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1 package iby_querycc_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /*$Header: ibyqrccs.pls 115.17 2003/04/29 18:30:14 jleybovi ship $*/
4  PROCEDURE listvpsid (merchant_id_in   IN  VARCHAR2,
5                       batch_id_in      IN  VARCHAR2,
6                       vendor_id_in     IN  NUMBER,
7                       vendor_key_in    IN  VARCHAR2,
8                       viby_id          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
10   /* Check if this is a duplicate order or new one or retry */
11   PROCEDURE checkunqorder
12 	(order_id_in       IN    VARCHAR2,
13          merchant_id_in    IN    VARCHAR2,
14 	 payment_operation IN    VARCHAR2,
15          trxn_type_in      IN    NUMBER,
16          check_status_out  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
17          parent_trace_number_out OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
18 	 bepid_out OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
19          bepkey_out OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
20          trxnid_out OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
21          trxnref_out OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
22         );
24   /* Check if this batch id is duplicate, new one or retry */
25   PROCEDURE checkunqbatch (batch_id_in     IN  VARCHAR2,
26                            merchant_id_in  IN  VARCHAR2,
27                            stat            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
28                            viby_bid          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
30   /* Gets the oldest order_id not yet settled */
31   PROCEDURE getorderid (merchant_id_in    IN      VARCHAR2,
32                       vendor_suffix     IN      VARCHAR2,
33                       order_id_out      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
35   /*
36    * USE: Gets the amount values associate with a particular trxn.
37    *
38    * ARGS:
39    *    1. the transaction id of the transaction to fetch
40    *    2. the trxn type id of the transaction to fetch
41    *    3. an auxillary, 'equivalent' trxn type id
42    *    4. the status of the trxn
43    *    5. an auxillary, 'equivalnet' status
44    * OUTS:
45    *    6. the amount (i.e. price) of the transaction
46    *    7. the currency code of the transaction
47    *    8. the status of the trxn
48    *
49    */
50   PROCEDURE getTrxnInfo
51   (
52   trxnid_in	IN	iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%TYPE,
53   trxntypeid_in IN	iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%TYPE,
54   trxntypeid_aux_in IN	iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
55   status_in     IN      iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%TYPE,
56   status_aux_in IN      iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
57   amount_out	OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%TYPE,
58   currency_out	OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%TYPE,
59   status_out	OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%TYPE
60   );
63 END iby_querycc_pkg;