booked_amt_f
        , null                                    booked_amt_g
        , null                                    booked_amt_g1
        , null                                    booked_web_orders
        , null                                    assisted_web_orders
        , null                                    total_booked_amt_f
        , null      							                total_booked_amt_g
        , null     								                total_booked_amt_g1
        , null               					            total_booked_orders
        , null                                    opt_outs
        , null                                    d_visits
        , null                                    d_repeat_visits
        , null                                    d_visit_duration
        , null                                    d_page_views
        , null                                    d_orders_site_visits
        , null                                    d_web_registrations
        , null                                    d_carts
        , null                                    d_orders
	      , null                                    d_anonymous_carts
        , null                                    d_total_order_inquiries
        , null                                    d_total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                    d_total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                    d_a_leads
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_f
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_g
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_g1
        , null    								                d_total_booked_amt_f
        , null    								                d_total_booked_amt_g
        , null    								                d_total_booked_amt_g1
        , null                                    d_opt_outs
        , count(*)                            	  d_total_cnt
       IBE_BI_CUST_MV cust
	    ,IBE_BI_ORDERS_MV orders
	    cust.customer_id = orders.customer_id AND
	    cust.booked_date = orders.booked_date AND
	 	  orders.published_quote_flag = 'N'
		    , cust.customer_id
		    , orders.booked_date
union all
      -- This select block is to get repeat web orders metric for Vsistor Conversion Report
      -- This select block self joins IBE_BI_ORDERS_MV to get the customers who
	    -- have placed repeat orders the Web channel.
         7                                        umarker
        ,orders2.minisite_id                      site_id
        , null                                    header_id       -- Added on 7-JUN-2006
	      ,orders2.customer_id                      customer_id
	      ,orders2.booked_date                      transaction_date
        , null                    			          currency_cd_f
        , null                                    visits
        , null                                    repeat_visits
        , null                                    visit_duration
        , null                                    page_views
        , null                                    daily_uniq_visitors
		    , null	 					                        new_web_customers
	      , null									                  new_web_customers_all
        , null                                    orders_site_visits
        , null                                    web_registrations
        , null                                    carts
        , null                                    orders
    	  , 1										                    repeat_web_orders 		-- This is to count the repeat web orders.
	      , null                                    anonymous_carts
        , null                                    total_order_inquiries
        , null                                    total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                    total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                    a_leads
        , null                                    booked_amt_f
        , null                                    booked_amt_g
        , null                                    booked_amt_g1
        , null                                    booked_web_orders
        , null                                    assisted_web_orders
        , null                                    total_booked_amt_f
        , null      							                total_booked_amt_g
        , null     								                total_booked_amt_g1
        , null               					            total_booked_orders
        , null                                    opt_outs
        , null                                    d_visits
        , null                                    d_repeat_visits
        , null                                    d_visit_duration
        , null                                    d_page_views
        , null                                    d_orders_site_visits
        , null                                    d_web_registrations
        , null                                    d_carts
        , null                                    d_orders
	      , null                                    d_anonymous_carts
        , null                                    d_total_order_inquiries
        , null                                    d_total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                    d_total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                    d_a_leads
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_f
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_g
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_g1
        , null    								                d_total_booked_amt_f
        , null    								                d_total_booked_amt_g
        , null    								                d_total_booked_amt_g1
        , null                                    d_opt_outs
        , count(*)                            	  d_total_cnt
       IBE_BI_ORDERS_MV orders1
	    ,IBE_BI_ORDERS_MV orders2
	    orders1.customer_id = orders2.customer_id AND
	    orders1.booked_date < orders2.booked_date AND
	 	 orders2.published_quote_flag = 'N'
		    , orders2.customer_id
		    , orders2.booked_date
      -- This select block is to get new web customers through all channels to calculate Percent New Web Custometrs
	    -- metric for Customer Acquisition Report. This select block queries IBE_BI_CUST_MV to get the customers
	    -- who have placed their first order through any channel
          8                                       umarker
		    , -9999          		  			              site_id
        , null                                    header_id       -- Added on 7-JUN-2006
        , cust.customer_id         			          customer_id
        , cust.booked_date         				        transaction_date
        , null                    			          currency_cd_f
        , null                                    visits
        , null                                    repeat_visits
        , null                                    visit_duration
        , null                                    page_views
        , null                                    daily_uniq_visitors
    	  , null                  				          new_web_customers
		    , 1										                    new_web_customers_all
        , null                                    orders_site_visits
        , null                                    web_registrations
        , null                                    carts
        , null                                    orders
    	  , null                                    repeat_web_orders
	      , null                                    anonymous_carts
        , null                                    total_order_inquiries
        , null                                    total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                    total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                    a_leads
        , null                                    booked_amt_f
        , null                                    booked_amt_g
        , null                                    booked_amt_g1
        , null                                    booked_web_orders
        , null                                    assisted_web_orders
        , null									                  total_booked_amt_f
        , null      							                total_booked_amt_g
        , null     								                total_booked_amt_g1
        , null               					            total_booked_orders
        , null                                    opt_outs
        , null                                    d_visits
        , null                                    d_repeat_visits
        , null                                    d_visit_duration
        , null                                    d_page_views
        , null                                    d_orders_site_visits
        , null                                    d_web_registrations
        , null                                    d_carts
        , null                                    d_orders
	      , null                                    d_anonymous_carts
        , null                                    d_total_order_inquiries
        , null                                    d_total_payment_inquiries
        , null                                    d_total_invoice_inquiries
        , null                                    d_a_leads
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_f
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_g
        , null                                    d_booked_amt_g1
        , null                                    d_total_booked_amt_f
        , null                                    d_total_booked_amt_g
        , null                                    d_total_booked_amt_g1
        , null                                    d_opt_outs
        , count(*)                            	  d_total_cnt
         ibe_bi_cust_mv cust
	    group by