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Line 297: , mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt

293: , rti.vendor_site_id
294: , rti.oe_order_header_id --Bug 4582954
295: , rti.oe_order_line_id --Bug 4582954
296: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti
297: , mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
298: , mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
299: , po_lines_all pol
300: , po_headers_all pha
301: WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = rti.interface_transaction_id

Line 324: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt

320: , msnt.to_serial_number to_serial_number
321: , mmtt.subinventory_code
322: , mmtt.transaction_uom
323: , mmtt.locator_id /* Added for Bug # 4672471 */
324: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
325: WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
326: AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = NVL(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
327: AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;

Line 372: and there would not be any mtl_serial_numbers_temp record for it. */

368: , NVL(wdd.project_id, 0) project_id
369: , NVL(wdd.task_id, 0) task_id
370: , wdd.revision revision
371: , wdd.serial_number serial_number /* If there is only one item then this sl. no will get populated
372: and there would not be any mtl_serial_numbers_temp record for it. */
373: , msnt.fm_serial_number fm_serial_number --Added to fix Bug# 4290536
374: , NVL(msnt.to_serial_number, msnt.fm_serial_number) to_serial_number --Added to fix Bug# 4290536
375: , wdd.subinventory
376: , wdd.requested_quantity_uom

Line 378: wsh_new_deliveries wnd, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt

374: , NVL(msnt.to_serial_number, msnt.fm_serial_number) to_serial_number --Added to fix Bug# 4290536
375: , wdd.subinventory
376: , wdd.requested_quantity_uom
377: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
378: wsh_new_deliveries wnd, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
379: WHERE wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
380: AND NVL(wdd.transaction_temp_id, -1) = msnt.transaction_temp_id(+)
381: AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
382: AND wdd.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL

Line 405: , mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt

401: , wnt.wip_entity_name --Added for Bug: 4642062
402: , wnt.wip_entity_id
403: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
404: , mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
405: , mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
406: , wip_entities wnt --Added for Bug 4642062
407: WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
408: AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = NVL(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
409: AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id

Line 603: * mtl_transaction_lots_temp and mtl_serial_numbers_temp based on transaction_id,

601: /*
602: * The following cursor has been added to fetch the lot and serial attributes from
603: * mtl_transaction_lots_temp and mtl_serial_numbers_temp based on transaction_id,
604: * lot_number, from_serial_number and to_serial_number. Since a lot can have
605: * multiple serials associated with it and each serial can have different attributes,
606: * fm_serial_number and to_serial_number has been added in the condition.
607: *

Line 692: , mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt

688: , msnt.n_attribute8
689: , msnt.n_attribute9
690: , msnt.n_attribute10
691: FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
692: , mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
693: , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
694: WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
695: AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = NVL(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
696: AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id