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Line 126: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

122: for update nowait
123: ;
124: --
125: row1 c1%rowtype;
126: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
127: begin
128: if l_debug then
129: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.lock_row', 0);
130: end if;

Line 129: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.lock_row', 0);

125: row1 c1%rowtype;
126: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
127: begin
128: if l_debug then
129: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.lock_row', 0);
130: end if;
131: --
132: chk_primary_key_args
133: (p_legislation_code => p_legislation_code

Line 141: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.lock_row', 10);

137: open c1;
138: fetch c1 into row1;
139: if c1%notfound then
140: if l_debug then
141: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.lock_row', 10);
142: end if;
143: --
144: close c1;
145: fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');

Line 151: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.lock_row', 20);

147: end if;
148: close c1;
149: --
150: if l_debug then
151: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.lock_row', 20);
152: end if;
153: end lock_row;
154: ------------------------------< UPDATE_ROW >-------------------------------
155: procedure update_row

Line 183: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

179: l_extra_information5 pay_bank_branches.extra_information5%type;
180: l_enabled_flag pay_bank_branches.enabled_flag%type;
181: l_start_date_active pay_bank_branches.start_date_active%type;
182: l_end_date_active pay_bank_branches.end_date_active%type;
183: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
184: cursor c1 is
185: select legislation_code
186: , branch_code
187: , bank_code

Line 218: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.update_row', 0);

214: end if;
215: end conv;
216: begin
217: if l_debug then
218: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.update_row', 0);
219: end if;
220: --
221: chk_primary_key_args
222: (p_legislation_code => p_legislation_code

Line 244: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.update_row', 10);

240: , l_end_date_active
241: ;
242: if c1%notfound then
243: if l_debug then
244: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.update_row', 10);
245: end if;
246: --
247: close c1;
248: fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');

Line 299: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.update_row', 20);

295: and legislation_code = l_legislation_code
296: ;
297: --
298: if l_debug then
299: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.update_row', 20);
300: end if;
301: end update_row;
302: ------------------------------< DELETE_ROW >-------------------------------
303: procedure delete_row

Line 307: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

303: procedure delete_row
304: (p_branch_code in varchar2
305: ,p_legislation_code in varchar2
306: ) is
307: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
308: begin
309: if l_debug then
310: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.delete_row', 0);
311: end if;

Line 310: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.delete_row', 0);

306: ) is
307: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
308: begin
309: if l_debug then
310: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:pay_bank_branches.delete_row', 0);
311: end if;
312: --
313: chk_primary_key_args
314: (p_legislation_code => p_legislation_code

Line 319: hr_utility.set_location('pay_bank_branches.delete_row', 10);

315: ,p_branch_code => p_branch_code
316: );
317: --
318: if l_debug then
319: hr_utility.set_location('pay_bank_branches.delete_row', 10);
320: end if;
321: --
322: delete
323: from pay_bank_branches

Line 329: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.delete_row', 20);

325: and branch_code = p_branch_code
326: ;
327: --
328: if l_debug then
329: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:pay_bank_branches.delete_row', 20);
330: end if;
331: end delete_row;
332: --------------------------< VALIDATE_GB_VALUES >--------------------------
333: --

Line 352: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

348: l_branch_len number := 35;
349: l_bs_acct_len number := 18;
350: l_proc varchar2(100) := 'pay_bank_branches_pkg.validate_gb_values';
351: l_temp_string varchar2(100);
352: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
353: begin
354: if l_debug then
355: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:' || l_proc, 0);
356: end if;

Line 355: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:' || l_proc, 0);

351: l_temp_string varchar2(100);
352: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
353: begin
354: if l_debug then
355: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:' || l_proc, 0);
356: end if;
357: --
358: -- SORT_CODE must be 6 byte number string, left-padded with zeroes if
359: -- necessary. SORT_CODE is part of the primary key therefore only

Line 383: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);

379: -- Left-pad with zeroes, if necessary.
380: --
381: if length(p_sort_code) < l_sort_code_len then
382: if l_debug then
383: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
384: end if;
385: p_sort_code := lpad(p_sort_code, l_sort_code_len, 0);
386: end if;
387: end if;

Line 414: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 40);

410: fnd_message.raise_error;
411: end if;
413: if l_debug then
414: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 40);
415: end if;
416: end validate_gb_values;
417: ----------------------------< INSERT_GB_ROW >------------------------------
418: procedure insert_gb_row

Line 552: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

548: where pbb.legislation_code = 'GB'
549: and pbb.branch_code = p_sort_code
550: ;
551: --
552: l_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
553: l_enabled boolean;
554: l_changed boolean;
555: l_exists varchar2(1);
556: l_branch_info csr_branch_info%rowtype;

Line 563: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:' || l_proc, 0);

559: l_temp_string varchar2(2000);
560: l_proc varchar2(64) := 'pay_bank_branches_pkg.display_to_gb_account';
561: begin
562: if l_debug then
563: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:' || l_proc, 0);
564: end if;
565: --
566: -- Clear message table.
567: --

Line 601: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 5);

597: l_changed := csr_account%notfound;
598: close csr_account;
599: --
600: if l_debug then
601: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 5);
602: end if;
603: --
604: -- Fetch the branch information for this sort code if the external
605: -- account row has changed.

Line 609: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);

605: -- account row has changed.
606: --
607: if l_changed then
608: if l_debug then
609: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
610: end if;
611: --
612: open csr_branch_info(p_sort_code);
613: fetch csr_branch_info into l_branch_info;

Line 630: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);

626: close csr_branch_info;
627: --
628: if l_enabled then
629: if l_debug then
630: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
631: end if;
632: --
633: -- Create the new account.
634: --

Line 650: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);

646: ,p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number
647: );
648: else
649: if l_debug then
650: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
651: end if;
652: --
653: fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_33100_INVALID_SORT_CODE');
654: fnd_message.set_token('SORT_CODE', p_sort_code);

Line 662: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 25);

658: --
659: p_return_status := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
660: --
661: if l_debug then
662: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 25);
663: end if;
664: exception
665: when others then
666: if csr_account%isopen then

Line 685: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 35);

681: ,p_data => p_msg_data
682: );
683: --
684: if l_debug then
685: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 35);
686: end if;
687: else
688: --
689: if l_debug then

Line 690: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 40);

686: end if;
687: else
688: --
689: if l_debug then
690: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:' || l_proc, 40);
691: end if;
692: raise;
693: end if;
694: end display_to_gb_account;