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Line 12: role_name cn_roles.name%TYPE := cn_api.G_MISS_CHAR,

8: TYPE role_pmt_plan_rec_type IS RECORD
9: (
10: org_id cn_role_pmt_plans.org_id%TYPE,
11: role_pmt_plan_id cn_role_pmt_plans.role_pmt_plan_id%TYPE,
12: role_name cn_roles.name%TYPE := cn_api.G_MISS_CHAR,
13: pmt_plan_name cn_pmt_plans.name%TYPE := cn_api.G_MISS_CHAR,
14: pmt_plan_id cn_pmt_plans.pmt_plan_id%TYPE,
15: start_date cn_role_pmt_plans.start_date%TYPE := cn_api.G_MISS_DATE,
16: end_date cn_role_pmt_plans.end_date%TYPE := cn_api.G_MISS_DATE,

Line 84: -- 5. Role name must exist in cn_roles already.

80: -- Notes : 1. Role name can not be missing or null.
81: -- 2. Pmt plan name can not be missing or null.
82: -- 3. Start_date can not be missing or null.
83: -- 4. Start_date <= end_date, if end_date is not null.
84: -- 5. Role name must exist in cn_roles already.
85: -- 6. Pmt_plan_name must exist in cn_pmt_plans already.
86: -- 7. Date range (start_date, en_date) of the assignment must be
87: -- within the date range (start_date, end_date) of the pmt plan.
88: -- 8. No pmt plan with the same payment_group_code overlap for any same sales role.

Line 137: -- 6. New role_name must exist in cn_roles already.

133: -- 2. New role name can not be null.
134: -- 3. New pmt plan name can not be null.
135: -- 4. New start date can not be null.
136: -- 5. New start date <= new end date if new end date is not null.
137: -- 6. New role_name must exist in cn_roles already.
138: -- 8. New pmt plan name must exist in cn_pmt_plans already.
139: -- 9. The new date range (start_date, end_date) of the assignment must be
140: -- within the date range (start_date, end_date) of the pmt plan.
141: -- 10. No pmt plan overlap with same payment group code for any same sales role.