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1 PACKAGE hr_ben_benefit_contributions AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: pebenpbc.pkh 115.0 99/07/17 18:46:43 porting ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 -- Change History
6 -- 27-MAY-94  G.Payton-McDowall  Added exit
7 -- gpaytonm  03-JUL-93  Added whenever sqlerror... and set verify off
8 -- gpaytonm  07-MAR-95  Modified hr_ben_ref_chk to cater for stricter Type A
9 --			benefit rules
10 -- jthuring  11-OCT-95  Removed spurious start of comment marker
11 -- ramurthy  15-JAN-96  Added parameter p_validation_end_date to procedure
12 --			hr_ben_ref_chk.
13 -- teyres    24-Jun-97  Changed as to is on create or replace line
14 -- teyres    25-Jun-97  110.1 and 70.7 are the same
15 --
16 -- Procedure/Function specifications
17 --
18 --
19 -- Name      hr_ben_chk_duplicate_cont
20 --
21 -- Purpose
22 --
23 -- Checks that the contribution recor being inserted does already exist or
24 -- overlap other contribution records
25 --
26 -- Arguments
27 --
28 -- p_benefit_contribution_id
29 -- p_element_type_id
30 -- p_coverage_type
31 -- p_effective_start_date
32 -- p_effective_end_date
33 -- p_business_group_id
34 --
35 --
36 -- Example
37 --
38 -- Notes
39 --
40 -- The benefit_contribution_id is passed in/out to avoid unecessary network traffic.
41 -- As this is called from insert/update we bundle, thus copyign the id across the network
42 -- is not a good idea
43 --
44 PROCEDURE hr_ben_chk_duplicate_cont ( p_benefit_contribution_id NUMBER,
45                                       p_element_type_id         NUMBER,
46                                       p_coverage_type           VARCHAR2,
47                                       p_effective_start_date    DATE,
48                                       p_effective_end_date      DATE,
49                                       p_business_group_id       NUMBER );
50 --
51 --
52 --
53 -- Name      hr_ben_benefit_contribution_id
54 --
55 -- Purpose
56 --
57 -- Retrieves surrogate key from the table's sequence
58 --
59 -- Arguments
60 --
61 -- p_benefit_contribution_id
62 --
63 PROCEDURE hr_ben_benefit_contribution_id ( p_benefit_contribution_id IN OUT NUMBER);
64 --
65 --
66 -- Name      hr_ben_bc_delrec
67 --
68 -- Purpose   Called from key-delrec to ensure no future contributions exist
69 --
70 -- Arguments
71 --
72 -- p_business_group_id
73 -- p_benefit_contribution_id
74 -- p_effective_end_date
75 --
76 PROCEDURE hr_ben_chk_future_conts ( p_business_group_id NUMBER,
77                                     p_benefit_contribution_id NUMBER,
78                                     p_effective_end_date DATE );
79 --
80 --
81 --
82 -- Name     hr_ben_ref_chk
83 --
84 -- Purpose
85 --
86 -- referential integrity change
87 --
88 -- Arguments
89 --
90 -- p_element_type_id NUMBER
91 -- p_iv_er_id        NUMBER
92 -- p_session_date    DATE
93 -- p_coverage_type   VARCHAR2
94 -- p_dt_delete_mode  VARCHAR2
95 -- p_validation_start_date DATE
96 -- p_validation_end_date DATE
97 -- p_element_effective_start_date DATE )
98 --
99 PROCEDURE hr_ben_ref_chk ( p_element_type_id NUMBER,
100 			   p_iv_er_id        NUMBER,
101                            p_session_date    DATE,
102 			   p_coverage_type   VARCHAR2,
103 			   p_dt_delete_mode  VARCHAR2,
104 			   p_validation_start_date DATE,
105 			   p_validation_end_date DATE,
106 			   p_element_effective_start_date DATE );
107 --
108 --
109 --
110 END hr_ben_benefit_contributions;